22 research outputs found


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    This article reviews the shift in the theoretical foundations of library and information science (LIS) on social epistemology to the philosophy of information. This shift bids have been submitted more than a decade ago where Luciano Floridi sees that the LIS has close relations with the philosophy of information. Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutics Phenomenology used to understand and interpret Jesse Shera and Luciano Floridi’s texts and to reveal the implicit and hidden meanings in the text. This reading indicates that the LIS is a discipline that not only deals with knowledge alone but rather takes care of the content that we understand as meaningful data. With that also, we understand the information not only as a matter of semantic and regarded as an epistemic prerequisite for the establishment of knowledge. However, beyond that, the information is placed as the ontological. Meaning of information, then, becomes important for LIS to place in the appropriate position. The foundation on the philosophy of information can break the chain of LIS dependence on another field theory and develop his theory. Therefore, this foundation does not only contribute praxis to produce solutions to technical problems that are commonly done regarding the improvement and development of library services. Although, this foundation can provide a 'new' space for scientists in this field to expand its epistemic motion

    Personal Impact of Media Publicity During Covid-19 Pandemic and Awareness Among Generation Z in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has caused anxiety and fear worldwide. In Indonesia, the Government has implemented large-scale social restrictions during pandemic and it causes trauma to the society. In addition, the information about the coronavirus disease were rapidly published and shared on various media and social networking sites which confuses the public society. Information plays a very important role in society in responding to a pandemic situation appropriately. The aim of this study is to determine the public awareness in dealing with the personal impact of media publicity during COVID-19 pandemic and relating the behaviour and attitude of Generation Z in Jakarta towards large-scale social restrictions. To carry out this study, an online questionnaire were conducted in Jakarta and a total of 278 respondents were sampled, consisting of women (n = 183) and men (n = 95). Data collection was carried out in May 2020. The results showed that exposure to COVID-19 information from various sources caused them often to changing their behavior, experienced more fear, more confused and anxious to get COVID-19 transmission. The sources of information used are varied, such as: social media, online news websites and health websites. The exposure to this information often changes Gen Z\u27s willingness with government orders and policies about the spread of COVID-19: strongly agree about the PSBB policy and they rarely did activities outside during the PSBB policy. This compliance is seen in their implementation of health protocols: wearing face masks, social distancing, wash hands and use hand sanitizers

    Plurality of Traditions and Metatheories in Information Science

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    Information science presupposes multi traditions because of its close relationship to the convergence of several fields of science that saw epistemic and practical needs and demands due to the phenomenon of the information revolution and information and communication technology (ICT). The multi traditions in information science are relevant to explain limitless study objects in information science in understanding reality and ways of gaining knowledge throughout the development of science. A previous study on ontology and epistemology shows that there is a limitation on human reasoning on the understanding reality that affects further development of science. The plurality of traditions enables seeing information sciences from many different perspectives. The question posed is what methodological assumptions, approaches, and methods are used to direct and base this field of inquiry? The phenomenological hermeneutic method is used to be able to understand and interpret texts relating to ontological and epistemological views in information science. As a result, there is a dualism of views in information science that positions it in different epistemic constellations. The view that puts forward knowledge as the object of study uses the social epistemological approach as its theoretical foundation. Meanwhile, the view that emphasizes information as an object of knowledge underlies its conceptual foundation on information philosophy. This epistemic change changes the paradigm, approach, method, and position of the epistemology and ultimately repositioned the scientific area. This methodological pluralism also presupposes the involvement of evaluative-ethical dimensions so that norms and values become a source of reference in gaining knowledge. In other words, the development of science should not only focus on the use of descriptive-explanatory scientific language

    Business Information Needs of Culinary Entrepreneurs in Wonopringgo Village, Pekalongan, Central Java

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    Business information, which is generally understood as essential information related to a company’s operation, activities and business environment, is fundamental resource for managers. This type of information and communication technology has been practiced by culinary entrepreneurs in Wonopringgo Village, Central Java. There are five categories of defining information needs used by culinary entrepreneurs in operating their business process. There are information on products, product development, training, marketing, and financial information. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in the level of information needs of culinary entrepreneurs in Wonopringgo Village which have been grouped by type of business. This study uses a mixed approach with an explanatory sequential method. Data was collected through distributing questionnaires, in-depth interviews and observations. The results of this study indicate that the level of information need for culinary entrepreneurs in Wonopringgo Village has differences between types of business. The results also revealed that the level of awareness in group 1 (92.5%) had a higher awareness of the importance of information than group 2 (88.5%) and for the ability of respondents to access information sources, both groups were quite low (4.9 %) and in group 2 of (5.7%)


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    This article discusses the importance of ethical guidance and regulation on the change of world research climate supported by information and communication technology (ICT). The research has resulted in artificial intelligence and „super‟ human entities which are predicted to potentially cause damage and destruction of humans. In this context, human is placed as an information organism parallel to other information entity. Human is no longer a single entity as a center of reflection on a moral action. This research aimed to reflect on the ontology of Floridian information based on ontocentrism as the axiological footing of its information ethical theory. The method used was hermeneutics. The research findings showed that the reduction of human position creates human nervousness as a knowing subject. Therefore, ethical regulation is required on artificial agent construction effort as moral agent within the constellation of ethical actions in the information ecosystem

