81 research outputs found

    Experimental Hybridization and Genome Analysis in Elymus L. Sect. Caespitosae and Sect. Elytrigia (Poaceae: Triticeae)

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    Crossing experiments were performed between and within taxa of Elymus sect. Elytrigia and sect. Caespitosae from Iran and two taxa from Central Asia and China. The hexaploid Elymus repens (genomic constitution SSH) was crossed with the octoploid E. elongatiformis. The chromosome associations at meiosis show that E. elongatiformis possesses the SSH genome of E. repens as well as and additional genome of unknown origin. Crosses between different accessions of E. libanoticus (genomic constitutions S) from W., NW. and N. Iran as well as crosses between E. libanoticus and accessions morphologically assignable to Elytrigia gracillima and Elymus sosnovskyi should therefore be merged into E. libanoticus. Crosses between Elymus libanoticus and the diploid Elytrigia geniculata ssp. ferganensis and Elytrigia strigosa ssp aegilopoides showed a high degree of meiotic pairing (c-values 0.6-0.8) confirming that these taxa have the genomic constitution S, as reported by Love. The pollen fertility was zero in both hybrids. The configurations at metaphase I in a hybrid between E. libanoticus and E. pertenuis (genomic constitution SP) indicate that the two species may share the same version of the S genome

    A taxonomic revision of the genus Glaucium (Papaveraceae) in Iran

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    A taxonomic revision of the genus Glaucium (Papaveraceae) in Iran is presented. It reveals the presence of 10 species including 4 subspecies and 14 varieties. Two new taxa are described: G. yazdianum and G. vitellinum var. pilosum. G. yazdianum is related to G. calycinum in general, but is differentiated by shape and cellular structure of trichomes on young fruits and sepals, the shape of filaments and stem leaves and finally the length of siliquae and buds. Pollen and leaf epidermis morphology of these two species are compared, keeping this criterion in mind. G. pulchrum, G. elegantissimum and G. golestanicum are treated here as synonyms of G. oxylobum. An identification key to the genus Glaucium in Iran and for each taxon a morphological description and notes on their distribution and habitats are presented

    Phylogeography and population genetics of Acanthophyllum squarrosum complex (Caryophyllaceae) in the Irano-Turanian region

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    Acanthophyllum squarrosum and two closely related species, A. heratense and A. laxiusculum (Caryophyllaceae), form a complex that covers parts of subalpine steppes of the Irano-Turanian (IT) region. In this study, we explored the genetic structure and phylogeography of this complex based on partial sequences of two chloroplasts (psbA–trnH and rpl32–trnL (UAG)) and two nuclear (EST24 and nrITS) DNA regions. We analysed 80 individuals from eight populations and detected 12 chloroplast haplotypes, 16 and eight nuclear alleles in EST24 and nrITS sequences, respectively. Phylogenetic trees and haplotype networks did not show distinct genetic groups in the complex and this could be explained by incomplete lineage sorting or introgression between species. Divergence time analysis revealed a Quaternary origin for A. squarrosum complex at approximately 1.8 million years ago (Mya) and the neutrality test results indicated that this complex experienced a recent population expansion. AMOVA analysis of the chloroplast regions showed a significant genetic differentiation among populations and low genetic differentiation within populations, but opposite results were found with nuclear markers, implying introgression between A. squarrosum complex populations

    Los marcadores microsatélite revelan la reestructuración genética de Medicago sinskiae (Fabaceae) en el oeste y el sudoeste de Irán

