575 research outputs found

    Egg Production and Physical Quality in Cortunix Cortunix Japonica Fed Diet Containing Piperine as Phytogenic Feed Additive

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of piperine as a phytogenic feed additive on quail performances and egg quality. The experiment used a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications and used ten quails with one week of age in each replication. The piperine was added to the diets at concentrations of 0 (T0), 15 (T1), 30 (T2), 45 (T3), and 60 mg/kg body weight (T4) for 8 consecutive weeks. The results showed that addition of 60 mg/kg body weight (T4) of piperine significantly (P<0.05) reduced feed consumption, egg production, egg mass, income over feed cost (IOFC), and increased water consumption as compared to the other treatments. The addition of 15-60 mg piperine/kg body weight significantly (P<0.05) reduced eggshell weight and increased egg yolk color score. The conclusion of this experiment was that the addition of piperine at 15-45 mg/kg body weight could be used as phytogenic feed additive to improve performance, IOFC, haugh unit, and yolk color

    Microbial Population and Fermentation Characteristic in Response to Sapindus Rarak Mineral Block Supplementation

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    This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementation with lerak extract combined with mineral block on protozoal and bacterial population, and fermentation characteristic in vitro. The experimental design was completely randomized block design with 3 treatments and 4 replications. Control diet was a substrate that consisted of concentrate, forage and feed block with ratio 50 : 48 : 2, respectively. The treatments as a substrate were: control diet (C), C + 0.09% lerak extract, and C + 0.18% lerak extract from the total ration. Variables observed were protozoal and bacterial population, dry matter and organic matter degradability, N-NH3 and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result showed that there were no significant effect (P>0.05) for all parameter measured with lerak extract supplementation up to 0.18% in the presence of mineral block. However, supplementation of lerak extract 0.18% only slightly reduced protozoal numbers but tended to increase bacterial numbers. Dry matter and organic matter degradability and concentration of N-NH3 were similar among treatments. Volatile fatty acids profile changed which propionate tended to increase and acetate tended to decrease and ratio of acetate to propionate tended to decrease. In conclusion, addition of lerak extract up to 0.18% from total ration in the presence of mineral block was not yet effective to depress protozoal population, but could modify fermentation characteristic in vitro

    Rumen Fermentation, Blood Metabolites, and Performance of Sheep Fed Tropical Browse Plants

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    The in vitro study was designed to evaluate total gas production, dry matter degradability (DMD), and VFA profile; while in vivo study was designed to evaluate nutrient intakes, blood metabolites, and performance of sheep fed native grass mixed with Calliandra calothyrrus (CC), Leucaena leucochepala (LL), Moringa oleifera (MO), Gliricidea sepium (GS), and Artocarpus heterophyllus (AH). The best three from the in vitro results were used to formulate diets in in vivo study. Sixteen male growing sheep (average BW 20 kg) were fed 100% native grass (NG) as control; 70% NG + 30% GS; 70% NG + 30% MO; and 70% NG + 30% AH. Nutrient consumptions, DMD, blood metabolites, and sheep performances were analyzed by using Completely Randomized Design. The in vitro results showed that the total gas production and DMD of CC and LL were the lowest (P<0.05) while the highest was found in GS, MO, and AH treatments (P<0.05). Meanwhile, the in vivo results showed that nutrient intakes (DM, CP, and CF) of GS and AH rations were the highest. The ADG, concentration of albumin, and globulin in all treatments were similar, while total serum protein, triglycerides, and glucose concentration in MO and AH rations were higher than others. Serum cholesterol concentration in MO ration was the lowest, meanwhile the concentration of IgG was the highest (P<0.05). Supplementation of 30% MO was the best choice for optimum rumen fermentation and maintaining health status of local sheep

    Pengaruh Promosi Terhadap Sikap Pasien RS PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul

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    The mushrooming hospitals in Bantul had forced PKU Muhammadiyah hospital to conduct promotions. A promotion will be very useful to provide information to the society about the service excellence offered by a hospital in order that it becomes the society's preference when they seek for medical and health treatment. This research was a descriptive quantitative one using cross sectionalapproach. The population included all outpatients, and the sample was confined to 90 patients. Meanwhile, the analytical tool was the multiple linier regression. This research found a regression equation of Y = 0.225 X1 + 0.267X3 + 0.338X4 + e. The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.649, which explained that the involvement of promotion influenced patients' attitude as much as 64.9%. The score of F count was 42.159 with F significance of 0.000 and 95% confidence. For the mean time, the influence of promotional activities to the attitude of the patients of PKU MuhammadiyahBantul Hospital comprised advertising (2.129, p = 0.036), direct marketing (2.774, p = 0.007), and public relation (3.657, p= 0.000). Meanwhile, the variable personal selling did not influence the patient's attitude (1.074, p = 0.286). To sum up, the factors in promotion mix influencing the attitude of the patients in PKU MuhammadiyahBantul Hospital are advertising, direct marketing, and public relation

    Tectonic Influence on Changes in Neogene Sediment Supply, Western Part of North Serayu Basin

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    Western part of North Serayu Basin composed of Neogene sequence; Halang, Pemali and Rambatan Formation. The oil seeps discovery in this area is an indication of the presence an active petroleum system. Active tectonic condition occur coincidence with the time of deposition. The tectonic influence on change in sediment supply will be the subject of this research. The combinations of subsidence, eustatic and sediment supply are corresponding to the accommodation space, moreover to the type of sediment which is deposited. The quantity and rate of sediment supply to the basin are closely related to the tectonic activity. In the context of Petroleum Potential, study of sediment supply will provide information about the potential source rock, reservoir and caprock that developed in the research area. During the Neogene at least there have been three times of sea level change in the research area which is related to thickening sedimentary sequence during middle of N18 and thinning in N13 to N17 in some place
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