15 research outputs found

    The Role of Process Measurement in Test-Driven Development

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    Using models to dynamically refactor runtime code

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    Modern software systems that play critical roles in society's infrastructures are often required to change at runtime so that they can continuously provide essential services in the dynamic environments they operate in. Updating open, distributed software systems at runtime is very challenging. Using runtime models as an interface for updating software at runtime can help developers manage the complexity of updating software while it is executing. To support this idea, we developed the FiGA framework that permits developers to update running software through changes made to UML models of the running software. In this paper, we address the following question: can the UML models be used to express any type of code change a developer desires? Specifically, we report our experience on applying Fowler's code refactoring catalog through model refactoring in the FiGA framework. The goal of this work is to show that the set of FiGA change operators is complete by showing that the refactorings at the source code level can be expressed as model changes in the FiGA approach

    Fifteen compilers in fifteen days

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    Agile Software Development at Scale

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