19 research outputs found


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    One important element in the region is the existence of green open space, especially public green open Spaces that have ecological, cultural, economic, aesthetic, and also urban/regional. The need for public green open space as a means of recreation and community interaction is not balanced with the number of available public green open spaces that can balance the population. The public green open space affects the number of people, the more people in one city the need for green open space increases. This method of research analysis is a SWOT analysis in which in research results from the public green open space analysis, population projections, and land use & gravelly. The results are a strategy that can help restore the supply of green open Spaces on the green side of population, which is: optimize the water use areas to make green public Spaces, to use the removal of the land for public green Spaces, to use the ground in hill areas for use as open space. Public green areas such as parks or forests, and they promote and maintain the green facilities that support public activities.and maintaining reforestation of facilities that support community activities


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    Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah terwujudnya BRAND destinasi Pantai Teluk Kiluan yang menarik sesuai dengan potensi kearifan lokal sehingga dapat membantu masyarakat yang andalan utama penghidupannya dari pariwisata, serta terbukanya pengetahuan masyarakat dalam menghadapi permasalahan kepasrahan dan kebimbangan berusaha melalui peningkatan kemampuan masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan inovasi.Metode yang digunakan dalam menjawab masalah tersebut adalah metode kolaboratif, yaitu suatu metode penguatan yang mensinergikan kemampuan masyarakat dan potensi lokal dengan kepakaran dari Unila dalam hal penerapan pengetahuan mem-branding sebuah destinasi sehingga mampu menjadi magnit wisatawan. Integrasi penanganan antara kemampuan potensi lokal dengan iringan pendampingan kepakaran dari UNILA telah menambah wawasan baru dalam memunculkan  alternatif nuansa baru melalui pelibatan masyarakat membranding destinasi Pantai Teluk Kiluan melalui logo. Munculnya sebuah Brand merupakan  alternatif sangat penting dengan harapan dapat mendongkrak jumlah kunjungan wisatawan


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    Terwujudnya upaya penguatan ketahanan masyarakat dalam menjaga semangat dan keberlanjutan dalam menghadapi New Normal di wilayah pesisir, realisasi Nilai Tambah produk olahan hasil tangkapan nelayan menjadi olahan ikan asap yang dikemas agar tahan lama dan memiliki nilai jual tinggi bagi masyarakat. pemenuhan hajat hidup masyarakat, dan Terbukanya pengetahuan masyarakat dalam menghadapi permasalahan keterpurukan dan kebimbangan di bidang pariwisata dan perikanan melalui peningkatan kemampuan masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan inovasi kemasan agar memiliki nilai tambah hasil tangkapan ikan yang tahan lama. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan diatas, konsep yang digunakan adalah Two in One yaitu dua bentuk kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam satu kesatuan pelaksanaan program. Kedua kegiatan tersebut bersifat penguatan dan sinergis. Dari hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan sebelumnya, tim pelaksana melihat potensi yang dapat dilakukan berupa pendampingan dan pelatihan. Potensi tersebut masih sangat memungkinkan untuk melanjutkan KKN Masyarakat Desa Binaan Universitas Lampung kedepannya. Oleh karena itu, komunikasi yang terus menerus antara mitra dan tim pelaksana setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bentuk monitoring dan perencanaan kegiatan kedepan dalam satu program yang sama. Kepada masyarakat Kiluan khususnya kelompok ikan asap agar tetap konsisten memperdalam ilmu dan keterampilan guna mengoptimalkan potensi desa


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    Developing environmental services in protected forests can be done in various ways, such as developing natural tourism, planting trees to reduce carbon emissions, and managing water resources. The approach used in this study is qualitative with the desk research method. The development of environmental services in protected forests can be carried out through various approaches, such as community-based forest management, partnerships between government and the private sector, and the use of information and communication technology. The development of environmental services can increase people's income by increasing the economic value of products produced from protected forests, assisting in maintaining sustainable management of natural resources, and increasing the availability of natural resources that are beneficial for human life and the ecosystem. The main challenges in managing environmental services are lack of access to capital and technology, as well as lack of public awareness and participation in managing natural resources. There are opportunities for developing environmental services in protected forests, such as increasing public awareness of the importance of preserving protected forests and advances in information and communication technology that can be used in developing environmental services. The development of environmental services in protected forests through social forestry programs is a solution to maintain human survival and preserve protected forests. This program provides economic, social and technological benefits for local communities and encourages sustainable forest management, as well as increasing community awareness in preserving forest functions

