6 research outputs found

    Comparison of polyphenols and anthocyanin content of different blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) cultivars at the Polli Horticultural Research Centre in Estonia

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    The evaluation of blackcurrant cultivars and their fruit properties at the Polli Horticultural Research Centre has been active since 1945. In addition to the assessment of biological and economic properties of cultivars, it is essential to pay attention to fruit quality. In 2014, the laboratory building of Polli Horticultural Research Centre was reconstructed within the PlantValor competence centre project, enabling to introduce HPLC methods for the determination of polyphenolic compounds in fruit quality analysis. In 2017 and 2018, the fruit quality of 37 blackcurrant cultivars of different geographical origin (Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Scotland, Sweden and Ukraine) was analysed. All cultivars were grown in the genetic resources collection (2008–2019) located at the Polli Horticultural Research Centre. The main aim of the study was to analyse the content of polyphenols and anthocyanins for selecting suitable blackcurrant genotypes for breeding programmes, fruit production and possible product development. In two consecutive years of the study, the total polyphenols content in the fruits of different cultivars varied 290–634 mg 100 g-1 fresh weight (fw) and the anthocyanins 183–471 mg 100 g-1 fw

    MahepÔllumajandusse sobivate marja- ja puuviljade sordikataloog

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    TĂ€istekstSordiaretustöö tulemusena on puuvilja- ja marjakultuuride sortide valik lai. Kahjuks mitte kĂ”ik sordid ei sobi Eesti kliimavöötmes kasvatamiseks. Üha enam kasutavad tootjad vĂ”imalust tuua teistes riikides kasvatatavate sortide paljundus- ja istutusmaterjali, mis on aga enamasti aretatud intensiivviljeluses kasvatamiseks. Paraku on see ettevĂ”tja risk, kui ta toob teisest riigist mahekasvatamiseks uusi sorte, mis on kĂŒlmaĂ”rnad ning haigustele ja kahjuritele vastuvĂ”tlikud. KĂ€esolevas materjalis on koondatud puuvilja- ja marjakultuuride sordid, mida on katsetatud ja uuritud Eesti MaaĂŒlikooli PĂ”llumajandus- ja Keskkonnainstituudi Polli aiandusuuringute keskuse sordikollektsioonides. Puuviljasortide osas tutvustatakse kahte hapukirsi ja kolme maguskirsi sorti, kolme ploomi sorti, kahte pirni sorti, viit Ă”una sorti ja nelja astelpaju sorti. Marjasortide osas tutvustatakse seitset musta sĂ”stra sorti, kahte punase sĂ”stra sorti, kahte valge sĂ”stra sorti, viit karusmarja sorti, viit vaarika sorti ja kolme maasika sorti. KĂ”ik tutvustatavad sordid sobivad kasvatamiseks maheviljeluses. TrĂŒkistest „MahepĂ”llumajanduslik marjakasvatus“ ja „MahepĂ”llumajanduslik puuviljakasvatus“ saab tĂ€psemalt lugeda marjade ja puuviljade kasvatamise, taimekaitse, koristamise ja sĂ€ilitamise kohta. EMÜ Polli aiandusuuringute keskuse kollektsioonistandikes olevate sortide kohta saab lugeda http://sordivaramu. emu.ee

