5 research outputs found

    Determinants of Commercial Bank Growth Among Listed Banks in Nairobi Securities Exchange

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    The main purpose of the research was to establish determinants of commercial bank growth. The specific objectives of the study was to; determine the effect of default rate on loans on growth of commercial banks, determine the effect of level of interest income on growth of commercial banks and to establish the effect of forex transaction volume on growth of commercial banks listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange. The study was guided by the interest rate theory, international fisher effect theory and time preference theory. Using multiple regression analysis, we found support for the proposition that loan default rate, interest rate and forex transaction had a significant effect on growth of commercial banks. Keywords: Growth of commercial bank, default rate on loans, interest income and forex transaction volume DOI: 10.7176/DCS/9-1-0

    Impact of Non-Financial Reward Strategies on Teachers’ Performance: A Study of Secondary Schools in Nyamira County, Kenya

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    The teaching profession has in the recent past suffered from exodus of teachers moving from both public and private schools to other fields of employment. Mass exodus of trained teachers to other fields, lack of commitment to work itself as a teacher and decimal performance in national examinations and co-curricular activities, all indicate lack of satisfaction by teachers as employees. The study explored non-financial reward strategies employed to enhance higher levels of academic achievement, lower labour turnover and enhance teacher‘s commitment to their basic roles. The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of non-financial reward strategies on teachers` performance at secondary schools. The objectives of the study were: to determine the effects of recognition on teachers’ performance; establish the effects of promotion on motivation of teachers’ performance; establish the effects of effective communication on teachers’ performance, and establish the effects of job enrichment on teachers’ performance. The study employed a descriptive survey research design with quantitative methods. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire. The targeted population comprised of 1600 teachers from 186 public secondary schools in Nyamira County. Simple random sampling technique was used where 94 respondents formed the sample size. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data.  The study findings revealed that non-financial reward strategies for performance in secondary schools emanate from motivation acquired through recognition, job enrichment, communication and structured promotions adopted to achieve the set objectives. The study confirmed that recognition strategy was the most influential as it was ranked first with a strength of 4.44 on a 5-point Likert scale followed by communication strategy (with a strength of 4.25), then job enrichment strategy (with a strength of 3.88) and promotion strategy (2.93) was last. A coefficient of determination, r2 = 0.5 indicated a positive relationship between non-financial reward strategies adopted in secondary schools in Nyamira County and performance in national examinations. The researcher recommended that schools should embrace the use of non-financial rewards to achieve a higher level of performance in national examinations since these strategies are less costly, affordable and at the disposure of all school-managers. Keywords: Non-Reward strategies, Teachers Performance, Promotion, Communicatio

    Effect of Internal Control Systems on Implementation of Projects at County Government in Kenya

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    Over the years, there has being a problem of incorrect and unreliable financial record which has led to loss of organizational integrity, therefore affecting the implementation of projects in institutions and organizations. While financial management is a practically central concern in internal management of finances, its successful implementation remains an essential challenge for virtually any county government in developing counties. In situations where the environment is changing, the county itself is faced with a need to change. The fact that local authorities in Kenya were in transition following promulgation of the new constitutional dispensation, require an appropriate and detailed understanding on previous and existing financial challenges so that a new shift is established. This research was conducted in Nyamira County, Kenya which is amongst the 47 counties established in 2013. The study used explanatory survey design. The study used secondary data available at the county government databases..Data was analyzed using inferential statistic method of simple and multi variantregression analysis was used to determine the effect of internal control system on implementation of project at the county government. Results were presented in the form of tables for ease of interpretation. The study confirmed that internal control system has a significant effect on the implementation of projects at the county governments in Kenya. With adequate internal control measure in place at the county government then resources will be safeguarded and directed optimally to the right projects as planned

    Effects of Revenue Collection on the Relationship between Deficit Budget Financing and Operational Performance of Kisii County Government, Kenya

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    Revenue generation is becoming a source of government finance for service delivery to its citizenry; most governments however oftenly face budget deficits and rarely achieve balanced budgets. In the budget report Financial Year 2014/15, the Kisii County government projected public expenditure of Kshs.7.7 billion, with allocation from central government of Kshs.6.1 billion, but still it faced a deficit budget which was hard to fill regardless of revenue streams. The objectives that guided the study  were: to determine the effect of single business permits revenue on the relationship between deficit budget financing and operational performance, evaluate the effects of land rates revenue on the relationship between deficit budget financing and operational performance, establish the effect of property rates revenue on the relationship between deficit budget financing and operational  performance, find out liquor licensing revenue on the relationship between deficit budget financing and operational performance in Kisii County Government, Kenya.  The study used descriptive case research design. The target population was 260 respondents. Stratified random sampling design was used to select respondents and the primary data was collected using a questionnaire and secondary data was obtained from two fiscal years; FY2013/14 and FY 2014/15 time series streams of revenue for 12 months.  The study used percentiles and regression analysis to analyze the results. Findings include: the coefficient of determination r²  was 0.605; this implied that Single Business Permit Revenue, Land Rates Revenue, Property Rates Revenue, Liquor Rates Revenue explain upto 60.5% the effect of variations in operational performance of Kisii County Government.  The model Y = 1.458 +0.181X1 + 0.476X2 + 0.073X3+ 0.243X4 ; the regression analysis results showed  effect of the four factors on the relationship between Deficit financing and performance of Kisii County Government at 95% confidence level was statistically significant (p values < 0.05). the study concluded that Single Business Permit Revenue, Land Rates Revenue, Property Rates Revenue, Liquor Rates Revenue statistically and significantly influence the relationship between budget deficit financing and performance of Kisii County Government. Keywords: Kisii County, Budget deficits, Revenue, Operational Performance, Service deliver

    The Impact of Colonial Land Tenure Policies on the Gusii People in Kenya

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    Different scholars have looked at the general economic impacts of the land reforms and legal implications at national level. However, a few studies have been done on economic history in Gusiiland. This study aimed at analyzing the impact of the colonial land tenure reforms on the Abagusii customary land tenure practices in Gusii, Kenya. This study used the articulation of modes of production theory to analyze the effects of land reforms on the Abagusii community from 1895 to 1963. Descriptive Survey Design was used to guide the study.Purposive and snowball sampling methods was instrumental in selected the respondents with a sample size of 61 informants. The primary sources of data were obtained from the archives, field interviews, observation and focus group discussions while secondary data was obtained from written sources like books, Journals, magazines, periodicals, Newspaper Articles, unpublished theses, seminar papers, and electronically stored information on the internet. Logical historical method was employed in the actual process of analyzing and interpreting the data gathered.The study established that land consolidation and the issuance of individual land owners with title deeds has increased land conflicts, land titling and issuance of individual titles has increased land speculation, and land tenure reforms have failed to solve land problems or improve the agricultural sector, as well as, failing to change the African mind set or behavior of the smallholder farmers in Gusii, Kenya