20 research outputs found

    Kardiyovasküler hastalıklar, primer ve diabetik dislipideminin genomik profillerinin belirlenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, primer dislipidemi ile diabetik dislipidemili olgularda; LDLR (rs1799898), LPL (rs320), LCAT (rs2292318), ADIPOQ (rs1501299), RETN (rs3745367), PON1 (rs662), CETP (rs708272), LIPC (rs2070895), SCARB1 (rs5888), MNSOD (rs4880) gen polimorfizmlerinin hastalık gelişimi üzerindeki genetik etkilerinin tanımlanması, hastalık gelişim riski olan olgularda tedaviye erken başlanmasına katkı sağlanması ve bu sonuçların öncülüğünde daha geniş çaplı araştırılmaların yapılarak türk toplumunun genetik profillerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu araştırmada endokrinoloji polikliniğinde primer ve diabetik dislipidemi tanısı alan ve sağlıklı kontrol grubuna ait bireylerden alınan kan örneklerinden DNA izolasyonları gerçekleştirilmiş daha sonra real-time PCR480 cihazında her gen polimorfizmine özgü spesifik primer-problar kullanılarak erime eğrisi analizine göre LDLR (rs1799898), LPL (rs320), LCAT (rs2292318), ADIPOQ (rs1501299), RETN (rs3745367), PON1 (rs662), CETP (rs708272), LIPC (rs2070895), SCARB1 (rs5888), MNSOD (rs4880) gen polimorfizmleri değerlendirilerek her polimorfizm için genotipleme yapılmış ve bu polimorfizmlerin dislipidemi gelişimi üzerindeki etkileri değerlendirilmiştir. Hasta ve kontrol grubunu oluşturan olgular gen polimorfizmleri ve haplotip analizleri sonuçlarına göre kıyaslandığında LPL (rs320), LCAT (rs2292318), ADIPOQ (rs1501299), RETN (rs3745367), CETP (rs708272), LIPC (rs2070895), SCARB1 (rs5888), MNSOD (rs48809), gen polimorfizm ve haplotipleri açısından aralarında istatiksel bir fark gözlenirken LDLR (rs1799898), PON1 (rs662) gen polimorfizmleri ve haplotip analizleri açısından aralarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılığın olmadığı saptanmıştır (p değerleri). Bu sonuçların yanında lipoprotein metabolizmasında trigliseridlerin hidrolizasyonunun gerçekleştiği yolakta önemli rol oynayan LPL/LIPC, VLDL' nin karaciğerden sentezlenerek salgılanmasında birlikte görev alan LIPC/LDLR/SCARB1 ve kolesterol esterlerini karaciğere ya da trigliseridden zengin lipoproteinlere transferinin gerçekleştirdiği yolakta birlikte rol oynayan CETP/LCAT/LIPC enzimlerin gruplandırılmaları yapılarak birleşik genotip analizleri incelendiğinde; LPL/LIPC birleşik genotip analizine göre hasta grubunda TT/GG (%8.8), TG/GG( %30 ), GG/AG (%10), GG/GG (%40), LIPC/LDLR/SCARB1 gen polimorfizmleri birleşik genotip analizine göre hasta grubunda GG/CT/CT (% 6,4) , GG/CT/TT (% 2,4) , GT/CC/CT (% 6,8), GT/CC/TT (% 8,8), GT/CT/CC (% 10,4), GT/CT/CT (% 5,2 ) , GT/CT/TT (% 1,2), TT/CC/CC (% 10,4), TT/CC/CT (% 14), TT/TT/CC(% 9,6) , TT/CT/CC (% 4), TT/CT/CT (% 7,2), TT/CT/TT (% 5,2) ve CETP/LCAT/LIPC gen polimorfizmleri birleşik genotipleme analizine göre hasta grubunda CC/CC/AG (% 3,2), CC/CC/GG (% 16,4), CC/CT/GG (% 7,6), CT/CC/GG (% 19,6), CT/CT/AG (% 2,4), CT/CT/GG (% 12,4), CT/TT/GG (% 7,2), TT/CC/AG (% 2,8), TT/CC/GG (% 8,4), TT/CT/AG (% 0,8), TT/CT/GG (% 3,2), TT/TT/AG (% 1,2), TT/TT/GG (% 1,6) oranlarında bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu veriler sonucunda mutant genotiplerin birlikte görülme sıklığının kontrol grubundan daha yüksek oranda bulunduğu yani hasta grubunda önemli oranda arttığı ortaya konmuştur. Sonuç olarak, primer dislipidemi, diabetik dislipidemi gelişiminde LPL (rs320), LCAT (rs2292318), ADIPOQ (rs1501299), RETN (rs3745367), CETP (rs708272), LIPC (rs2070895), SCARB1 (rs5888), MNSOD (rs48809), LCAT (rs2292318) gen polimorfizmlerinin önemli derecede bir risk faktörü olduğu saptanmış

