1,477 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Rice Husk-Based Zeolit using Hydrothermal Method and Its Detergent Builder Properties

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    Detergents are cleaning agents that consist of a complex formulation such as surfactants, builders, bleaching, fillers and other additives. Detergent builder that commonly used is sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) that are unfriendly environmentally. One of the detergent builders that is more environmentally friendly is zeolite. Therefore, in the present work, zeolite was synthesized using hydrothermal method by varying the temperature and characterised its detergent builder properties. Zeolite was synthesized by mixing sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium aluminate NaAl(OH)4 with the presence of NaOH. Firstly, a mixture of sodium silicate and sodium aluminate formed sol and gradually become gel. After that, the gel had been treated by hydothermal for 7 hours at different temperatures: 500C, 1000C and 1500C. Several characteristic techniques such as FTIR and XRD were applied to identify functional group and the crystal structure, respectively. Furthermore, the detergent builder properties were characterised using cation exchange capacity (CEC) and detergency test. The result showed that zeolite synthesized at 100 0C gave better washing capability than others

    Synthesis of Rice Husk-Based Zeolit using Hydrothermal Method and Its Detergent Builder Properties

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    Detergents are cleaning agents that consist of a complex formulation such as surfactants, builders, bleaching, fillers and other additives. Detergent builder that commonly used is sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) that are unfriendly environmentally. One of the detergent builders that is more environmentally friendly is zeolite. Therefore, in the present work, zeolite was synthesized using hydrothermal method by varying the temperature and characterised its detergent builder properties. Zeolite was synthesized by mixing sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium aluminate NaAl(OH)4 with the presence of NaOH. Firstly, a mixture of sodium silicate and sodium aluminate formed sol and gradually become gel. After that, the gel had been treated by hydothermal for 7 hours at different temperatures: 500C, 1000C and 1500C. Several characteristic techniques such as FTIR and XRD were applied to identify functional group and the crystal structure, respectively. Furthermore, the detergent builder properties were characterised using cation exchange capacity (CEC) and detergency test. The result showed that zeolite synthesized at 100 0C gave better washing capability than others

    Analisis Produksi Dan Pendapatan USAhatani Padi Sawah Metode System of Rice Intensification Di Kecamatan Sindue Kabupaten Donggala

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    This research aimed at finding out the influence of factors in line with land area factor, seed, Urea fertilizer, Phonska fertilizer, Seprit fertilizer and labours toward the production of rice field cultivated with System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method at Lero Tataro Village, Sindue district, Donggala regency. The 40 respondents were taken through census method. A multiple linier regression was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the independent variable (Xi) gave a big influence toward the dependent variable (Y). The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.979 which means that 98 percent of the variations of rice field's production can be explained by the variable of land area (X1), seed (X2), Urea fertilizer (X3), Phonska fertilizer (X4), Seprit fertilizer (X5), and the labour (X6). The other 2 percent was explained out of the model. It can be said that farm production through System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method at Lero Tatari village were obviously influenced by the land area, seed, Urea fertilizer, Phonska fertilizer, Seprit fertilizer, and labours. The income of farm production using System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Method at Lero Tatari, Sindue district was Rp. ha, or Rp. 17.079.351.97/ha

    Makna Pemakaian Bentuk -La dalam Bahasa Palembang

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    MAKNA PEMAKAIAN BENTUK -LA DALAM BAHASA PALEMBANG AstutiSMP PGRI Srikaton Musi Rawas Sumatera [email protected] Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan makna pemakaian bentuk -la dalam bahasa Palembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, adapun jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian in berupa tuturan lisan berbahasa Palembang yang peneliti peroleh dari komunikasi antaranggota komunitas masyarakat Palembang. Dalam hal ini subjek penelitian adalah masyarakat Desa Tribina Suro, SUM-SEL. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kata, frase, klausa, dan tata kalimat bentuk -la dalam bahasa Palembang. Hasil penelitian ini adalah deskripsi Makna bentuk -la dapat dikategorikan menjadi empat makna, yaitu bentuk -la sebagai makna umpatan, bentuk -la sebagai makna pemberitahuan, bentuk -la sebagai makna perintah, dan bentuk -la Sebagai makna Penekanan. Kata Kunci: analisis, bentuk, makna. ABSTRACT: This research is descriptive study about variation of particle -la in Palembang language. The problems here area (1) How is the descrition of form -la in Palembang language? (2) How is the descriptive meaning of form -la in Palembang language? (3) How is the descriptive meaning of form -la in Palembang language grammer? (4) How is correlation of using form -la with sense value and local cultural understanding in Palembang? Generally, the aim of is to describe variation of form -la in Palembang language. Theory that is used here is morphology ang semantic. Morphology theory is a science that studies about words form and the influense of form changes toward meaning groups. The approach of the research used qualitative. It is descriptive method that it can be understood as procedure series that is used in the effort of problem solving that is investigated by explaining or describing meaning in the use of particle -la in Palembang language based on the facts invisibly or as they are. The data of the research is forms and grammars in using particle -la in Palembang society for communication. Data subject in this study is community of residents in Suro, Palembang, shouth Sumatra Selatan. The result is in the description of form -la meaning can be categoriozed to be four meaning; they are, form -la as verbal abuse, form -la as notification. Also, form -la is as command, and form -la is as compression

