7 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Alat Ukur Koefisien Permeabilitas Tanah Menggunakan Sistem Akuisisi Data Berbasis IoT (Internet Of Things)

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    Telah dibuat alat ukur koefisien permeabilitas tanah menggunakan sistem akuisisi data berbasis internet, peralatan pengukuran yang digunakan menggunakan prinsip falling head permeameter, sensor tekanan MPX10GP digunakan untuk mengubah besaran fisis level air menjadi besaran elektrik mengggunakan teori tekanan hidrostatis. Rentang pengukuran level air adalah 6-40 cm, sehingga diperoleh + 36 data nilai koefisien permeabilitas tiap satu cm. Data dari sistem pengukuran selanjutnya ditransmisikan kedalam jaringan internet, sehingga data dapat diakses melalui smartphone. Dari percobaan yang telah dilakukan pada tiga sampel uji yakni tanah pada tanggul sungai Bengawan Solo, tanah lereng gunung dan tanah pada tanggul kolam ITS, masing-masing memberikan nilai koefisien permeabilitas sebesar k = 0.000149 cm/s, k = 0.001207 cm/s dan 0.000375 cm/s. Dengan data penelitian ini, diharapkan mampu menyusun peta pada daerah yang rawan terjadi bencana longsor secara cepat dan akurat. ================================================================================================================== Soil permeability coefficient and measuring instrument using a data acquisition system on internet has made, the measuring equipment used uses the principle of falling head permeameter , MPX10GP pressure sensor is used to change the physical quantities of water level becomes electrically scale use traditional theory of hydrostatic pressure . The measurement range is 6-40 cm water level , in order to obtain + 36 permeability coefficient value of each one cm. The data from subsequent measurement system transmitted into the Internet network , so that data can be accessed by smartphone . From the experiments that have been performed on three samples test the soil on the embankment of the river Bengawan Solo , the land slopes of the mountain and land on the embankment to an ITS , each providing a coefficient of permeability of k = 0.000149 cm / s, k = 0.001207 cm / s and 0.000375 cm / s. With this research data, is expected to draw up a map of the area is prone to landslides quickly and accurately

    Rancang bangun alat ukur moefisien permeabilitas tanah menggunakan metosde falling head

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    Telah dilakukan pembuatan alat ukur koefisien permeabilitas tanah dengan metode falling head dengan mengunakan parameter level perubahan air yang digunakan untuk menguji laju infiltrasi pada tanah sampel. Tranduser yang digunakan adalah potensiometer yang dapat mengubah gaya tarik dari bandul yang terhubung pada perubahan level air menjadi besaran listrik dengan menggunakan prinsip pembagi tegangan. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Arduino Duemilanove yang mempunyai fitur ADC 10 bit, pembacaan tegangan sebesar 1 mm per 5 angka digital. Peralatan mekanik yang digunakan adalah variasi dari gear-gear yang berfungsi untuk merubah gaya berat menjadi gaya sentrifugal pada potensiometer. Jangkauan pengukuran yang mampu dilakukan sebesar 17 cm. Hasil percobaan dengan metode falling head ini memberikan kesimpulan bahwa pada sampel tanah uji dari Kanor memiliki koefisien permeabilitas sebesar 5,7.10-5 m/s. Untuk tanah jenis pasir diperoleh nilai koefisien permeabilitas sebesar 2,7. 10-5 m/s ========================================================================================================== Coefficient of Soil permeability measuring devices have been fabricated with falling head method using the changes in water level parameters that are used to test the soil samples infiltration rate. The transducer used is a potentiometer that can alter gravity of the pendulum is connected to the water level changes into electrical quantities using a voltage divider principle. Data processing is done by using the Arduino Duemilanove which feature 10-bit ADC, the voltage reading of 1 mm per 5 digital numbers. Mechanical equipment used is a variation of the geargear that serves to alter gravity into the centrifugal force on the potentiometer. Range measurements are able to be done by 17 cm. Results of experiments with the method of this tester head falling to the conclusion that the test soil samples from kanor have a permeability coefficient of 5,7.10-5 cm / s. For the sand soil type k values obtained by 2,7.10-5 cm /

    Rancang Bangun Alat Ukur Moefisien Permeabilitas Tanah Menggunakan Metode Falling Head