    Aynı kardiyovasküler sonlanıma sahip ailevi hiperkolesterolemi ve yüksek lipoprotein (a) düzeyi olan tek yumurta ikizleri: Olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi

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    Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH) is a rare, autosomal dominant disease that leads to premature cardiovascular disease (CVD). Since monozygotic twins share the intrauterine environment and have the same age and gene profie, they could represent a very special resource for the investigation of the causes and the natural course of FH. This report is a description of 36-year-old monozygotic twin brothers with almost identical early coronary artery involvement due to FH concomitant with high lipoprotein(a) (Lpa) levels and a review of the literature. Sequence analysis revealed that the twins were homozygous for the LDLR c.1060+10G>A (rs12710260) mutation and heterozygous for the LDLR c.542C>T (rs557344672) mutations. Both were also homozygous for the c.1060+7T>C (rs2738442) and c.1586+53A>G (rs1569372) mutations in the LDLR gene as well as c.4265A>T (rs568413) mutations in the APOB gene. in the literature, there are 7 twin cases with reported FH, but none with high Lpa levels. the HoFH twins in this case report had lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels than expected (before treatment 204 and 223 mg/dL), with almost identical coronary involvement. Both had an extremely high Lpa level (308 and 272 nmol/L) with a very low coronary calcium score (16 AU) and a good response to statins (>60%). There was a history of the fist CVD event occurring at nearly the same age (32–34 years) in the family. This could be an important aspect of FH families as a result of the similar timing of cumulative LDL exposure exceeding the threshold of CVD events. in conclusion, this fist report of monozygotic HoFH twins with elevated Lpa levels and almost identical early coronary artery involvement at the same age provides evidence to substantiate the hypothesis of lifetime cholesterol burden/ exposure.Homozigot Ailevi hiperkolesterolemi (HoAH), erken kardiyovasküler hastalığa yol açan nadir, otozomal dominant bir hastalıktır. Monozigotik ikizler intrauterin çevreyi, yaşı ve tüm genlerini ortak paylaştıklarından, AH’nin nedenlerini ve doğal seyrini araştırmak için çok özel bir kaynağı temsil edebilirler. Bu yazıda AH ve yüksek lipoprotein a (Lpa) düzeylerine bağlı olarak hemen hemen aynı erken koroner arter tutulumu olan 36 yaşında monozigotik ikiz kardeşleri literatür derlemesi ile birlikte sunuyoruz. Dizi analizi ile ikizlerin LDLR c.1060+10G>A (rs12710260) mutasyonu için homozigot ve LDLR c.542C>T (rs557344672) mutasyonları için heterozigot olduğu gösterilmiştir. Her ikisi de LDLR genindeki c.1060+7T>C (rs2738442), c.1586+53A>G (rs1569372) mutasyonları ve APOB genindeki c.4265A>T (rs568413) mutasyonları için homozigottur. Literatürde AH için bildirilen toplam 7 ikiz vaka vardır ve hiç birinde yüksek Lpa düzeyleri bildirilmemiştir. HoAH olan ikizler, beklenenden daha düşük LDL seviyelerine sahipti (tedavi öncesi 204 ve 223 mg/dL) ve neredeyse aynı koroner tutulumu izlendi. Her ikisi de yüksek Lpa seviyeleri (308 ve 272 nmol/L) ve çok düşük koroner kalsiyum skoru (16 AU) na sahipti ve de statinlere iyi yanıt (>%60) verdiler. Ayrıca, ilk kardiyovasküler olayları ailede neredeyse aynı yaşlarda (yani 32–34 yaşlarında) meydana gelmişti. Bu, kardiyovasküler olay gelişimi eşiğini aşan kümülatif LDL maruziyetinin benzer zamanlaması nedeniyle AH ailelerinin önemli bir özelliği olabilir. Sonuç olarak, yüksek Lpa seviyeleri ve hemen hemen aynı erken koroner arter tutulumu olan monozigotik HoAH ikizler, ömür boyu kolesterol yükü / maruziyeti hipotezine doğrulayacı bir kanıt sayılabilir

