43 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze the comparison optimization of the halal industry in the economic development of Indonesia and Malaysia. The research was conducted in 2 countries, by reviewing and analyzing the optimization the halal industry in the economic development of Indonesia and Malaysia. This research uses primary data and secondary data which are primary data; interviews with key informants and secondary data; use study documentation and literature study. The growth of the Malaysian and Indonesian halal industries is expected to continue. According to Islamic law, one of the main principles of Sharia is the maintenance of life in a manner sustainable to match economic development. Having these criteria can help provide guidance to halal certification bodies such as JAKIM and BPJPH in implementing halal product certification in Malaysia and Indonesia. In addition, pharmaceutical products for halal consideration must follow the laws and requirements imposed by the legal or competent authorities in Malaysia and Indonesia

    Peranan Motivasi Pimpinan dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana di Kota Bandarlampung

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    The implications of family planning goals are not only merely to reduce the number of births but also to improve the quality of the population, the quality of human resources and the health and social welfare that have been done through the setting of birth, maturation age of marriage and increasing the family endurance and welfare.Achieving those family planning goals are closely linked to the role of Family Planning Counselors (FPC). Family Planning Counselors help to provide the information and motivation, distribute contraceptives and perform data collection on families. Family Planning Counselors are also have been utilized by other sectors, particularly in Deviating poverty and network support community participation in family planning programs.Similarly, the heavy duty and responsibility of Family Planning Counselors would require the motivation to improve their performance, so the writer is interested to study this problem with the title of how is the role of motivation in improving the motivation of family planning counselors in Bandar Lampung city.In answering this problem the author uses the descriptive qualitative research method. Data were collected by library and field methods, such as observation field, depth interview, and documentation. The sources of information in this research are family planning counselors, other related and authorized party and PUS as the party that knows well about the family planning counselors. The interview results were analyzed to be drawn a conclusion. The results of the research showed that the performance of family planning counselors in Bandar Lampung city is determined by the motivation given in the form of additional incentives, clarity of career (promotion) and the provision of complete working equipment


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    Congestion is a problem that often occurs in cities in Indonesia, Bandar Lampung City is one of the major cities in Indonesia that does not escape this problem. To overcome this bottleneck, the Bandar Lampung city government appointed the Department of Transportation to address the problem. One of the latest breakthroughs of the Bandar Lampung City Transportation Agency is to organize an Area Traffic Control System program.This study aims to look at the Strategy of the Department of Transportation in the Implementation of the APILL in the Area Traffic Control System in Bandar Lampung City in maintaining orderliness and smooth traffic in Bandar Lampung City. Strategy Implementation System according to Higgins which offers a Strategy system which is considered to be able to solve various problems in its implementation, namely: (1) Integral Planning and Control Systems, (2) Leadership, Motivation, and Communication Systems, (3) Human Resource Management, Organizational Culture . The method used is Qualitative Research, with Data Collection Techniques Through Interviews, Documentation, Observation.The results showed that the overall strategy of the Department of Transportation has been going well but there are still inhibiting aspects of the Department of Transportation's Strategy in Implementing Traffic Giving Tools Based on Area Traffic Control System in Bandar Lampung City. Not yet comprehensive socialization throughout the general public, especially road users, has caused many people not to know the Area Traffic Control System. in addition to the limited budget and the high cost of installing traffic control system areas, the development and addition of app traffic control system areas in the city of Lampung can not be fully implemented. the communication system that is established between the transportation office of the city of Lampung and the employees who handle the traffic control system is well established but the external communication with the parties involved has not been well established. the absence of a human resource development program that would hinder employees in terms of operating the components of the traffic control system area

    Penggunaan Media Gambar untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Pkn Siswa Kelas II Sdn 015 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam

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    This research is motivated by the low interest students learning civics class II SDN 015 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam. Goals to be achieved in this research is to improve the interest in learning civics grade II SDN 015 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam through the use media pictures conducted during one month. This research was conducted in SDN 015 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam. Classes are meticulous researcher is a class II half of the number of students as many as 20 people. This classroom action research was started in early august 2015. This form of research is classroom action research. The research instrument consists of instruments teacher and student activity sheets and achievement test. Based on the analysis and discussion can be concluded that the success of the study is known of improving learning at each meeting for each cycle. The first cycle of the first meeting of student interests is still considered low by percentage of 48.3%. The first meeting of the second cycle increased with the percentage of 58,3%, in the first meeting of the second cycle also increases with the percentage of 70,8%, student interest in the percentage reached 80,00% or higher category. Thus the research hypothesis that says the use of media images can increase increase student interest in learning civics class II SDN 015 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam "unacceptable


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    Careers involve identifying career-related goals and preparing plans to achieve goals in the workplace organization. Realistic career planning forces individuals to see opportunities that exist in relation to their abilities. Career planning for educational staff is a process by which educational staff can identify and take steps to achieve their career goals in the world of education. This writing uses the literature review method. Literature review is used to look for theories or concepts related to the selection and planning of change strategies. The management and career planning of the education staff is ultimately the responsibility of the education staff themselves. But educational organizations or institutions, of course, must intervene and play a role in the form of assistance to motivate educational staff to achieve their career goals. The role of organizations here can be in the form of providing career education, career information, and career guidance, and specifically providing orientation, training, creating fair promotions, and others


