305 research outputs found

    Role of business process models in requirements engineering

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    The goal of requirements engineering is to create a complete, consistent requirements specification of a desired system in order to establish the requirements at an abstract level.Business process modeling in the early phases of requirement engineering is rather useful.This paper examines business process modeling for the development of information systems.It presents the role of Business Process Model in Requirements Engineering.The process of Requirements Engineering is highlighted in this paper.It explains thoroughly the groundwork, requirements elicitation and business process model. Several Business Process Models are discussed at later part and how they are related to Requirements Engineering.It is enlightened the importance of Business Process Models in Requirements Engineering to get more precise and accurate requirements


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    Background; Unsafe abortion is a persistent, preventable pandemic. WHO defines unsafe abortion as a procedure for terminating an unintended pregnancy either by individuals without the necessary skills or in an environment that does not conform to minimum medical standards, or both. This study was conducted in our local population of southern Punjab to ascertain magnitude of the problem in terms different maternal complications after unsafe abortions. Objective: To determine the frequency of complications of unsafe abortions at a tertiary care hospital. Material and Methods; All the study cases (n=169) who met inclusion criteria of my study were taken from Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawalpur, Pakistan from June 2015 to June 2016 in this descriptive cross – sectional study . Once registered, these study case had undergone required investigations like blood tests (TLC count to determine sepsis and serum urea and creatinine levels to ascertain ARF). These blood tests were performed by a trained pathologist. These patients were also arranged for X – Ray chest (PA view) to diagnose perforation and complications such sepsis, hemorrhage, ARF and perforations were noted in the proforma by the researcher. Data was analyzed by using SPSS Version 20. Results; Mean age of our study cases was 29.39 ± 4.12 years (with minimum age of our study cases was 24 years while maximum age was 37 years) and majority of our study cases i.e. 93 (55 %) belonged to age group 20 – 30 years of age. Of these 169 study cases, 104 (61.5%) were from rural areas, 113 (66.9%) were poor, 141 (83.4%) were illiterate, 111 (65.7%) spouses were illiterate and most of them i.e. 112 (66.3%) belonged to joint family system. Mean body mass index of our study cases was 24.78 ± 3.24 kg/m2 and obesity was present in 27 (16 %) patients. Hemorrhage was noted in 94 (55.6%), sepsis in 74 (43.8%), acute renal failure in 39 (23.1%) and perforations in 19 (11.2%) of our study cases. Conclusion; Our study results indicate that unsafe abortion is a major cause of maternal morbidity with hemorrhage was commonest complication followed by septicemia, mostly because the procedure was performed by untrained health care providers under unhygienic conditions.  Majority of the patients had multiple complications. There is urgent need to improve quality of services offered by family planning programs and provision of safe abortion services to decrease significant morbidity among targeted population. This will improve their quality of life and also provide relief to health authorities in terms of more investments due to prolonged hospitalizations. Keywords; Unsafe abortion, hemorrhage, sepsis

    Violence experienced by the girls with hearing impairment in the schools and its impact on their education

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     School based violence is a type of youth violence that occurs within school premises. A students can be a victim, perpetrator or a witness of school based violence. The incidence of violence prevails more among girls with hearing impairment due to their communication and language problems. The main objectives of conducting this research were to explore the nature and type of violence experienced by the girls with hearing impairment studying in the schools of Punjab, highlight the impact of violence on their academic outcomes and to see the role of school administration for the rehabilitation of victimized girls. A qualitative research design was used to conduct the study. The population of the study consisted of girls with hearing impairment studying at secondary level in the schools of Punjab province. A sample of 17 girls with hearing impairment was purposively selected from the 17 schools of Punjab. Researchers took only those girls who had been victim of violence once and more in their life during school hours. An interview protocol was developed to take interview in-depth interviews from the victimized girls.  Based on the interviews, violence experience by the girls characterized into four themes including physical, psychological, sexual and verbal abuse. The study concluded that all types of violence effects on the overall personality and in particular on the academic performance of victim. The study highlighted that schools have not any formal system to deal the violence related issues. Study recommended for the empowerment of girls with hearing impairment to raise their voices against violence.  &nbsp

