7 research outputs found

    Arsenic Adsorption by Some Iron Oxide Minerals: Influence of Interfacial Chemistry

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    The dramatic increase in hydrometallurgical extraction of gold from arsenic bearing gold ores has inevitably resulted in the release of arsenic into the environment worldwide. Residual arsenic minerals in tailings storage facilities can be oxidised and mobilise arsenic into the environment. This can contaminate soils, ground and surface waters and eventually biota. In spite of well-established technologies and recent advances in arsenic remediation, there are limited knowledge and understanding of the iron oxide substrate (goethite, hematite and magnetite) mineralogy and the fate of arsenic on the surface charge of these iron oxide substrates in an aqueous media during adsorption. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of interfacial chemistry on arsenic adsorption onto selected iron oxide particles to assist in developing a better understanding and new knowledge in arsenic removal from contaminated waters. Bulk mineralogy and partial chemical composition of selected iron oxide minerals were obtained using quantitative x-ray diffractometry (QXRD) and acid digestion followed by metal determination using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) respectively. Zeta Potential measurements involving iron oxide particles as arsenic adsorbents were carried out to elucidate the influence of interfacial chemistry on the adsorption behavior of arsenic from solution. The study confirmed that the iron oxide minerals were predominantly hematite, magnetite and goethite with goethite containing significant amounts of quartz. Arsenic adsorption was pH dependent and strongly influenced the zeta potential and isoelectric point (IEP) of the iron oxide particles. The zeta potential of all substrates studied was strongly positive at pH 2 but indicated a reversal at pH ~ > 9. The interaction between substrates, arsenic and its hydrolysable products resulted in significant decrease in the magnitude of zeta potential and change in IEP indicating specific adsorption.   Keywords: Arsenic, Adsorption, Iron Oxide Minerals, Zeta Potentia

    Characterisation of Oyster Shell for Neutralisation of Bio-leached Effluent

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    Characterisation studies of Oyster Shell (Mercenera mercenera) collected from coastal towns of Ghana and its neutralising effect on bio-leached effluent has been studied using XRF, XRD, Zeta Meter, BET and SEM/EDX.     The study confirmed that OS contains high calcium equivalent to about 54% CaO. The OS consists mainly of aragonite (96.1%) and calcite (2.6%) which are carbonates hence OS can be used to neutralise any acid solution. OS is very hard to mill as it has high Bond work  index of 48.54 kWh/t. The Zeta Potential analysis indicates that OS will not be stable below pH of 3 and above pH of 10. Therefore   OS powder dissolved and   raised  the pH of bio-leached effluent from pH 1.85 to 6.0 in 30 minutes. The arsenic removal increased with increasing OS concentration. The morphological study revealed that the surfaces of the reacting particles were coated with precipitates like FeAsO4 at pH of 4.5. Consequently,   surface area of reacting powder increased from 4.15 m2/g to 75.46 m2/g. In a similar manner, the D50 decreased from 16.69 µm to 7.77 µm for the reacting particles at pH 4.5. Particle   size distribution at pH 7.0 showed that the D50 of the OS material increased to 9.23 µm which can be due to coating of precipitates like CaSO4 on the reacting particles during acid neutralisation. Mobile arsenic extracted from the precipitate averaged 6.42 mg/L as against the EPA maximum allowable concentration of 5.0 mg/L indicating that the precipitate formed is fairly stable.  Keywords: Effluent, Neutralisation, Oyster Shells, Characterisation, Work Inde

    Understanding the Mechanism of Arsenic Mobilisation and Behaviour in Tailings Dams

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    This study was carried out on leaching of tailings at 30 ᵒC and 40 ᵒC. The mineralogical and chemical composition of the tailings material were determined by Quantitative X-Ray Diffractometry (QXRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy combined with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDAX). The study revealed that the tailings contain sulphides (arsenopyrite and pyrite) which can leach to produce arsenic (As) and other ions in solution. The acid released during leaching depends on the temperature of leaching. More acid was produced at higher temperature (40 ᵒC) than lower temperature (30 ᵒC). It was established that arsenic precipitation from solution was higher at higher temperature (40 ᵒC) than lower temperature (30 ᵒC). Mimicking the study in a typical tailings environment, it could be proposed that As mobilisation will be enhanced at lower temperature (30 ᵒC) than at higher temperature (40 ᵒC). Keywords: Tailings, Leaching, Arsenopyrite, Heavy metals and Temperatur

    Design of a Cocoa Pod Splitting Machine

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    Abstract: This study outlines the design of a very efficient, highly productive, cost-effective, ergonomic and environmentally friendly cocoa splitting machine that will be used by cocoa Farmers world -wide to increase and boost productivity and enhance the quality of coca products to the highest possible level devoid of any hazards, dangers or perils. This machine can be manufactured from locally available scraps and assembled and maintained at a relatively low cost. The knives which do the splitting are actuated by simple hydraulic mechanisms devoid any major stresses, forces or moments acting on them. These mechanisms are powered by simple low -powered lobe positive displacement or hydrostatic hydraulic pumps of power rating of 87.5 kW (65.625 Hp). The machine can be assembled and/or disassembled easily and quickly, and, therefore can be owned patronized by a group of cocoa farmers who can easily bear the low cost of maintenance of the already relative cheap machine

    Beneficiation of Iron Oxides from Cupola Furnace Slags for Arsenic Removal from Mine Tailings Decant Water

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    Large volumes of ferrous metallurgical slags (FMS) are generated annually as waste materials from metal extraction, purification, casting and alloying processes worldwide. Some attempts have been made to use bulk FMS in metal precipitation and concrete works but little success has been achieved because of unstable precipitates and volume expansion of concrete structures. As a result, significant quantities of FMS are still disposed in landfills. This disposal leads to land conflicts and poor environmental practices. The present study focuses on the characterization and separation of iron oxide from selected bulk FMS (Cupola Furnace Slag - CFS) obtained from Ghana into constituent components for use as engineering materials. Quantitative X-ray diffractometry was used to determine the mineralogy of CFS. Iron oxide morphology and spot composition in the CFS were determined using scanning electron microscopy, combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy. The inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry was used to ascertain the chemical composition of CFS after acid digestion. Wet low intensity magnetic separation technique was employed for beneficiating iron oxides from the CFS. It is shown that the CFS is amorphous and consist of ferrous and non-ferrous material. Results of the investigation confirmed that ferrous materials in the slags can be separated using magnetic separation technique. The study further confirmed that fine grinding (- 75 µm) liberates the magnetic portions of the slag efficiently, and as such, they can be recovered using a low magnetic field. The recovery was 99.04 % and the concentrates obtained from the beneficiation process consist primarily of pigeonite, quartz, magnetite and jacobsite.  The beneficiated concentrates have the capacity to adsorb arsenic from mine effluent. This study has demonstrated that, slags can be utilized as secondary resources rather than a waste