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    The essence of local government in an area is to provide services to the community both in terms of quality and quantity, which means that the government as a public servant is required to "perform" well so that it has an impact on increasing community satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy on public satisfaction at the Menggala District Office, Tulang Bawang Regency, either partially or simultaneously . The data collection techniques in this study were observation, questionnaires and documentation. The population in this study amounted to 58 people. The research method uses associative descriptive method. In this study the authors used qualitative and quantitative data analysis.In general, the results of this research are as follows: 1) Tangibles have a positive effect on public satisfaction at the Menggala District Office, Tulang Bawang Regency, 2) Reliability has a positive effect on public satisfaction at the Menggala District Office, Tulang Bawang Regency, 3) Responsiveness has a positive effect on public satisfaction at the Menggala District Office, Tulang Bawang Regency, 4) Assurance has a positive effect on public satisfaction at the Menggala District Office, Tulang Bawang Regency, 5) Empathy has a positive effect on public satisfaction at the Office Menggala District, Tulang Bawang Regency and 6) Tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy together have a positive effect on public satisfaction at the Menggala District Office, Tulang Bawang Regency


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    The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The use of this method is to describe the Organizational Environment in Support of Organizational Performance at the Library and Education Service of West Lampung Regency, qualitatively examining how all data is obtained directly from informants in the field using interviews and document studies. The results showed that the organizational environment at the Department of Library and Education of West Lampung Regency is one of the causes of success in carrying out a job, because the organizational environment can affect workers, especially the organizational environment that is psychological in nature. The organizational environment at the West Lampung Regency Library and Readiness Service aims to provide maximum work comfort, so that employees in providing quality services, in the sense that if employees work and the results of the work get appreciation and recognition, then the work must be of quality. Supporting and inhibiting aspects in an effort to improve the organizational environment at the Library and Readiness Office of West Lampung Regency. These aspects can occur both internally and externally to the organization. Internal factors include elements contained in the body of the organization, namely the Library and Readiness Service of West Lampung Regency. Then the external factors of aspects that come from outside the West Lampung Regency Library and Readiness Service, such as local government, relevant agencies and the community. This occurs because a good organizational environment has been strived for, but it has not materialized as expected because there are still employees who are not fully comfortable with the existing organizational environment, such as air circulation, noise in the workplace

    Peranan Motivasi Pimpinan Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana Di Kota Bandarlampung

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    The implications of family planning goals are not only merely to reduce the number of births but also to improve the quality of the population, the quality of human resources and the health and social welfare that have been done through the setting of birth, maturation age of marriage and increasing the family endurance and welfare.Achieving those family planning goals are closely linked to the role of Family Planning Counselors (FPC). Family Planning Counselors help to provide the information and motivation, distribute contraceptives and perform data collection on families. Family Planning Counselors are also have been utilized by other sectors, particularly in Deviating poverty and network support community participation in family planning programs.Similarly, the heavy duty and responsibility of Family Planning Counselors would require the motivation to improve their performance, so the writer is interested to study this problem with the title of how is the role of motivation in improving the motivation of family planning counselors in Bandar Lampung city.In answering this problem the author uses the descriptive qualitative research method. Data were collected by library and field methods, such as observation field, depth interview, and documentation. The sources of information in this research are family planning counselors, other related and authorized party and PUS as the party that knows well about the family planning counselors. The interview results were analyzed to be drawn a conclusion. The results of the research showed that the performance of family planning counselors in Bandar Lampung city is determined by the motivation given in the form of additional incentives, clarity of career (promotion) and the provision of complete working equipment


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    The implementation of Government Regulation Number 39 Year 2018 regarding Protocols in the Protocol and Communication Section of Leaders is still not going well, this is because there are still many protocol staff who do not understand the rules of the Protocol itself and are still based on existing customs. That can be an obstacle in the service of protocol in the Protocol and Communication Section of the Head of the Regional Secretariat of West Lampung Regency. The research approach uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed that the implementation of Government Regulation Number 39 Year 2018 on Protocol in the Protocol and Communication Section of the Head of the Regional Secretariat of West Lampung Regency was still not going well because of the inhibiting factors, namely inadequate Human Resources  in the field of protocols as well as facilities and infrastructure tasks. protocol that has not yet fulfilled capacity

    Analisis Elastisitas Kesempatan Kerja Sektor Sekunder di Provinsi Maluku

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    The elasticity of labor demand illustrates the percentage change in labor demand as a result of changes in labor input prices / wages, and output will be produced. In economic development effortsin the Moluccas, the secondary sector experienced slow growth, and labor absorption capacity is very small. Therefore, through this research want to see the ability of employment in the sector. The findings indicate that the employment elasticity is very low. Lower elasticity of demand because of changes in wages and is not very significant. Also a positive effect. This means that even if wages go up, demand continues to increase. The elasticity of employment opportunities and long-term elasticity of demand is lower than the short term. Pretty high level desired differences in workforce and that obviously occurred eliminated within one year.Keywords:Elasticity of Labor Deman