8,376 research outputs found

    QCD Predictions for the Transverse Energy Flow in Deep-Inelastic Scattering in the Small x HERA Regime

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    The distribution of transverse energy, ETE_T, which accompanies deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering at small xx, is predicted in the central region away from the current jet and proton remnants. We use BFKL dynamics, which arises from the summation of multiple gluon emissions at small xx, to derive an analytic expression for the ETE_T flow. One interesting feature is an x−ϔx^{-\epsilon} increase of the ETE_T distribution with decreasing xx, where Ï”=(3αs/π)2log⁥2\epsilon = (3\alpha_s/\pi)2\log 2. We perform a numerical study to examine the possibility of using characteristics of the ETE_T distribution as a means of identifying BFKL dynamics at HERA.Comment: 16 pages, REVTEX 3.0, no figures. (Hardcopies of figures available on request from Professor A.D. Martin, Department of Physics, University of Durham, DH1 3LE, England.) Durham preprint : DTP/94/0

    Understanding practitioner professionalism in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health: lessons from student and registrar placements at an urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care service

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    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples continue to be pathologised in medical curriculum, leaving graduates feeling unequipped to effectively work cross-culturally. These factors create barriers to culturally safe health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In this pilot pre-post study, we followed the learning experiences of 7 medical students and 4 medical registrars undertaking clinical placements at an urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care service in 2014. Through analysis and comparison of pre- and post-placement responses to a paper-based case study of a fictitious Aboriginal patient, we identified four learning principles for medical professionalism: student exposure to nuanced, complex and positive representations of Aboriginal peoples; positive practitioner role modelling; interpersonal skills that build trust and minimise patient-practitioner relational power imbalances; and, knowledge, understanding and skills for providing patient centred, holistic care. Though not exhaustive, these principles can increase the capacity of practitioners to foster culturally safe and optimal health care for Aboriginal peoples. Furthermore, competence and effectiveness in Aboriginal health contexts is an essential component of medical professionalism

    The Potential of Grassland and Associated Forages to Produce Fibre, Biomass, Energy or Other Feedstocks for Non-Food and Other Sectors: New Uses for a Global Resource

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    In developed countries increased areas of land will become available for non-food production. Recent reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy will further intensify this trend in Europe. There is potential for grassland and associated species to contribute to large tonnage markets of energy and bulk fibres, to the supply of fermentation products and to speciality markets, but processes and approaches to the market are not as yet developed. There is potential for the establishment of Graminaceous species - specifically for non- food use. For European conditions particular attention is being given to Miscanthus sinensis (Miscanthus), Arundo donax (Giant Reed), Phalaris arundinacea (Reed Canary Grass) and Spartina spp. (Cord grass, Marsh Grass). Whilst grass and forage species could be used for individual non-food uses (e.g. biomass for energy), value may be added by adopting a biorefinery approach in which a range of products are derived from the different components in the feedstock

    Les villages tanzaniens ujamaa 40 ans plus tard : Moralisation et commémoration du collectivisme