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    Medicago sinskiae appears to be a very rare species in the Iranian flora with only a few records in the last three decades. Eight populations (62 individuals) of M. sinskiae, one population of M. rigidula (seven individuals), and one population of M. constricta (five individuals) from western and southwestern Iran were analyzed for microsatellite data based on newly designed SSR primers using NGS technology. The PCoA, Clustering and Structure analyses showed no geographical pattern of genetically designated clusters. Our results showed that M. sinskiae is mainly an inbreeder. It is assumed that high levels of gene flow (Nm) and generation of genetically homogenous populations seem to be more affected by fast dispersal and not localized gene flow. Extensive collections recently made from the western and southwestern Iran showed that its presence is increasing. Finally, our results indicate that the species is segregated from its very close relatives M. rigidula and M. constricta in Iran.Medicago sinskiae es considerada una especie rara en la flora iraní con únicamente unas pocas citas en las tres últimas décadas. Se han muestreado ocho poblaciones (62 individuos) de M. sinskiae, una población de M. rigidula (siete individuos) y una población de M. constricta (cinco individuos) en el oeste y el suroeste de Irán que han sido analizadas con marcadores microsatélite. Se han utilizado nuevos primers obtenidos con tecnología NGS. Los análisis de PCoA, Clustering y Structure no muestran un patrón geográfico para los clústeres genéticos. Los resultados muestran que M. sinskiae es principalmente una especie autógama. Se asume que los altos niveles de flujo genético (Nm) y la homogeneidad genética poblacional están afectados por una rápida dispersión y un flujo genético no localizado. Recolecciones extensivas realizadas recientemente en el oeste y el suroeste de Iran muestran que el rango de distribución esta especie se está incrementando. Finalmente, nuestros resultados indican que M. sinskiae está diferenciada de las especies M. rigidula y M. constricta en Irán

    Genetic diversity and morphological variability of Iranian Silene aucheriana populations inferred from nrDNA ITS sequences and morphological analysis

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    We conducted a comprehensive study on the diversity of Silene aucheriana Boiss. populations by analyzing both morphological data and nrDNA ITS sequences. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods on representative material from 15 populations throughout Iran demonstrated that they did not form a monophyletic group. Strong positive correlation occurred between epipetalous filaments length to claw (EFLC), basal leaf length (BLL), basal leaf width (BLW), and plant height (PLH) with elevation. While negative correlation achieved between anthophore length (AnL) with the average air temperature and rainfall. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that most morphological traits were more correlated to elevation than to average rainfall and temperature. Multivariate analysis of morphological traits with ITS analysis displayed a slight divergence between two types of regions based on their elevation

    Micromorphological studies on leaf, fruit and pollen of four species from Typhaceae (Typha laxmannii, T. azerbaijanensis, T. minima and T. lugdunensis) from Iran, and their thematic significance

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    Previous research has made it clear that the intrinsic taxonomy encountered difficulties in identifying speciesin the genus Typha. Therefore, in the present study we have tried to investigate the micromorphological characteristics of pollens, achenes and leaves as well as their systematic utility. Four Typha species identified from the Iranian flora i.e. Typha minima Funk in Hoppe, Typha lugdunensis Chab., Typha azerbaijanensis Hamdi & Assadi and Typha laxmannii Lepechin were taken into consideration. Three of them are easily distinguishable with their closest relative i.e. T. laxmannii Lepechin. Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine pollens, achenes and leaves of the four taxa of the proposed Typha from Iran. A part of these micromorphological studies attempted to investigate achenes, pollens and leaf characteristics of these species under SEM. Interestingly, Typha martini Jordan is also considered as a synonym of T. lugdunensis. The study does not only discuss relationships between close species but it also clarifies their geographical patterns. Finally, a diagnostic key is provided for the distribution of the four Typha species in Iran. The results show that the ornamentation characters of pollens, achenes and leaf cells prove to be very helpful. Ornamentation of pollens and achenes could be used to distinguish between the four morphological types. Micromorphological studies on achenes, pollens and leaves of Typha were found useful with respect to taxa differentiation, hence it provides a key to make distinctions between species orgroups of species

    Pollen morphological diversity in the genus Acer L. (Sapindaceae) in Iran

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    Pollen grains of 19 specimens (representing 8 species, 6 subspecies, 3 sections) of the genus Acer L. distributed in Iran were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Most of pollen grains were 3-zonocolpate, prolate. Based on exine sculpturing pattern, five types are distinguished: striate (frequent type), rugulate, reticulate, granular and smooth. Twenty-four pollen characters were examined by multivariate analysis. The result of multivariate analysis and exine sculpturing pattern indicated high diversity among different specimens even in specimens of a single species. Due to instability of pollen characters between and within studied specimens, they are not useful in delimitation of species, subspecies and sections. Only three species (A. velutinum, A. negundo, and A. mazandaranicum) were separated from other overlapping species. Pollen morphology does not confirm separation of subspecies and varieties in A. monspessulanum and A. velutinum

