15 research outputs found

    Sibling relationships of children with mentally disabled siblings and healthy siblings

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    This study compares children who have mentally disabled siblings with those who do not. The study group included the mothers and siblings of 60 mentally disabled children and the comparison group included the mot-hers and siblings of 60 healthy children. The study data were collected using a family information form and the Schaeffer Sibling Behavior Rating Scale. In the group of children with mentally disabled siblings, there were significant differences in the subdimensions of kindness, avoidance, em-pathy and involvement perceived by the mothers and siblings. In the com-parison group, the only significant difference was in the kindness subdi-mension. In the group of children with mentally disabled siblings, there was a significant difference between the age variable and sibling relations-hip

    Validade e confiabilidade da versão turca da escala de avaliação do Ambiente de Aprendizagem Clínica, Supervisão e Professor de Enfermagem (CLES+T)

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    Aim: A methodological type of study was conducted for the purpose of investigating the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher (CLES+T) evaluation scale of the clinical learning environment of students, clinical nurses, and educators. Methods: Sample was comprised of 602 Turkish nursing students with clinical practice experience at the hospital. The CLES+T, developed by Saarikoski, was used for data collection. Language equivalency, internal consistency, item-total correlation, and structure validity were conducted within the scope of the validity and reliability study on the CLES +T scale. Results: It was determined that item-total correlations of four items were lower than 0.30, and those items were removed from the scale as a result of item analysis. The Cronbach’s alpha value of the scale was 0.93-0.99; item total point correlations of the scale varied between 0.45 and 0.66; six factors were identified in the CLES+T factor analysis study, with a total variance explained by these six factors of 64%. Conclusion: According to the findings of the research, the CLES+T Turkish version was found to be a valid and reliable scale, which can be used to evaluate satisfaction of nursing students with their clinical education in TurkeyObjetivo: Um estudo do tipo metodológico foi desenvolvido com o propósito de investigar a validade e a confiabilidade da versão turca da escala de avaliação do Ambiente de Aprendizagem Clínica, Supervisão e Professor de Enfermagem (CLES + T) no ambiente de aprendizagem clínica de estudantes, enfermeiros clínicos e educadores. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 602 estudantes de enfermagem turcos com experiência na prática clínica hospitalar. O CLES + T, desenvolvido por Saarikoski, foi utilizado para coleta de dados. Equivalência de linguagem, consistência interna, correlação item-total e validade de estrutura foram avaliados no escopo do estudo de validade e confiabilidade na escala CLES + T. Resultados: As correlações item-total de quatro itens foram inferiores a 0,30, e tais itens foram removidos da escala como resultado da análise de itens. O valor alfa de Cronbach da escala foi de 0,93-0,99; as correlações itemtotal da escala variaram entre 0,45 e 0,66; seis fatores foram identificados na análise fatorial da escala, com uma variância total explicada por esses seis fatores de 64%. Conclusão: De acordo com os resultados da pesquisa, a versão turca do escala CLES+T foi considerada válida e confiável, a qual pode ser usada para avaliar a satisfação de estudantes de enfermagem com sua educação clínica na Turquia.Objetivo: Se realizó un estudio de tipo metodológico con el fin de investigar la validez y la fiabilidad de la versión turca de la escala de evaluación del entorno de aprendizaje clínico, la supervisión y la enfermera docente (CLES + T) del entorno clínico de aprendizaje de estudiantes, enfermeras clínicas, y docentes. Métodos: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 602 estudiantes de enfermería turcos con experiencia en práctica clínica en el hospital. Se utilizó el CLES + T, desarrollado por Saarikoski, para la recopilación de datos. Se realizaron la equivalencia idiomática, la consistencia interna, la correlación ítem-total y la validez de la estructura dentro del alcance del estudio de validez y confiabilidad en la escala CLES + T. Resultados: se determinó que las correlaciones ítem-total de cuatro ítems eran inferiores a 0.30, y se eliminaron de la escala como resultado del análisis. El valor alfa de Cronbach de la escala fue 0.93-0.99; las correlaciones de puntos totales de los ítems de la escala variaron entre 0.45 y 0.66; se identificaron seis factores en el estudio de análisis del factor CLES + T, con una varianza total explicada por estos seis factores del 64%. Conclusión: según los resultados de la investigación, se encontró que la versión turca de CLES + T era una escala válida y confiable, que se puede utilizar para evaluar la satisfacción de los estudiantes de enfermería con su educación clínica en Turquí

    Evaluation of the applicability of the clinical care classification system to the care of elderly nursing home residents

