2 research outputs found

    Studi Leptospira SP Pada Beberapa Daerah Rawan Banjir Di Jakarta

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    Leptospirosis termasuk re-emerging disease dan sering menjadi wabah setelah bencana banjir. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh bakteri Leptospira patogen yang ditansmisikan secara langsung lewat hewan terinfeksi atau tidak langsung melalui lingkungan yang terkontaminasi urin hewan tersebut. Studi mengenai Leptospira yang ada di lingkungan perairan daerah rawan banjir dilakukan untuk mengetahui penyebaran Leptospira, terutama strain patogen, sehingga dapat dilakukan antisipasi pencegahan. Sampel dikumpulkan dan diukur pHnya dari 20 penampungan air, seperti waduk, danau, sungai, selokan air, di daerah rawan banjir di Jakarta, dan dikultur pada medium Korthof modifikasi mengandung 5-fluorouracil. Pengamatan hasil kultur dilakukan dengan mikroskop lapang gelap selama satu bulan. Diferensiasi Leptospira dilakukan dengan deteksi gen flaB. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 75% dari sampel yang diperoleh, positif Leptospira. Ph sampel air sebesar 6,67,9 masih sesuai untuk pertumbuhan Leptospira. Analisis dengan gen flaB menunjukkan bahwa Leptospira yang diisolasi termasuk jenis saprofit

    Collaborative Learning for Early Childhood Education

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    If starting school at the age of seven was considered sufficient in the past, many parents now start their children at the age of toddlers. As a result, the teacher’s role is critical because it serves as a substitute for parents. Preschool teachers must be able to monitor children’s growth and development in addition to teaching because it affects their future. Parents and teachers must pay adequate attention and affection, educate, guide, and set a good example. Students collaborate in groups to achieve the common goal of each idea through collaborative learning. This aligns with the skills required in the 21st century, namely the 4Cs (creative thinking, critical thinking and problem-solving, communication, and collaboration). The research method employs descriptive qualitative research to describe early childhood teachers’ perceptions of collaborative learning’s current implementation. The participants in the study were 23 teachers who had implemented collaborative learning. Keywords: kw