831 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Crown (carbathiin and thiabendazole) to control seed borne Ascochyta blight on kabuli chickpea

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    Non-Peer ReviewedAscochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei) of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an economically important disease transmitted through the seed and stubble. In 2000, approximately 25% of the chickpea acreage in Saskatchewan was lost as a result of ascochyta blight (Pearsy, 2000). Partial resistance in ‘Sanford’, ‘Dwelley’, ‘Myles’, and ‘B90’ chickpea cultivars becomes less effective as the plant matures. The sexual stage (Didymella rabiei) has been found on chickpea residues in some regions of Saskatchewan (Chongo et al., 2000). Ascochyta infection from seed-borne inoculum occurs as scattered patches across the field and the disease spread from these patches. When infected seeds are sown, the fungus infects the seedling as it emerges and continue to sporulates on the plant until it eventually infects neighbouring plants. This disease may cause serious damage to a chickpea crop under cool and wet growing conditions, particularly at flowering and pod setting (Nene, 1984). Infected seed is presumed responsible for the introduction of the pathogen into new areas (Kaiser and Hannan, 1988). This study was conducted to determine efficacy of Crown (Carbathiin 92 g L-1 and Thiabendazole 58 g L-1) to control seed borne ascochyta blight on Kabuli chickpea

    STS-48 case study, 17-18 September 1991

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    Weather conditions are documented prior to and during the STS-48 attempted landing at the Shuttle Landing Facility at KSC on 18 Sep. 1991. Trends in meteorological data during 17 and 18 Sep. are examined along with their relationship to the overall weather pattern observed over the KSC region. The primary weather problems during the landing were the formation of showers within 10 nautical miles of the SLF and any ceiling less than 10,000 ft. The controlling factor of the weather was a high pressure ridge that was gradually weakening and moving off the northeast. As this occurred, the low level flow was switching from a easterly to a southeasterly direction. This change in wind direction was reflected by shower movement on the McGill radar and by trends in rawinsondes launched from the Cape. These rawinsondes also indicated that the boundary layers was becoming slightly more unstable several hours prior to the attempted landing which may have aided in the development of clouds and small isolated showers. Also, analyses of Doppler wind profiler and rawinsondes indicated a possible midlevel disturbance in the easterly flow pattern near 700 mb. This weak disturbance may have made the atmosphere a little more unstable early on 18 Sep. Finally, embedded within the southeasterly flow were several bands of low clouds. These clouds were rather difficult to see in unenhanced IR satellite imagery available to forecasters in real time. However, post analyses using several different enhancement curves, adapted from NESDIS, clearly reveals the presence of these clouds

    Pleistocene diversification of unifoliolate-leaved Lupinus (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) in Florida

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    The importance and prevalence of recent ice-age and post-glacial speciation and species diversification during the Pleistocene across many organismal groups and physiographic settings are well established. However, the extent to which Pleistocene diversification can be attributed to climatic oscillations and their effects on distribution ranges and population structure remains debatable. In this study, we use morphologic, geographic and genetic (RADseq) data to document Pleistocene speciation and intra-specific diversification of the unifoliolate-leaved clade of Florida Lupinus, a small group of species largely restricted to inland and coastal sand ridges across the Florida peninsula and panhandle. Phylogenetic and demographic analyses alongside morphological and geographic evidence suggest that recent speciation and intra-specific divergence within this clade were driven by a combination of non-adaptive allopatric divergence caused by edaphic niche conservatism and opportunities presented by the emergence of new post-glacial sand ridge habitats. These results highlight the central importance of even modest geographic isolation and short periods of allopatric divergence following range expansion in the emergence of new taxa and add to the growing evidence that Pleistocene climatic oscillations may contribute to rapid diversification in a myriad of physiographic settings. Furthermore, our results shed new light on long-standing taxonomic debate surrounding the number of species in the Florida unifoliate Lupinus clade providing support for recognition of five species and a set of intra-specific variants. The important conservation implications for the narrowly restricted, highly endangered species Lupinus aridorum, which we show to be genetically distinct from its sister species Lupinus westianus, are discussed

