387 research outputs found
Production, Competition Indices, and Nutritive Values of Setaria Splendida, Centrosema Pubescens, and Clitoria Ternatea in Mixed Cropping Systems in Peatland
This research was conducted to evaluate production, different competition indices and nutritive value of Setaria splendida, Centrosema pubescens, and Clitoria ternatea in monoculture and mix cropping system on peat soil land. The experiment was set up in a randomized complete block design with five treatments and three replications. The five treatments were: S. splendida sole cropping (SS), C. pubescens sole cropping (CP), C. ternatea sole cropping (CT), S. splendida and C. pubescens mix cropping (SS/CP) and S. splendida/C. ternatea mix cropping (SS/CT). The DM yield of S. splendida in mixed cropping with C. pubescens increased 43.4% and in mix cropping with C. ternatea increased 15.7% compared to sole S. splendida. The value of land equivalent ratio of SS/CP (LERSS/CP) was >1. The LERSS/CT value was <1. The crowding coefficient value of S. splendida (KSS) was higher than KCP and KCT. The total value of KSS/CP and KSS/CT were >1. The competition ratio (CR) values of S. splendida in both mix cropping were >1. The agressivity (A) values of S. splendida in both mix cropping were positive. The crude protein, NDF and ADF content of forage were not affected by mix cropping system. In conclusion, mix cropping in peatland do not affect productivity and nutritive value of S. splendida, C. pubescens, and C. ternatea. S. splendida is more effective in exploiting environmental resources when intercropped with C. pubescens compared to C. ternatea on peatland
Mekanisme Hubungan Sosial Ekonomi, Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Kehamilan Risiko Tinggi terhadap Prevalensi Panjang Badan Lahir Pendek
Prevalensi panjang badan lahir pendek di Indonesia masih tinggi dan menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang disebabkan oleh pelbagai faktor secara langsung dan tidak langsung serta berdampak luas dan berkelanjutan dalam siklus kehidupan. Penelitian menggunakan data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2013 dengan pendekatan potong lintang bertujuan mengetahui mekanisme hubungan berbagai variabel laten terhadap prevalensi panjang badan lahir pendek. Sampel adalah 497 kabupaten yang diagregat dari data individu, yaitu anak lahir dari ibu berusia 15 hingga 49 tahun dengan kriteria anak kandung dan lahir tunggal. Pemodelan menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling. Kehamilan berisiko tinggi berhubungan positif langsung dengan prevalensi panjang badan lahir pendek (r = 0,279; nilai p = 0,014). Pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan berhubungan positif tidak langsung dengan prevalensi panjang badan lahir pendek melalui kehamilan berisiko tinggi (r = 0,135; nilai p = 0,029). Sosial ekonomi tidak berhubungan signifikan dengan prevalensi panjang badan lahir pendek (r = -0,087; nilai p = 0,156), namun akan berhubungan bila melalui mekanisme hubungan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan (r = 0,653; nilai p = 0,0001) dan kehamilan berisiko tinggi (r = 0,759; nilai p = 0,0001). Upaya intervensi perlu difokuskan pada pencegahan kehamilan berisiko tinggi melalui perbaikan status gizi dan kesehatan ibu sejak usia remaja untuk menurunkan prevalensi panjang badan lahir pendek. Mechanism of Socio-Economic, Health Services Use and High Risk Pregnancy Relations to The Prevalence of Short Birth LengthThe prevalence of short birth length in Indonesia still high and it becomes a public health problem caused by any direct and indirect factors as well as having a wide and sustainable effect in life cycle. The study used Basic health system (Riskesdas) 2013 data with a cross-sectional approach aiming to find out the mechanism of the relation between any latent variables to the short birth length prevalence. Samples were 497 districts aggregated from individual data that were children children born by 15 - 49 year-old mothers with biological children and single birth criteria. The modelling used Structural Equation Modeling. High-risk pregnancy had a direct positive relation with the prevalence of short birth length (r = 0.279; p value= 0.014). The use of health services had an indirect positive relation with short birth length prevalence through high-risk pregnancy (r = 0.135; p value= 0.029). Social economy did not have any significant relation with the prevalence of short birth length (r = -0.087; p value = 0.156), but would be related if through the mechanism of health service use (r = 0.653 ; p value = 0.0001) and high-risk pregnancy (r = 0.759 ; p value = 0.0001). Efforts of intervention need to be focused on prevention of high-risk pregnancy through improvement of nutritional and health status of mothers since teenager in order to reduce short birth length prevalence
Simulasi Komunikasi Data Altitude dan Airspeed Pesawat pada ARINC 429 Menggunakan Visual Basic 2010 Express
Communication is the process of delivering information from a node to other nodes. In general, communication in the form of voice and data must be understood by both nodes. Flight data communication is used for pilots to collect information from the devices used. In this research, ARINC 429 data communication system is simulated using visual basic 2010 express. By using a GUI, the input data is obtained from the flight radarpro24 application. The data are representation of altitude and airspeed of Lion Air commercial flight JT922. The 32 bits of binary data are converted into decimal format. It was concluded that the altitude and airspeed data can be read and analyzed using this format
Factors Associated to the Work Performance of Midwives in the Implementation of Village Allertness Program in the Boyolali District
