245 research outputs found
Estudio exploratorio acerca de las creencias del profesorado de ciencias naturales y ciencias sociales sobre la consulta en línea en diferentes dimensiones
Este trabajo se hace parte de una investigación más compleja derivada del Proyecto AKA EDU 03 que involucra a tres universidades finlandesas y dos universidades chilenas. Se trata de un proyecto de investigación ambicioso tanto para aumentar nuestra comprensión de cómo los estudiantes preguntan cuándo consultan en línea en el contexto de la información dominada por la Web y el ambiente de los medios de comunicación, y para desarrollar un nuevo modelo pedagógico de la práctica de consultas en línea en diferentes dominios de las ciencias sociales y naturales. Los desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos como profesores de promover sujetos competentes en ciencias (SCC) requieren un enfoque multidisciplinario que se base en la experiencia académica en lectura y comprensión en línea, educación de maestros y estudios de información. El proyecto conjunto entre socios finlandeses y chilenos ofrece una excelente oportunidad para estudiar este fenómeno y desarrollar modelos pedagógicos para consultas en línea en diferentes contextos y culturas educativas. Aquí compartimos la primera etapa de este proyecto de la contraparte chilena
Metabolic diversity in cell populations: probability densities over the flux polytope
Even in clonal populations, cells appear to be strongly heterogeneous in terms of, e.g., protein levels, RNA levels, sizes at birth or division, interdivision times and elongation rates. Part of this variability is likely due to the inherent stochasticity of gene expression at the level of single cells. It is however known that heterogeneous populations may possess an evolutionary advantage, for instance in variable environments or under stress. Despite appearing to be at odds with the idea of optimality presented in the previous chapters, metabolic diversity can be described and modeled within the constraint-based framework introduced in the previous chapters. Specifically, a statistical representation of heterogeneous populations can be obtained by defining suitable probability distributions on the flux polytope. This chapter addresses
• the different sources of variation that affect microbial metabolism along with the mechanisms that may favor higher variability,
• the methods devised to represent heterogeneous microbial populations within the framework of constraint- based models, and
• how these approaches connect to the optimality scenario presented in the previous chapters
Geotechnical Units and the Damages Caused by Earthquakes in Valparaiso - Chile
The geotechnical units forming the foundation soil of Valparaiso city and constituting seven zones that exhibit different stratigraphic sequences are characterized. In addition, the evolution of the artificial backfilling’s located in the seaport is reported. The damages causes by Chile Earthquake of March 3, 1985 allow to establish for each zone the MSK intensities, which are varying between 7 1/2 and 8 1/2 in the flat-ground sector of Valparaiso, and between 7 1/4 and 7 1/2 in the hills. The major intensity in the flat sector is observed in areas whose artificial backfilling’s are exhibiting greater thickness and less consistency or less compacity
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Flexible multiple discrete-continuous choice structures and mixed modeling
In Multiple discrete-continuous (MDC) choice situations, consumers choose one or more alternatives from a set of alternatives jointly with the amount of the chosen alternative to consume. The MDC model that has dominated the recent literature is based on an utility maximization framework. In the utility functional form, each alternative is assumed to have a baseline preference (marginal utility at the point of zero consumption). Stochasticity is usually introduced in these baseline preferences as a kernel stochastic error term to acknowledge the presence of unobserved factors that may impact the utility of each alternative. Researchers have also introduced random structures for the coefficients on the exogenous variables that allow heterogeneity (across individuals) in the sensitivity to exogenous variables. At the same time as there is more emphasis on MDC models today, there is also increasing attention on the analysis of bundle of mixed outcomes. The joint modeling of mixed outcomes is challenging because of the absence of a convenient multivariate distribution to jointly represent the relationship between discrete and continuous outcomes.
