182 research outputs found

    "Economic Aid to Post-conflict Countries: A Methodological Critique of Collier and Hoeffler"

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    This paper retests the analysis of "Aid Policy and Growth in Post-Conflict Societies," by Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler (October 2002 and forthcoming in European Economic Review). It finds that their data and analysis do not support their conclusions and policy recommendations on the optimal timing and amounts of aid. These conclusions depend on very few observations (13 for the period of peace-onset, 13 for years 4 to 7 when a growth spurt is said to make aid particularly effective, and 8 for the period when aid should taper off); are vulnerable to the same methodological misspecifications identified in the Burnside and Dollar approach on which this analysis is based; and are not grounded in any theoretical formulation about the special relation between aid and growth in post-conflict conditions. Conventional econometric procedures are often not followed; recoding the sample to exclude cases that are not civil wars reduces the effect of aid on growth in post-civil war countries to less than half of what they claim; and the difference with the relationship for "normal" countries becomes negligible (0.26 percentage points), although it depends on identification of the sample. Their claims on the poverty-efficiency of aid are assumed, not analysed. The confidentiality of their policy measure (CPIA) prevented testing the aid-policy relationship.Economic aid Post-conflict Methodology

    Pengaruh Pemberian Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Remaja Awal Sekolah Dasar Di Daerah Wisata Bandungan, Kabupaten Semarang Tahun 2016

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    The problems faced by vulnerable early adolescents include promiscuity, early marriage, abortion and sexual transmitted infections such as HIV/AIDS. In some major cities, around 21-30% of adolescents had sexual intercourse. The number of HIV cases at Semarang Regency were 63 cases, while as many as 19 cases of AIDS. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of materials and methods of reproductive health education to knowledge level of early adolescent of elementary school in the tourist area Bandungan, Semarang regency. This study was an experimental study (true experimental) using the design of a randomized block design. These samples included 54 students grade 5. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate analysis with two-way anova test. The results show there is a difference between the material knowledge of the reproductive organs and puberty (p=0,0001). There was no difference between treatment groups knowledge of lectures, group discussions and brainstorming (p=0,398). The average post-test score highest reproductive material by using group discussions, namely 81,00 and highest average puberty material using the method of brainstorming is 68,89. There is no mutual interaction between materials and methods of reproductive health education to the level of knowledge (p=0,159).The schools should cooperate with the local health clinic that made the program increased knowledge of reproductive health and reproductive organs material puberty. In giving the material reproductive organs, can be used the method of discussion groups and on the provision of material puberty, it can be used a method of brainstorming

    Multilevel Analysis on the Bio-psychosocial and Environment Factors Affecting the Risk of Pneumonia in Infants

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    Background:Pneumonia is an illness of the maincauses of pain and death in toddler in the world. The incidence of pneumonia in Indonesia has increased, from 2007 about 2.1% and in 2013 about 2.7%. Pneumonia in toddler in Indonesia is an issue that is important to do the actions of prevention and control of pneumonia. This study was aimed to investigate the factors bio-psychosocial to the risk of pneumonia in toddlers.Subject and Methods: This was an analytical observational study with case control design, carried out on 2 August to 16 September 2016. A total of 140 subjects in Banjarnegara, Central Java, were selected by fixed disease sampling. The dependent was pneumonia in infants. The independent variables were exposure to CO, H2S, family income, maternal education, householdsmoke exposure, sanitary home, chain-smoking family activity, anxiety. The data was collected by using a questionnaire, check list and recording and analyzed by using Logistic regression.Results: There was influence of exposure of CO (OR = 1.46; 95% CI = 0.17 to 21; p = 0.970), H2S (OR = 0.53; 95%CI = 0.98 to 2.92; p = 0.412), family income (OR = 1.90; 95% CI = 0.78 to 4.65; p= 0.365), maternal education (OR = 1.75; CI = 0.72 to 4.25; p= 0.474), household smoke exposure (OR = 5.63; CI = 2.27 to 13.95; p = 0.001), home sanitation (OR = 6.23; 95% CI = 2.61 to 14.84; p = 0.001), smoking activity (OR = 3.19; 95% CI = 1.33 to 7.66; p = 0.020) and the incidence of pneumonia toddlers. There was the influence of anxiety to pneumonia in toddler (OR = 16; 96% CI = 6.87 to 37.75; p < 0.001). There was the influence of contextual conditions to pneumonia in toddler (ICC = 36.97%; role of thumb 5 to 8% likelihood ratio p = 0.008; 95% CI = 0.45 to 8.17).Conclusion: There is the influence of exposure to CO, H2S, family income, maternal education, household smoke exposure, home sanitation, smoking activity. There is the influence of anxiety of pneumonia in toddler. The condition has influence contextual variations toddler pneumonia incident, so it is noteworthy.Keywords: bio-psychosocial, environmental factor, pneumonia toddlersCorrespondence: Astri Yunita Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Email: [email protected] of Epidemiology and Public Health (2016), 1(1): 1-10https://doi.org/10.26911/jepublichealth.2016.01.01.0

