18 research outputs found

    Influência do material particulado atmosférico na incidência e mortalidade por câncer no município de São Paulo, Brasil

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    This study aimed to verify the impact of inhalable particulate matter (PM10) on cancer incidence and mortality in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Statistical techniques were used to investigate the relationship between PM10 on cancer incidence and mortality in selected districts. For some types of cancer (skin, lung, thyroid, larynx, and bladder) and some periods, the correlation coefficients ranged from 0.60 to 0.80 for incidence. Lung cancer mortality showed more correlations during the overall period. Spatial analysis showed that districts distant from the city center showed higher than expected relative risk, depending on the type of cancer. According to the study, urban PM10 can contribute to increased incidence of some cancers and may also contribute to increased cancer mortality. The results highlight the need to adopt measures to reduce atmospheric PM10 levels and the importance of their continuous monitoring

    Urban, traffic- related particles and lung tumors in urethane treated mice

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    OBJECTIVE: The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of urban, traffic-related, fine particulate matter (PM2.5) on mice lung tumorigenesis under controlled exposure conditions. METHODS: Four groups of female Swiss mice were treated with intraperitonial injections of urethane and saline solution. Urethane was used to start the carcinogenesis process. The animals were housed in two chambers receiving filtered and polluted air. In the polluted air chamber, pollutant levels were low. After two months of exposure, the animals were euthanized and lung tumoral nodules were counted. RESULTS: Saline-treated animals showed no nodules. Urethane-treated animals showed 2.0+2.0 and 4.0+3.0 nodules respectively, in the filtered and non-filtered chambers (p = 0.02), thus showing experimental evidence of increased carcinogenic-induced lung cancer with increasing PM2.5 exposure. CONCLUSION: Our data support the concept that low levels of PM2.5 may increase the risk of developing lung tumors

    Aqueous Extract of Agaricus blazei Murrill Prevents Age-Related Changes in the Myenteric Plexus of the Jejunum in Rats

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    This study evaluated the effects of the supplementation with aqueous extract of Agaricus blazei Murrill (ABM) on biometric and blood parameters and quantitative morphology of the myenteric plexus and jejunal wall in aging Wistar rats. The animals were euthanized at 7 (C7), 12 (C12 and CA12), and 23 months of age (C23 and CA23). The CA12 and CA23 groups received a daily dose of ABM extract (26 mg/animal) via gavage, beginning at 7 months of age. A reduction in food intake was observed with aging, with increases in the Lee index, retroperitoneal fat, intestinal length, and levels of total cholesterol and total proteins. Aging led to a reduction of the total wall thickness, mucosa tunic, villus height, crypt depth, and number of goblet cells. In the myenteric plexus, aging quantitatively decreased the population of HuC/D + neuronal and S100 + glial cells, with maintenance of the nNOS + nitrergic subpopulation and increase in the cell body area of these populations. Supplementation with the ABM extract preserved the myenteric plexus in old animals, in which no differences were detected in the density and cell body profile of neurons and glial cells in the CA12 and CA23 groups, compared with C7 group. The supplementation with the aqueous extract of ABM efficiently maintained myenteric plexus homeostasis, which positively influenced the physiology and prevented the death of the neurons and glial cells

    Feasibility and importance of reducing emissions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) for recycling and control in use

