654 research outputs found


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    Este memorial faz parte de minha promoção docente para o cargo de professor titular da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Nele, apresento minha trajetória acadêmica, enfatizando minha carreira como pesquisador na área psicoeducacional e psicometria. This memorial is part of my promotion to the position of full professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. I present my academic trajectory, emphasizing my career as a researcher in the psychoeducational and psychometrics fields.  Article visualizations


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    The study proposes the utility of time series methodology in the study of processes in educational psychology. Conjointly, the study applies time series in the study of cognitive achievement. Thirteen students from seventh to ninth grades performed an inductive reasoning test. The performance was measured in 20 different occasions and the observations were aggregated to generate a times series of 260 observations (20 different occasions by each individual multiplied by 13 participants). Result shows that a seasonal ARIMA (0,0,1) (1,1,1) adequately fits the data through a model comparative approach. Concluding, despites the complexity, ARIMA methodology is capable to investigate process, reducing the object of the study without lost its fundamental properties and dynamical aspects.  Article visualizations

    Advocating the broad use of the decision tree method in education

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    Predictive studies have been widely undertaken in the field of education to provide strategic information about the extensive set of processes related to teaching and learning, as well as about what variables predict certain educational outcomes, such as academic achievement or dropout. As in any other area, there is a set of standard techniques that is usually used in predictive studies in the field education. Even though the Decision Tree Method is a well-known and standard approach in Data Mining and Machine Learning, and is broadly used in data science since the 1980's, this method is not part of the mainstream techniques used in predictive studies in the field of education. In this paper, we support a broad use of the Decision Tree Method in education. Instead of presenting formal algorithms or mathematical axioms to present the Decision Tree Method, we strictly present the method in practical terms, focusing on the rationale of the method, on how to interpret its results, and also, on the reasons why it should be broadly applied. We first show the modus operandi of the Decision Tree Method through a didactic example; afterwards, we apply the method in a classification task, in order to analyze specific educational data.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Metacognition is defined as the capacity of the persons to monitor, to regulate and to construct knowledge about their inner processes. Theoretically, this construct is relevant to Education and correlated areas, since the process of learning and knowledge construction involves metacognition. Besides, there are evidences that certain metacognitive components are predictors of academic achievement of the students. Regarding these aspects, this paper proposes a methodology that permits educators to elaborate metacognitive school exams, which are capable of measuring both the students' knowledge of an educational domain (i.e., concepts pertaining to biology, chemistry, history, mathematics, physics, and so on), and the following metacognitive abilities: feeling-of-knowing, monitoring (detection of errors), self-management, and judgment. In this paper, we present the methodology stressing on the steps that enable the teacher to elaborate a school exam capable of measuring a target educational domain, as well as the stated metacognitive abilities. Concomitantly, we apply this methodology, showing the construction of the Metacognitive School Exam in Electrostatics


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    Metacognition is defined as the capacity of the persons to monitor, to regulate and to construct knowledge about their inner processes. Theoretically, this construct is relevant to Education and correlated areas, since the process of learning and knowledge construction involves metacognition. Besides, there are evidences that certain metacognitive components are predictors of academic achievement of the students. Regarding these aspects, this paper proposes a methodology that permits educators to elaborate metacognitive school exams, which are capable of measuring both the students' knowledge of an educational domain (i.e., concepts pertaining to biology, chemistry, history, mathematics, physics, and so on), and the following metacognitive abilities: feeling-of-knowing, monitoring (detection of errors), self-management, and judgment. In this paper, we present the methodology stressing on the steps that enable the teacher to elaborate a school exam capable of measuring a target educational domain, as well as the stated metacognitive abilities. Concomitantly, we apply this methodology, showing the construction of the Metacognitive School Exam in Electrostatics.  Article visualizations

    Fundamentos y aplicabilidad del Modelado Exploratorio de Ecuaciones Estructurales en contextos psicoeducativos

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    In last few years, the use of confi rmatory factor analysis (CFA) has become dominant in structural validation of psychological tests. However, the requirement of latent variables only loading on specific target items introduces some constraints on the solutions found, namely a factor solution that links some items only in one specific dimension. The most recent use of exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), which allows items to be predominantly related to a factor, with non-zero loadings on other factors, has been identifi ed as the one that best respects the proper functioning of the assessed psychological attributes. Method: In this study we compared the two approaches to structural validity using the answers of a sample of 2,478 fi rst-year higher education students to a multidimensional questionnaire of academic expectations. Results: The results show clear gains in information collected when combining CFA and ESEM. Conclusions: In conclusion, some implications are highlighted for research and practice of psychological assessment.En los últimos años, el uso del Análisis Factorial Confi rmatorio (AFC) se ha convertido en un tipo de análisis predominante en la validación de tests psicológicos. Sin embargo, el requisito de que las variables latentes únicamente carguen sobre algunas de las respectivas dimensiones de destino conlleva algunas restricciones a las soluciones obtenidas; es decir, una solución factorial que requiere la vinculación de ciertos ítems solo en una dimensión. El uso más reciente del Modelo Exploratorio de Ecuaciones Estructurales (ESEM), que permite que los ítems puedan ser predominantemente relacionados con un factor y con cargas diferentes a cero en otros factores, ha sido identifi cado como aquel que mejor respeta el buen funcionamiento de los atributos psicológicos evaluados. Método: en este estudio, con las respuestas de una muestra de 2.478 estudiantes de primer año de la enseñanza superior a un cuestionario multidimensional de expectativas académicas, hemos comparado los dos enfoques de validez estructural. Resultados: los resultados muestran claros benefi cios en la información recopilada al combinar el AFC y el ESEM. Conclusiones: como conclusión se señalan algunas implicaciones para la investigación y la práctica de evaluación psicológica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O artigo analisa o periódico Regeneración, fundado na Cidade do México por Ricardo Flores Magón, e órgão do PLM a partir de 1905, por meio do qual criticavam o governo do general Porfirio Díaz; e, além disso, o veículo organizativo e programático do movimento que o sustentou e que historicamente é definido como magonismo. O periódico defende que uma revolução é, além de uma luta armada, um enfrentamento de valores éticos, e que para forjar uma sociedade sem opressores seria preciso que os indivíduos defendessem essa concepção na prática. O periódico percorre uma trajetória que inclui a critica ao sistema judiciário do México, a denúncia das condições políticas e sociais durante o governo de Porfirio Díaz, a crônica sistemática da Revolução Mexicana, e a denúncia das condições da população mexicana, inclusive dos trabalhadores nos Estados Unidos, até a sua inserção em uma rede anarquista internacional

