15 research outputs found

    Immune Modulation in Primary Vaccinia virus Zoonotic Human Infections

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    In 2010, the WHO celebrated the 30th anniversary of the smallpox eradication. Ironically, infections caused by viruses related to smallpox are being increasingly reported worldwide, including Monkeypox, Cowpox, and Vaccinia virus (VACV). Little is known about the human immunological responses elicited during acute infections caused by orthopoxviruses. We have followed VACV zoonotic outbreaks taking place in Brazil and analyzed cellular immune responses in patients acutely infected by VACV. Results indicated that these patients show a biased immune modulation when compared to noninfected controls. Amounts of B cells are low and less activated in infected patients. Although present, T CD4+ cells are also less activated when compared to noninfected individuals, and so are monocytes/macrophages. Similar results were obtained when Balb/C mice were experimentally infected with a VACV sample isolated during the zoonotic outbreaks. Taking together, the data suggest that zoonotic VACVs modulate specific immune cell compartments during an acute infection in humans

    Clinical Study Immune Modulation in Primary Vaccinia virus Zoonotic Human Infections

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    In 2010, the WHO celebrated the 30th anniversary of the smallpox eradication. Ironically, infections caused by viruses related to smallpox are being increasingly reported worldwide, including Monkeypox, Cowpox, and Vaccinia virus (VACV). Little is known about the human immunological responses elicited during acute infections caused by orthopoxviruses. We have followed VACV zoonotic outbreaks taking place in Brazil and analyzed cellular immune responses in patients acutely infected by VACV. Results indicated that these patients show a biased immune modulation when compared to noninfected controls. Amounts of B cells are low and less activated in infected patients. Although present, T CD4 + cells are also less activated when compared to noninfected individuals, and so are monocytes/macrophages. Similar results were obtained when Balb/C mice were experimentally infected with a VACV sample isolated during the zoonotic outbreaks. Taking together, the data suggest that zoonotic VACVs modulate specific immune cell compartments during an acute infection in humans


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    The role of an obstetrician plays the emphasis on the complete cycle of pregnancy and childbirth of women is due not only to the provisions of professional sports legislation, but also to the characteristics of their training. In practice, care for pregnant women, newborns and newborns can be provided in a more natural, humane and less intrusive way, focusing on the woman as the protagonist of childbirth. Nurse midwives may provide prenatal and postnatal consultations to low-risk patients in primary healthcare settings. This is a comprehensive literature review study. Articles were identified for the inclusion criteria: articles published between 2007 and 2023 (those years), in English and Portuguese and indexed in the following databases: Nursing Database (BDENF), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO ), PubMed, Latin American Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS). The data was processed through thematic analysis and the categories were highlighted: professional qualification in women's care, obstetric nurses promoting safe motherhood and essential care - specific circumstances and contexts. Based on the experience of obstetric nurses and the analysis of the results of the bibliographic search, a limited number of articles were found related to the implementation and performance of obstetric nurses in primary care and, therefore, sample volume. Additionally, there is a lack of specific protocols or regulations regarding what primary care professionals do. The lack of publications highlights the need to expand the role of obstetric care in primary care through dissemination by a women's health specialist.O papel de um obstetra desempenha a ênfase no ciclo completo de gravidez e parto das mulheres se deve não apenas às disposições da legislação esportiva profissional, mas também às características de sua formação. Na prática, o cuidado às gestantes, aos recém-nascidos e aos recém-nascidos pode ser prestado de forma mais natural, humana e menos intrusiva, tendo como foco a mulher como protagonista do parto. As enfermeiras obstétricas podem prestar consultas pré-natais e pós-natais a pacientes de baixo risco em unidades de cuidados de saúde primários. Este é um estudo abrangente de revisão de literatura. Foram identificados artigos para os critérios de inclusão: artigos publicados no período de 2007 a 2023 (dissesses anos), no idioma inglês e português e indexados nas seguintes bases de dados: Base de Dados em Enfermagem (BDENF), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed, Literatura Latino Americana do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS). Os dados foram processados ​​por meio de análise temática e foram destacadas as categorias: qualificação profissional no cuidado à mulher, enfermeiras obstétricas e equipe multiprofissional promotoras de maternidade segura e cuidados essenciais – circunstâncias e contextos específicos. Com base na experiência das enfermeiras obstétricas e na análise dos resultados da busca bibliográfica, foi encontrado um número limitado de artigos relacionados à implantação e atuação das enfermeiras obstétricas na atenção primária e, por tanto Volume de amostra. Além disso, faltam protocolos ou regulamentações específicas sobre o que os profissionais da atenção primária fazem. A falta de publicações destaca a necessidade de ampliar o papel da atenção obstétrica na atenção primária por meio da divulgação por um especialista em saúde da mulher


