102 research outputs found

    The present day relevance of Paul's advice to the family in Ephesians 5:22-25 and 6:1-9

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    Man is a social animal, he needs other human beings in order to survive, develop and achieve anything. The human family is one institution which provides an avenue for man to obtain these benefits from close, relations. It affects every person and influences the society. Many people and organizations have made several efforts to improve and enhance the survival of the family. An example is the advice of Saint Paul, the Apostle to the Christian family in Ephesians 5:22-25 and 6:1-9. This paper examines this advice and its relevance to the society today

    The role of mass media in church development in the twenty first century

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    The life of man has been influenced greatly by modern Mass Media in the 21st century. Such Media include the radio, television, newspaper, magazines, billboards, internet, cable networks, mobile phones, pamphlets, handbills among others. They have greatly enhanced the instant or rapid transfer of information, opinion and ideas. These have influenced man positively and negatively in all aspects of life, ranging from physical, educational, moral, economic to spiritual and religious. Hence this write up has been conceived to explore and highlight the role of the mass media in church development in the 215 century. The mass media is very influential in human life. This is because it enhances rapid communication of news, information, ideas and opinions which affect and influence human life positively and negatively. This two edged influence is also applicable in the religious life of man. The mass media has been used to communicate and influence the growth and development of religious organizations, such as churches. On the other hand, the media in some cases, has contributed to some problems in the church through its abuse and misuse, such as the communication of false doctrines, propaganda and inciting of members to rebel against church authorities. This paper attempts to highlight both the positive and negative roles of the mass media in church development, in addition to suggesting ways of improvemen

    Growth performance and carcass characteristics of the black and pearl guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) and their crosses

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    This study was carried out to estimate and evaluate the growth performance and carcass yield of the black and pearl guinea fowl and their crosses. The following three mating groups were established: Pearl male X Pearl female (PXP), Black male X Black female (BXB) and Black male X Pearl female  (BXP), from which a total of 317 guinea fowl keets were obtained in six hatches and used for the study. There were 100 PXP, 118 BXB and 99 BXPkeets. Growth parameters estimated were body weight, body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio. Carcass traits studied include live weight at point of slaughter, slaughter weight, dressed weight and dressingpercentage. Carcass traits were taken at 14 weeks of age. All the growth performance traits studied did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) across the genotype groups, except body weight at 10, 12 and 14 weeks of age. Birds of the PXP pure line were significantly higher (P < 0.05) at 10-14 weeks old than the other two genotype in this respect. The average bi-weekly body weight gains (g/bird) were 149.34, 126.78 and 124.24g and average daily body weight gains were 9.33, 9.06 and 8.87g for birds in the PXP, BXP and BXB genotypes respectively. The average daily feed intake were 47.92, 47.15 and 47.18g for the PXP, BXB and BXP genotypes respectively while average feed conversion ratios were 5.14, 5.22 and 5.32 for the PXP, BXP and BXB genotypes respectively. Significant differences were not observed among the genotype groups in all the carcass traits. The dressing  percentages were 75.83, 75.17 and 74.50 for the BXB, PXP and BXP genotypes respectively. It was concluded that the genotype groups did not differ significantly in their growth performance and carcass traits due to a probable genetic relatedness among the ancestors.Keywords: Weight gain, Feed Conversion Ratio, Slaughter weight, Dressing Percentag

    Intrauterine adhesions in the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, Uyo, South‑South, Nigeria: A ten year review

