17 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Jenis Kupu-Kupu di Hutan Kota Muhammad Sabki Jambi untuk Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Video pada Siswa Kelas X SMA: Identification Butterfly Species in The Forest Muhammad Sabki Jambi for the Development of Video Learning Media in Class X SMA Students

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    Interest in learning is an essential factor that determines the success of learning. The low interest in learning can be overcome by using engaging learning media. This study aims to identify the species of butterflies found in the Muhammad Sabki Forest, Jambi City, to develop video learning media using Wondershare Filmora about the types of butterflies, and to find out the responses of teachers and students of Class X SMA to the learning media. This research was conducted at SMAN 11 Muaro Jambi and in the City Forest of Muhammad Sabki Jambi City. This study used the ADDIE development model (Analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). Types of data obtained in the form of quantitative and qualitative data. Butterflies obtained from the Muhammad Sabki City Forest, Jambi City, consisted of the Nymphalidae and Hesperiidae families. The results of material expert validation were 97.5%, and the results of media expert validation were 96.2% (very good category). The results of the teacher's assessment of biology subjects were 100% (very good category), the small group trial results were 91.7%, and the results of the large group trial were 87.91% (very good category)

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Penyalahgunaan Narkotika dan Bahan Adiktif (Narkoba) pada Remaja di SMA Kartika Wirabuana Xx-1 Makassar

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    Penyalahgunaan narkotika dan bahan adiktif (narkoba) di Indonesia merupakan masalah yang sangat mengkhawatirkan. BNN menyebutkan tahun 2008 angka prevalensi penyalahguna narkoba di Indonesia sebesar 1,99% dari penduduk Indonesia (3,6 juta orang). Permasalahan menjadi lebih berat karena 90% menimpa remaja yang merupakan generasi penerus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara persepsi keharmonisan keluarga, konformitas teman sebaya dan tingkat religiusitas dengan penyalahgunaan narkoba pada remaja di SMA Kartika Wirabuana XX-1 Makassar. Jenis penelitian adalah observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional study. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa-siswi kelas X dan XI SMA Kartika Wirabuana XX-1 Makassar berjumlah 227 orang didapatkan dengan metode stratified random sampling. Data diolah dengan menggunakan uji statistik Yate's Correction. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 23,3% siswa yang pernah menyalahgunakan narkoba. Terdapat hubungan antara persepsi keharmonisan keluarga (p=0,044, φ=0,144), konformitas teman sebaya (p=0,033, φ=0,152) dan tingkat religiusitas (p=0,016, φ=0,171) dengan penyalahgunaan narkoba. Ketidakharmonisan keluarga, tingginya konformitas teman sebaya dan rendahnya religiusitas menyebabkan kecenderungan remaja menjadi penyalahguna narkoba. Kesimpulannya adalah ada hubungan antara persepsi keharmonisan keluarga, konformitas teman sebaya dan tingkat religiusitas dengan penyalahgunaan narkoba

    Kristal Hemoglobin pada Bercak Darah yang Terpapar Beberapa Sabun Cuci Piring Cair Menggunakan Tes Teichmann dan Tes Takayama

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    Crime scene may leave various items of evidence, one of them bloodstain. Bloodstain might provide valuable information that indicates a lot form of violence that can be used as a solution in a criminal case. Criminals often camouflage the traces or evidence by cleaning the bloodstains using cleaning agents to cover up the crime. One of the cleaning agents that may be used by criminal is liquid dish soap. Bloodstains that contaminated by liquid dish soap may affect the results of the examination using Teichmann and Takayama tests. The purpose of this study is to describe the hemoglobin crystal in bloodstains that contaminated by liquid dish soap using Teichmann and Takayama test. In this study, there were five liquid dish soap solutions swabbed onto bloodstained slides for each tests. The results show that all 22 slides (100 %) still have positive result which means the hemoglobin crystal still could be found in the contaminated bloodstain using Teichmann and Takayama test. The conclusion of this study is liquid dish soap that used might not affect the formation of hemoglobin crystal using Teichmann and Takayama test

