28 research outputs found

    Dilaton photoproduction in a magnetic dipole field of pulsars and magnetars

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    According to Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory, the dilaton field ψ\psi can be produced by electromagnetic fields with non-zero Maxwell invariant. So electromagnetic wave propagating in an external electromagnetic field is a typical source of dilaton radiation. For study dilaton photoproduction in astrophysical conditions it's interesting to consider plane elliptically polarized electromagnetic wave propagating in the electromagnetic field of magnetic dipole m{\bf m} of pulsars and magnetars. The dilation field equation is solved in case ∣ψ∣≪1|\psi| \ll 1. The angular distribution dilaton radiation is studied in every point of space. It's shown that spectral composition of dilatons is similar to spectral composition of plane electromagnetic wave. Amount of dilaton energy radiated in time and all directions is greatest in condition (B12−B22)(mx2−my2)≥0,(B_1^2-B_2^2)(m_x^2-m_y^2)\geq 0, where B1B_1 and B2B_2 are electromagnetic wave amplitudes along the axes of polarization ellipse. This condition is valid for many neutron star systems

    Bound on a flux of ultra-high energy neutrinos in a scenario with extra dimensions

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    Assuming that a single-flavor diffuse neutrino flux dN_nu/dE_nu is equal to k*E_nu^(-2) in the energy range 10^(17) eV - 2.5*10^(19) eV, an upper bound on k is calculated in the ADD model as a function of the number of extra dimensions n and gravity scale M_D. An expected number of neutrino induced events at the Surface Detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory is estimated.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to the Proceedings of the XXth International Seminar "Quarks-2018

    The population structure of Nepeta pamirensis at different altitudes in the Pamirs (Tajikistan)

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    The structure of alpine plant populations is one of the main criteria for assessing the current state of alpine flora. Species of the genus Nepeta, most of which belong to alpine plants, can be universal objects for assessing changes in environmental conditions, including the impact of anthropogenic pressure. The article discusses the ontogenetic structure and population size in connection with the change in the life form of Nepeta pamirensis at different heights of the Pamirs (3060-4250 m a.s.l.). Our research showed that the ontogenetic spectra of different populations are different. These differences are linked to changes in the life form, the length of ontogenesis and how well seeds reproduce. Populations were studied using transects. The individual seed was taken as the counting unit. In total, 3 populations were studied and more than 750 individuals of different ontogenetic states were included in the analysis. The ontogenetic structure of populations was characterized using basic demographic indicators: the recovery index, ageing index, generative index and the ecological density index. Depending on the altitude gradient, the species was characterized by different efficiencies of seed reproduction, which determined the different densities of individuals in plant communities of distribution. In general, with an increase in the height of distribution of a species, the structure of the population became more stable

    Morphogenesis and structural adaptation of Nepeta podostachys Benth. and N. kokanica Regel from Tajikistan

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    Morphogenesis and structure of monocarpic shoots of Nepeta podostachys Benth. and N. kokanica Regel from Tajikistan were studied

    Dilaton photoproduction in a magnetic dipole field of pulsars and magnetars

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    Abstract According to Einstein–Maxwell-dilaton theory, the dilaton field \varvec{\psi } ψ can be produced by electromagnetic fields with non-zero Maxwell invariant. So electromagnetic wave propagating in an external electromagnetic field is a typical source of dilaton radiation. For study dilaton photoproduction in astrophysical conditions it’s interesting to consider plane elliptically polarized electromagnetic wave propagating in the electromagnetic field of magnetic dipole m\textbf{m} m of pulsars and magnetars. The dilation field equation is solved in case |\varvec{\psi }| {\mathbf {\ll 1}} | ψ | ≪ 1 . The angular distribution dilaton radiation is studied in every point of space. It’s shown that spectral composition of dilatons is similar to spectral composition of plane electromagnetic wave. Amount of dilaton energy radiated in time and all directions is greatest in condition ({{\varvec{B}}}_{\textbf{1}}^{\textbf{2}}-{{\varvec{B}}}_{\textbf{2}}^{\textbf{2}})({{\varvec{m}}}_{{\varvec{x}}}^{\textbf{2}}-{{\varvec{m}}}_{{\varvec{y}}}^{\textbf{2}})\ge 0, ( B 1 2 - B 2 2 ) ( m x 2 - m y 2 ) ≥ 0 , where {{\varvec{B}}}_{\textbf{1}} B 1 and {{\varvec{B}}}_{\textbf{2}} B 2 are electromagnetic wave amplitudes along the axes of polarization ellipse. This condition is valid for many neutron star systems


