7 research outputs found

    Persystencja stóp zwrotu quasi-funduszy hedge na polskim rynku kapitałowym

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    The article presents the analysis of performance persistence of quasi-hedge funds operating on Polish capital market in the years 2005–2015 with the use of authors’ ARI-WIG index (Absolute Return Index). The article consists of four parts. The first chapter is preceded by introduction and presents the essence and ways of determining performance persistence of investment funds. The second chapter is a review of foreign and Polish literature on the subject. The third chapter presents the methodology of research on the performance persistence of quasi-hedge funds on Polish capital market. Finally, in the last chapter, the authors analyse the performance persistence of quasi-hedge funds. The authors conclude that the phenomenon under analysis determines the possibility of predicting the performance of funds, which has a profound effect on decisions taken by investors and fund managers, who want to achieve above-average trading performance, about allocating their resources.W artykule zaprezentowano badanie persystencji stóp zwrotu (performance persistence) quasi-funduszy hedge funkcjonujących na polskim rynku kapitałowym w latach 2005–2015 w odniesieniu do autorskiego indeksu ARI-WIG (Absolute Return Index). Opracowanie składa się z czterech części. Po wprowadzeniu przedstawiono istotę i sposoby pomiaru persystencji stóp zwrotu funduszy inwestycyjnych. Następnie dokonano przeglądu literatury światowej i krajowej, przedstawiono metodologię badania persystencji stóp zwrotu quasi-funduszy hedge na polskim rynku kapitałowym oraz przeprowadzono badanie persystencji stóp zwrotu quasi-funduszy hedge. We wnioskach z podjętych rozważań stwierdzono, że zjawisko to determinuje możliwość przewidywania stóp zwrotu funduszy, co w szczególny sposób wpływa na decyzje alokacyjne na rynku funduszy inwestorów i zarządzających funduszem, którzy chcą osiągnąć ponadprzeciętne wyniki inwestycyjne

    Hedge Fund Transparency and Systemic Risk

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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie: czy fundusze hedgingowe są bezpośrednim kreatorem ryzyka systemowego? W pierwszej części opracowania przedstawiono kwestie odnoszące się do regulacji prawnych funduszy hedgingowych i definicje ryzyka systemowego. W dwóch kolejnych, stanowiących integralną część pracy, ukazano fundusze hedgingowe w aspekcie ryzyka systemowego.The last decade was presented with a new configuration of players in the financial system, to which hedge funds have contributed profoundly. Structural changes occurring in the financial system during that period had an impact on the dynamics of financial difficulties. People historically involved in introducing regulations and economists paid attention to banks as potential channels giving rise to systemic risk. The characteristics of banks was the main reason behind formulating policy to regulate their functioning. The article analyzes the relationship and consequences following from the effect of hedge funds on the financial system and the real economy. The first part of the paper refers to legal regulations regarding hedge funds. The next section introduces and discusses the notion of systemic risk. The subsequent two parts, and at the same time the body of the article, are dedicated to the analysis of the potential impact that hedge funds may have on creating systemic risk. Furthermore, the author discusses methods for reducing exposure to risk and cushioning shocks on the market under consideration. The analysis enables to draw a conclusion about the rules and their consistent observation as part of counterparty credit risk management (CCRM). At the highest level of institutions subject to regulation, i.e. banks, these rules are effective tools for reducing the effect of hedge funds on systemic risk and thereby the real economy. The conclusion emphasizes that hedge funds, whose characteristics differ from the remaining market players, may hinder adopting CCRM. Such a state of affairs stems from the fact that these funds can generate certain market problems and other challenges

    Krótka sprzedaż bez pokrycia jako nowe potencjalne źródło ryzyka systemowego

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    The articles presents a  mechanism of naked short selling as a  new source of systemic risk quoting the example of silver market. For starters, financial instability of banks is discussed and presented as a  source of systemic risk. Attention is also paid to theoretical consequences following from naked short selling. The last section of the paper is the analysis of a  specific case, namely the concentration of short positions in silver owned by JP Morgan bank. In conclusion the author highlights the fact that naked short selling may pose systemic risk due to the insolvency of investors who are not capable of supplying the silver they have sold.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    Kryzys finansowy a finansyzacja rynków towarowych

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    Purpose: Analysis of reasons, correlations and consequences following from the impact that financial investors have on commodity markets – both before and after the crisis.Methodology: The research on the tremendous impact that the financial sector exerts on price formation in commodity markets, defined as the financialization of commodity markets, was based on a narrative approach. This approach makes use of available historical documents and attempts to reconstruct factors causing structural changes in commodity markets. As a result of these factors, commodity and financial markets (and particularly capital market) have become similar to a great extent.Findings: Drawing upon the research, it can be stated that the global financial crisis has contributed not only to a major change in the involvement of investors in commodity markets, but also to a structural change of this involvement, which is accompanied by a number of negative consequences.Originality: The research enables to draw certain conclusions, e.g. that the financialization of commodity markets is reflected in a radical price fluctuation in these markets due to which the prices are isolated from fair value. Structural changes are also discussed. They entail the attempt to counteract such negative consequences, e.g. regulations imposed to provide a greater transparency of the activity undertaken by investors in commodity markets

    Financial Crisis and the Financialization of Commodity Markets

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    Purpose: Analysis of reasons, correlations and consequences following from the impact that financial investors have on commodity markets – both before and after the crisis. Methodology: The research on the tremendous impact that the financial sector exerts on price formation in commodity markets, defined as the financialization of commodity markets, was based on a narrative approach. This approach makes use of available historical documents and attempts to reconstruct factors causing structural changes in commodity markets. As a result of these factors, commodity and financial markets (and particularly capital market) have become similar to a great extent. Findings: Drawing upon the research, it can be stated that the global financial crisis has contributed not only to a major change in the involvement of investors in commodity markets, but also to a structural change of this involvement, which is accompanied by a number of negative consequences. Originality: The research enables to draw certain conclusions, e.g. that the financialization of commodity markets is reflected in a radical price fluctuation in these markets due to which the prices are isolated from fair value. Structural changes are also discussed. They entail the attempt to counteract such negative consequences, e.g. regulations imposed to provide a greater transparency of the activity undertaken by investors in commodity markets

    Krótka sprzedaż bez pokrycia jako nowe potencjalne źródło ryzyka systemowego

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    The articles presents a  mechanism of naked short selling as a  new source of systemic risk quoting the example of silver market. For starters, financial instability of banks is discussed and presented as a  source of systemic risk. Attention is also paid to theoretical consequences following from naked short selling. The last section of the paper is the analysis of a  specific case, namely the concentration of short positions in silver owned by JP Morgan bank. In conclusion the author highlights the fact that naked short selling may pose systemic risk due to the insolvency of investors who are not capable of supplying the silver they have sold.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    Investment attractiveness of alternative investements

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    The article presents alternative investments and quotes the example of hedge funds and managed futures strategy. For starters, the author offers a definition of alternative investments. Attention is also paid to hedge funds which represent the main group of alternative funds. The last section of the paper analyses investment attractiveness of funds based on managed futures strategy. The author also focuses on alternative investments whose value depends on performance. Finally, a conclusion is made that the greatest advantage of such investments is their potential for portfolio diversification due to slight correlation with traditional instruments