    Potential Biomarkers For Early Detection Of Oral Cancer: Leptin And Adiponectin

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    Purpose: To determine adiponectin and leptin expression levels in samples from healthy, dysplastic and cancerous oral lesions and to investigate the potential role of these biomarkers in oral cancer development. Methods: Tissue samples from the archives which were histologically diagnosed as oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) (n=24), oral dysplasia (n=12) and healthy tissue (n=16) were included. The concentration and purity of samples were determined after total RNA extraction. Thereafter, cDNA synthesis was performed. The differences between expression levels were evaluated with qPCR. Expression levels related to OSCC were performed according to normalizing gene ACTB. 2 ? ??CT method was used for comparison of expression levels. Student t-test was used to compare the differences in gene expression levels between groups, using 2 ? ??CT value for each gene. Results: Adiponectin and leptin expression levels were decreased by 1.09 (p = 0.49) and 10.3 (p = 0.22), respectively, in OSCC group, however differences were not statistically signi?cant. The level of adiponectin expression decreased by 1.65 times (p = 0.62) and leptin expression increased by 3 times (p = 0.30) in the dysplasia group. When OSCC and dysplasia groups were compared, it was found that the level of adiponectin expression increased by 1.52 times (p = 0.99) and the level of leptin expression decreased by 30.94 times (p = 0.16) in the OSCC group. The samples were re-grouped as increased risk (OSCC+dysplasia) (n=36) and healthy (n=16) and a decrease by 16.5 (p= 0.3) in leptin expression and an increase by 1.14 (p= 0.6) in adiponectin expression was observed in the increased risk group compared to the healthy group. Conclusion: In tissue samples diagnosed as healthy, dysplastic and OSCC, expression levels for leptin and adiponectin have not been compared before. The results revealed a decrease in leptin expression and an increase in adiponectin expression in increased risk group

    Conversion of specific lncRNAs to biomarkers in exhaled breath condensate samples of patients with advanced stage non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Objectives: Lung cancer (LC) is one of the most prevalent cancers with the highest fatality rate worldwide. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are being considered potential new molecular targets for early diagnosis, follow-up, and individual treatment decisions in LC. Therefore, this study evaluated whether lncRNA expression levels obtained from exhaled breath condensate (EBC) samples play a role in the occurrence of metastasis in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma (LA).Methods: A total of 40 patients with advanced primary LA and 20 healthy controls participated in the study. EBC samples were collected from patients (during diagnosis and follow-up) and healthy individuals for molecular analysis. Liquid biopsy samples were also randomly obtained from 10 patients with LA and 10 healthy people. The expression of lncRNA genes, such as MALAT1, HOTAIR, PVT1, NEAT1, ANRIL, and SPRY4-IT1 was analyzed using cfRNA extracted from all clinical samples.Results: In the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with LA, lncRNA HOTAIR (5-fold), PVT1 (7.9-fold), and NEAT1 (12.8-fold), PVT1 (6.8-fold), MALAT1 (8.4-fold) expression levels were significantly higher than those in healthy controls, respectively. Additionally, the distinct lncRNA expression profiles identified in EBC samples imply that decreased ANRIL-NEAT1 and increased ANRIL gene expression levels can be used as biomarkers to predict the development of bone and lung metastases, respectively.Conclusion: EBC is an innovative, easily reproducible approach for predicting the development of metastases, molecular diagnosis, and follow-up of LC. EBC has shown potential in elucidating the molecular structure of LC, monitoring changes, and discovering novel biomarkers.The research project received support from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-121S932). The article processing charges were funded by the Presidency of Strategy and Budget of the Republic of Turkey (2019K12-149080).Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey [TUBITAK-121S932]; Presidency of Strategy and Budget of the Republic of Turkey [2019K12-149080