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    Background: Asherman’s syndrome is a clinical entity that can cause menstrual abnormalities and infertility.Objectives: This study was done to determine the risk factors, and management outcome of intrauterine adhesions in our hospital. Subjects and Methods: We carried out a retrospective study of the patients who were treated for intrauterine adhesions at the University of Uyo   Teaching Hospital over a 10 years period‑from January 1st 2006 to   December 2016. Results: During the study period, a total of 1977 gynecological surgeries were performed of which 83 were for intrauterine adhesions, giving a rate of 4.2%. However, only 52 folders were retrieved, giving a retrieval rate of 62.5%. Analyses, using ratios and percentages, was based on these. Most patients belonged to the 30‑34 age group (28.9%) followed by the 20‑24 age group (25.0%). The majority of the patients were nulliparous (58.9%), married (65.4%) and had a tertiary education (50.0%). Dilatation and curettage for induced abortion (42.3%), open myomectomy (26.9%), and caesarean section (19.2%) were the common risk factors. Amenorrhoea (65.4%), and hypomenorrhoea (30.8%) were the commonest modes of presentation. All the patients were managed by blind adhesiolysis, done overwhelmingly by the resident doctors, under anaesthesia with a significant percentage (65.3%) showing that there is no change in menstrual condition. Conclusion: Ashermans syndrome is a relatively common condition, and it is necessary to train doctors in the use of, and acquire, a hysteroscope, for the proper management of this condition. Meanwhile, more senior  personnel should be involved in the blind adhesiolysis, and Foley catheter that appears superior as a uterine splint to the intrauterine contraceptive device.Key words: Adhesiolysis, intrauterine adhesions; Uyo

    Dose-effect relationship on annoyance and sleep disturbance due to industrial and aircraft noise in Calabar, Cross River State, South-South Nigeria.

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    Dose-effect relationship on annoyance and sleep disturbances due to industrial and aircraft noise in Calabar, Cross River State, South-South Nigeria has been investigated.  The objectives of the work was to find a quantitative dose-response relationship on annoyance and sleep disturbance for persons exposed to industrial and aircraft noise in the study area Calabar, Cross river State, South-South Nigeria, these effects of the noise  from these two sources on people have also been compared. Noise levels from industrial machines ranged between 101-131 dB(A) while that of aircraft was 95 -127 dB(A) as it affected the workers and residents around the neighborhood. It has also been established from the findings that with increase in day-night sound levels from these noise sources, the level of annoyance of the people also increased.  On comparison, aircraft noise increased annoyance on the people than industrial noise.  This trend was not different when comparing the effects of noise from these two noise sources on sleep of the people.  It is believed that the high level of aircraft noise from aircraft when landing and taking off and the sudden and intermittent nature of the noise as compared to the steady noise levels of industrial machines are contributory factors. Speech intelligibility of the pupils in Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) nursery primary/secondary school and that of the students of the Federal Government Girls College, Calabar is likely to be greatly affected by this high level of noise as rated by the respondents. Workers in the industries and airport are also bound to surfer other effect such as hearing loss, conversation disturbance, headache and fatigue. Respondents in the noise exposed group were more sharply annoyed by aircraft and industrial noise than the non exposed group.  Sleep disturbance is deemed undesirable and may be considered an impact caused by noise exposure.  Subjective reactions to noise vary greatly from person to person and from time to time and sleep disturbance and annoyance is no exception. Keywords:  Dose-Effect, Annoyance, Sleep disturbance, Industrial noise, Aircraft noise, Day-night sound levels

    Modelling and Prediction of Road Transportation Noise Pollution in Some Capital Cities in Eastern Nigeria by Use of Artificial Neural Network

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    The study attempts to model and predict road transportation noise pollution in five capital cities in Eastern Nigeria. The capital cities are Calabar, Uyo, Umuahia, Owerri and Port Harcourt. Feed-forward neural network (FNN) with negative back-propagation algorithm was used to do this. The software used was NeuroXL. The ability of this software to handle multiple non-linear relationships makes it ideall y suited for this work. The input data used were total road traffic volume, road traffic mix, road traffic noise pollution response data, and distances from road centre-line to measurement points. The output data used was A-weighted energy mean sound level (LAeq). Models based on this negative back- propagation neural network were trained, validated and tested using data collected. The performance of the model was tested by an error measure, root mean square error (RMSE). RMSE is low as expected, ranges from 1.007 - 1.814, showing that the model is good for the prediction of road traffic noise data. The correlation between observed and predicted noise levels (LAeq) was also obtained, and ranges between +0.757 to +0.974, showing that there is no significant difference between observed and predicted noise levels, thereby, proving the model accurate and reliable. Keywords: Artificial neural network, back-propagation, road traffic noise modeling, road traffic noise prediction, NeuroXL software DOI: 10.7176/JEES/11-10-06 Publication date:October 31st 202


