4 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kualitas Guru Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika SD Melalui Penerapan Reflective Teaching

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    This study aims to encourage teachers to open up the flow of his thoughts and give an overview for teacher to constantly think very reflective of what has done, doing, and will do in the classroom. The research was conducted three times meeting in SDN Pangarangan I Sumenep , SDN Kolor II Sumenep , and SDN Pandian I Sumenep. The methods used in this study are qualitative and quantitative. The data was obtained as follows : (1) the process of development of teachers in designing lesson plans elementary mathematics is done through a phase of defining, designing, and development; (2) the quality of teachers in developing learning tools is increasing , the quality of teachers in managing learning activities is increasing, and the quality of teachers in materialize learning is increasing while the results of a student's response to learning that has done get good response then obstacles/barriers during the learning process only was found in trials meeting 1 for SDN Kolor II is located on teachers and SDN Pandian I is located on the teachers and students are not found obstacles/barriers during the learning process at SDN Pangarangan I; (3) the results of the application of reflective teaching is considered successful because of increased quality at every meeting held.The results of this research as a scientific contribution in the field of education on improving the quality of Primary teacher in teaching mathematics through the application of reflective teaching that both innovative and easy to apply in teaching

    The Influence of Family Empowerment on the Health Status of Low Birth Weight Infant in Jakarta

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    Low birth weight (LBW) infant is susceptible to health problems since the infant born, during in the hospital and continue after discharge. The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of family empowerment on the health status of LBW infant. Action research using qualitative and quantitative method was used in this study. Qualitative approach was used to identify the experience of mothers of LBW infants as a data based for intervention development, and quantitative approach was used to evaluate the influence of family empowerment program on the health status of LBW infants. There were 7 participants, 20 mothers and their infants in the intervention group and 27 in the control group involved in this study. The study showed that family empowerment was effective in improving the immunization status and follow- up care attendance, reducing the frequency of acute care visits, increasing mothers\u27 knowledge and skill in providing care. In conclusion, mothers need information on providing a proper care for LBW, and family empowerment can significantly improve maternal knowledge and health status of LBW infants

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Model Group Investigation dengan Advance Organizer untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah pada Siswa SMP

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    This research aims to develop a learning material of group investigation model with advance organizer to improve learning output and student's problem solving skills in SMPN 1 Tanjungbumi. This study would be expected to be applied using the several assessing of instruments. The experiment design of the material resources used one group pretest-posttest design. The assessing of instruments consist of lesson plan, BAS, worksheet, observing activity, test (product, process, and psychomotor), and questionnaire. The validity result showed that lesson plan, BAS, and LKS had in feasible category, LP product and LP process had in feasible category. The assessment of BAS and LKS showed that BAS and LKS had in understandable material by students. Learning feasibility of group investigation model with advance organizer is in excellent category. Reliability of students' activity observation from the lesson plan with the percentage 92,32%. The completeness of product's indicator with the percentage 83,33%, and the completeness of process' indicator (problem solving skills) with the percentage 73,33%. The completeness of  the individual output product with the percentage 93,33%, the completeness of the individual output process (problem solving skills) with the percentage 93,33%, the completeness of the individual output psikomotor with the percentage 100%, and the completeness of the individual output afektif with the percentage 100%. Group investigation model with advance organizer got positive respond from the students. The difficulties found during this study was group investigation model with advance organizer was a new thing for the students so the teacher should give information about group investigation model with advance organizer for the students

    Community Relations Upt Taman Balekambang Surakarta dalam Program Pengembangan Kemitraan Masyarakat

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    Setiap korporasi pada dasarnya memiliki tanggung jawab sosial yang wajib dilakukan, salah satunya melalui program kemitraan dan pemberdayaan yang ditujukan bagi masyarakat. Penelitian ini berupaya mendeskripsikan bagaimana tanggung jawab UPT Kawasan Wisata Dinas Pariwisata Taman Balekambang Surakarta dalam Program Pengembangan Kemitraan Masyarakat melalui community relation. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, serta dokumentasi. Selanjutnya, pemilihan informan dilakukan secara purposif dan berdasarkan pertimbangan atas ketercukupan data yang diperlukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan community relations diimplementasikan melalui kerjasama dan koordinasi dari pengelola Taman Balekambang sebagai publik internal, dengan pihak sanggar dan sejumlah komunitas seni sebagai publik eksternalnya. Program ini dapat dilihat melalui beragam kegiatan kesenian yang diselenggarakan, antara lain seperti: pementasan ketoprak, sendratari, pasar seni, dan event lainnya. Namun demikian, program community relations secara khusus bertujuan untuk meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam kemitraan pariwisata sehingga mampu menjadi bentuk tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan terhadap publiknya. Mengenai implementasi community relations, program ini dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yakni: 1) pra-program yang meliputi perencanaan serta analisis permasalahan program; 2) implementasi pelaksanaan yang berupa penyelenggarakaan program kegiatan; serta 3) pasca program yang diarahkan pada proses evaluasi program dan pelaksanaannya guna menentukan rekomendasi baru atas program kegiatan yang telah serta akan dijalankan selanjutnya