18 research outputs found

    WEBODE in a nutshell

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    WEBODE is a scalable workbench for ontological engineering that eases the design, development, and management of ontologies and includes middleware services to aid in the integration of ontologies into real-world applications. WEBODE presents a framework to integrate new ontology-based tools and services, where developers only worry about the new logic they want to provide on top of the knowledge stored in their ontologies

    Educación para el desarrollo en Castilla y León: cómo vemos el mundo

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    439 p.Quienes creemos que son necesarios cambios en el sistema económico, político y financiero mundial que permitan avanzar en el desarrollo humano sostenible de los pueblos, superando las injusticias y las brechas de desigualdad en el acceso a los recursos, siempre hemos considerado la educación como una pieza clave para conducir ese cambio, y a la universidad como un agente fundamental que puede y debe desarrollarla. Es difícil reflexionar sobre la “Educación para el Desarrollo” distanciándose de los acontecimientos que durante los últimos meses están ocurriendo en Europa y España. Estamos viendo y viviendo cómo la crisis financiera y económica es utilizada para justificar decisiones políticas que reducen nuestro nivel de bienestar. Es inevitable la comparación con los planes de ajuste estructural (PAE) que desde los años 80 se impusieron al dictado del FMI y el BM a los países empobrecidos como respuesta a la crisis de la Deuda Externa, así como sus nefastas consecuencias sociales y económicas para los pueblos afectado

    Overview and analysis of methodologies for building ontologies

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    (1) Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial. Facultad de Informática. Campus de Montegancedo, s/n. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

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    Semantic Web Services (SWSs) are specified in a semantic markup language to enable other services (and agents) to reason about their capabilities, in order to decide whether a SWS should be invoked or not. In this paper an environment for development and description of SWSs is presented. This environment, called ODE SWSDesigner, consists of a graphical interface, which allows users to carry out the design and characterization of SWSs at a conceptual level, and a set of software modules, which verify the design correctness and perform the translations from the graphical descriptions to the languages used to specify SWSs. ODE SWSDesigner provides support for a layer-based framework that we have proposed with the aim of enabling a scalable and language-independent development of SWSs. This framework is based on the use of problem-solving methods that are considered as high-level specifications from which SWS descriptions can be generated and verified. A Scalable Environment for Development of Semantic Web Service

    Oscar Corcho

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    Semantic Web Services (SWSs) are specified in a semantic markup language to enable other services (and agents) to reason about their capabilities, in order to decide whether a SWS should be invoked or not. In this paper an environment for development and description of SWSs is presented