    Em busca de um modelo psico-educativo para a avaliação de softwares educacionais

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.Introdução. Uma das questões que merece grande destaque em nosso cenário contemporâneo é a questão da aprendizagem por meio das Novas Tecnologias. Afinal, o que é aprender? Por quê aprendemos e como aprendemos? E como podemos aprender utilizando a Internet, ambientes virtuais, a inteligência artificial, etc? Neste sentido, este trabalho estabeleceu critérios que venham a servir de guia para uma análise do modo como os Softwares Educacionais enfocam e mobilizam o processo de aprendizagem do seu usuário (o aluno). Objetivo. Buscar definir um Modelo Psico-Educativo que norteie referenciais conceituais e estabeleça critérios para a análise operacional dos Softwares Educacionais e sua forma de intervenção junto ao processo de aprendizagem. Método. Foram determinados os seguintes passos: 1. A fundamentação do Modelo Psico-Educativo, através da Teoria da Modificabilidade Cognitiva Estrutural e da Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada, de Reuven Feuerstein, e sua aplicabilidade junto aos Softwares Educacionais. 2. A concepção de Instrumentos de Análise, visando a operacionalização da avaliação dos Softwares Educativos, junto às suas formas de intervenção frente ao processo de aprendizagem. 3. A proposição de uma classificação geral para os Softwares Educacionais, tendo em vista sua postura frente ao processo de aprendizagem e intervenção cognitiva junto ao educando. Conclusão. A existência de teorias construtivistas, que englobam o processo cognitivo, sustenta novas possibilidades de confecção e análise do papel dos Softwares Educacionais junto ao processo de aprendizagem. Além dos avanços teóricos, avanços tecnológicos, tais como a Inteligência Artificial, vêm possibilitando a emergência de um novo paradigma a respeito da função dos Softwares e sua aplicabilidade junto à Educação. Introduction. One of the questions that merely great emphasis in our contemporary scenario is the learning question through the New Technologies. Finally, what's meaning the word learn? Why do we learning and how we learning? And how we can learn using the Internet, virtual environments, artificial Intelligence, etc? In this sense, this work aim focus the teaching and learning process and the Educational Software, building criterions that could serve of guide to a cognitive analysis of the learning process involving by the Educational Software programming. Objective. To define a Psycho-Educative Model that create both elemental concepts and criterions to a operational analysis of the Educational Softwares and your intervention shapes relative the learning process. Method. The steps was determined in this way: 1. The creation of Psycho-Educative Model, through Feuerstein's Structural Cognitive Modifiability Theory and Mediated Learning Experience, and your applicability to Educational Softwares. 2. The conception of the Analyze Tools, to aim the Educational Softwares evaluation, relative them intervention shapes about the learning process. 3. The proposition of a general classification to Educational Softwares. Conclusion. The existence of construtivistic theories, that embrace the cognitive process, support new possibilities of confection and the analysis of the Educational Softwares role relative the learning process. Behind the theoretical advances, technological advances, like Artificial Intelligence, go to the possibility to the emergency of the new paradigm in respect of the Softwares role and them applicability about Education

    Preditores do Desempenho em Matemática de Estudantes do Ensino Médio

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    Acknowledging the relevance of mathematics education, as well the evidence about predictors related to achievement in this domain, the present study performed a predictive analysis of students’ mathematics achievement in the National Exam for Secondary Education, employing the Regression Tree Method and a model with 53 predictors. Results indicated that the model explained 29.97% of the mathematics achievement variance. Certain variables are related to worse achievement in mathematics: Students’ family monthly income equal or smaller than 2 minimum wages, be female, have not attended Primary and Secondary Education in private schools, live in North, North East and Center West regions of Brazil, be highly motivated to perform the exam to obtain Secondary Education certificate or scholarship. The results obtained highlight the role of variables related to the individual, school and family as predictors of mathematics achievement.   Considerando a relevância da formação em matemática, assim como a evidência de preditores relacionados ao desempenho nesse domínio, realizou-se no presente estudo uma análise preditiva do desempenho matemático de inscritos no Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio de 2011, empregando a abordagem de Regressão em Árvore e um modelo com 53 preditores. Os resultados indicam que o modelo explicou 29,97% da variância do desempenho em matemática na amostra teste. Determinadas variáveis relacionam-se a um pior rendimento em matemática: renda familiar de até dois salários mínimos, sexo feminino, não ter cursado escolas particulares no ensino fundamental e no ensino médio, residir nas regiões Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste, e estar altamente motivado para fazer o Exame para obter certificação ou bolsa de estudos. Os resultados obtidos salientam o papel de variáveis relacionadas ao indivíduo, à escola e à família como preditoras do desempenho em matemática