31 research outputs found


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    Denizyolu ile taşımacılık şüphesiz riskli bir aktivitedir ve gemi operasyonlarınınkarmaşık olmasından dolayı yıllardır kaçınılmaz bir şekilde deniz kazaları meydanagelmektedir. Deniz kazaları riskinin olması yaşamsal, ekonomik ve çevresel risklerin deolması demektir. Bu nedenle, deniz kazaları riskinin en aza indirilmesi ve seyir emniyetiadına gerekli önlemlerin alınması için meydana gelen deniz kazalarının analizleri ve buanalizlerin değerlendirilmesi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, kıyılarımızdauluslararası sefer yapan gemilerin karıştığı kazaların, kaza inceleme raporları analizedilerek, kazalara neden olan faktörlerin belirlenmesi ve bu faktörler arasındaki ilişkilerindeğerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Shipping is undoubtedly a risky activity and maritime accidents at sea occurinevitably for many years due to ship operations are complex. Being of maritime accidentsrisk means being of vital risks, economical risks and environmental risks. So, maritimeaccidents analyses and evaluations of these analyses' results are more important forminimizing the maritime accident risks and taking necessary measures for safety ofnavigation. In this study, it is aimed to determination of factors caused to maritimeaccidents and evaluation of relations between these factors by analysing data on maritimeaccident investigation reports belong to ships which are on international voyages in ourcoastal waters

    The Impact of Global Economic Crisis on Human Resources Strategies in Maritime Industry

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    Human resource is one of the leading determinants in maritime transport industry and both the industry and the individual shipping companies consider human resources strategies as an important area of research. The global financial and economic crisis that has been affecting international trade and shipping in a very dramatic way since the fourth quarter of 2008 forces researchers to examine the short and long term trends in maritime careers generally and particularly in seagoing professions. This study aims to research the developments in human resources strategies during the global financial and economic crisis. A survey was applied to the human resources managers in shipping companies in Turkey in order to define their human resources strategies. Through this research it is aimed to evaluate the human resources strategies in the field of resourcing, recruiting, selection and retention, compensation, performance management, training and development

    The role of ECDIS in improving situation awareness

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    © AGA-IAMU 2012. All rights reserved.Efficient and safe navigation requires the systematic management of numerous socio-technical system components such as personnel, information, procedures, equipment and facilities. Electronic navigational systems are becoming a focal sub-system for appraisal, planning, execution and monitoring steps of safe and efficient navigation. As a resu lt of high level integration and interaction between navigation components on a unique ECDIS display, the quantity and complexity of data and information available to the Officer of Watch (OOW) is dramatically increased. An important part of an OOW's job is developing Situation Awareness (SA) and keeping it up to date in a rapidly changing dynamic environment and ECDIS can play an important role in improving and maintaining SA of the OOW and the whole bridge team. The aim of this study is determine the relation between ECDIS and SA as it is perceived by the maritime officers. A questionnaire was applied to officers and masters to determine the reliab ility of existing ECDIS technology, the impact of the introduction of ECDIS on preventing collis ions and groundings and the navigational skills of the OOW and SA from the users' perspective. 82.5 % of the respondents agreed and strongly agreed that "ECDIS improves SA of the OOW". The results show positive correlations between the role ofECDIS on improving SA and the effect of ECDIS on prevention of collisions and groundings as it perceived by the maritime officers. It is also concluded that respondents are generally favorable towards the introduction of ECDIS but there are still some objections related to the reliability and complexity of the systems and readiness of the operators