    Application of Internet of Things (IoT) on Microclimate Monitoring System in The ALG Unpad Greenhouse Based on Raspberry Pi

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is currently influencing many facets of human life. Smart agriculture is one system that can use the IoT to improve production efficiency and consistency across agriculture, improve crop quality, and reduce negative environmental impacts. The architecture of an IoT-based microclimate monitoring system tailored for use with the Unpad ALG greenhouse is shown in this paper. The suggested system design can collect microclimate data using the SHT11 and GUVA-S12SD microclimate sensors and store it in a database on a Raspberry Pi with a cloud computing back-end idea. The Raspberry Pi is also used to process and analyze data in order to set up mist-based greenhouse cooling systems. The collected data is delivered to a web-based front-end node, where users can access from their own device. The results reveal that when the temperature rises beyond the predetermined threshold of 30°C or the humidity falls below 80%, the system can activate the mist-based cooling system. With a temperature difference of 6.25 degrees Celsius lower and humidity of 28.06 percent greater, the system is able to perform better than it was introduced before. The automation system's performance can reach 15.22% better, however it declines as the light intensity rises

    The Combination of Biofertilizer and Organic Fertilizer to Improve Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) Production

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    Shallot is one of important horticultural crops in Indonesia; shallot consumption per capita is estimated to be 4.6 kg per year. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of combining biofertilizer and organic fertilizer on the production of shallot in Sukabanjar village, Pesawaran, Lampung, Indonesia. The study was set up using a randomized completely block design with two factors, biofertilizers and various organic fertilizers, i.e. cow manure, chicken manure, rice straw compost, oyster mushroom baglog.  Our study demonstrated that combining biofertilizer and organic fertilizer significantly increased the number, diameter, and fresh and dry weight of tubers of “Bima Brebes” shallot. Shallots treated with biofertilizer combined with oyster mushroom baglog produced the highest tuber yield of 1788 g compared to 282 g in the control


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    Perkembangan alat mesin pertanian sangat pesat, mulai dari alat tradisional ani-ani  yang hanya dapat memotong malai padi hingga combine harvester yang dapat memotong, merontokan, hingga pengarungan gabah. Kondisi keuangan dan lahan yang berbeda menyebabkan petani harus memilih mesin tepat guna. Salah satu alternatif mesin yang dapat digunakan untuk lahan yang tidak terlalu luas yaitu mesin pemotong padi (paddy mower) tipe GLX 328-RH. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kapasitas kerja, kehilangan gabah (losses), dan konsumsi bahan bakar serta analisis ekonomi penggunaan mesin pemotong padi tipe GLX 328-RH untuk pemanenan. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga tahapan utama, yaitu persiapan mesin dan lahan, pengujian performansi mesin dan analisis data.  Parameter yang diamati adalah kapasitas kerja mesin, persentase kehilangan gabah, dan konsumsi bahan bakar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kapasitas kerja mesin pemotong padi dengan RPM 3863 0,019 ha/jam dan RPM 5000 0,022 ha/jam lebih besar dibanding sabit 0,013 ha/jam. Losses cenderung menurun dengan meningkat nya kecepatan RPM. Losses pada RPM 1824 = 1,91%, RPM 3863 = 0,84%, RPM 5000 = 0,56%. Konsumsi bahan bakar pada RPM 1824 = 100,78 l/ha, RPM 3863 = 49 l/ha, dan RPM 5000 = 35,67 l/ha. Nilai break even point (BEP) penggunaan mesin pemotong padi tipe GLX 328-RH sebesar 4,64ha. NPV mesin pemotong padi tipe GLX 328-RH sebesar Rp 1.006.632,03/year. B/C Ratio mesin pemotong padi  sebesar 1,025. IRR mesin sebesar 39,103%, dan pay back periode tercapai pada 2,07 tahun.  Kata Kunci: Padi, mesin pemotong padi, kapasitas kerja, unjuk kerj


