41 research outputs found

    Glial activation in prion diseases is selectively triggered by neuronal PrPSc

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    Although prion infections cause cognitive impairment and neuronal death, transcriptional and translational profiling shows progressive derangement within glia but surprisingly little changes within neurons. Here we expressed PrP(C) selectively in neurons and astrocytes of mice. After prion infection, both astrocyte and neuron-restricted PrP(C) expression led to copious brain accumulation of PrPSc. As expected, neuron-restricted expression was associated with typical prion disease. However, mice with astrocyte-restricted PrP(C) expression experienced a normal life span, did not develop clinical disease, and did not show astro- or microgliosis. Besides confirming that PrPSc is innocuous to PrP(C)-deficient neurons, these results show that astrocyte-born PrPSc does not activate the extreme neuroinflammation that accompanies the onset of prion disease and precedes any molecular changes of neurons. This points to a nonautonomous mechanism by which prion-infected neurons instruct astrocytes and microglia to acquire a specific cellular state that, in turn, drives neural dysfunction

    Calreticulin mutations affect its chaperone function and perturb the glycoproteome

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    Calreticulin (CALR) is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-retained chaperone that assists glycoproteins in obtaining their structure. CALR mutations occur in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs), and the ER retention of CALR mutants (CALR MUT) is reduced due to a lacking KDEL sequence. Here, we investigate the impact of CALR mutations on protein structure and protein levels in MPNs by subjecting primary patient samples and CALR-mutated cell lines to limited proteolysis-coupled mass spectrometry (LiP-MS). Especially glycoproteins are differentially expressed and undergo profound structural alterations in granulocytes and cell lines with homozygous, but not with heterozygous, CALR mutations. Furthermore, homozygous CALR mutations and loss of CALR equally perturb glycoprotein integrity, suggesting that loss-of-function attributes of mutated CALR chaperones (CALR MUT) lead to glycoprotein maturation defects. Finally, by investigating the misfolding of the CALR glycoprotein client myeloperoxidase (MPO), we provide molecular proof of protein misfolding in the presence of homozygous CALR mutations. Keywords: CP: Cancer; CP: Molecular biology; calreticulin; chaperone; glycoprotein; limited proteolysis-coupled mass spectrometry; myeloperoxidase; myeloproliferative neoplasm; protein folding; proteome

    An Arrayed Genome-Wide Perturbation Screen Identifies the Ribonucleoprotein hnRNP K As Rate-Limiting for Prion Propagation

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    A defining characteristic of mammalian prions is their capacity for self-sustained propagation. Theoretical considerations and experimental evidence suggest that prion propagation is modulated by cell-autonomous and non-autonomous modifiers. Using a novel quantitative phospholipase protection assay (QUIPPER) for high-throughput prion measurements, we performed an arrayed genome-wide RNA interference (RNAi) screen aimed at detecting modifiers of prion propagation. We exposed prion-infected cells in high-density microplates to 35’364 ternary pools of 52’746 siRNAs targeting 17’582 genes representing the mouse protein-coding transcriptome. We identified 1191 modulators of prion propagation. While 1151 of these modified the expression of both the pathological prion protein, PrPSc^{Sc}, and its cellular counterpart PrPC^{C}, 40 genes affected selectively PrPSc^{Sc}. Of the latter, 20 genes augmented prion production when suppressed. A prominent limiter of prion propagation was the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein Hnrnpk. Psammaplysene A (PSA), which binds Hnrnpk, reduced prion levels in cultured cells and protected them from cytotoxicity. PSA also reduced prion levels in infected cerebellar organotypic slices and alleviated locomotor deficits in prion-infected Drosophila melanogaster expressing ovine PrPC^{C}. Hence, genome-wide QUIPPER-based perturbations can discover actionable cellular pathways involved in prion propagation. Finally, the unexpected identification of a prioncontrolling ribonucleoprotein suggests a role for RNA in the generation of infectious prions

    GPR56/ADGRG1 regulates development and maintenance of peripheral myelin

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    Myelin is a multilamellar sheath generated by specialized glia called Schwann cells (SCs) in the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which serves to protect and insulate axons for rapid neuronal signaling. In zebrafish and rodent models, we identify GPR56/ADGRG1 as a conserved regulator of PNS development and health. We demonstrate that, during SC development, GPR56-dependent RhoA signaling promotes timely radial sorting of axons. In the mature PNS, GPR56 is localized to distinct SC cytoplasmic domains, is required to establish proper myelin thickness, and facilitates organization of the myelin sheath. Furthermore, we define plectin-a scaffolding protein previously linked to SC domain organization, myelin maintenance, and a series of disorders termed "plectinopathies"-as a novel interacting partner of GPR56. Finally, we show that Gpr56 mutants develop progressive neuropathy-like symptoms, suggesting an underlying mechanism for peripheral defects in some human patients with GPR56 mutations. In sum, we define Gpr56 as a new regulator in the development and maintenance of peripheral myelin