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    The purpose of the work: the analysis of the constituents errors, coordinate methods and means of measure (CMM) of parameters of the evolvent surfaces; the development of the mathematical model of the evolvent surfaces parameters coordinate measure procedure; the development of methods and means of check, calibration and tests of the created coordinate methods and means of measure of the evolvent surfaces parameters; the investigations of the developed coordinate methods and means of measure of the evolvent surfaces parameters and its metrological ensurance. Developed and investigated has been a new coordinate method of measure of the evolvent surfaces parameters with use of the coordinate measuring machines; developed and investigated have been the new scientific and technical solutions of the problems of the increase of accuracy of the evolvent surfaces parameters with the aid of the coordinate methods and means of measure. The results of the work have been introduced in the number of enterprises and organisations of machine construction and State Standart of Russia, and used in the Federal program "Standards of Russia" in the part of creation of the system of ensurance of measure uniqueness of the evolvent surfaces geometrical parameters with use of the coordinate methods and means of measureAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Development of methods and theory of geodetic support for maintenance of large scale industrial plants

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    The paper was aimed at the theoretical substantiation and further development of methods of geodetic control over the geometric parameters of the large scale industrial plants in the working mode of operation. As a result an important scientific and technical problem in one of the trends of applied geodesy, namely a new theoretical substantiation of the composition of teh geodetic measurings, was solved. A new system of geodetic control over the geometrical parameters of the industrial plants in the working mode of operation was developed and introduced into operation at a number of industries, including both ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, pulp-and-paper industry, production of construction materialsAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Ontogenesis and architectural analysis of

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    The article presents research of Myricaria bracteata shrub ontogenesis and architecture under East Kazakhstan conditions. The study revealed that the specimen ontogenesis is complete and includes two phases of development: a primary shoot and a primary bush. The adult speciment structure is built due to consistent development of perennial orthotropic/skewed orthotropic skeletal axes was forming from the resting buds. Annually dying lateral vegetative and generative shoots are formed of branching resting buds located on these axes. The architectural unit of M. bracteata consists of 5 categories of axes: 1 – perennial orthotropic, 2 – perennial lateral skewed orthotropic, 3 – annual lateral generative bracteose, 4 – annual lateral generative frondose, 5 – annual lateral vegetative ones

    Biomorphological analysis and developmental features of two short-lived plants: Stachys annua (L.) L. and Clinopodium acinos (L.) Kuntze

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    To clarify life form, ontogeny and features shoot formation of individuals Stachys annua and Clinopodium acinos were studied. It was found that the duration ontogeny of species is determined by rate of development shoot of an individual. It was found that both species bloom in the first year, however, individuals of S. annua, having reached their maximum growth, completely die off at the end of the first growing season. Accelerated development of S. annua individuals leads to the formation of powerful synflorescence and inhibition development unrealized buds of basal part shoot. In contrast to S. annua, ontogeny of C. acinos individuals is long (5–6 years). The slowed down development rate of the C. acinos shoot leads formation of a weak generative sphere and development of innovation zone consisting of 1–2 metameres with functionally developed naked buds. The performed biomorphological analysis allows us to classify S. annua as typical annual monocarpic, C. acinos as oligocarpic, belonging to the sensu lato short-lived plants group