    Mapowanie węzłów wartowniczych w raku brodawkowatym tarczycy z zastosowaniem radioznacznika i niebieskiego barwnika

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    Introduction: In the current study, we evaluated the accuracy of sentinel node mapping in thyroid cancer patients using both radiotracer and blue dye.Material and methods: 30 patients with a diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) were included in the study; 2–3 hours before surgery, 0.5 mCi 99m-Tc-Antimony Sulfide Colloid was injected intra-tumourally. 15 minutes post-injection, lymphoscintigraphy images of the neck were obtained. Immediately after anaesthesia induction, 0.5 mL patent blue V was also injected in the same fashion. Sentinel lymph nodes were detected intraoperatively using gamma probe and blue dye. Total thyroidectomy was performed for all patients with dissection of central neck lymph nodes as well as sampling of the lateral neck lymph nodes.Results: At least one sentinel node could be identified during surgery in 19 patients (63.3%). The median number of sentinel nodes per patient was 1. Sentinel nodes in 12 patients were pathologically involved. No false negative case was noted. Upstaging occurred in six patients (20%).Conclusions: Sentinel node mapping in papillary thyroid carcinoma is a feasible technique with high accuracy for the detection of lymph node involvement. This technique can guide surgeons to perform central lymph node dissection only in patients with pathologically involved sentinel nodes. Although SLN detection in the lateral neck lymph nodes increases the extension of lymphadenectomy, SLN mapping can result in upstaging in older patients (> 45 years of age) or treatment plan change in younger patients (< 45 years of age) by the detection of lateral lymph node involvement. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (4): 281–286)Wstęp: W badaniu oceniono dokładność mapowania węzłów wartowniczych u chorych na raka tarczycy w przypadku jednoczesnego zastosowania radioznacznika i niebieskiego barwnika.Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 30 chorych z rozpoznaniem raka brodawkowego tarczycy (PTC, papillary thyroid carcinoma). Dwie do trzech godzin przed zabiegiem do guza wstrzykiwano koloid siarczanu antymonu znakowany 99m-Tc (0,5 mCi). Po upływie 15 minut od wstrzyknięcia radioznacznika wykonywano badanie limfoscyntygraficzne szyi. Bezpośrednio po znieczuleniu w ten sam sposób wstrzykiwano 0,5 ml błękitu patentowego V. Węzły wartownicze wykrywano śródoperacyjnie, używając sondy promieniowania gamma i błękitnego barwnika. U wszystkich pacjentów wykonano totalną tyroidektomię z wycięciem węzłów chłonnych szyjnych środkowego przedziału oraz pobraniem wycinków węzłów szyjnych bocznych.Wyniki: U 19 chorych (63,3%) udało się zidentyfikować w trakcie zabiegu co najmniej jeden węzeł wartowniczy. Mediana liczby węzłów wartowniczych na pacjenta wynosiła 1. U 12 chorych w węzłach wartowniczych wykryto zmiany patologiczne. Nie stwierdzono ani jednego przypadku uzyskania fałszywie ujemnego wyniku. U 6 (20%) chorych zmieniono stopień zaawansowania nowotworu na wyższy.Wnioski: Mapowanie węzłów wartowniczych w raku brodawkowatym tarczycy jest dostępną metodą cechującą się dużą dokładnością w wykrywaniu zajętych węzłów chłonnych. Ta metoda może stanowić wskazówkę dla chirurgów, aby usuwać węzły chłonne szyjne środkowego przedziału tylko u pacjentów ze zmianami w węzłach wartowniczych. Mimo że wykrycie węzłów wartowniczych w obrębie węzłów szyjnych bocznych zwiększa zakres limfadenektomii, mapowanie węzłów wartowniczych może spowodować zmianę oceny stopnia zaawansowanie nowotworu u starszych pacjentów (> 45 lat) lub zmianę planu leczenia u młodszych pacjentów (< 45 lat) w związku z wykryciem zmian w węzłach bocznych szyi. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (4): 281–286

    Dionysia robusta (Primulaceae), a new species from W Iran

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