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    Kakao adalah salah satu komoditas pertanian andalan dengan peranan penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia.  Mutu biji kakao sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi kakao dan cara pengolahannya, salah satunya yaitu pengeringan.  Alternatif proses pengeringan biji kakao yang dapat digunakan yaitu pengering tipe bak. Kelebihan dari alat ini yaitu waktu penjemuran lebih singkat, tidak memerlukan banyak tenaga kerja, suhu dan kecepatan proses pengeringan dapat diatur sesuai keinginan, dan kebersihan dapat diawasi sebaik-baiknya.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keuntungan/ pendapatan per tahun yang akan diperoleh dan untuk mengetahui nilai kelayakan ekonomi dari alat pengering biji kakao tipe bak sistem penghembus udara panas di Desa Penengahan, Kecamatan Gedong Tataan, Kabupaten Pesawaran, Provinsi Lampung. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April - Mei 2018 di Desa Penengahan, Kecamatan Gedong Tataan Kabupaten Pesawaran, Provinsi Lampung.  Data-data yang diperlukan dalam melakukan analisis ekonomi ini diperoleh dari data kuantitatif yang didukung oleh data kualitatif, hal ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang akurat.  Data kuantitatif diperoleh dengan mewawancarai secara langsung petani pemilik alat menggunakan daftar pertanyaan (kuesioner) sebagai alat bantu pengumpulan data.  Sedangkan data kualitatif diperoleh dengan melakukan pengamatan atau pengukuran langsung di lapangan.  Data-data tersebut diisi kedalam tabel yang sesuai dengan data dan rincian biaya yang telah dikeluarkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan per tahun dari usaha pengeringan ini yaitu sebesar Rp 42.242.668,01/tahun, dan dinilai layak secara finansial yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai NPV (Rp 165.318.779,07/tahun) bernilai positif, B/C Ratio (1,07) > (1), dan IRR (554,36%) > suku bunga bank (7%).  Berdasarkan analisis sensitivitas, perubahan terhadap kenaikan biaya produksi, penurunan penerimaan, dan penurunan jam kerja alat menunjukkan bahwa usaha pengeringan biji kakao tetap layak untuk dilakukan

    Performance Test of Cassava Cutting Machine Type of Double Block Cutter

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    Preparation of cassava seeds using a machete or hand saw takes a long time, the results are not uniform, and there is a potential for damage to cassava seedlings. The double block cutter type cassava stem cutting machine has been designed to produce high capacity and good quality cassava seeds. This study aims to test the performance of the cassava stem cutting machine with the double block cutter type. Performance tests include measuring machine working capacity, fuel consumption, seed uniformity, and planting test. The cutting test was carried out using 3 varieties of cassava seedlings. The machine works at a rotational speed of 3800 rpm and the test was carried out with various feeding loads, namely 3 rods, 4 rods, and 5 rods with. Each test was repeated 3 times. Cassava stem cutting machine (Petokong) is suitable for producing cassava stems with an average working capacity of 16275 seeds/hour. The results of the Anova test showed that the number of baits and varieties of cassava seeds and their interaction had a significant effect on the working capacity of the Petokong machine. Variations in fuel consumption are thought to be influenced by the variety of cassava stem used, which is influenced by the stem diameter of each variety. The Petokong machine is far superior to manual cutting using a machete or saw which can only produce 815 and 3005 seeds/hour per hour. The average fuel consumption is 1.82 liters per hour. Seed uniformity is about 98% and seedling damage can be minimized to 2%. The seeds produced by the Petokong machine can grow well, which is indicated by the appearance of shoots and an even distribution of roots

    Characteristics of Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Plywood Adhesive derived from Low-Quality Cat’s Eye Damar Resin

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    Wood panel products mainly use formaldehyde-based adhesives that release free formaldehyde and potentially cause health problems. This study aimed to develop a free-formaldehyde adhesive from cat’s eye damar (CED) resin as an alternative adhesive for plywood production. The low-quality CED resin was used to increase the added value of the resin. The adhesive formulation consists of a ratio of 30:70 (CED:benzene) dissolved for 15 minutes at 45°C. The plywood was manufactured using glue spread rates of 200, 250, and 300 g/m2 with an addition of 10% tapioca flour and hot pressed using a pressure of 2.45 MPa at 120°C for 6 minutes. The CED-based adhesive produced has a solid content of 28.76%, a pH value of 5.93, a gel time value of 70.05 minutes, and a viscosity value of 4.02 mPa.s. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy analysis stretching of the C-H group, indicating an alkane compound. Plywood’s physical and mechanical properties bonded with CED-based adhesive increased with higher glue spread application. Utilizing a glue spread of 300 g/m2 could produce plywood with comparable physical and mechanical properties to the urea-formaldehyde-bonded plywood. Keywords: cat’s eye damar, dynamic mechanical analysis, formaldehyde-free adhesive, plywood, Shorea javanic