757 research outputs found

    Kejadian Kanker Serviks di Puskesmas II Denpasar Selatan Tahun 2012

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    Cervical cancer is a chronical disease that occurs on woman's cervix. The mortality rate of this cancer in Indonesia is around 90 – 100 cases among 100.000 woman per year. Cases of cervical cancer can be influenced by several factors: age, age at the first sexual intercourse, multiple sex partners, number of marriage, parity, history of genital disease, and the level of knowledge. The purpose of this research is to determine the incidence of cervical cancer among the productive-aged woman in Primary Health Care II of South Denpasar. The study design was a cross sectional descriptive study. Sampling in this study using a systematic random sampling of women in reproductive age who done a pap smear in Puskesmas II Denpasar Selatan as many as 40 WUS. Based on research conducted on WUS in the working area of the Puskesmas II Denpasar Selatan can be seen that the incidence of cervical cancer was 25%. It show the high incidence of cervical cancer, therefore early detection is needed especially women in reproductive age

    Efisiensi Fakultas-fakultas Kelompok Ilmu Sosial Di Universitas Diponegoro Semarang

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    The achievement of the purpose to become a superior education institute need theprovision of large resources. For it need to do measurements to assess how far theefficiency of the used of the input to the output of the specified.This research aims to measure and ranked the efficienly agroup of social sciences facultyin UNDIP semarang by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The resources becamethe input is operasional costs, internet network, the number of proffesorhod doctor andprofessor title, amount of educational worker, laboratory and library, while the outputare non academic student achievement, averoal of GPA graduates and averoal GPAwhen graduated.The result of analysis using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method for during fouryears (2010-2013) shows that in general faculty of social sciences in UNDIP hasproduced output efficienthy indicated with the number of efficienthy is one. Howeverthere is on faculty that have not efficient yet, that is economics and business becauses thecost operational is to high and non academic student achievement is still low

    Peta Konsep Pada Pembelajaran IPA Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berfikir Rasional Siswa Sd/mi

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    One of the efforts to increase the instructional effectiveness natural science is by developing meaningful learning strategy through the using concept mapping. The objectives of instructional natural science at elementary school is not only learning concept natural science but also to increase thinking and creativity such as recalling, imagining, classifying, generalizing, comparing, evaluating, analyzing, synthesizing, deducing, inferring, skill processused by the experts in order to get and developing nature science. Concept mapping strategy is one of alternative strategy that can give the results to reach learning objectives. With concept mapping, students could interlocked the natural science before and the new natural science by included concepts to the cognition and defined the relationship on an exibhit then united to the wider structure. The good conceptual understanding will help the students in their learning, until the students will be easier to understand the material they learn. Strategy using concept mapping to increase effectiveness science instructional viewed from achievement and students learning retention, suggested to science\u27s teacher to use concept mapping as one of learning tools. Using concept mapping after instructional is more suggested, although the other strategy more suitable

    Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Interaktif Pada Materi Tumbuhan

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    This article tries to discuss about the using of interactive teaching model to help students to understand and develop plant concept in their daily lives. Interactive teaching model is a teaching model that focuses on students\u27 questions aspect. Interactive teaching model of the plant concept is based on constructivist approach contain characteristic of science teaching. Teaching characteristic of plant concept is by pay attention and consider the students\u27 early knowledge which can be gained from the environment outside the school. Teacher can help find out the students\u27 knowledge as early understanding about plant concept and also give the opportunity for students to construct their knowledge. The steps to apply the interactive teaching model are preparation, before views, exploratory activities, students\u27 question, investigations, after views and reflections. The use of interactive teaching model can help the students to increase their understanding about plant concept and motivate them to interest to study science

    Model Pembelajaran Connected Dalam Pembelajaran Sains Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Rasional Siswa Mi/sd

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    Based on observations of how teachers teach science found that the process is still teacher-centered learning, students are not given the opportunity to interact directly with concrete objects and teachers to teach science concepts are fragmented. To overcome these problems is developing an integrated learning model that can enhance the skills of rational thinking. Aspect of rational thinking skills that can be developed include: recall, classify, generalize, and compare as well as aspects of science process skills developed include: observing, classifying, measuring, and interpreting observations. Some of the things that underlies the development of this integrated learning model include: the involvement of students during learning activities, involving the manual and intellectual activities, to attract the attention of students developed a program to play while learning, environment and resources used as a means of learning and a holistic view of children about nature then integreted concepts that can be linked into a coherent whole by using the theme as an umbrella so that the separation between the concept is not so clear

    Sikap Petani terhadap Profesi Petani: Upaya untuk Memahami Petani melalui Pendekatan Psikologi Sosial (Kasus Petani di Kecamatan Pauh, Kota Padang)

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    The farmer behaviour is influenced by many factors and one of them is what the farmer\u27s attitude toward his profession. In order to understand the farmer\u27s behaviour, we have to understand the farmer\u27s attitude in advance. The purposes of this study are: 1) to analyze the farmer\u27s attitude toward his profession, 2) to describe the schematic attitute. The data for this study were analized quantitatively using likest scale and qualitatively using theories of social psicology. The finding shows that the farmers tend to have a positive attitude. Meanwhile the schematic attitude shows that the farmers attitude toward their professions was positive and negative. therefore, extension acctivities should emphasize on changing the aspect of negative attitude
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