    Awareness and perceptions of Long COVID among people in the REACT programme: early insights from a pilot interview study

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    BACKGROUND: Long COVID is a patient-made term describing new or persistent symptoms experienced following SARS-CoV-2 infection. The Real-time Assessment of Community Transmission-Long COVID (REACT-LC) study aims to understand variation in experiences following infection, and to identify biological, social, and environmental factors associated with Long COVID. We undertook a pilot interview study to inform the design, recruitment approach, and topic guide for the REACT-LC qualitative study. We sought to gain initial insights into the experience and attribution of new or persistent symptoms and the awareness or perceived applicability of the term Long COVID. METHODS: People were invited to REACT-LC assessment centres if they had taken part in REACT, a random community-based prevalence study, and had a documented history of SARS-CoV-2 infection. We invited people from REACT-LC assessment centres who had reported experiencing persistent symptoms for more than 12 weeks to take part in an interview. We conducted face to face and online semi-structured interviews which were transcribed and analysed using Thematic Analysis. RESULTS: We interviewed 13 participants (6 female, 7 male, median age 31). Participants reported a wide variation in both new and persistent symptoms which were often fluctuating or unpredictable in nature. Some participants were confident about the link between their persistent symptoms and COVID-19; however, others were unclear about the underlying cause of symptoms or felt that the impact of public health measures (such as lockdowns) played a role. We found differences in awareness and perceived applicability of the term Long COVID. CONCLUSION: This pilot has informed the design, recruitment approach and topic guide for our qualitative study. It offers preliminary insights into the varied experiences of people living with persistent symptoms including differences in symptom attribution and perceived applicability of the term Long COVID. This variation shows the value of recruiting from a nationally representative sample of participants who are experiencing persistent symptoms

    The analysis of rapidly developing fog at the Kennedy Space Center

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    This report documents fog precursors and fog climatology at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Florida from 1986 to 1990. The major emphasis of this report focuses on rapidly developing fog events that would affect the less than 7-statute mile visibility rule for End-Of-Mission (EOM) Shuttle landing at KSC (Rule 4-64(A)). The Applied Meteorology Unit's (AMU's) work is to: develop a data base for study of fog associated weather conditions relating to violations of this landing constraint; develop forecast techniques or rules-of-thumb to determine whether or not current conditions are likely to result in an acceptable condition at landing; validate the forecast techniques; and transition techniques to operational use. As part of the analysis the fog events were categorized as either advection, pre-frontal or radiation. As a result of these analyses, the AMU developed a fog climatological data base, identified fog precursors and developed forecaster tools and decision trees. The fog climatological analysis indicates that during the fog season (October to April) there is a higher risk for a visibility violation at KSC during the early morning hours (0700 to 1200 UTC), while 95 percent of all fog events have dissipated by 1600 UTC. A high number of fog events are characterized by a westerly component to the surface wind at KSC (92 percent) and 83 percent of the fog events had fog develop west of KSC first (up to 2 hours). The AMU developed fog decision trees and forecaster tools that would help the forecaster identify fog precursors up to 12 hours in advance. Using the decision trees as process tools ensures the important meteorological data are not overlooked in the forecast process. With these tools and a better understanding of fog formation in the local KSC area, the Shuttle weather support forecaster should be able to give the Launch and Flight Directors a better KSC fog forecast with more confidence

    Evaluating the impact of an intervention to increase uptake of modern contraceptives among adolescent girls (15-19 years) in Nigeria, Ethiopia and Tanzania: the Adolescents 360 quasi-experimental study protocol.