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    The present study aims to investigate the effect of irrigating solutions used in regenerative endodontics on stem cells of dental origin. An extensive literature review was carried out to identify relevant studies regarding the proposal of the present study. Electronic databases, such as PubMed, Scielo and Google Scholar, were consulted to obtain published articles. Chlorhexidine and EDTA emerge as promising alternatives to sodium hypochlorite, presenting lower toxicity and better preserving the viability and function of stem cells. However, more research is needed to validate these findings and determine best clinical practices for using these irrigating solutions in regenerative endodontics. Ultimately, this study contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge in the area of ​​regenerative endodontics, providing a solid foundation for the development of more effective and personalized clinical protocols. We hope that these findings will inspire future research and promote significant improvements in clinical practice, with the ultimate goal of providing patients with safer, more predictable and more effective treatments for dental tissue regeneration.O presente estudo possui como objetivo investigar o efeito das soluções irrigadoras utilizadas em endodontia regenerativa sobre as células-tronco de origem dental. Realizou-se uma extensa revisão da literatura para identificar estudos relevantes acerca da proposta do presente estudo. Bases de dados eletrônicas, como PubMed, Scielo e Google Acadêmico, foram consultadas para obter artigos publicados. A clorexidina e o EDTA emergem como alternativas promissoras ao hipoclorito de sódio, apresentando menor toxicidade e preservando melhor a viabilidade e função das células-tronco. No entanto, é necessário realizar mais pesquisas para validar esses achados e determinar as melhores práticas clínicas para a utilização dessas soluções irrigadoras em endodontia regenerativa. Em última análise, este estudo contribui para o avanço do conhecimento científico na área da endodontia regenerativa, fornecendo uma base sólida para o desenvolvimento de protocolos clínicos mais eficazes e personalizados. Esperamos que essas descobertas inspirem futuras pesquisas e promovam melhorias significativas na prática clínica, com o objetivo final de proporcionar aos pacientes tratamentos mais seguros, previsíveis e eficazes para a regeneração tecidual dentária

    Relação entre terapia de reposição hormonal no climatério e o desenvolvimento de Neoplasias

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    O climatério é o período de transição entre a fase reprodutiva e não reprodutiva das mulheres, caracterizado por alterações hormonais que afetam o ciclo menstrual. A menopausa, definida como o último ciclo menstrual, marca o fim dessa fase. Durante o climatério, ocorrem diversos sintomas e a terapia de reposição hormonal (TRH) é uma opção de tratamento que consiste na reposição dos hormônios através de diferentes vias de administração. Estudos divergem quanto aos benefícios e riscos da TRH, especialmente em relação ao câncer de mama, mas enfatizam a importância do acompanhamento médico e reavaliação periódica dos benefícios e malefícios do tratamento. O presente artigo trata-se de uma revisão de literatura integrativa e tem como objetivo estabelecer uma relação entre a reposição de terapia hormonal no climatério e o desenvolvimento ou não de neoplasias. Utilizou-se para a pesquisa as bases de dados PubMed, SCIELO e LILACS, considerando artigos publicados nos últimos cinco anos (2018-2023). Os descritores "Climacteric", "Neoplasms" e "Hormone replacement therapy" foram combinados através do operador booleano "AND". Foram selecionados 27 artigos e após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, bem como a análise dos objetivos, 18 artigos foram selecionados. Com base na literatura pesquisada, verifica-se que o risco de câncer no ovário ou endométrio não está relacionado aos níveis metabólicos de estrogênio em mulheres que receberam terapia combinada de estrogênio/progesterona, mas o uso isolado de estrogênio pode aumentar os desfechos negativos, especialmente em mulheres obesas.  Tratando-se o câncer de mama, estudos apontam a relação entre a TRH com o surgimento do mesmo

    Educomunicação, Transformação Social e Desenvolvimento Sustentável

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    Esta publicação apresenta os principais trabalhos dos GTs do II Congresso Internacional de Comunicação e Educação nos temas Transformação social, com os artigos que abordam principalmente Educomunicação e/ou Mídia-Educação, no contexto de políticas de diversidade, inclusão e equidade; e, em Desenvolvimento Sustentável os artigos que abordam os avanços da relação comunicação/educação no contexto da educação ambiental e desenvolvimento sustentável

    Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Prevents Human Embryonic Stem Cell Death Following Ischemic Injury

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    Cell therapy based on humanembryonic stem cells (hESCs) is a potential treatment for several human diseases caused by ischemic processes. Efficiency and feasibility of these therapies rely on understanding stem cell biology and the interaction and survival of these cells within the injured tissue. hESCs are an important source of diffusible bioactive paracrine modulators and the targets for different signaling molecules that prime cellular tissue repair. Notably, sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is an emerging bioactive lipid that activates G protein-coupled receptors, known as S1P receptors (S1PR1–5), promoting cell survival, differentiation, and migration. It is shown that S1P increases cell viability and prevents death in about 50% after the ischemic insult. S1P-mediated protectiveeffect is attributed to the modulation of S1PR3 and S1PR4 expression, which have been associated with the reperfusion injury salvage kinase/survivoractivating factor enhancement (RISK/SAFE) pathway. Involvement of the SAFE pathway is further verified by applying Janus Kinase (JAK2) and signal transducer and activation of transcription 3 pathway inhibitors, which prevents the S1P protective effect. An increase in sphingosine kinase (SphK) activity is also observed after S1P pretreatment. These results provide evidence for an S1P-dependent, SphK positive feedback that stimulates hESCs to deliver large amounts of S1P. Thus, S1P protects hESC under ischemic conditions through the different receptors. Practical Applications: It is considered that S1P can be used as an adjuvant to pretreat hESCs prior to the administration in cell therapy-based protocols for different diseases.Fil: Assis, Juliane L. de. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Fernandes, Aline M.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Aniceto, Bárbara S.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Pompeu, Pedro. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Banchio, Claudia Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Girardini Brovelli, Javier Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Vieyra, Adalberto. National Institute of Science and Technology for Structural Biology and Bioimaging; Brasil. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Valverde, Rafael H. F.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Einicker Lamas, Marcelo. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasi

    Fermented milks, using Lactobacillus casei or Propionibacterium freudenreichii, prevent mucositis, a side effect of chemotherapy, in mice

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    Mucositis, a common and often debilitating side effect of cancer chemotherapy, is a clinically important gastrointestinal inflammatory disease. It consists in a painful inflammation and ulceration of the mucosa lining the digestive tract, which may compromise proper nutrition of the patient, as well as termination of the treatment. It thus increases mortality and morbidity and contributes to rising health care costs. Its treatment is mainly supportive and often fails to relieve symptoms. Several studies indicate a role of the microbiota and suggest a healing effect of probiotic ingestion. Probiotic bacteria may maintain homeostasis and reduce side effects of chemotherapy toxicity. A major limit to probiotic bacteria anti-inflammatory effect is their susceptibility to digestive stresses and several studies indicate the key protective role of food matrices in increasing probiotics’ effect via the protection of bacteria against digestive constraints. In this study, we investigated the role of fermented milk, using Lactobacillus casei or Propionibacterium freudenreichii as probiotic starter, and of its fortification via addition of whey proteins.Matériels et Méthodes/Materials and methodsWe evaluated the role of whey protein isolate (WPI), when added to skim milk fermented by L. casei BL23 or by P. freudenreichii 138, as a protective matrix against in vitro stress challenges. In addition, we investigated in vivo the therapeutic effect of these fermented beverages in a murine model of mucositis induced by 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU). The monitored outcomes included weight loss, ileum histopathological score, villus height, crypt depth and number of mucus-producing goblet cells.Résultats principaux/Main ResultsThis study demonstrated that milk supplementation with 30% (w/v) of WPI increases the survival rate of both strains when challenged with acid, bile salts, high temperature and cold storage stresses, compared to fermented skim milk without the addition of WPI. Moreover, treatment with the probiotic beverages prevented weight loss and intestinal damages in mice receiving 5-FU. All symptoms of mucositis were drastically reduced by the consumption of developed probiotic fermented milks.ConclusionThis study evidenced the protective effect of selected strains of both lactic and propionic acid bacteria, in the context of induced mucositis. It confirmed that selected strains might be used bot as starter and probiotic. It opens new avenues for the development of fermented functional foods for target populations