    Plurality of Traditions and Metatheories in Information Science

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    Information science presupposes multi traditions because of its close relationship to the convergence of several fields of science that saw epistemic and practical needs and demands due to the phenomenon of the information revolution and information and communication technology (ICT). The multi traditions in information science are relevant to explain limitless study objects in information science in understanding reality and ways of gaining knowledge throughout the development of science. A previous study on ontology and epistemology shows that there is a limitation on human reasoning on the understanding reality that affects further development of science. The plurality of traditions enables seeing information sciences from many different perspectives. The question posed is what methodological assumptions, approaches, and methods are used to direct and base this field of inquiry? The phenomenological hermeneutic method is used to be able to understand and interpret texts relating to ontological and epistemological views in information science. As a result, there is a dualism of views in information science that positions it in different epistemic constellations. The view that puts forward knowledge as the object of study uses the social epistemological approach as its theoretical foundation. Meanwhile, the view that emphasizes information as an object of knowledge underlies its conceptual foundation on information philosophy. This epistemic change changes the paradigm, approach, method, and position of the epistemology and ultimately repositioned the scientific area. This methodological pluralism also presupposes the involvement of evaluative-ethical dimensions so that norms and values become a source of reference in gaining knowledge. In other words, the development of science should not only focus on the use of descriptive-explanatory scientific language

    The Practice of Hibah in Marcel Mauss’View at The National Library of The Republic of Indonesia

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    This research is an attempt to conduct an in-depth analysis of the essence of hibah (grant activities) of library material at the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative-interpretive approach. Peirce\u27s semiotic analysis is used as an analytical method to reveal the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships that occur in the grant process. Marcel Mauss\u27 Gift Theory is used as a theoretical basis to explain the ongoing practice of grants. The research focus is in the field of acquisition under the Center for Collection Development and Processing of Library Materials, the National Library of Indonesia. Purposive sampling method is used as a technique to determine informants by selecting the right individual so that they can specifically provide an understanding of the problem of this research. The results showed that reciprocity in the context of the grant giver means that the books they grant will become library collections. Meanwhile, in the context of the librarian as the grant recipient, reciprocity is manifested in the implementation of grant management in accordance with established procedures. Structurally, the concept of reciprocity identified in the practice of grants in the National Library occurs partially and exclusively on the side of the National Library as the grant recipient. The results of this research can be considered in formulating policies both on a local (in-house) and national scale and their role in collection development

    Hoax in the Context of Infosphere: The Role of Homo Poieticus in the Information Ecosystem

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    This article discusses the hoax phenomenon plagues this nation amid the heating up political tension approaching the simultaneous election of head of region. This situation is clearly very dangerous for the survival of a healthy nation and country. The appropriate thinking solution and strategic steps must be pursued by involving all parties. In terms of ethics, the concept of homo poieticus suggested by Luciano Floridi seems to be used as answer of this problems. This research aimed to reflect on the concept of homo poieticus understood as an ethical agent, as the creator of situation influenced by ethical appreciation. The method used was hermeneutics. The findings show that the figure of homo poeiticus is a moral agent that not only focuses on the consequences (a posteriori) of the actions conducted, but highly consider the process (a priori). The figure of homo poieticus that has the poietic awareness and ability should be able to create a conducive environment and full of goodness by avoiding the increase of enthropy in the information ecosystem. Every moral agent who becomes homo poieticus will always strive in accordance with his ability and awareness to create, maintain and preserve the coolness if the information ecosystem. Keywords: Homo Poieticus, Hoax, Infosphere, Level of Abstraction (LOA

    Users’ Awareness of Personal Information on Social Media: Case on Undergraduate Students of Universitas Indonesia

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    Posting a personal data information on social media can be easily done by anyone. These activities are easily found on the user\u27s social media profile page, which is not uncommon to contain personal information. This is coupled with the possibility of security gaps in social media services, can be utilized for various purposes, and by anyone, including other users and service providers themselves. On the other hand, regulations and policies regarding personal data information, have not been clearly regulated in Indonesia. By using a qualitative approach, this research aims to determine the stage of the user consciousness related to personal data information, and a variety of personal data information that is listed on the user\u27s social media. The results show that the stage of consciousness arises when the user thinks critically in the decision of the inclusion of a personal data information. The results of the study also showed that users know a variety of personal data information, which is appropriate for each user\u27s background. This research also suggests that the social media users should provide themselves with the sufficient knowledge of social media usage

    Armanesia Blockchain System: Blockchain and IFPS-Based Archive System Prototype

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    Document integrity is critical to public trust in archives management. Armanesia is an innovative research project aims to develop prototype of information systems to support the management of digital archives based on blockchain technology. The project uses blockchain technology to record verification, immutability, and other metadata derived from various types of digital records. In this system, archives are permanently stored through peer-to-peer distribution and consensus verification without the need for a third party. The continuum archive cycle is based on Armanesia workflow infrastructure. The prototype is built through open-source technologies such as IPFS (Interplanetary File System) for blockchain-enabled file systems to design a system prototype using the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) method. Armanesia technology can be applied for both public and private blockchain ecosystems. &nbsp