    Hubungan Efikasi Diri dengan Nilai Objective Structured Clinical Examination (Osce) pada Mahasiswa Tahun Ketiga Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau

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    Bandura explains that self-efficacy is a person's belief about ability to perform a task or action to achieve a particular result. Students with high self-efficacy will be able to deal with the OSCE successfully and smoothly. This study is a longitudinal study with retrospective approach to determine the correlation between self-efficacy and the mark of OSCE to the third year students of Faculty of Medicine, University of Riau. The sample 102 students of this study were taken by total sampling technique. Primary data was taken by self-efficacy questionnaire modified from Rizkia research based on the theory of Bandura and secondary data from mark of the OSCE taken from manager skill lab. Statistical test to determine the correlation between self-efficacy and the mark of OSCE used Spearman test. The results of this study showed that there is no significant correlation between self-efficacy and the mark of OSCE (r=0.137; p=0.170). The conclusion of this study there was no correlation between self-efficacy and mark of the OSCE in the students third year of medical university Riau

    Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection and Spontaneous Abortion: Infeksi Chlamydia Trachomatis dan Abortus Spontan

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    Abstract Objective: To determine the correlation between spontaneous abortion and Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in women who experienced spontaneous abortion. Normal pregnancies with gestational age more than equal to 37 weeks as control. Detection of C. trachomatis in the product of conception or placenta from curettage using the PCR method. Results: Positive C. trachomatis was found 3 cases in the abortion group and 4 cases in control. In the abortion group, C. trachomatis found in 1 case with vaginal discharge history and 2 cases without this history. C. trachomatis also found in 3 cases without a history of abortion. This bacteria was not found in patients with an abortion history. In the control group, 2 cases of positive C. trachomatis were found in pregnant women with or without a history of vaginal discharge and abortion, respectively. There were no significant differences regarding the positive of C. trachomatis between the two study groups regarding history of vaginal discharge and abortion. Conclusions: Spontaneous abortion does not correlate with C. trachomatis infection. Keywords: chlamydia trachomatis, infection, spontaneous abortion. Abstrak Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara abortus spontan dan infeksi Chlamydia trachomatis. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang dilakukan pada perempuan yang mengalami abortus spontan. Kehamilan normal dengan usia kehamilan lebih dari sama dengan 37 minggu sebagai kontrol. Deteksi C. trachomatis pada produk konsepsi atau plasenta dari kuretase menggunakan metode PCR. Hasil: C. trachomatis positif ditemukan 3 kasus pada kelompok aborsi dan 4 kasus dalam kontrol. Pada kelompok abortus spontan, C. trachomatis ditemukan pada 1 kasus dengan riwayat keputihan dan 2 kasus tanpa riwayat keputihan. C. trachomatis juga ditemukan pada 3 kasus tanpa riwayat abortus. Bakteri ini tidak ditemukan pada pasien dengan riwayat abortus. Pada kelompok kontrol, 2 kasus positif C. trachomatis masing-masing ditemukan pada perempuan hamil dengan atau tanpa riwayat keputihan dan abortus. Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan C. trachomatis positif antara kedua kelompok penelitian berdasarkan riwayat keputihan dan abortus. Kesimpulan: Abortus spontan tidak berkorelasi dengan infeksi C. trachomatis. Kata kunci: abortus spontan, chlamydia trachomatis, infeksi

    Kristal Hemoglobin Pada Bercak Darah Yang Terpapar Dengan Beberapa Sabun Antiseptik Cair Menggunakan Tes Teichmann Dan Tes Takayama