    Estonian fruit and berry cultivars

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    KĂ€esolev kataloog pakub teavet Polli aiandusuuringute keskuse sordikollektsioonis olevate Eesti puuvilja- ja marjasortide kohta. Sorte sĂ€ilitatakse Polli aedades asuva Eesti taimede geenivaramu ĂŒhe osana. Hoida kodumaiseid sorte kĂ”igepealt Eestis, kus nad on tekkinud – see on meie rahvusvaheline kohustus, mis tuleneb Eesti riigi liitumisest bioloogilise mitmekesisuse konventsiooniga. Meil puuduvad praegu teadmised, missuguseid geene on vanades vĂ”i praegu kasvatamisest kĂ”rvale jÀÀnud sortides tulevaste pĂ”lvkondade sordiloome vajadusteks (nĂ€iteks muutuva kliima vĂ”i taimehaiguste tĂ”ttu), seepĂ€rast on vaja sĂ€ilitada ka neid sorte. Kataloog tutvustab pĂ”hjalikumalt soovitussortimendi sorte ja mĂ”ningaid viimasel aastakĂŒmnel aretatud perspektiivseid sorte. Õitsemisaegne kĂŒlm vĂ”ib viljapuude Ă”ied Ă€ra vĂ”tta. Kui Ă”ied on saanud kahjustada, siis ei tule ka vilju. Igal aastal ei Ă”nnestu kĂ”ikide sortide vilju nĂ€ha. MĂ”ned Pollis sĂ€ilitatavate sortide viljapuud on nii noored, et ei kanna veel vilju. Neil pĂ”hjustel ei olnud kataloogi tarvis Polli fotoarhiivist vĂ”tta kĂ”iki vajalikke pilte. Aitasid RĂ€pina aianduskool, Saare-TĂ”rvaaugu aiandustalu, RĂ”hu katsekeskus, Roogoja talu ja Asta Kase koduaed. Kes tunneb huvi raamatus kirjeldatud sortide koduaias kasvatamise vastu, vĂ”iks pöörduda Polli aiandusuuringute keskusesse (tel 433 1443, [email protected]). Ave Kikas, Polli aiandusuuringute keskuse juhatajaThis catalogue provides information about fruit and berry cultivars of Estonian origin, preserved in the collections of Polli Horticultural Research Centre. The cultivars maintained in the gardens at Polli form part of the Estonian national plant genetic resources collection. Preserving the native cultivars first and foremost in Estonia, in the region where they were bred – this is our international obligation, responsibility the Republic of Estonia has taken when joining the Convention on Biological Diversity. We do not possess enough knowledge about favourable genes present in old or less used cultivars, the genes and traits that could be utilised by breeders of generations to come in breeding programmes that might come up resulting from climate changes or emerging new plant diseases. For this reason the variety of cultivars not actively used in present day production need to be preserved as well. The catalogue gives more detailed introduction about the cultivars included in the national list of recommended cultivars and some of the prospective cultivars bred during the last decade. It is rather complicated to take photographs of all the variety of cultivars during one season. The spring frosts occurring during the bloom can damage the flowers in fruit trees, when flowers are damaged there will be no fruits. Some fruit trees from cultivars preserved in the collections at Polli are very young and therefore not bearing fruits yet. For these reasons we did not succeed in finding all the necessary illustrative photographs for the catalogue from our own archive. We are grateful for RĂ€pina Gardening College, Saare-TĂ”rvaaugu Horticultural Farm, RĂ”hu Testing Centre, Roogoja Farm and home garden of Asta Kask who all helped us with this. Further information about growing the cultivars described in the catalogue could be obtained from Polli Horticultural Research Centre (phone + 372 433 1443, [email protected]). Ave Kikas, Head of Polli Horticultural Research Centr

    Assessment of the Aim Characteristics of Strawberry <i>(Fragaria × Ananassa)</i> Cultivars in Estonia by Using the K-Means Clustering Method

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    Choosing an excellent method to compare the aim characteristics of a large number of cultivars simultaneously in a sufficiently comprehensive way is often an essential challenge for breeders. This article presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of the Estonian conditions of 58 strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) cultivars of various geographical origins according to the main economically useful markers. Based on two years of data, cultivars were clustered separately for each marker using the K-means clustering method. Considering the data on the aim characteristics, including high yield, high fruit weight, high total soluble solids TSS (°Brix) content, optimal titratable acidity TA (%) content, and a high °Brix/acidity ratio, the groups of similar cultivars formed clearly. The validation of cultivars into similar groups is important for further breeding decisions. A K-means clustering method is ideal for clustering strawberry cultivars according to their characteristics

    Supplementary table for KaldmÀe et al. in the International Journal of Fruit Science with the title Influence of pollination conditions on fruit set of selected blackcurrant genotypes and recently released cultivars

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    Data collection 2006-2007. Fruit set of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) cultivars ‘Almo’, ‘ Ats’, ‘ Elo’, and ‘ Karri’ and four breeder's selections was investigated under open pollination, artificial, and natural self-pollination conditions in 2006–2007