922 research outputs found

    An Intellectual Journey to Many Worlds: Ahmad Fardid and Modern Iran in the Age of Social Transformation

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    Öffentliche iranische Intellektuelle waren in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts sehr einflussreich. Es ist anzunehmen, dass die Islamisten unter diesen Intellektuellen maßgeblich zur Entstehung der Islamischen Revolution von 1979 beigetragen haben – sowohl mit ihrem Aktivismus als auch mit der Verbreitung ihrer Ideen. Einer dieser Intellektuellen war Ahmad Fardid (1912-1994), ein iranischer Philosoph, der sich anti-moderne europäische Philosophien angeeignet hatte, um eine radikale Form des Islamismus zu propagieren. In Transnationalism in Iranian Political Thought: The Life and Times of Ahmad Fardid präsentiert Ali Mirsepassi einen Gesamtüberblick über Fardids Leben, seine Weltanschauung und sein Vermächtnis. Dafür führt Mirsepassi eine fundierte Analyse der Ideen von Fardid und anderen Intellektuellen durch, die von ihm beeinflusst wurden. Kern seiner Studie ist das transnationale Moment in der iranischen Geistesgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, das zur Entstehung eines eigentümlichen ‚nativistischen‘ Diskurses beigetragen habe. Mirsepassi betont dabei die Auffälligkeit dieses Moments und seine anhaltenden Relevanz.During the second half of the twentieth century, public intellectuals in Iran were highly influential. Arguably, the Islamist segment of these intellectuals substantially contributed to the making of the Islamic Revolution of 1979 with both their activism and dissemination of ideas. One of these intellectuals was Ahmad Fardid (1912-1994), an oral philosopher of Iran who had appropriated anti-modernist European philosophies to formulate a totalizing form of Islamism. In Transnationalism in Iranian Political Thought: The Life and Times of Ahmad Fardid, Ali Mirsepassi presents comprehensive research on Fardid’s personal life, worldview, and legacy. This effort is undertaken with well-rounded analysis of the ideas of Fardid and other intellectuals whom he was influenced. Essentially, this study elucidates a transnational moment in twentiethcentury Iranian intellectual history which helped the creation of a peculiar “nativist” discourse. Mirsepassi highlights the salience of this moment and its persisting relevance


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    Dısa açılma ve rekabet arasındaki iliski “ithalatın piyasayı disipline etme“ hipotezi olarak bilinir ve ampirik literatürün yogun ilgisini çekmektedir. Oligopolistik yapıya sahip yerel endüstriler, uluslar arası rekabete maruz kalarak daha rekabetçi davranmaya zorlanır. Bu durum, fiyatmaliyet marjlarının düsmesine ve çıktı seviyesinin artmasına neden olarak, yerel firmaların piyasa gücünü azaltacaktır. Bu makalede, iki haneli Türkiye imalat sanayi verileri ile panel veri ekonometrik teknikleri kullanılarak disipline edici ithalat hipotezi test edilmis ve ithalat penetrasyonunun Türkiye imalat sanayi iki haneli alt sektörlerinde 1966-2001 döneminde, piyasayı disipline etmede önemli bir rolü oldugu sonucuna varılmıstır

    Ecological and environmental effects of urban transformation: An example in Turkey

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    Sur district in Diyarbakir city like all historical places in Mesopotamia is a city that has rich historical buildings. The urban transformation has become a necessity as a result of the historical process, unplanned construction, change of tools and equipment in transportation, environmental and ecological problems, and social activities. For this reason, urban transformation applications have been started in Sur. As a result of the transformation; the formerly irregular constructions and environment have become regular. Accordingly, many environmental problems have been reduced. In addition to this, due to the exchange in the originality of historical architecture, some negative have been experienced too.  In this study, positive and negative perspective effects of urban transformations on public living and the environment were examined. Situations before and after their transformations were compared and evaluated. The results show that urban transformations have a positive effect majority of environmental effects

    The Effect of Innovation and Participation as Workplace Values on Job Satisfaction and the Mediating Effect of Psychological Ownership

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    Job satisfaction is an important construct in the organizational behavior domain because it affects several organizational variables, such as performance, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational commitment. This study investigates the effect of innovation and participation as workplace values on job satisfaction and the mediating role of psychological ownership. Participants (N = 316) were adults working at different hotels in Antalya, Turkey. The results show innovation and participation as workplace values manifest their effects on job satisfaction through psychological ownership. Moreover, psychological ownership, along with participation, is one of the best estimators of job satisfaction, while participation is the best estimator of psychological ownership among studied variables. © The Author(s) 2021

    Use of Stem Cell Therapy in COVID-19

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is known to cause the new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), in which many organs and systems such as the lung, heart, and immune system can be severely affected. Currently, the treatment process is generally based on supportive and palliative care. Some potential drugs are being tested for treatment. At this point, perhaps a promising treatment method for many diseases in the future seems to be stem cell therapy in recent times. Stem cell therapy in COVID-19 may be a treatment method that can play an important role, especially in resistant and severe cases. In this review, we summarized the potential mechanisms of stem cell therapy and developments in this treat ment modality

    Organizational Commitment: Three Research Models Proposal

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    Organizational commitment is a vital subject for all organizations that are trying to establish a sustainable business model. In all studies examining the effects of variables on organizational commitment, the research models are designed as all three dimensions of the organizational commitment are distinct variables that are not affecting each other. This research model is valid if the researcher is only trying to investigate the effects of the independent variables on the dimensions. However, if the organizational commitment is being investigated, then the research models should be different. This study tries to examine how the research models should be designed as per research purpose and demonstrates the difference between currently used and the proposed research models by using a sample dataset from a previous study

    A Comparative Study on Neural Network Based Soccer Result Prediction

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    7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA'07; Rio de Janeiro; Brazil; 22 October 2007 through 24 October 2007This study mainly remarks the efficiency of black-box modeling capacity of neural networks in the case of forecasting soccer match results, and opens up several debates on the nature of prediction and selection of input parameters. The selection of input parameters is a serious problem in soccer match prediction systems based on neural networks or statistical methods. Several input vector suggestions are implemented in literature which is mostly based on direct data from weekly charts. Here in this paper, two different input vector parameters have been tested via learning vector quantization networks in order to emphasize the importance of input parameter selection. The input vector parameters introduced in this study are plain and also meaningful when compared to other studies. The results of different approaches presented in this study are compared to each other, and also compared with the results of other neural network approaches and statistical methods in order to give an idea about the successful prediction performance. The paper is concluded with discussions about the nature of soccer match forecasting concept that may draw the interests of researchers willing to work in this area

    Modeling of Electric Vehicles as A Load of the Distribution Grid

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are expected to reduce carbon emissions from transportation. For this reason, many vehicle manufacturers, countries and international organizations develop their energy and transportation policies in this direction and also support them with practices. As a result of the policies implemented and developments in battery technologies, serious increases are expected in the sales of the EV sector. However, there should be sufficient charging stations for EV charging. The increase in charging stations is expected to cause some positive and negative effects on the grid. In order for electric vehicles to be more acceptable in terms of power systems, it is necessary to understand what kind of electrical character they show. In this article, EV electrical modeling is performed over a charging period by Monte Carlo Simulation using the actual charging data of some EV models charged in a single phase 7, 2 kW-240 V charger. The generated probabilistic model was validated by comparing it with real data. Thus, a reliable modeling has been presented for EV, which is a new load in power systems