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    Forensic investigation was not only done to investigate injuries sustained by the victim of crime, but also to investigate objects or other evidences, such as blood, in crime scene. Some forensic investigation that can confirm if suspected object is blood was confirmatory test (Teichmann and Takayama test). The criminals often wipe out blood using antiseptic liquid soap. In that case, it may give different description in forensic investigation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to know the description of hemoglobin crystal on bloodstain that exposed by antiseptic liquid soap with Teichmann and Takayama test. This study was experimental study with pre-test post-test design. There were 18 bloodstain slides as sample of this study, including 2 control slides and 16 slides that had been exposed with 4 antiseptic liquid soap brands. This study showed 18 bloodstain slides (100%) had positive result after exposed by using Teichmann and Takayama test and there were no changes of crystal\u27s shape. It could be conclude that hemoglobin crystal still could be found in bloodstain that exposed by antiseptic liquid soap with Teichmann and Takayama test

    Hubungan Lama Pemberian Diet Aterogenik Terhadap Kadar Trigliserida Rattus Novergicus Jantan Strain Wistar

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    Cardiovascular diseases is the disruption and damage of the heart muscleand the number one cause of death worldwide. Based on epidemiologic data andclinical trial results support an association between elevated triglyceride andCardiovascular risk. The goal of this research is to know the correlation of givenduration atherogenic diet againts triglyceride level in male wistar rats. Thisresearch was experimental with the post test-only control group design, by usingmale rats (Rattus novergicus) of 2-3 month with the average weight range of 160-240 g. The rats were divided into 4 group, control group given with standard diet,the 5 weeks atherogenic diet group, the 8 weeks atherogenic group and 12 weeksatherogenic group, in which group consist of 6 rats. The atherogenic diet (2%cholesterol of yolk, 5% goat's fat, and 0,2% cholic acid) were given as much as20 g/each/day. The result showed a significant difference (p=0,000). As for thepost hoc test (p=0,000), there is a statistically significant difference within theexperimental groups. As for the spearman test (0,969), it shows a significantpositive correlation between the given duration of the atherogenic diet and thetriglyceride level. It can be concluded the longer time that the rats gotatherogenic diet showed the level of triglycerides rats (Rattus novergicus)increased

    Proximal Tibia Bone Graft: An alternative Donor Source especially for Foot and Ankle Procedures

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    Among the many donor sites for harvesting autologous bone graft, the iliac crest has been the most commonly used. However, for foot and ankle procedures the proximal tibia has gained popularity as an alternative donor site due to its anatomic proximity to the primary surgical site. In this article we evaluated the possible complications associated with harvesting proximal tibia bone graft. Our study showed the low incidence of morbidity in harvesting proximal tibia bone graft, thereby providing a good alternative donor for foot and ankle procedures

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Minyak Aromaterapi Paddinging

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    Analisa situasi masyarakat Desa Paddinging, mayoritas masyarakat bekerja sebagai petani dan hanya memanfaatkan hasil tani sebagai mata pencaharian. Masyarakat tidak lagi memiliki kegiatan keseharian selain bertani oleh sebab itu membuat minyak aromaterapi memiliki peluang besar yang dapat dilakukan ibu PKK bahkan kedepannya jika rutin dan terorganisir bisa menambah pendapatan masyarakat desa. Program ini bisa membantu meningkatkan pengetahuan warga untuk mengolah jahe dan sereh menjadi minyak aromaterapi. Dengan demikian tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan dasar cara membuat minyak aromaterapi. Pelaksanaan program kerja dilakukan dengan metode pendekatan, diskusi, pelatihan dan praktek lapangan. Langkah-langkah program telah terlaksana dan mencapai hasil sesuai yang diharapkan yaitu pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan minyak aromaterapi berbahan jahe, sereh, kayu manis dan cengkeh yang di beri label “Minyak Aromaterapi Cap Paddinging” sebagai obat pegal-pegal, meringankan sakit kepala, melancarkan peredaran darah bahkan antinyamuk. Pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pembuatan minyak aromaterapi sebagai kelompok sasaran dilakukan melalui pendekatan, diskusi, pelatihan dan praktek lapangan membuat minyak aromaterapi Cap Paddinging