    Prevalence and Prevention Strategies of Violence in Special Schools: A Quantitative Survey

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    This study was carried out to identify the opinions of students with hearing impairment and their teachers about prevalence of violence in special schools. This research was quantitative in nature and descriptive research method was used to conduct the study. The population of the study comprised students with hearing impairment (SWHI) and their teachers working in public sector schools. Researchers selected 60 students with hearing impairment studying at elementary level (males= 23, females= 37). A sample of 100 teachers were also taken from schools working in Lahore. On the basis of literature review, two structured questionnaires with close ended options were developed. The estimated reliability of teachers’ questionnaire was Cronbach alpha 0.82 and of students’ questionnaire (Cronbach alpha 0.85). Researchers personally visited schools to collect data from students whereas data from teachers were collected through telephone and email. Frequency percentages, mean and standard deviation were used for data analysis. The results of the study indicated that most of students with hearing impairment used to experience non- verbal violence and feel scary before and after school time. Teachers reported that students used to threaten one another, damage school property or personal items. They used abusive language. Schools had taken many initiatives to create healthy and safe environment i.e, appointing security guards to control access to school buildings, increasing monitoring by applying rules and regulations and involving students in conflict resolving activities. However, training teachers, counselling, student tutoring and mentoring are required for healthy school environment

    Awareness Level of Visually Impaired College Students about Urdu Poets and Poetry in Punjab: A Qualitative Inquiry

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    Language has been the most popular source of communication in human society since the start of civilization. The tradition of Folk Tales appeared as the foundation of literature in ancient times. Poetry is a significant way of expression in human literature. Urdu language possesses uncountable master pieces of prose and poetry. Visually impaired persons have proved themselves as literature lovers, good readers and visionary poets in past and present. This study is an effort to depict the awareness level of visually impaired college students about Urdu poets and their creations. The population of the study consisted of all visually impaired students enrolled in public and private sector colleges located in the district Lahore and Okara. A self developed and validated structured interview schedule containing 10 open ended questions was used to collect data from conveniently selected sample of 30 visually impaired students (males= 18, females=12). Descriptive statistics (percentages of responses) were calculated, collected information was coded; major themes were derived and interpreted by qualitative data analysis technique. The Study reflected that the visually impaired college students were having a lot of information about Urdu poets and their creations although there seemed a lack of in depth knowledge. They reported the lack of talking books and material in Braille on Urdu poetry of great and famous poets. They suggested the establishment of talking libraries throughout the country. Major findings were reported, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were made to Punjab Higher Education Department.&nbsp


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    Background; A major cause of cirrhosis-related morbidity and mortality is the development of variceal bleeding, a direct consequence of portal hypertension. Each episode of active variceal bleeding is associated with 30 percent mortality. This study was planned to determine frequency of variceal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis and frequency of in-hospital mortality of these patients in our population. Objective; To determine the frequency of variceal bleed in hospitalized patients with cirrhosis of liver and its outcome in terms of in-hospital mortality. Material and Methods; Consecutive 139 Patient diagnosed with cirrhosis of liver were included in this cross-sectional study from department of Medicine, Bahawal Victoria hospital Bahawalpur. Complete history and physical examination was assessed to document duration of duration of liver disease, ascites, Hepatic encephalopathy, Previous GI bleed and systemic coagulopathy. All the patients had undergone diagnostic upper GI endoscopic examination to document varices. Results; Of these 139 study cases, 77 (55.4 %) were male and 62 (44.6 %) were female. Mean age of our study cases was 45.50 ± 10.81 years. Mean duration of disease (liver cirrhosis) was 3.25 ± 2.32 years. Majority of our study cases i.e. 94 (67.6%) were having liver cirrhosis for the duration of less than 5 years. Child-Pugh class C was more prevalent i.e. 77 (55.4%) of our study cases. Variceal bleeding was observed in 100 (71.9 %) of our study cases. Frequency of mortality was 35 (25.2%) in our study cases with liver cirrhosis, while frequency of mortality in patients with variceal bleeding was seen in 31 (31%). Conclusion; Very high frequency of variceal bleeding was observed in patients with liver cirrhosis. In-hospital mortality was significantly more prevalent in patients with variceal bleeding than without bleed. Variceal bleeding was significantly more seen in patients with increasing age, duration of disease and with more severe level of disease (Child Pugh class C). There was no statistically significant difference of bleeding with regards to gender. Keywords; Liver Cirrhosis, Variceal bleeding, Mortality.

