57 research outputs found

    Corneal diameters in infants born in two hospitals in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Objectives: To measure the horizontal corneal diameters in infants at birth and compare with values reported in other studies. Design: A cross-sectional hospital based study. Subjects: All the healthy infants born within the period of one month in these hospitals were eligible for enrolment into the study. Horizontal corneal diameter measurements were performed with indirect caliper in both eyes of each of the 342 healthy full term infants and 25 preterm healthy infants born in these two hospitals. These results were evaluated according to the age of the infants Results: The corneal diameter in term infants was found to range from 9.00 mm to 12.50 mm during the first week of life with a mean of 10.26 mm (SD ± 0.59 mm, n = 64). This is higher than what was reported for Caucasian infants (P < 0.01). Mean horizontal corneal diameter in all male infants aged 1-238 days was 11.06 mm (SD 0.75 mm, n = 187), slightly higher than 10.93 mm (SD 0.22 mm, n = 154) in all females, though this difference was not statistically significant. Horizontal corneal diameter increased progressively with age, from a mean value (SD) of 10.26 mm (0.72) to a mean value (SD) of 12.0 mm at 34 weeks of age. There was no significant difference in the mean corneal diameter of the right and left cornea. A few infants had corneal diameters of 12.50 mm and had no congenital glaucoma. Mean corneal diameter in preterm infants less than 37 weeks of gestation was 8.90 mm at birth (SD 1.25 mm, n = 25). Conclusion: The horizontal diameter increased with age from birth to the 34 weeks of age. Changes after this period were not studied. The values obtained in these African infants were slightly higher than those reported from other populations. The East African Medical Journal Vol. 83 (11) 2006: pp. 631-63

    Effect of cold temperature storage on the quality attributes of pawpaw and guava leathers

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    The effect of cold temperature storage on the quality attributes of pawpaw and guava leathers was evaluated. Pawpaw leather was significantly higher than guava leather in calorific content, water activity, pH and total mould count throughout the duration of storage. However Guava leather was higher in texture. Sensory scores in relation to period of storage showed that Guava leather gave better result in overall acceptability at zero, one and two months of storage at 8 ± 10C. Guava leather also gave better sensory qualities in fruitiness, smell, chewiness, toughness, colour, and overall acceptability when varietal influence is considered. Guava leather is better accepted. (African Journal of Biotechnology: 2002 1(2): 61-63

    Demographic and clinical profile of patients with juvenile onset open angle glaucoma in southwestern Nigeria

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    Background: This was a non-comparative, retrospective review of patients diagnosed with juvenile open angle glaucoma (JOAG) in the eye clinic of a tertiary hospital in southwestern Nigeria.Objective: To document the demographic characteristics, clinical features and treatment outcome of the patients diagnosed with JOAG.Materials and Methods: Data were extracted from the clinical record of patients diagnosed with JOAG in the eye clinic of the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria, between January 2001 and December 2005. Such data included the basic demographic data, the clinical characteristic of the patients and the outcome of their treatment.Results: Twenty-nine patients were reviewed, which represents 3.4% of all newly diagnosed glaucoma patients seen in the out-patient section of the eye clinic of the University College Hospital, Ibadan, over the period reviewed. Eight (27.6%) patients were aged 20 years and below. The mean age was 25.1 &plusmn; SD 6.0 years. Eighteen (62.1%) had visual acuity of 6/18 or worse in the better eye at the time of presentation. The mean intraocular pressure (IOP) of the patients at presentation was 32.3 &plusmn; SD 15.2 mmHg. Eight (27.6%) patients defaulted within 6 months of presentation. The mean IOP for the 21 patients who were followed up on treatment for a mean period of 9.6 months was 17.0 &plusmn; SD 6.0 mmHg.Conclusion: Most patients with JOAG in this review presented with advanced form of the disease. Early detection through parent-driven school eye health program and community-based case detection could help in reducing the scourge arising from JOAG among our population

    Pre-harvest deterioration of Sour sop (Annona muricata) at Ibadan Southwestern Nigeria and its effect on nutrient composition

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    The etiology of pre-harvest deterioration of Soursop (Annona muricata) fruit in Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria and the effects on its nutrient composition was investigated. Four fungal pathogens including Botryodiplodia theobromae, Fusarium sp., Rhizopus stolonifer and Aspergillus niger were found associated with the pre-harvest deteriorating soursop . B. theobromae was the most prevalent and the most pathogenic inducing rot of 75 mm in diameter within four days of inoculation. There was a remarkable reduction in carbohydrate and protein contents of the fungal infected fruits while all other nutrients and mineral assayed were higher in the infected fruits than the non-infected ones. (African Journal of Biotechnology: 2003 2(1): 23-25

    Biodeterioration of the African star apple (Chrysophylum albidum) in storage and the effect on its food value