    Strategi Mempersiapkan Guru Smk RSBI

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    Kompetensi yang harus dimiliki guru SMK RSBI yaitu kemampuan dalam menguasaikurikulum, membuat/menulis buku pelajaran, mampu meneliti, dan betul-betul memiliki jiwa kependidikansebagai guru, memiliki kemampuan dalam berbahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar dalampembelajaran dalam arti mampu aktif berbahasa Inggris, dan berpendidikan S2/S3.Strategi mempersiapkan guru SMK RSBI dapat dilakukan melalui pemberian beasiswa untukguru yang melanjutkan sekolah ke jenjang S2 atau S3, guru-guru yang mengajar diambil dari guruguruyang terbaik melalui seleksi, penjajagan untuk melaksanakan kerjasama dengan sekolah-sekolahlain dalam bentuk sister school, mengikuti ujian standarisasinya dari Dinas Pendidikan, menjalani teskemampuan bahasa Inggris (TOEIC), dan mendatangkan pengajar asing, serta mengikutsertakanpelatihan-pelatihan sebagai upaya peningkatan kemampuan guru, sehingga proses pendidikan memilikikompetensi yang baik

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Head Together (Nht) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Bangkinang

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    . This study aims to determine the effect of cooperative learning model, Numbered Head Together (NHT) toward the students\u27 Mathematics achievement at VII grade SMP Negeri 1 Bangkinang in the academic year 2014/2015. This is a quasi-experimental studies (Quasi Experiment). The population in this study is VII grade SMP Negeri 1 Bangkinang consisting of 4 classes with the number of 140 students. On another hand, the sample in this study consisted of two classes totaling 65 students. In both these classes are given different treatment is experimental class using cooperative learning model Numbered Head Together (NHT), while grade control using conventional learning. Two classes were given the test results of the study result. Analysis of the data used in this research is descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Based on test, the normality test results of study conducted with chi-square test. In the experimental group obtained x2count = 2.67 and x2table = 11.070, then x2count table so that it can be concluded that there are significant effect of cooperative learning model Numbered Head Together (NHT) towards the students\u27 Mathematics\u27 achievement at VII grade of SMP Negeri 1 Bangkinang

    Modification of Rice Husk-Based Activated Carbon using Sodium Lauryl Sulfat (SLS) for Lead (Pb) Ions Removal

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    A rice husk-based active carbon modified using SLS surfactant showed an increase on Pb ionic metal removal with the efficiency of 99.96%. Activated carbon is commonly applied as adsorben in waste water treatment, in particularly, waste water containing heavy metals and dye molecules. Even though it is commonly used, the adsorption efficiency of activated carbon to the heavy metal waste is still low. Therefore, in the present work, carbon from rice husk was modified using surfactant which further it is called surfactant modified active carbon (SMAC). Firstly, rice husk-based carbon was activated using 40% H3PO4 for 2, 6, 10, 14, 15 and 16 hours. The activated carbon was then modified by contacting it into SLS in different concentration 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 ppm for 5 hours. Finally, the SMAC was then applied to remove Pb ionic metal. Moreover, several characterisation techniques were performed including FTIR, SEM, UV-Vis and AAS

    Rumen Fermentation, Blood Metabolites, and Performance of Sheep Fed Tropical Browse Plants

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    The in vitro study was designed to evaluate total gas production, dry matter degradability (DMD), and VFA profile; while in vivo study was designed to evaluate nutrient intakes, blood metabolites, and performance of sheep fed native grass mixed with Calliandra calothyrrus (CC), Leucaena leucochepala (LL), Moringa oleifera (MO), Gliricidea sepium (GS), and Artocarpus heterophyllus (AH). The best three from the in vitro results were used to formulate diets in in vivo study. Sixteen male growing sheep (average BW 20 kg) were fed 100% native grass (NG) as control; 70% NG + 30% GS; 70% NG + 30% MO; and 70% NG + 30% AH. Nutrient consumptions, DMD, blood metabolites, and sheep performances were analyzed by using Completely Randomized Design. The in vitro results showed that the total gas production and DMD of CC and LL were the lowest (P<0.05) while the highest was found in GS, MO, and AH treatments (P<0.05). Meanwhile, the in vivo results showed that nutrient intakes (DM, CP, and CF) of GS and AH rations were the highest. The ADG, concentration of albumin, and globulin in all treatments were similar, while total serum protein, triglycerides, and glucose concentration in MO and AH rations were higher than others. Serum cholesterol concentration in MO ration was the lowest, meanwhile the concentration of IgG was the highest (P<0.05). Supplementation of 30% MO was the best choice for optimum rumen fermentation and maintaining health status of local sheep
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