    The evaluation of t(12;21) TEL-AML1 translocation in acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients by real-time qRT-PCR with 5-year follow-up results.

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    Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp FakültesiAmaç: Bu çalışmada akut lenfoblastik lösemi (ALL) ön tanılı olgularda t(12;21) translokasyonu gerçek zamanlı kantitatif revers transkriptaz polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (qRT-PZR) yöntemi kullanılarak kantite edildiObjectives: This study aims to quantify the t(12;21) translocation in cases pre-diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) using the real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) method

    Visceral Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania Tropica

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    Purpose: In Turkey, the main causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is Leishmania. infantum and the main causative agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is Leishmania tropica. In this study, we aimed to discuss the possible mechanisms, clinical aspects, and threat of visceralizing L. tropica. Methods: This study includes seven cases of VL caused by L. tropica.Five patients were male (71%) and four were adults (57%). Results: All the VL patients complained of fever and splenomegaly. Fatigue, pancytopenia, and hepatomegaly were present in six patients each (86%), while weight loss and gastrointestinal system (GIS) symptoms were present in 5 patients (71%). Conclusions: In this study, we have evaluated seven cases of visceralized L. tropica (VLT) in the context of the changing leishmaniasis epidemiology in Turkey. We have evaluated the possible mechanisms of visceralization; inter- and intraspecies genetic exchange with all the old world leishmaniasis agents present in the region, stress induced by inappropriate use of drugs, and possible ongoing adaptation mechanisms of Leishmania spp. The threat posed by VLT is significant as L. tropica is the most widespread and most common cause of leishmaniasis in Turkey. We do not know the vectorial capacity of the sand flies for the transmission of VLT strains or if these strains are in circulation in Turkey. Future studies should be carried out to investigate these issues as the transition of L. tropica from a mild disease-causing agent to a mortal one poses a significant public health concern for Turkey and Europe

    Prognostic and predictive role of liquid biopsy in lung cancer patients

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    IntroductionLung cancer (LC) is a leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide. Approximately 80% of LC cases are of the non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) type, and approximately two-thirds of these cases are diagnosed in advanced stages. Only systemic treatment methods can be applied to patients in the advanced stages when there is no chance of surgical treatment. Identification of mutations that cause LC is of vital importance in determining appropriate treatment methods. New noninvasive methods are needed to repeat and monitor these molecular analyses. In this regard, liquid biopsy (LB) is the most promising method. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of LB in detecting EGFR executive gene mutations that cause LC.MethodsOne hundred forty-six patients in stages IIIB and IV diagnosed with non-squamous cell non-small cell LC were included. Liquid biopsy was performed as a routine procedure in cases where no mutation was detected in solid tissue or in cases with progression after targeted therapy. Liquid biopsy samples were also obtained for the second time from 10 patients who showed progression under the applied treatment. Mutation analyses were performed using the Cobas® EGFR Test, a real-time PCR test designed to detect mutations in exons 18, 20, and 21 and changes in exon 19 of the EGFR gene.ResultsMutation positivity in paraffin blocks was 21.9%, whereas it was 32.2% in LB. Solids and LB were compatible in 16 patients. Additionally, while no mutation was found in solid tissue in the evaluation of 27 cases, it was detected in LB. It has been observed that new mutations can be detected not only at the time of diagnosis, but also in LB samples taken during the follow-up period, leading to the determination of targeted therapy.DiscussionThe results showed that “liquid biopsy” is a successful and alternative non-invasive method for detecting cancer-causing executive mutations, given the limitations of conventional biopsies.</jats:sec