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    Entre 1967 et 1977, quelque 10 millions de Tanzaniens ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©placĂ©s de leur terre affermĂ©e et regroupĂ©s dans des villages ujamaa (littĂ©ralement, familyhood) bĂątis par suite d’une dĂ©cision gouvernementale, donnant lieu ainsi Ă  l’un des plus vastes programmes de rĂ©installation de l’histoire. Le prĂ©sident Julius Nyerere, « pĂšre » et philosophe du socialisme tanzanien, a justifiĂ© la villagisation en allĂ©guant qu’elle permettrait d’amĂ©liorer la prestation de services de base Ă  la population, tels que des cliniques mĂ©dicales, des Ă©coles et de l’eau potable. Or, dans la foulĂ©e de l’abandon progressif du programme et du discours socialistes au milieu des annĂ©es 1980, le sort de ces villages demeure dans une large mesure inconnu. Comment les villageois Ă©valuent-ils de nos jours la vie dans ces villages comparativement Ă  ce qu’elle Ă©tait Ă  l’époque socialiste? Quels Ă©lĂ©ments de la coopĂ©ration communale, s’il s’avĂšre que celle‑ci a vĂ©ritablement existĂ©, ont Ă©tĂ© maintenus? Cet article fait Ă©tat d’une enquĂȘte rĂ©alisĂ©e auprĂšs de rĂ©sidants d’anciens villages ujamaa de la rĂ©gion de Mwanza. Leurs tĂ©moignages apportent certaines rĂ©ponses Ă  ces questions et sont mis en contexte dans une plus vaste analyse de la politique agricole tanzanienne sous les rĂ©gimes socialiste et postsocialiste.Between 1967 and 1977, some 10 million Tanzanians were moved from scattered individual holdings into government mandated Ujamaa (literally, ‘familyhood’) villages in one of the largest resettlement movements in history. President Julius Nyerere, ‘father’ and philosopher of Tanzanian socialism, justified villagization on the grounds of being better able to provide basic services, such as medical clinics, schools, and clean water, to the citizenry. Yet in the wake of the quiet abandonment of socialist policy and rhetoric in the mid-1980s, the fate of these villages remains largely unknown. How do villagers evaluate life in these villages now as compared to socialist times? Have any elements of communal cooperation that may have existed been retained? In this paper, interviewed with residents in former Ujamaa villages in Mwanza Region provide some answers to these questions and are contextualized within a broader analysis of agricultural policy in socialist and postsocialist Tanzania.Entre 1967 y 1977, cerca de 10 millones de tanzano fueron desplazados de las tierras que rentaban y reagrupados en pueblos ujamaa (literalmente, lotes familiares) construidos por designio gubernamental, justificando asĂ­ uno de los mĂĄs vastos programas de re-localizaciĂłn de la historia. El presidente Julios Nyerere «padre» y filĂłsofo del socialismo tanzano, habĂ­a justificado la creaciĂłn de esos pueblos argumentando que eso permitirĂ­a mejorar la prestaciĂłn de servicios de base a la poblaciĂłn, tal y como las clĂ­nicas mĂ©dicas, las escuelas y el agua potable. Ahora bien, con el abandono progresivo del programa y del discurso socialista a mediados de los años 1980, aun se ignora cual serĂĄ el destino de dichos pueblos. ÂżCĂłmo sus habitantes evalĂșan actualmente la vida en esos pueblos comparada con lo que vivĂ­an durante la Ă©poca socialista? ÂżCuĂĄles son los elementos de la cooperaciĂłn comunal, si realmente existiĂł, que han perdurado? Este artĂ­culo reporta una investigaciĂłn realizada entre los residentes de los antiguos pueblos ujamaa de la regiĂłn de Mwanza. Sus afirmaciones permiten dilucidar ciertas cuestiones y han sido contextualizadas en el cuadro de un anĂĄlisis mĂĄs vasto de la polĂ­tica agrĂ­cola tanzana bajo los regĂ­menes socialistas y post-socialistas

    The Potential of Grassland and Associated Forages to Produce Fibre, Biomass, Energy or Other Feedstocks for Non-Food and Other Sectors: New Uses for a Global Resource

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    Key points 1. In developed countries increased areas of land will become available for non-food production. Recent reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy will further intensify this trend in Europe. 2. There is potential for grassland and associated species to contribute to large tonnage markets of energy and bulk fibres, to the supply of fermentation products and to speciality markets, but processes and approaches to the market are not as yet developed. 3. There is potential for the establishment of Graminaceous species - specifically for nonfood use. For European conditions particular attention is being given to Miscanthus sinensis (Miscanthus), Arundo donax (Giant Reed), Phalaris arundinacea (Reed Canary Grass) and Spartina spp. (Cord grass, Marsh Grass). 4. Whilst grass and forage species could be used for individual non-food uses (e.g. biomass for energy), value may be added by adopting a biorefinery approach in which a range of products are derived from the different components in the feedstock

    BFKL versus HERA

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    The BFKL equation and the kT-factorization theorem are used to obtain predictions for F2 in the small Bjorken-x region over a wide range of Q**2. The dependence on the parameters, especially on those concerning the infrared region, is discussed. After a background fit to recent experimental data obtained at HERA and at Fermilab (E665 experiment), we find that the predicted, almost Q**2 independent BFKL slope lambda >= 0.5 appears to be too steep at lower Q**2 values. Thus there seems to be a chance that future HERA data can distinguish between pure BFKL and conventional field theoretic renormalization group approaches.Comment: 26 pages, 6 eps figures, LaTeX2e using epsfig.sty and amssymb.st

    Current Trends Of Unethical Behavior Within Organizations

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    A substantial body of research reveals that unethical behavior continues to be a concern in the workplace.  This article presents information on the prevalence of unethical behavior, antecedents of unethical behavior, the organizational environment, cognitive moral development, and trends of unethical behavior over a 3 year span.  Findings of earlier studies generally agree that unethical behavior has a negative effect in the workplace.  The greatest research effort on this issue has been to continue to conduct studies within organizations, identifying if the issue of unethical behavior is improving or stagnant

    The description of F2 at small x incorporating angular ordering

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    We study the perturbative QCD description of the HERA measurements of F2(x,Q2)F_2 (x, Q^2) using a gluon distribution that is obtained from an evolution incorporating angular ordering of the gluon emissions, and which embodies both GLAP and BFKL dynamics. We compare the predictions with recent HERA data for F2F_2. We present estimates of the charm component F2c(x,Q2)F_2^c (x, Q^2) and of FL(x,Q2)F_L (x, Q^2).Comment: 8 LaTeX pages + 4 uuencoded figure