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    The study set out to examine the chartering funding and return on assets of Guarantee Currency Stores. The study adopted the ex-post facto research design. The main purpose of the study was to generally evaluate the extent to which chartering funding could be considered as a better option amongst the various options of funding and extent which chartering funding affect the return on assets of guarantee currency stores. Data were collected from the annual reports of the selected Guarantee Currency Stores and the data were analyzed using regression method. The findings revealed that there is positive and significant relationship between funding charter, debt funding and return on asset respectively. Based on the findings, it was concluded that funding charter is one of the major sources of funding any asset as this option of funding ensures ample return on asset. The policy and economic implications are that; Guarantee Currency Stores should think through and judiciously appraise funding charter alternative in the construction of their capital structure as this increases return on asset more than others sources of capital while Machinery Charter Union of Nigeria should create more awareness on the significance of funding charter to encourage those Guarantee Currency Stores seeking for funds to use either funding charter or debt capital taking into reflection the benefits of the two options in terms of improved corporate return on asset.  Article visualizations

    Effect of contract farming on poultry farming households food security in Osun state, Nigeria

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    This study analyzed the effect of contract farming on food security of poultry households in Osun State, Nigeria. Primary data were used for the study and two stage sampling technique was used in selecting 180  households comprising of 90 contract and 90 non-contract farming  households. A structured questionnaire was used for the purpose of extracting needed information from the farmers. Data were analyzed using Food Security Index, Propensity Score Matching and Likert scale. The results showed that the contract farming households were more food secured (76.9%) than the non-contract farming households (46.8%). The effect of contract farming on the households that participated shows that the calorie intake increased (p < 0.05) on the average by 1047 kCal/AE/day. This shows that the program has positive impact on the Target Group. The constraints to contract farming in the study area includes: Deferred payment on the part of contract firm, no reimbursement in case of production failure, bridge of agreement, biased terms, cheating, high defaulting rate. The study therefore recommends that there should be interest payment for delay in payment to farmers as part of the agreement to curb the issue of intentional delay of payment by the contracting firms and that agreement on risk sharing in case of failures in production should be included in the agreements so as to protect the farmer from being too vulnerable.Key words: contract farming, poultry, food securit

    Reasons Why Trauma Patients Request for Discharge against Medical Advice in Wesley Guild Hospital Ilesha

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    Background:The aim of this study was to find out the reasons why trauma victims with Orthopaedic injuries take their discharge against medical  advice.Methods: This was a prospective study conducted on Trauma victims  presenting to the Wesley Guild Hospital Ilesha who took their discharge against medical advice (DAMA) over a 2 year period. A questionnaire was designed that was used to retrieve information on the patients biodata, their injuries and the reasons why they DAMA.Results: A total of 49 patients were interviewed over this period. The mean age of the patients was 36.7 years. Students (22.4%), traders (20.4%) and artisans (24.5%) were commonly involved in this practice. Eighteen (36.7%) of the respondents claimed to have taken DAMA due to hospital cost, 18 (36.7%) also DAMA because of their believe in Traditional Bone Setters. Eleven patients (22.4%) simply said they want treatment near home while one patient each gave the fear of amputation and hospital protocol as their reasons for DAMA.Conclusion: Cost of treatment and believe in traditional bone setters were the 2 main reasons why most patients with fracture DAMA. Measures to reduce the cost of treatment and patient’s education about the dangers with unorthodox treatment of fractures and dislocations should help to reduce this behaviour
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