The primary objective of this dissertation is to advance the econometric modeling of MDC choice situations, with an emphasis on two aspects of this modeling. The first is to include, in a general way, heterogeneity in the sensitivity to exogenous variables. The second is to extend the joint modeling of mixed outcomes to include MDC outcomes. These two modeling enhancements are undertaken through three specific objectives:(1) formulate and estimate a finite discrete mixture of normals (FDMN) version of the MDCP model (hybrid semi-parametric approach that combines a continuous response surface for the response coefficients with a latent class approach, allowing market segmentation in the MDC context), (2) formulate and estimate a spatial MDC model that considers a multivariate skew-normal (MVSN) distribution for the random coefficients (the MVSN distribution is tractable, parsimonious, and includes the normal distribution as a special interior point case), and (3) propose a new econometric approach for the estimation of joint mixed models that include an MDC outcome. The proposed enhancements are applied to different empirical contexts to analyze several choice processes within the transportation field.Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineerin
Data-driven analysis of crustal and subduction seismic environments using interpretation of deep learning-based generalized ground motion models
Studies on understanding the regional seismological differences based on the variations in the characteristics of the ground motion waves recorded during seismic events have provided independent insights into the different seismic environments of the world. This study aims to showcase the differences between three of the major seismic environments of the world including Japanese subduction, Chilean subduction, and Californian crustal. The study is based on developing deep learning (DL)-based surrogate generalized ground motion models (GGMMs) and analyzing them to understand the patterns between the earthquake source parameters and the resulting ground motion waveforms’ engineering characteristics. The GGMMs are developed using long short-term memory (LSTM) based recurrent neural networks (RNNs), which are trained using six earthquake source and site parameters as the inputs and a 25 × 1 vector of amplitude-, duration-, and energy-based ground motion intensity measures (IMs). The GGMMs are trained and evaluated using carefully selected large datasets of ground motion records from the Japanese subduction, Chilean subduction, and Californian crustal sources (∼2000 records from each source). The models are developed in two settings: i) three independent GGMMs using the three datasets of each source, ii) one combined GGMM using the combined dataset. While the former provides individual surrogate models of the regional seismic environments and allows relative comparison among the three environments, the latter acts as a global seismic surrogate model and allows comparison in absolute terms. The seismic environments are investigated by analyzing the two types of GGMMs using explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) and game theory based Shapley explanations (SHAP). As the direct physical study of the seismic environments is not generally feasible/practical, the proposed GGMMs surrogating the process becomes a source of knowledge. By interpreting them, inferences about the seismic environments are derived. Results indicate the peculiar nature of the earthquakes arising from the three seismic backgrounds, further emphasizing the importance of conducting independent regional seismic hazard and risk analysis. In particular, the role of magnitude and rupture distance is observed to have a significantly different impact on the different IMs of the three different environments. The study further sets a novel basis to utilize advanced DL and XAI methods in understanding convoluted physics and engineering phenomena.</p
Pago de servicios ambientales. Potencialidad para la Region del Maule, Chile
86 p.El principal objetivo de esta memoria es conocer y analizar la aplicación potencial del Pago de Servicios Ambientales (PSA), en la Región del Maule. Para el Logró de este objetivo se realizo una recopilación bibliografía que define los
conceptos básicos relacionados al PSA, es decir, en que consisten, donde y como actúan, y se revisaron algunas experiencias en otros países.
Para describir el potencial de la Región en esta área, se realizaron entrevistas a informantes calificados, a fin de identificar a partir de su experiencia y conocimiento de los recursos naturales de la Región del Maule, el potencial de aplicación y reconocimiento de áreas susceptibles de ser incorporadas a un mecanismo de PSA. Los resultados arrojaron variadas respuestas, que a través de asociaciones son presentadas por medio de gráficos, tablas y diagramas. Lo anterior además, permitió diseñar una propuesta generando el flujo de servicios ambientales potenciales transables para la Región del Maule. Este contiene los componentes temáticos, actores que podrían ofrecer el servicio, actores que podrían adquirir los servicios, el tipo de servicio que se tranzarían y las potenciales zonas de aplicación del servicio en la región. Se destacan como servicios transables en el Pago de Servicios Ambientales, la aplicación de buenas practicas agrícolas y forestales, que disminuyen la perdida
de suelo, regeneración y protección de bosques, entre otros
Incorporating a multiple discrete-continuous outcome in the generalized heterogeneous data model: Application to residential self-selection effects analysis in an activity time-use behavior model
This paper makes both a methodological contribution as well as an empirical contribution. From a methodological perspective, we propose a new econometric approach for the estimation of joint mixed models that include a multiple discrete choice outcome and a nominal discrete outcome, in addition to the count, binary/ordinal outcomes, and continuous outcomes considered in traditional structural equation models. These outcomes are modeled together by specifying latent underlying unobserved individual lifestyle, personality, and attitudinal factors that impact the many outcomes, and generate the jointness among the outcomes. From an empirical perspective, we analyze residential location choice, household vehicle ownership choice, as well as time-use choices, and investigate the extent of association versus causality in the effects of residential density on activity participation and mobility choices. The sample for the empirical application is drawn from a travel survey conducted in the Puget Sound Region in 2014. The results show that residential density effects on activity participation and motorized auto ownership are both associative as well as causal, emphasizing that accounting for residential self-selection effects are not simply esoteric econometric pursuits, but can have important implications for land-use policy measures that focus on neo-urbanist design
Territorio y sindicalismo
El siguiente trabajo pretende adentrarse en la problemática de la geografía social y el sindicalismo, particularmente, patagónico-fueguino (chileno-argentino), teniendo en cuenta la visión y metodología de análisis geográfico de Eliseo Reclus en sus obras Nueva Geografía Universal y El Hombre y la Tierra, desentramando de esta forma los elementos constituyentes del movimiento obrero-sindical y de los principios que lo movilizaron a principios del siglo XX: la Federación y la Comuna.O seguiente trabalho pretende adentrar na problematica da geografia social e do sindicalismo, particularmente, patagônico-foguino (chileno-argentino), partindo da visão e metodologia da análise geográfica de Élisée Reclus em suas obras Nova Geografia Universal e O Homem e a Terra, destrinchando desta forma os elementos constituíntes do movimento operário-sindical e dos princípios que o mobilizaram no início do século XX: a Federação e a Comuna
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