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    Uma pesquisa de campo foi conduzida para verificar as condições reais de utilização de clorofluorcarbonos em sistemas de refrigeração e de condicionamento de ar. A pesquisa cobriu os setores de refrigeração de supermercados, ar condicionado de edifícios e oficinas de reparação e de manutenção de geladeiras, \"Freezers\" e condicionadores de ar compactos e automotivos. A região escolhida para a pesquisa está localizada no município de São Paulo, tendo uma superfície de 12,504 Km2. As seguintes conclusões principais resultaram deste estudo: Predomina o consumo do HCFC 22 nos usuários pesquisados; a reciclagem e a recuperação ocorrem em pequena escala na região estudada; os sistemas de condicionamento de ar automotivos são a fonte mais significativa de substâncias agressivas à camada de ozônio, nos usuários pesquisados; vazamentos ocorrem por práticas de serviço não adequadas; a utilização do CFC 11 para limpeza de circuitos reduz o ganho obtido em sistemas que empregam o HCFC 22; a manutenção preventiva mostrou ser eficaz tanto para reduzir o consumo de gás refrigerante, como para reduzir a substituição de peças e componentes; a reciclagem e a recuperação do gás refrigerante tem efeito positivo em relação à camada de ozônio, economiza recursos naturais, reduz o consumo de energia, os riscos ao meio ambiente e à saúde da comunidade em geral. Finalmente, são feitas recomendações para o estabelecimento de um programa efetivo de reciclagem e recuperação de gases refrigerantes.A field study was performed for verifying the actual conditions of the use of chlorofluorcarbons in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The study has covered the sectors of supermarket refrigeration, building air conditioning systems, and refrigerators freezers and compact and automobile air conditioning systems repair shops. The region chosen for this study is located in the city of Sao Paulo and it has an area of 12.504 km2. The following conclusions resulted from the study: There is a predominance of the of HCFC 22 in the systems surveyied; recycling and recuperation are used in small scale in the region of the study; in the users covered by the study, the automobile air conditioning sector is the most important source of emission of ozone depleting substances; leaks occur because of bad service practices; the use of CFC 11 for circuit cleaning decreases the the gain obtained with the use of HCFC 22; the preventive maintenance has proved to be very efficient both for reducing the consum of refrigeration gases and for reducing the consum of parts and components of the refrigeration system; recycling and recuperation of refrigeration gases have positive effects in relation to the ozone layer, it saves natural resources, and reduces the risk to the enviromnent and to the public health. Finally, recommendations are made for the establishment of an effective refrigerant conservation program

    Feasibility and importance of reducing emissions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) for recycling and control in use

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    Uma pesquisa de campo foi conduzida para verificar as condições reais de utilização de clorofluorcarbonos em sistemas de refrigeração e de condicionamento de ar. A pesquisa cobriu os setores de refrigeração de supermercados, ar condicionado de edifícios e oficinas de reparação e de manutenção de geladeiras, \"Freezers\" e condicionadores de ar compactos e automotivos. A região escolhida para a pesquisa está localizada no município de São Paulo, tendo uma superfície de 12,504 Km2. As seguintes conclusões principais resultaram deste estudo: Predomina o consumo do HCFC 22 nos usuários pesquisados; a reciclagem e a recuperação ocorrem em pequena escala na região estudada; os sistemas de condicionamento de ar automotivos são a fonte mais significativa de substâncias agressivas à camada de ozônio, nos usuários pesquisados; vazamentos ocorrem por práticas de serviço não adequadas; a utilização do CFC 11 para limpeza de circuitos reduz o ganho obtido em sistemas que empregam o HCFC 22; a manutenção preventiva mostrou ser eficaz tanto para reduzir o consumo de gás refrigerante, como para reduzir a substituição de peças e componentes; a reciclagem e a recuperação do gás refrigerante tem efeito positivo em relação à camada de ozônio, economiza recursos naturais, reduz o consumo de energia, os riscos ao meio ambiente e à saúde da comunidade em geral. Finalmente, são feitas recomendações para o estabelecimento de um programa efetivo de reciclagem e recuperação de gases refrigerantes.A field study was performed for verifying the actual conditions of the use of chlorofluorcarbons in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The study has covered the sectors of supermarket refrigeration, building air conditioning systems, and refrigerators freezers and compact and automobile air conditioning systems repair shops. The region chosen for this study is located in the city of Sao Paulo and it has an area of 12.504 km2. The following conclusions resulted from the study: There is a predominance of the of HCFC 22 in the systems surveyied; recycling and recuperation are used in small scale in the region of the study; in the users covered by the study, the automobile air conditioning sector is the most important source of emission of ozone depleting substances; leaks occur because of bad service practices; the use of CFC 11 for circuit cleaning decreases the the gain obtained with the use of HCFC 22; the preventive maintenance has proved to be very efficient both for reducing the consum of refrigeration gases and for reducing the consum of parts and components of the refrigeration system; recycling and recuperation of refrigeration gases have positive effects in relation to the ozone layer, it saves natural resources, and reduces the risk to the enviromnent and to the public health. Finally, recommendations are made for the establishment of an effective refrigerant conservation program