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    Telah dilakukan pembuatan alat ukur koefisien permeabilitas tanah dengan metode falling head dengan mengunakan parameter level perubahan air yang digunakan untuk menguji laju infiltrasi pada tanah sampel. Tranduser yang digunakan adalah potensiometer yang dapat mengubah gaya tarik dari bandul yang terhubung pada perubahan level air menjadi besaran listrik dengan menggunakan prinsip pembagi tegangan. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Arduino Duemilanove yang mempunyai fitur ADC 10 bit, pembacaan tegangan sebesar 1 mm per 5 angka digital. Peralatan mekanik yang digunakan adalah variasi dari gear-gear yang berfungsi untuk merubah gaya berat menjadi gaya sentrifugal pada potensiometer. Jangkauan pengukuran yang mampu dilakukan sebesar 17 cm. Hasil percobaan dengan metode falling head ini memberikan kesimpulan bahwa pada sampel tanah uji dari Kanor memiliki koefisien permeabilitas sebesar 5,7.10-5 m/s. Untuk tanah jenis pasir diperoleh nilai koefisien permeabilitas sebesar 2,7. 10-5 m/s ========= Coefficient of Soil permeability measuring devices have been fabricated with falling head method using the changes in water level parameters that are used to test the soil samples infiltration rate. The transducer used is a potentiometer that can alter gravity of the pendulum is connected to the water level changes into electrical quantities using a voltage divider principle. Data processing is done by using the Arduino Duemilanove which feature 10-bit ADC, the voltage reading of 1 mm per 5 digital numbers. Mechanical equipment used is a variation of the geargear that serves to alter gravity into the centrifugal force on the potentiometer. Range measurements are able to be done by 17 cm. Results of experiments with the method of this tester head falling to the conclusion that the test soil samples from kanor have a permeability coefficient of 5,7.10-5 cm / s. For the sand soil type k values obtained by 2,7.10-5 cm /

    Analysis of Wind Power Potential in Samiang Bay, Kotabaru, South Kalimantan

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    This research was conducted to determine the potential for wind power from the Tamiang Bay area, Kotabaru, South Kalimantan. This study uses data on the average daily wind speed in Tamiang Bay with latitude -4.058883°, longitude 116.050259° obtained from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Based on the analysis that has been done, the average daily wind speed in Tamiang Bay is 4 m/s for a height of 10 m and 5.98 m/s for a height of 50 m. Through the assumption that using a Gamesa G114-2.5 MW wind turbine with a tower height of 80 m, in one year, the Tamiang Bay area has the potential to produce 2646.58 MWh of wind power. Thus, the Tamiang Bay area is said to be very potential for wind power development

    Fabrication and Performance Analysis of AZO and MCCO as Thin Film-Thermoelectric Generator Materials

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the performance of AZO and MCCO materials as constituents of the thin film-thermoelectric generator module. The method used for fabrication is DC Magnetron Sputtering. The electrode material used is Ag and the substrate used is SiO2 glass. The arrangement of the thin film used for the fabrication of the thermoelectric module is P-N-P-N-P-N-P-N-P-N (5 couples of p-n junctions). Based on the test results, the thickness of the thin film type N is 74.72 nm and type P is 90.34 nm. At the highest test temperature (300 oC), the AZO Seebeck coefficient value is -108 µV/K while the MCCO Seebeck coefficient value is 350 µV/K, and the AZO electrical resistivity value is 0.07 Ω.m while the MCCO electrical resistivity value is 0.36 Ω.m. The highest temperature difference given in the test of the AZO and MCCO thin film thermoelectric module is 1.538 °C and the thermoelectric module can produce a voltage of 1,842 ± 0.047 mV, a Seebeck coefficient of 4 µV/K, and an efficiency of 0.44%. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the performance of AZO and MCCO thin film-thermoelectric modules will have better performance at temperatures around 300 - 350 °C

    Fabrication of p-type (MCCO) thin film using DC magnetron sputtering as a preparator for thermoelectric module

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    Based on existing research, thermoelectric efficiency can be improved through material selection. In this study, the material used is CaCO₃ doped with Mn and Co₂O₃ to form CaCo3.5Mn0.5O9 material as a p-type thermoelectric material. The substrate used is glass. The stages in this research are material synthesis, sputtering process using DC Magnetron Sputtering machine to form thin films, and testing. The synthesis process includes grinding, calcination, and sintering. Grinding is done using a Ball Mill machine with a rotation speed of 250 rpm for 5 hours. Furthermore, the calcination step was carried out by heating the sample into a furnace at a temperature of 800°C for 10 hours. Then the sintering process was carried out at a temperature of 850°C for 12 hours. After the synthesis process is complete, enter the sputtering process using a DC Magnetron Sputtering machine for approximately 10 minutes. The gas used in this research is Argon (Ar). After the sputtering process was carried out, several tests appeared, such as the XRD test to determine the type of crystal, the ZEM-3 test to determine the Seebeck coefficient and resistivity, the thickness of the thin film formed, and the power factor test to determine the maximum voltage and power generated by the module formed. Several power factor test results were obtained, consisting of 107 μW/mK² at 100°C, 108 μW/mK² at 200°C, and 332 μW/mK² at 300°C and a thickness of 90.34 nm