    Pengaruh Tingkat Suku Bunga, Kurs Rupiah terhadap Usd, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi (Growth), dan Harga Minyak Dunia terhadap Kinerja Lq45

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh suku bunga, nilai tukar rupiah terhadap USD, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan harga minyak dunia terhadap kinerja LQ45 baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Dengan mengetahui pengaruh variabel-variabel tersebut, maka hasil dari penelitian ini dapat menjadi referensi bagi investor dalam membuat keputusan investasi saham. Teknik analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Regresi Linier Berganda menggunakan software Eviews 7 dengan variabel independen suku bunga, nilai tukar rupiah terhadap USD, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan harga minyak dunia terhadap variabel dependen kinerja LQ45. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial variabel suku bunga memiliki pengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap kinerja LQ45, harga minyak dunia memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja LQ45, sementara variabel kurs rupiah terhadap USD dan pertumbuhan ekonomi secara parsial tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja LQ45. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa suku bunga, nilai tukar rupiah terhadap USD, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan harga minyak dunia secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja LQ45


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    Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia menyebabkan dikeluarkannya kebijakan yang berpengaruh pada aktivitas kehidupan masyarakat. Salah satunya yaitu himbauan agar masyarakat tetap tinggal dan melakukan aktivitas dari rumah. Keterbatasan selama pandemic, menyebabkan masyarakat berpikir untuk keluar dari masalah terutama dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan tridharma perguruan tinggi diinisiasi berupa program pengabdian masyarakat dengan tema urban farming bertujuan untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut. Urban farming atau berkebun di rumah menjadi populer di tengah pandemi Covid-19 sehingga berdampak pada meningkatnya permintaan terhadap tanaman hias dan sayuran. Pemanfaatan pekarangan rumah yang masih tersisa atau area rooftop, merupakan solusi berkebun di lahan yang terbatas. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan di Desa Cihideung Ilir, Kecamatan Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat dengan peserta yaitu ibu-ibu kader penggerak Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK). Tahapan pelaksanaan meliputi penjajakan potensi desa, koordinasi dengan perangkat desa, pelaksanaan praktik dan evaluasi kegiatan. Metode pelaksanaan melalui 1) pendidikan masyarakat, yaitu penyampaian materi yang bertujuan meningkatkan pemahaman serta kesadaran pada kader sebagai agen of change akan pentingnya urban farming dan pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan dalam rangka mewujudkan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga. 2) Pelatihan dan praktik demonstrasi, untuk menghasilkan keterampilan bercocok tanam. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi program ini dapat dikatakan berhasil melihat antusiasme dari para peserta pada setiap materi yang disampaikan sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. &nbsp; &nbsp


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    Dusun Adat Sembagik Desa Batu Rakit Kecamatan Bayan Kabupaten Lombok Utara masuk dalam kawasan Hutan Adat dan Geopark Rinjani yang terdiri dari berbagai macam pepohonan. Namun, pohon-pohon yang ada banyak yang mati dan mengalami kerusakan. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya konservasi dan reboisasi di hutan Adat Sembagik.Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengganti pohon yang mati dengan bibit-bibit pohon baru supaya tidak terjadi kegersangan dan kerusakan hutan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dengan tahapan persiapan, temu wicara, sosialisasi ke mahasiswa, pembibitan, pelaksanaan kegiatan, dan penutup. Hasil dari pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran masyarakat sangat tinggi dalam merawat, menjaga hutan, dan lingkungan sekitar. Hal ini terbukti dari antusias dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam kegiatan konservasi dan reboisasi di Hutan Adat Dusun Sembagik Desa Batu Rakit Kecamatan Bayan Kabupaten Lombok Utara