Maternal mortality rate (AKI) and infant mortality rate (AKB) in Boyolali district were still high.Facts showed that AKI in 2010 was 114.80/10000 live-births, and in 2011 was 116.23/100.000 live-births; AKB in 2010 was 9.18/1000 live-births, and in 2011 was 12.27/1000 live-births. To acceleratethe decrease of AKI and AKB, health service intervention based on community need and capacity isrequired. Boyolali district health office had answered this challenged by developing alert villageprogram. However, the continuity of this alert village program was not maximal. One of reasons ofthis condition was inadequacy of midwives work performance in the development of village health polyclinic (PKD). Objective of this study was to analyze the inadequacy of midwives workperformance in the implementation of alert village such as skill, ability, motivation, leadership,and compensation.This was an analytical study with cross sectional approach. Study population was all 267 villagemidwives in the district of Boyolali. Samples were 75 village midwives selected using proportionalrandom sampling method. Frequency distribution for univariate analysis, Chi square test forbivariate analysis, and binary logistic regression for multivariate analysis were applied in the dataanalysis.Results of the study showed that there were significant associations between ability, skill and midwiveswork performance (p= 0.032); motivation and midwives work performance (p= 0.001); leadershipand midwives work performance (p= 0.002); compensation and midwives work performance (p=0.001). Variables, in common, affecting work performance of midwives were leadership andmotivation.Suggestions for the head of Boyolali district health office were to provide trainings on normaldelivery care (APN) and emergency to improve village midwives work performance, to improvePKD, to provide assistance for alert village program activities. Suggestion for chief of coordinatormidwives was to do program supervision and assistance
Chromosome numbers for the Italian flora: 9
In this contribution, new chromosome data obtained on material collected in Italy are presented. It includes counts from six populations of three taxa within the genus Pulmonaria, two of which are endemic to Italy (P. vallarsae subsp. apennina and P. vallarsae subsp. vallarsae); the other is the widespread European P. officinalis. In addition, two counts from Potentilla detommasii and Stachys thirkei, two eastern Mediterranean species, are also reported
Effect of Sunflower Oil Supplementation as Unsaturated Fatty Acid Source on Rumen Fermentability and Performance of Lactating Garut Ewes
The study was aimed to evaluate the increasing levels of ration energy, with fat-rich unsaturated fatty acids from sunflower oil on the nutrient intake, rumen fermentability and performance of ewes. The experiment used fifteen ewes of 1.5 years old, primiparous, caged individually with their lambs and conducted three treatments and five replications from a completely randomized designed. Those treatments included R1= ration with 0% sunflower oil addition, R2= ration with 4%sunflower oil addition, R3= ration with 6% sunflower oil addition. The variables consisted of dry matter intake, nutrients, ewes performances (birth weight, weaning weight, decreased of body weight), total and partial VFA, the ratio of acetate: propionate, methane production, protozoa and bacterial population. Data were analyzed statistically and descriptively. The results showed that the treatments did not influence dry matter intake and nutrients,. rumen fermentability and ewes performances. Although the treatments increased (P<0.01) fatconsumption and reduced shrinkage of body weight. It can be concluded that the adding sunflower oil as the resource of unsaturated fatty acids up to 6% of the ration was not negatively affected the fermentability of rumen, moreover can improve ewes body condition and, accelerated body weight recover
Biological Study of Two Spotted Spider Mite Tetranychus SP. (Acari: Tetranychidae) on Three Leaf Phases of Mung Bean and Adzuki Bean for Mite Mass Rearing
Two-spotted spider mite (TSM) Tetranychus sp. is one of prey mites for phyotoseiid mite mass rearing. Based on previous research that TSM population developed well on Mung bean (Vigna radiata) and Adzuki bean (V. angularis) as host plants, confirmed growth and development of TSM on both beans. Research was aimed to observe biology of TSM on three phases of Mung bean and Adzuki bean leaf such as at primary leaf unrolled completely (V1), at the 1st trifoliate unrolled completely (V2), and at the 2nd trifoliate unrolled completely (V3). Pre adult stadia, life cycle, male and female longevity, female fecundity of TSM, and trichome density were observed on petri dishes contained each leaf phase of beans. Result showed that three leaf phases of beans did not influence significantly in all biological variables, except fecundity. TSM fecundity was the highest on V3 phase of Mung bean (86.90). Trichome density on Mung bean leaf surface per mm² was lower than Adzuki bean. Trichome density of upper leaf surface of V3 phase of Mung bean (10.53) and Adzuki bean (3.07) were lower than V1 (13.20; 12.40) and V2 phase (6.20; 5.27). V3 phase of Mung bean was most suitable for TSM mass rearing
Breastfeeding Friendly Airport to Support Healthy Tourism
Motivation for breastfeeding and social support is very important for the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Breastfeeding support and motivation is obtained from family, leaders and the government. The implication of the government support given is the existence of regulations for organizer of public facilities that stating that the owner of public facilities must support the exclusive breastfeeding program at the airport. The airport is an important means for the mobility of both domestic and foreign tourist. The role of airport is very important to realizing healthy tourism. This study used a case study design. The subjects of this study were the leaders, staff and visitors of Adisutjipto International Airport. The number of informants is five people. The research instruments were interview guides and observation forms. Knowledge, attitudes and informant support for the exclusive breastfeeding program are good. There needs to be a stronger promotion effort for all levels of society so that exclusive breastfeeding programs can be achieved. Provision of nursery rooms at Adisutjipto International Airport is in accordance with government standards with facilities such as tables, chairs, baby boxes, washing stand, dispensers and trash can. Adisutjipto International Airport is confirmed as a breastfeeding friendly airport
Lectotypification of the Linnaean name Dianthus virgineus (Caryophyllaceae) and its taxonomic consequences
A lectotype is designated for the name Dianthus virgineus. The relationships between D. virgineus, D. caryophyllus var. caryophyllus, and D. caryophyllus var. inodorus are analyzed. Dianthus virgineus is the oldest available name that applies to a species complex that is often referred to as D. sylvestris or a broad circumscription of the cultivated ornamental D. caryophyllus. The taxonomic consequences are discussed, and the need for further studies is highlighted
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