541 research outputs found

    Vertical structure of extreme currents in the Faroe-Bank Channel

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    Extreme currents are studied with the aim of understanding their vertical and spatial structures in the Faroe-Bank Channel. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler time series recorded in 3 deployments in this channel were investigated. To understand the main features of extreme events, the measurements were separated into their components through filtering and tidal analysis before applying the extreme value theory to the surge component. The Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution and the Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) were used to study the variation of surge extremes from near-surface to deep waters. It was found that this component alone is not able to explain the extremes measured in total currents, particularly below 500 m. Here the mean residual flow enhanced by tidal rectification was found to be the component feature dominating extremes. Therefore, it must be taken into consideration when applying the extreme value theory, not to underestimate the return level for total currents. Return value speeds up to 250 cm s<sup>–1</sup> for 50/250 years return period were found for deep waters, where the flow is constrained by the topography at bearings near 300/330° It is also found that the UK Meteorological Office FOAM model is unable to reproduce either the magnitude or the form for the extremes, perhaps due to its coarse vertical and horizontal resolution, and is thus not suitable to model extremes on a regional scale.<p> <b>Keywords.</b> Oceanography: Physical (Currents; General circulation; General or miscellaneous

    Vertical structure of currents in the vicinity of the Iceland-Scotland Ridge

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    An analysis of current profiles carried out on moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data sets recorded during the Variability of Exchanges In the Northern Seas project is presented here for several locations in three sections in the vicinity of the Iceland-Scotland Ridge: (1) north of the Faroes, (2) in the Faroe-Bank Channel and (3) in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Total currents have been decomposed into three components, namely the mean residual flow, tide and surge. The mean residual flow is found to be dominant. Results for the major tidal constituents (<i>M<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>S<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>N<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>O<sub>1</sub></i> and <i>K<sub>1</sub></i>) are shown and discussed. It is found that the predominant tidal harmonic <i>M<sub>2</sub></i> becomes steered through depth to align with the bottom topography. The mean residual flow is found to be generally larger than the surge, particularly in the Faroe-Bank Channel below 500m depth where it is the dominant component. Here tidal rectification, i.e. the topographic rectification of tidal currents originating in nonlinearities that rectify the oscillatory tidal motion, is identified as the process enhancing the large mean residual currents found. From the current structure, two water masses are identified in the channel: the upper slowing moving inflow water and the colder outflow water characterised by a 3–6-day periodicity. In the Faroe-Shetland Channel the flow is characterised by large tidal currents, particularly in shallow waters. Instead, north of the Faroes none of the component was identified as dominant. The results show that the variability of the current components is strongly dependent upon topography and water depth.<br><br> <b>Keywords.</b> Oceanography: Physical (Currents; General circulation; General or miscellaneous

    A statistical study of underestimates of wind speeds by VHF radar

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    International audienceComparisons are made between horizontal wind measurements carried out using a VHF-radar system at Aberystwyth (52.4°N, 4.1°W) and radiosondes launched from Aberporth, some 50 km to the south-west. The radar wind results are derived from Doppler wind measurements at zenith angles of 6° in two orthogonal planes and in the vertical direction. Measurements on a total of 398 days over a 2-year period are considered, but the major part of the study involves a statistical analysis of data collected during 75 radiosonde flights selected to minimise the spatial separation of the two sets of measurements. Whereas good agreement is found between the two sets of wind direction, radar-derived wind speeds show underestimates of 4?6% compared with radiosonde values over the height range 4?14 km. Studies of the characteristics of this discrepancy in wind speeds have concentrated on its directional dependence, the effects of the spatial separation of the two sets of measurements, and the influence of any uncertainty in the radar measurements of vertical velocities. The aspect sensitivity of radar echoes has previously been suggested as a cause of underestimates of wind speeds by VHF radar. The present statistical treatment and case-studies show that an appropriate correction can be applied using estimates of the effective radar beam angle derived from a comparison of echo powers at zenith angles of 4.2° and 8.5°

    Performance Analysis of Video Transmission Using Sequential Distortion Minimization Method for Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial

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    This paper presents about the transmission of Digital Video Broadcasting system with streaming video resolution 640x480 on different IQ rate and modulation. In the video transmission, distortion often occurs, so the received video has bad quality. Key frames selection algorithm is flexibel on a change of video, but on these methods, the temporal information of a video sequence is omitted. To minimize distortion between the original video and received video, we aimed at adding methodology using sequential distortion minimization algorithm. Its aim was to create a new video, better than original video without significant loss of content between the original video and received video, fixed sequentially. The reliability of video transmission was observed based on a constellation diagram, with the best result on IQ rate 2 Mhz and modulation 8 QAM. The best video transmission was also investigated using SEDIM (Sequential Distortion Minimization Method) and without SEDIM. The experimental result showed that the PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) average of video transmission using SEDIM was an increase from 19,855 dB to 48,386 dB and SSIM (Structural Similarity) average increase 10,49%. The experimental results and comparison of proposed method obtained a good performance. USRP board was used as RF front-end on 2,2 GHz

    Remote sensing of soil moisture using the propagation of Loran-C navigation signals

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    Family support and cardiac rehabilitation: A comparative study of the experiences of South Asian and White-European patients and their carer's living in the United Kingdom

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    Background: Effective lifestyle modification facilitated by cardiac rehabilitation is known to reduce the occurrence of adverse coronary events and mortality. South Asians have poorer outcomes after a myocardial infarction than the general UK population, but little is known about their experiences of family support, cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle change. Aims: To explore the nature of family support available to a sample of South Asian and White-European cardiac patients and to highlight similarities and differences between these groups with regard to cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle modification. Methods: Using a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews (in 1 of 6 languages) were conducted by researchers with; 45 South Asian patients and 37 carers and 20 White-European patients and 17 carers. Interviews were conducted in a home setting, up to eighteen months after discharge from hospital following myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass surgery or unstable angina. Results: The main themes that emerged related to the provision of advice and information, family support and burden, dietary change and exercise regimes. Conclusions: Several cultural and ethnic differences were identified between patients and their families alongside similarities, irrespective of ethnicity. These may represent generic characteristics of recovery after a cardiac event. Health professionals should develop a cultural repertoire to engage with diversity and difference. Not every difficulty a person encounters as they try to access appropriate service delivery can be attributed to ethnic background. By improving services generally, support for South Asian populations can be improved. The challenge is to know when ethnicity makes a difference and mediates a person's relationship with service support and when it does not. (C) 2007 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Technical note:The horizontal scale dependence of the cloud overlap parameter α

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    The cloud overlap parameter α relates the combined cloud fraction between two altitude levels in a grid box to the cloud fraction as derived under the maximum and random overlap assumptions. In a number of published studies in this and other journals, it is found that α tends to increase with an increasing scale. In this Technical Note, we investigate this analytically by considering what happens to α when two grid boxes are merged to give a grid box with twice the area. Assuming that α depends only on scale, then between any two fixed altitudes, there will be a linear relationship between the values of α on the two scales. We illustrate this by finding the relationship when cloud cover fractions are assumed to be uniformly distributed, but with varying degrees of horizontal and vertical correlation. Based on this, we conclude that α increases with scale if its value is less than the vertical correlation coefficient in cloud fraction between the two altitude levels. This occurs when the clouds are deeper than would be expected at random (i.e. for exponentially distributed cloud depths)

    Vertical structure of extreme currents in the Faroe-Bank Channel

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