116 research outputs found


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    In this article the one-dimensional, overdamped motion of a classical particle is considered, which is coupled to a thermal bath and is drifting in a quenched disorder potential. The mobility of the particle is examined as a function of temperature and driving force acting on the particle. A framework is presented, which reveals the dependence of mobility on spatial correlations of the disorder potential. Mobility is then calculated explicitly for new models of disorder, in particular with spatial correlations. It exhibits interesting dynamical phenomena. Most markedly, the temperature dependence of mobility may deviate qualitatively from Arrhenius formula and a localization transition from zero to finite mobility may occur at finite temperature. Examples show a suppression of this transition by disorder correlations.Comment: 10 pages, latex, with 3 figures, to be published in Z. Phys.

    Aging effects in the quantum dynamics of a dissipative free particle: non-ohmic case

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    We report new results related to the two-time dynamics of the coordinate of a quantum free particle, damped through its interaction with a fractal thermal bath (non-ohmic coupling ωδ\sim\omega^\delta with 0<δ<10<\delta<1 or 1<δ<2)1<\delta<2). When the particle is localized, its position does not age. When it undergoes anomalous diffusion, only its displacement may be defined. It is shown to be an aging variable. The finite temperature aging regime is self-similar. It is described by a scaling function of the ratio tw/τ{t_w/\tau} of the waiting time to the observation time, as characterized by an exponent directly linked to δ\delta.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    Two interacting diffusing particles on low-dimensional discrete structures

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    In this paper we study the motion of two particles diffusing on low-dimensional discrete structures in presence of a hard-core repulsive interaction. We show that the problem can be mapped in two decoupled problems of single particles diffusing on different graphs by a transformation we call 'diffusion graph transform'. This technique is applied to study two specific cases: the narrow comb and the ladder lattice. We focus on the determination of the long time probabilities for the contact between particles and their reciprocal crossing. We also obtain the mean square dispersion of the particles in the case of the narrow comb lattice. The case of a sticking potential and of 'vicious' particles are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 6 postscript figures, to appear in 'Journal of Physics A',-January 200

    General technique of calculating drift velocity and diffusion coefficient in arbitrary periodic systems

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    We develop a practical method of computing the stationary drift velocity V and the diffusion coefficient D of a particle (or a few particles) in a periodic system with arbitrary transition rates. We solve this problem both in a physically relevant continuous-time approach as well as for models with discrete-time kinetics, which are often used in computer simulations. We show that both approaches yield the same value of the drift, but the difference between the diffusion coefficients obtained in each of them equals V*V/2. Generalization to spaces of arbitrary dimension and several applications of the method are also presented.Comment: 12 pages + 2 figures, RevTeX. Submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Analysis of self--averaging properties in the transport of particles through random media

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    We investigate self-averaging properties in the transport of particles through random media. We show rigorously that in the subdiffusive anomalous regime transport coefficients are not self--averaging quantities. These quantities are exactly calculated in the case of directed random walks. In the case of general symmetric random walks a perturbative analysis around the Effective Medium Approximation (EMA) is performed.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX , No figures, submitted to Physical Review E (Rapid Communication


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    This article deals with transport properties of one dimensional Brownian diffusion under the influence of a correlated quenched random force, distributed as a two-level Poisson process. We find in particular that large time scaling laws of the position of the Brownian particle are analogous to the uncorrelated case. We discuss also the probability distribution of the stationary flux going through a sample between two prescribed concentrations, which differs significantly from the uncorrelated case.Comment: 9 pages, figures are not include

    Non-Equilibrium Quantum Dissipation

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    Dissipative processes in non-equilibrium many-body systems are fundamentally different than their equilibrium counterparts. Such processes are of great importance for the understanding of relaxation in single molecule devices. As a detailed case study, we investigate here a generic spin-fermion model, where a two-level system couples to two metallic leads with different chemical potentials. We present results for the spin relaxation rate in the nonadiabatic limit for an arbitrary coupling to the leads, using both analytical and exact numerical methods. The non-equilibrium dynamics is reflected by an exponential relaxation at long times and via complex phase shifts, leading in some cases to an "anti-orthogonality" effect. In the limit of strong system-lead coupling at zero temperature we demonstrate the onset of a Marcus-like Gaussian decay with {\it voltage difference} activation. This is analogous to the equilibrium spin-boson model, where at strong coupling and high temperatures the spin excitation rate manifests temperature activated Gaussian behavior. We find that there is no simple linear relationship between the role of the temperature in the bosonic system and a voltage drop in a non-equilibrium electronic case. The two models also differ by the orthogonality-catastrophe factor existing in a fermionic system, which modifies the resulting lineshapes. Implications for current characteristics are discussed. We demonstrate the violation of pair-wise Coulomb gas behavior for strong coupling to the leads. The results presented in this paper form the basis of an exact, non-perturbative description of steady-state quantum dissipative systems

    Mean-Field Treatment of the Many-Body Fokker-Planck Equation

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    We review some properties of the stationary states of the Fokker - Planck equation for N interacting particles within a mean field approximation, which yields a non-linear integrodifferential equation for the particle density. Analytical results show that for attractive long range potentials the steady state is always a precipitate containing one cluster of small size. For arbitrary potential, linear stability analysis allows to state the conditions under which the uniform equilibrium state is unstable against small perturbations and, via the Einstein relation, to define a critical temperature Tc separating two phases, uniform and precipitate. The corresponding phase diagram turns out to be strongly dependent on the pair-potential. In addition, numerical calculations reveal that the transition is hysteretic. We finally discuss the dynamics of relaxation for the uniform state suddenly cooled below Tc.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Scaling limits of a tagged particle in the exclusion process with variable diffusion coefficient

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    We prove a law of large numbers and a central limit theorem for a tagged particle in a symmetric simple exclusion process in the one-dimensional lattice with variable diffusion coefficient. The scaling limits are obtained from a similar result for the current through -1/2 for a zero-range process with bond disorder. For the CLT, we prove convergence to a fractional Brownian motion of Hurst exponent 1/4.Comment: 9 page

    Anomalous diffusion, Localization, Aging and Sub-aging effects in trap models at very low temperature

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    We study in details the dynamics of the one dimensional symmetric trap model, via a real-space renormalization procedure which becomes exact in the limit of zero temperature. In this limit, the diffusion front in each sample consists in two delta peaks, which are completely out of equilibrium with each other. The statistics of the positions and weights of these delta peaks over the samples allows to obtain explicit results for all observables in the limit T0T \to 0. We first compute disorder averages of one-time observables, such as the diffusion front, the thermal width, the localization parameters, the two-particle correlation function, and the generating function of thermal cumulants of the position. We then study aging and sub-aging effects : our approach reproduces very simply the two different aging exponents and yields explicit forms for scaling functions of the various two-time correlations. We also extend the RSRG method to include systematic corrections to the previous zero temperature procedure via a series expansion in TT. We then consider the generalized trap model with parameter α[0,1]\alpha \in [0,1] and obtain that the large scale effective model at low temperature does not depend on α\alpha in any dimension, so that the only observables sensitive to α\alpha are those that measure the `local persistence', such as the probability to remain exactly in the same trap during a time interval. Finally, we extend our approach at a scaling level for the trap model in d=2d=2 and obtain the two relevant time scales for aging properties.Comment: 33 pages, 3 eps figure