    The Status of Inclusive Education in Baluchistan: A Qualitative Investigation

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    The central purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the existing condition of the inclusive schools working in the province of Baluchistan, Pakistan. Out of six divisions of Baluchistan, Quetta division was selected purposively. After conducting a survey, eight inclusive schools were taken as sample from the regular schools. An observation sheet containing the components of school ecology, instructional practices of teachers, curriculum adaptations, classroom management, infra structure of schools, and use of teaching aids in the classrooms was prepared. In eight schools, 48 observations (three observations in grade three and four each) were conducted. The results reflected that most of the children were at the mild level of disability and teachers were paying attention to special children but due to lack of training in deaf education and unavailability of assistive devices, the anticipated outcomes were not being obtained. The conclusions were drawn and recommendations to the Department of Education, Government of the Baluchistan were given for the improvement of inclusive set up

    Evaluation of immunomodulatory activity of tenoxicam in mice

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    Purpose: The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of tenoxicam on cellular and humoral immunity.Methods: Tenoxicam (2.5 - 10mg/kg) was administered at three different doses to three groups of mice and the cellular immune responses were studied using delayed hypersensitivity response (DTH) and cyclophosphamide-induced neutropenia while the humoral immune response was evaluated using hemagglutination test and mice mortality ratio. Normal saline and cyclophosphamide were used as negative and positive controls, respectively.Results: DTH assay resulted in a significant reduction in skin thickness (p < 0.05) for tenoxicam treated groups when compared to the negative control group at 24 h, 48 h and 72 h after administration of challenging dose of dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB). Cyclophoshamide induced neutropenia showed a significant percentage reduction in total leukocyte count (TLC) and differential leukocyte count (DLC) i.e. lymphocytes and neutrophils (p< 0.05), but an increase in monocytes in all the treatment groups in the following order: 10 mg>5 mg >2.5 mg> negative control group. A dose dependent reduction response was observed (p<0.05) in haemagglutination assay (HA). In mice lethality test mortality ratios of 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg tenoxicam were 60 %, 80% and 100 %, respectively, compared to 20 % and 100 % for normal saline group and cyclophosphamide, respectivelyConclusion: The results suggest that tenoxicam suppresses both cellular and humoral immunity in mice.Keywords: Tenoxicam, Cellular immunity, Humoral immunit

    Financial Autonomy for Unemployed and Disadvantaged Adolescents with Disabilities through Punjab Vocational Training Institutions

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    The central focus of this quantitative exploration was to know the awareness level of poor and disadvantaged students with disabilities (hearing impaired, visually impaired, physically handicapped and mild mentally challenged) about demand driven skill training provided by Punjab Vocational Training Institutions. A sample of 105 students with disabilities (male and female) enrolled in elementary and secondary level special education schools and centres located in Lahore division were selected through simple random sampling technique. A self developed and validated questionnaire (Cronbach Alpha 0.92) on five point Likert scale was used to elicit their responses. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. ANOVA was employed to find difference in awareness level among the students of four disabilities, t-test was used to find difference on the basis of gender, type of schools (public & private), and locale (urban & rural). No significant mean difference was found on the basis of gender. There was a significant difference on the basis of type of schools and disabilities. Recommendations were made to Government of the Punjab, Punjab Special Education Department, and private sector to increase employability through the enrolment of students with disabilities in Punjab Vocational Training Institutions
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