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    The purpose of this study was to translate the Clinical Care Classification System into Turkish and evaluate its applicability to the care of elderly nursing home residents. This study uses a quasi-experimental design in which interventions and evaluations are repeated at specified time intervals in a single group and in which the Clinical Care Classification System is evaluated in a descriptive manner through the use of documents obtained from the system to test the applicabilityof the system for the care of elderly nursing home residents. Twenty-eight elderly people participated in the study. The health conditions of elderly people were evaluated using an elderly assessment form based on data obtained after nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions were determined using the Clinical Care Classification System. The change in nursing diagnoses as a result of the applied nursing interventions was evaluated. A total of 297 diagnoses were specified in 18 care components directed to the elderly, and 310 interventions were performed. Upon evaluation of the consequences of the interventions, changes in 208 nursing diagnoses were observed. The findings indicate that the Clinical Care Classification System is useful for determining the requirements of the elderly, providing suitable nursing care and enabling the evaluation of the process. © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin stresle başetme durumları ve madde kullanım öykülerinin belirlenmesi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı hemşirelik öğrencilerinin stresle başetme durumları ve madde kullanım öykülerinin belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve yöntem: Tanımlayıcı olan bu araştırmanın evreni ve örneklemini bir sağlık bilimleri fakültesi hemşirelik bölümünde öğrenim gören araştırmaya katılmak isteyen 371 hemşirelik öğrencisi oluşturmuştur. Veriler araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan anket formu, Stresle Başetme Tarzları Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Analiz için SPSS 18.0 istatistik programıyla Sayı, Yüzdelik, Student t Testi, Tek Yönlü Varyans analizi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışmadakilerin yaş ortalaması 20,59±1,89’dur. Öğrencilerin %79,2’si kadın, %34,5’i 1. sınıf, %25,1’i 2. sınıf, %16,4’ü 3. sınıf, %24,0’ü 4. sınıftır. Katılımcıların büyük çoğunluğu aile ile (%82,7) ve çevre ile olan iletişimini (%83) iyi olarak belirtmişlerdir. Çalışmaya alınanların %42,3’ü okul ortamındaki stresin sınavlar, dersler ve ders işleme şeklinden kaynaklandığını bildirmişlerdir. Öğrencilerin çok büyük bir çoğunluğunun (%99,5) sigara ve alkol dışında herhangi bir bağımlılık yapıcı madde kullanmadıkları, %81,7’sinin şu anda sigara ve %83,0’ünün alkol kullanmadıkları belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin stresle baş etme tarzları ölçeği alt boyut puanları; kendine güvenli yaklaşım 12,61±4,01, iyimser yaklaşım 8,38±2,87, kendine güvensiz/çaresiz yaklaşım 11,95±4,55, boyun eğici yaklaşım 6,68±3,42 ve sosyal destek arama 7,02±1,90’dır. Sonuç: Çalışmaya alınanların en fazla kendine güvenli yaklaşım, ardından kendine güvensiz/çaresiz yaklaşım ve en az olarak da boyun eğici yaklaşım alt boyutunu kullandıkları saptanmıştır. Bu sonuç öğrencilerin stresle başa çıkma konusunda etkili yöntemler kullandıklarını, stres yönetimi konusunda daha az sorun yaşadıklarını göstermektedir

    Attitudes of Turkish Nursing and Medical Students Toward Elderly People

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the attitudes of nursing and medical students toward older people in Turkey. Method: This was a cross-sectional and comparative descriptive study. The Turkish version of Kogan's Old People Scale was used to evaluate attitudes toward older people among 618 students. Results: Medical students showed more positive attitudes toward older people than nursing students. Students who were females, whose economic income was less than expenditure, and who were not interested in working with older people after graduation showed less positive attitudes. Conclusion: The results suggested that positive attitudes toward older people exist; despite this, it is obvious that more efforts are required to enhance these attitudes. Implications for Practice: Revision and improvement in curricula are needed to enhance the attitudes of students toward older people, and lecturers in schools should further consider the need to prepare students for their roles as caregivers for this particular group. © 2013, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved

    The effect of childhood trauma on the anger status of university students

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    In this study, it was intended to evaluate the effect of childhood trauma on the anger status of university students. A total of 323 students who were studying in a University, Department of Nursing were included in this cross-sectional study. Data were collected by using Descriptive Information Form, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire and Trait Anger and Anger Expression Scale. Data were analyzed by using numerical and percentage values, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman Correlation Analysis. It was f ound thatmean total score of Childhood Traumatic Events Scale was 102.26, mean score of emotional abuse and neglect was 59.96, mean score of physical abuse was 33.18 and mean score of sexual abuse was 9.11. Mean trait anger score of students was found to be 22.67; and mean scores of anger-out, anger-in and anger control, that are the subdimensions of anger expression styles, were found to be 17.16, 16.58 and 21.57, respectively. When the relationship between childhood traumatic events of the students and their trait anger and the forms of anger expression was examined, it was determined that their trait anger levels increased (p=0.000, r=0.203), and they reflected their anger more (p=0.000, r=0.217) as their exposure to traumatic events increased. According to the results of this study,it was found that mean score of Childhood Traumatic Events Scale was was high. © GATA