30 research outputs found

    Metabolomics reveals novel insight on dormancy of aquatic invertebrate encysted embryos

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    Numerous aquatic invertebrates survive harsh environments by displaying dormancy as encysted embryos. This study aimed at determining whether metabolomics could provide molecular insight to explain the “dormancy syndrome” by highlighting functional pathways and metabolites, hence offering a novel comprehensive molecular view of dormancy. We compared the metabolome of morphologically distinct dormant encysted embryos (resting eggs) and non-dormant embryos (amictic eggs) of a rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis). Metabolome profiling revealed ~5,000 features, 1,079 of which were annotated. Most of the features were represented at significantly higher levels in non-dormant than dormant embryos. A large number of features was assigned to putative functional pathways indicating novel differences between dormant and non-dormant states. These include features associated with glycolysis, the TCA and urea cycles, amino acid, purine and pyrimidine metabolism. Interestingly, ATP, nucleobases, cyclic nucleotides, thymidine and uracil, were not detected in dormant resting eggs, suggesting an impairment of response to environmental and internal cues, cessation of DNA synthesis, transcription and plausibly translation in the dormant embryos. The levels of trehalose or its analogues, with a role in survival under desiccation conditions, were higher in resting eggs. In conclusion, the current study highlights metabolomics as a major analytical tool to functionally compare dormancy across species.Animal science

    Overcoming bortezomib resistance in human B cells by anti-CD20/rituximab-mediated complement-dependent cytotoxicity and epoxyketone-based irreversible proteasome inhibitors

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    UNLABELLED: BACKGROUND: In clinical and experimental settings, antibody-based anti-CD20/rituximab and small molecule proteasome inhibitor (PI) bortezomib (BTZ) treatment proved effective modalities for B cell depletion in lymphoproliferative disorders as well as autoimmune diseases. However, the chronic nature of these diseases requires either prolonged or re-treatment, often with acquired resistance as a consequence. METHODS: Here we studied the molecular basis of acquired resistance to BTZ in JY human B lymphoblastic cells following prolonged exposure to this drug and examined possibilities to overcome resistance by next generation PIs and anti-CD20/rituximab-mediated complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC). RESULTS: Characterization of BTZ-resistant JY/BTZ cells compared to parental JY/WT cells revealed the following features: (a) 10-12 fold resistance to BTZ associated with the acquisition of a mutation in the PSMB5 gene (encoding the constitutive ββ5 proteasome subunit) introducing an amino acid substitution (Met45Ile) in the BTZ-binding pocket, (b) a significant 2-4 fold increase in the mRNA and protein levels of the constitutive ββ5 proteasome subunit along with unaltered immunoproteasome expression, (c) full sensitivity to the irreversible epoxyketone-based PIs carfilzomib and (to a lesser extent) the immunoproteasome inhibitor ONX 0914. Finally, in association with impaired ubiquitination and attenuated breakdown of CD20, JY/BTZ cells harbored a net 3-fold increase in CD20 cell surface expression, which was functionally implicated in conferring a significantly increased anti-CD20/rituximab-mediated CDC. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that acquired resistance to BTZ in B cells can be overcome by next generation PIs and by anti-CD20/rituximab-induced CDC, thereby paving the way for salvage therapy in BTZ-resistant disease

    Harnessing gene expression profiles for the identification of ex vivo drug response genes in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia

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    Novel treatment strategies are of paramount importance to improve clinical outcomes in pediatric AML. Since chemotherapy is likely to remain the cornerstone of curative treatment of AML, insights in the molecular mechanisms that determine its cytotoxic effects could aid further treatment optimization. To assess which genes and pathways are implicated in tumor drug resistance, we correlated ex vivo drug response data to genome-wide gene expression profiles of 73 primary pediatric AML samples obtained at initial diagnosis. Ex vivo response of primary AML blasts towards cytarabine (Ara C), daunorubicin (DNR), etoposide (VP16), and cladribine (2-CdA) was associated with the expression of 101, 345, 206, and 599 genes, respectively (p < 0.001, FDR 0.004–0.416). Microarray based expression of multiple genes was technically validated using qRT-PCR for a selection of genes. Moreover, expression levels of BRE, HIF1A, and CLEC7A were confirmed to be significantly (p < 0.05) associated with ex vivo drug response in an independent set of 48 primary pediatric AML patients. We present unique data that addresses transcriptomic analyses of the mechanisms underlying ex vivo drug response of primary tumor samples. Our data suggest that distinct gene expression profiles are associated with ex vivo drug response, and may confer a priori drug resistance in leukemic cells. The described associations represent a fundament for the development of interventions to overcome drug resistance in AML, and maximize the benefits of current chemotherapy for sensitive patients

    Molecular basis of resistance to proteasome inhibitors in hematological malignancies

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    Over the past decade, the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib (Velcade) has not only gained a cornerstone position in the treatment of hematological malignancies, particularly multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma, but also in experimental therapeutics of acute leukemia. However, the therapeutic efficacy of bortezomib is hampered by the emergence of acquired resistance, for which multifactorial mechanisms have been identified. This review summarizes the current status of the molecular mechanisms underlying resistance to proteasome inhibitors that emerged in preclinical therapeutic studies, and discusses these findings in the clinical perspective of novel therapeutic modalities of hematological malignancies. The specific topics that will be addressed in the current review include the recently established mechanisms of resistance to proteasome inhibitors: the role of constitutive and immunoproteasomes, mutations in proteasome subunits, unfolded protein response, XBP1 and MARCKS proteins, multidrug efflux transporters, aggresomes and autophagy, as well as the impact of pro-survival signaling pathways and bone marrow microenvironment. The growing knowledge of the determinants that confer bortezomib resistance and/or toxicity has provided the basis for the rational development of second generation proteasome inhibitors, some of which were recently approved or that are undergoing clinical evaluation as novel strategies to overcome bortezomib resistance as well as to enhance clinical therapeutic efficacy along with minimal side effects. Collectively, these combined approaches should enhance therapeutic efficacy and outcome in patients with hematological malignancies

    The impact of folate status on the efficacy of colorectal cancer treatment

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