    Fermented milks, using Lactobacillus casei or Propionibacterium freudenreichii, prevent mucositis, a side effect of chemotherapy, in mice

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    Mucositis, a common and often debilitating side effect of cancer chemotherapy, is a clinically important gastrointestinal inflammatory disease. It consists in a painful inflammation and ulceration of the mucosa lining the digestive tract, which may compromise proper nutrition of the patient, as well as termination of the treatment. It thus increases mortality and morbidity and contributes to rising health care costs. Its treatment is mainly supportive and often fails to relieve symptoms. Several studies indicate a role of the microbiota and suggest a healing effect of probiotic ingestion. Probiotic bacteria may maintain homeostasis and reduce side effects of chemotherapy toxicity. A major limit to probiotic bacteria anti-inflammatory effect is their susceptibility to digestive stresses and several studies indicate the key protective role of food matrices in increasing probiotics’ effect via the protection of bacteria against digestive constraints. In this study, we investigated the role of fermented milk, using Lactobacillus casei or Propionibacterium freudenreichii as probiotic starter, and of its fortification via addition of whey proteins.Matériels et Méthodes/Materials and methodsWe evaluated the role of whey protein isolate (WPI), when added to skim milk fermented by L. casei BL23 or by P. freudenreichii 138, as a protective matrix against in vitro stress challenges. In addition, we investigated in vivo the therapeutic effect of these fermented beverages in a murine model of mucositis induced by 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU). The monitored outcomes included weight loss, ileum histopathological score, villus height, crypt depth and number of mucus-producing goblet cells.Résultats principaux/Main ResultsThis study demonstrated that milk supplementation with 30% (w/v) of WPI increases the survival rate of both strains when challenged with acid, bile salts, high temperature and cold storage stresses, compared to fermented skim milk without the addition of WPI. Moreover, treatment with the probiotic beverages prevented weight loss and intestinal damages in mice receiving 5-FU. All symptoms of mucositis were drastically reduced by the consumption of developed probiotic fermented milks.ConclusionThis study evidenced the protective effect of selected strains of both lactic and propionic acid bacteria, in the context of induced mucositis. It confirmed that selected strains might be used bot as starter and probiotic. It opens new avenues for the development of fermented functional foods for target populations

    Fermented milks, using Lactobacillus casei or Propionibacterium freudenreichii, prevent mucositis, a side effect of chemotherapy, in mice

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    Mucositis, a common and often debilitating side effect of cancer chemotherapy, is a clinically important gastrointestinal inflammatory disease. It consists in a painful inflammation and ulceration of the mucosa lining the digestive tract, which may compromise proper nutrition of the patient, as well as termination of the treatment. It thus increases mortality and morbidity and contributes to rising health care costs. Its treatment is mainly supportive and often fails to relieve symptoms. Several studies indicate a role of the microbiota and suggest a healing effect of probiotic ingestion. Probiotic bacteria may maintain homeostasis and reduce side effects of chemotherapy toxicity. A major limit to probiotic bacteria anti-inflammatory effect is their susceptibility to digestive stresses and several studies indicate the key protective role of food matrices in increasing probiotics’ effect via the protection of bacteria against digestive constraints. In this study, we investigated the role of fermented milk, using Lactobacillus casei or Propionibacterium freudenreichii as probiotic starter, and of its fortification via addition of whey proteins.Matériels et Méthodes/Materials and methodsWe evaluated the role of whey protein isolate (WPI), when added to skim milk fermented by L. casei BL23 or by P. freudenreichii 138, as a protective matrix against in vitro stress challenges. In addition, we investigated in vivo the therapeutic effect of these fermented beverages in a murine model of mucositis induced by 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU). The monitored outcomes included weight loss, ileum histopathological score, villus height, crypt depth and number of mucus-producing goblet cells.Résultats principaux/Main ResultsThis study demonstrated that milk supplementation with 30% (w/v) of WPI increases the survival rate of both strains when challenged with acid, bile salts, high temperature and cold storage stresses, compared to fermented skim milk without the addition of WPI. Moreover, treatment with the probiotic beverages prevented weight loss and intestinal damages in mice receiving 5-FU. All symptoms of mucositis were drastically reduced by the consumption of developed probiotic fermented milks.ConclusionThis study evidenced the protective effect of selected strains of both lactic and propionic acid bacteria, in the context of induced mucositis. It confirmed that selected strains might be used bot as starter and probiotic. It opens new avenues for the development of fermented functional foods for target populations