1,372 research outputs found

    On the infimum attained by a reflected L\'evy process

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    This paper considers a L\'evy-driven queue (i.e., a L\'evy process reflected at 0), and focuses on the distribution of M(t)M(t), that is, the minimal value attained in an interval of length tt (where it is assumed that the queue is in stationarity at the beginning of the interval). The first contribution is an explicit characterization of this distribution, in terms of Laplace transforms, for spectrally one-sided L\'evy processes (i.e., either only positive jumps or only negative jumps). The second contribution concerns the asymptotics of \prob{M(T_u)> u} (for different classes of functions TuT_u and uu large); here we have to distinguish between heavy-tailed and light-tailed scenarios

    Low latency via redundancy

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    Low latency is critical for interactive networked applications. But while we know how to scale systems to increase capacity, reducing latency --- especially the tail of the latency distribution --- can be much more difficult. In this paper, we argue that the use of redundancy is an effective way to convert extra capacity into reduced latency. By initiating redundant operations across diverse resources and using the first result which completes, redundancy improves a system's latency even under exceptional conditions. We study the tradeoff with added system utilization, characterizing the situations in which replicating all tasks reduces mean latency. We then demonstrate empirically that replicating all operations can result in significant mean and tail latency reduction in real-world systems including DNS queries, database servers, and packet forwarding within networks

    Distribution of the time at which the deviation of a Brownian motion is maximum before its first-passage time

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    We calculate analytically the probability density P(tm)P(t_m) of the time tmt_m at which a continuous-time Brownian motion (with and without drift) attains its maximum before passing through the origin for the first time. We also compute the joint probability density P(M,tm)P(M,t_m) of the maximum MM and tmt_m. In the driftless case, we find that P(tm)P(t_m) has power-law tails: P(tm)tm3/2P(t_m)\sim t_m^{-3/2} for large tmt_m and P(tm)tm1/2P(t_m)\sim t_m^{-1/2} for small tmt_m. In presence of a drift towards the origin, P(tm)P(t_m) decays exponentially for large tmt_m. The results from numerical simulations are in excellent agreement with our analytical predictions.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. Published in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (J. Stat. Mech. (2007) P10008, doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2007/10/P10008

    Measurement-Adaptive Cellular Random Access Protocols

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    This work considers a single-cell random access channel (RACH) in cellular wireless networks. Communications over RACH take place when users try to connect to a base station during a handover or when establishing a new connection. Within the framework of Self-Organizing Networks (SONs), the system should self- adapt to dynamically changing environments (channel fading, mobility, etc.) without human intervention. For the performance improvement of the RACH procedure, we aim here at maximizing throughput or alternatively minimizing the user dropping rate. In the context of SON, we propose protocols which exploit information from measurements and user reports in order to estimate current values of the system unknowns and broadcast global action-related values to all users. The protocols suggest an optimal pair of user actions (transmission power and back-off probability) found by minimizing the drift of a certain function. Numerical results illustrate considerable benefits of the dropping rate, at a very low or even zero cost in power expenditure and delay, as well as the fast adaptability of the protocols to environment changes. Although the proposed protocol is designed to minimize primarily the amount of discarded users per cell, our framework allows for other variations (power or delay minimization) as well.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables. Springer Wireless Networks 201

    Quantum algorithm and circuit design solving the Poisson equation

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    The Poisson equation occurs in many areas of science and engineering. Here we focus on its numerical solution for an equation in d dimensions. In particular we present a quantum algorithm and a scalable quantum circuit design which approximates the solution of the Poisson equation on a grid with error \varepsilon. We assume we are given a supersposition of function evaluations of the right hand side of the Poisson equation. The algorithm produces a quantum state encoding the solution. The number of quantum operations and the number of qubits used by the circuit is almost linear in d and polylog in \varepsilon^{-1}. We present quantum circuit modules together with performance guarantees which can be also used for other problems.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures. This is the revised version for publication in New Journal of Physic

    Implied volatility of basket options at extreme strikes

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    In the paper, we characterize the asymptotic behavior of the implied volatility of a basket call option at large and small strikes in a variety of settings with increasing generality. First, we obtain an asymptotic formula with an error bound for the left wing of the implied volatility, under the assumption that the dynamics of asset prices are described by the multidimensional Black-Scholes model. Next, we find the leading term of asymptotics of the implied volatility in the case where the asset prices follow the multidimensional Black-Scholes model with time change by an independent increasing stochastic process. Finally, we deal with a general situation in which the dependence between the assets is described by a given copula function. In this setting, we obtain a model-free tail-wing formula that links the implied volatility to a special characteristic of the copula called the weak lower tail dependence function

    A Markovian event-based framework for stochastic spiking neural networks

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    In spiking neural networks, the information is conveyed by the spike times, that depend on the intrinsic dynamics of each neuron, the input they receive and on the connections between neurons. In this article we study the Markovian nature of the sequence of spike times in stochastic neural networks, and in particular the ability to deduce from a spike train the next spike time, and therefore produce a description of the network activity only based on the spike times regardless of the membrane potential process. To study this question in a rigorous manner, we introduce and study an event-based description of networks of noisy integrate-and-fire neurons, i.e. that is based on the computation of the spike times. We show that the firing times of the neurons in the networks constitute a Markov chain, whose transition probability is related to the probability distribution of the interspike interval of the neurons in the network. In the cases where the Markovian model can be developed, the transition probability is explicitly derived in such classical cases of neural networks as the linear integrate-and-fire neuron models with excitatory and inhibitory interactions, for different types of synapses, possibly featuring noisy synaptic integration, transmission delays and absolute and relative refractory period. This covers most of the cases that have been investigated in the event-based description of spiking deterministic neural networks

    A L\'evy input fluid queue with input and workload regulation

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    We consider a queuing model with the workload evolving between consecutive i.i.d.\ exponential timers {eq(i)}i=1,2,...\{e_q^{(i)}\}_{i=1,2,...} according to a spectrally positive L\'evy process Yi(t)Y_i(t) that is reflected at zero, and where the environment ii equals 0 or 1. When the exponential clock eq(i)e_q^{(i)} ends, the workload, as well as the L\'evy input process, are modified; this modification may depend on the current value of the workload, the maximum and the minimum workload observed during the previous cycle, and the environment ii of the L\'evy input process itself during the previous cycle. We analyse the steady-state workload distribution for this model. The main theme of the analysis is the systematic application of non-trivial functionals, derived within the framework of fluctuation theory of L\'evy processes, to workload and queuing models

    An approximation approach for the deviation matrix of continuous-time Markov processes with application to Markov decision theory

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    We present an update formula that allows the expression of the deviation matrix of a continuous-time Markov process with denumerable state space having generator matrix Q* through a continuous-time Markov process with generator matrix Q. We show that under suitable stability conditions the algorithm converges at a geometric rate. By applying the concept to three different examples, namely, the M/M/1 queue with vacations, the M/G/1 queue, and a tandem network, we illustrate the broad applicability of our approach. For a problem in admission control, we apply our approximation algorithm toMarkov decision theory for computing the optimal control policy. Numerical examples are presented to highlight the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. © 2010 INFORMS