    Cell biology of prions and prionoids: a status report

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    The coalescence of proteins into highly ordered aggregates is a hallmark of protein misfolding disorders (PMDs), which, when affecting the central nervous system, lead to progressive neurodegeneration. Although the chemical identity and the topology of each culprit protein are unique, the principles governing aggregation and propagation are strikingly stereotypical. It is now clear that such protein aggregates can spread from cell to cell and eventually affect entire organ systems - similarly to prion diseases. However, because most aggregates are not found to transmit between individuals, they are not infectious sensu strictiori. Therefore, they are not identical to prions and we prefer to define them as 'prionoids'. Here we review recent advances in understanding the toxicity of protein aggregation affecting the brain

    Toward therapy of human prion diseases

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    Three decades after the discovery of prions as the cause of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, we are still nowhere close to finding an effective therapy. Numerous pharmacological interventions have attempted to target various stages of disease progression, yet none has significantly ameliorated the course of disease. We still lack a mechanistic understanding of how the prions damage the brain, and this situation results in a dearth of validated pharmacological targets. In this review, we discuss the attempts to interfere with the replication of prions and to enhance their clearance. We also trace some of the possibilities to identify novel targets that may arise with increasing insights into prion biology

    Calnexin Controls the STAT3-Mediated Transcriptional Response to EGF

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    Calnexin is a well-characterized transnnembrane chaperone involved in the folding of newly synthesized glycoproteins in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Here, we reveal a previously unrecognized function of calnexin in regulating the transcriptional response downstream of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF), the product of a well-known human oncogene. We find that cell stimulation with EGF leads to the caspase-8-dependent cleavage of the calnexin cytoplasmic domain, preferentially at ER-mitochondria interaction sites. The released fragment translocates into the nucleus, binds to PIAS3-a natural inhibitor of activated STAT3-and, thus, acts as an enhancer of the STAT3-mediated transcriptional response to EGF. Also, we reveal the unsuspected capacity of calnexin to sense ER stress and, in response, prevent the EGF-induced processing of its cytosolic domain. Thus, cells integrate the health status of the ER to determine the amplitude of their response to EGF

    Loss of PIKfyve drives the spongiform degeneration in prion diseases

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    Brain-matter vacuolation is a defining trait of all prion diseases, yet its cause is unknown. Here, we report that prion infection and prion-mimetic antibodies deplete the phosphoinositide kinase PIKfyve—which controls endolysosomal maturation—from mouse brains, cultured cells, organotypic brain slices, and brains of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease victims. We found that PIKfyve is acylated by the acyltransferases zDHHC9 and zDHHC21, whose juxtavesicular topology is disturbed by prion infection, resulting in PIKfyve deacylation and rapid degradation, as well as endolysosomal hypertrophy and activation of TFEB-dependent lysosomal enzymes. A protracted unfolded protein response (UPR), typical of prion diseases, also induced PIKfyve deacylation and degradation. Conversely, UPR antagonists restored PIKfyve levels in prion-infected cells. Overexpression of zDHHC9 and zDHHC21, administration of the antiprion polythiophene LIN5044, or supplementation with the PIKfyve reaction product PI(3,5)P2 suppressed prion-induced vacuolation and restored lysosomal homeostasis. Thus, PIKfyve emerges as a central mediator of vacuolation and neurotoxicity in prion diseases

    Inefficient targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum by the signal recognition particle elicits selective defects in post-ER membrane trafficking

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    The signal recognition particle (SRP) is required for protein translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). With RNA interference we reduced its level about ten-fold in mammalian cells to study its cellular functions. Such low levels proved insufficient for efficient ER-targeting, since the accumulation of several proteins in the secretory pathway was specifically diminished. Although the cells looked unaffected, they displayed noticeable and selective defects in post-ER membrane trafficking. Specifically, the anterograde transport of VSV-G and the retrograde transport of the Shiga toxin B-subunit were stalled at the level of the Golgi whereas the endocytosed transferrin receptor failed to recycle to the plasma membrane. Endocytic membrane trafficking from the plasma membrane to lysosomes or Golgi was undisturbed and major morphological changes in the ER and the Golgi were undetectable at low resolution. Selective membrane trafficking defects were specifically suppressed under conditions when low levels of SRP became sufficient for efficient ER-targeting and are therefore a direct consequence of the lower targeting capacity of cells with reduced SRP levels. Selective post-ER membrane trafficking defects occur at SRP levels sufficient for survival suggesting that changes in SRP levels and their effects on post-ER membrane trafficking might serve as a mechanism to alter temporarily the localization of selected proteins

    SRP keeps polypeptides translocation-competent by slowing translation to match limiting ER-targeting sites

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    SRP is essential for targeting nascent chains to the endoplasmic reticulum, and it delays nascent chain elongation in cell-free translation systems. However, the significance of this function has remained unclear. We show that efficient protein translocation into the ER is incompatible with normal cellular translation rates due to rate-limiting concentrations of SRP receptor (SR). We complemented mammalian cells depleted of SRP14 by expressing mutant versions of the protein lacking the elongation arrest function. The absence of a delay caused inefficient targeting of preproteins leading to defects in secretion, depletion of proteins in the endogenous membranes, and reduced cell growth. The detrimental effects were reversed by either reducing the cellular protein synthesis rate or increasing SR expression. SRP therefore ensures that nascent chains remain translocation competent during the targeting time window dictated by SR. Since SRP-signal sequence affinities vary, the delay may also regulate which proteins are preferentially targeted