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    INTRODUCTION: Nigeria, Ethiopia and Tanzania have some of the highest teenage pregnancy rates and lowest rates of modern contraceptive use among adolescents. The transdisciplinary Adolescents 360 (A360) initiative being rolled out across these three countries uses human-centred design to create context-specific multicomponent interventions with the aim of increasing voluntary modern contraceptive use among girls aged 15-19 years. METHODS: The primary objective of the outcome evaluation is to assess the impact of A360 on the modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR) among sexually active girls aged 15-19 years. A360 targets different subpopulations of adolescent girls in the three countries. In Northern Nigeria and Ethiopia, the study population is married girls aged 15-19 years. In Southern Nigeria, the study population is unmarried girls aged 15-19 years. In Tanzania, both married and unmarried girls aged 15-19 years will be included in the study. In all settings, we will use a prepopulation and postpopulation-based cross-sectional survey design. In Nigeria, the study design will also include a comparison group. A one-stage sampling design will be used in Nigeria and Ethiopia. A two-stage sampling design will be used in Tanzania. Questionnaires will be administered face-to-face by female interviewers aged between 18 and 26 years. Study outcomes will be assessed before the start of A360 implementation in late 2017 and approximately 24 months after implementation in late 2019. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Findings of this study will be widely disseminated through workshops, conference presentations, reports, briefings, factsheets and academic publications

    Modern contraceptive use among unmarried girls aged 15-19 years in South Western Nigeria: results from a cross-sectional baseline survey for the Adolescent 360 (A360) impact evaluation.

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    PURPOSE: Adolescents 360 (A360) is an initiative being rolled out across Nigeria with the aim of increasing voluntary modern contraception use among women aged 15 to 19 years. Using evaluation study baseline data, we identified sexuality, fertility and contraceptive use characteristics of young unmarried girls in South Western Nigeria. METHODS: A cross-sectional baseline survey of unmarried girls aged 15 to 19 years was conducted in Ogun state, Nigeria in August 2017. A clustered sampling design was used. We identified determinants of modern contraceptive use in this subpopulation using logistic regression. RESULTS: Of 12,024 women interviewed, 15.3% reported sexual intercourse in the past year. The majority of respondents (79.6%, 9525/11,967) had heard of contraception. 45.3% of sexually active respondents were using a modern contraceptive method. Of those using any method of contraception, male condoms (50.3%) were the most widely used modern method followed by the emergency contraceptive pill (16.7%). Following adjustment for socio-demographic characteristics, there was evidence that the use of modern contraception was positively associated with having never given birth, living in an urban area, current enrolment in education, high level of education, high socioeconomic status, exposure to information about contraception, perceived social support for contraception, and self-efficacy for contraception. CONCLUSIONS: In South Western Nigeria, unmarried sexually active adolescent girls have relatively low levels of modern contraceptive use. Programmes should aim to increase access to modern contraception and to increase social support and acceptability of contraceptive use

    Green Plants in the Red: A Baseline Global Assessment for the IUCN Sampled Red List Index for Plants

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    Plants provide fundamental support systems for life on Earth and are the basis for all terrestrial ecosystems; a decline in plant diversity will be detrimental to all other groups of organisms including humans. Decline in plant diversity has been hard to quantify, due to the huge numbers of known and yet to be discovered species and the lack of an adequate baseline assessment of extinction risk against which to track changes. The biodiversity of many remote parts of the world remains poorly known, and the rate of new assessments of extinction risk for individual plant species approximates the rate at which new plant species are described. Thus the question ‘How threatened are plants?’ is still very difficult to answer accurately. While completing assessments for each species of plant remains a distant prospect, by assessing a randomly selected sample of species the Sampled Red List Index for Plants gives, for the first time, an accurate view of how threatened plants are across the world. It represents the first key phase of ongoing efforts to monitor the status of the world’s plants. More than 20% of plant species assessed are threatened with extinction, and the habitat with the most threatened species is overwhelmingly tropical rain forest, where the greatest threat to plants is anthropogenic habitat conversion, for arable and livestock agriculture, and harvesting of natural resources. Gymnosperms (e.g. conifers and cycads) are the most threatened group, while a third of plant species included in this study have yet to receive an assessment or are so poorly known that we cannot yet ascertain whether they are threatened or not. This study provides a baseline assessment from which trends in the status of plant biodiversity can be measured and periodically reassessed
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