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    The biodeterioration of the African star apple fruits in storage was investigated at Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria. Eight fungal isolates were found associated with the deteriorating fruits. The fungi are Botryodiplodia theobromae, Rhizopus stolonifer, Aspergillus niger, A. tamarii, A. flavus, Fusarium spp, Penicilium spp and Trichoderma spp. All the fungal isolates were pathogenic on the star apple fruits with the exception of Trichoderma spp. The African star apple fruits stored for up to 5 days were associated with severe fungal infections and had significantly reduced crude protein, crude fat and moisture content while dry matter, potassium, calcium and sodium increased compared to the freshly harvested fruits. (African Journal of Biotechnology: 2003 2(3): 56-59

    Bilateral sporadic aniridia: review of management

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    Caroline O Adeoti1, Adeyinka A Afolabi2, Adebimpe O Ashaye3, Adenike O Adeoye41Department of Ophthalmology, 2Department of Paediatrics, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria; 3University College Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria; 4Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, Ile Ife, Osun, Osun State, NigeriaPurpose: To report a rare case of bilateral sporadic aniridia in an African child and review the management modalities.Presentation: We report a case of bilateral sporadic aniridia with horizontal nystagmus, axial cataract optic disc, and fovea hypoplasia in a 5-year-old female patient. She was managed conservatively. Various modalities of treatment are reviewed.Keywords: aniridia, sporadic, nystagmus, cataract, glaucoma, keratopathy, tattooing, syndrome, fovea hypoplasia and optic disc hypoplasi

    Non-Surgical Management of Congenital Eversion of the Eyelids

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    Purpose: To report the effectiveness of non-invasive management of congenital eversion of the eyelids, a rare condition associated with serious socio-psychological consequences. Case Report: Three neonates with congenital eversion of the eyelids and secondary conjunctival chemosis and prolapse were managed with 5% hypertonic normal saline, lubricants, antibiotics, and padding. Complete eye opening was achieved by the 10th day of presentation and the condition resolved. Conclusion: Non-invasive management of congenital eyelid eversion was found to be effective with no need for surgical management. All health care workers should be informed that this condition is amenable to conservative treatment if started early, so that prompt referral for expert management can be offered

    Pattern of Corneal Opacity in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Background: The prevalence and causes of corneal blindness vary from one region of the world to another. There is even variation within the developing countries of Africa. Method: A retrospective review of 675 patients with corneal scarring out of the 3,753 new patients corneal scarring in patients attending the eye clinic of the University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan over a 5year period. Results: Subjects in age groups 0 to 10years and 21 to 30years were mostly affected. Males were more affected with a ratio of 3:1. Most presentations were in the months of January to March and July to September. Almost half (48.99%) of the patients had uniocular blindness and no case of bilateral blindness from corneal opacity was found. The main causes of corneal opacity were trauma (51.1%) and microbial keratitis (26.70%) both of which are avoidable causes of blindness. No case of trachomatous corneal scarring was found in the group studied. Conclusion

    Rapid Assessment of Cataract Blindness Among Ughelli Clan in an Urban/Rural District of Delta State, Nigeria

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    Background: A population based, rapid assessment for cataract blindness was conducted in Ughelli North local government area of DeltaState, an urban/rural area of Nigeria between June and July 2001 with the aim of establishing baseline data for developing cataract intervention services for the area. Method: A cluster random sampling method was used based on the guidelines for the Rapid Assessment for Cataract Surgery. A total of 8 clusters of 90 persons were randomly selected from the 8 communities that make up the Ughelli clan. Only people of 50 years and above who had been resident in the area for up to six months were included. A total of 684 persons were examined (91.2% coverage) using a designed survey form. The barriers to the uptake of cataract surgery were also identified during the survey. The WHO definitions of blindness and visual impairment according to visual acuity were used as criteria for classification of visual blindness and visual impairment. Results: The prevalence of bilateral cataract blindness (cataract causing visual acuity of less than 3/60 in the better eye) for people of 50 years and above was 4.1% (95% CI: 2.96 to 5.24%) with cataract accounting for 41.2% of all the blindness in this age group. Prevalence of cataract blindness was higher in females than in males (5.0% versus 3.6%) About 80% of the cataract blindness occurs in people of 70 years and above. The cataract surgical coverage for eyes was 4.5%; cataract surgical coverage for couching was 18.2%. The major barriers to the uptake of cataract surgical services were lack of awareness of eye care services in nearby district (71.0%), the imagined high cost of the services (17.9%) the perception of women that their health problems are not of immediate importance (7.1%). Conclusion:At the time of study about 2000 person required immediate cataract surgery in the area. With an estimated incidence of 400 new cases per year, there is a need to set up cataract surgical services in the Ughelli North local government area. Special attention should be given to reduction of cataract blindness in females.Introduction : Evaluation rapide, bas\ue9e sur une population de la c\ue9cit\ue9 provoqu\ue9e par une cataracte a \ue9t\ue9 effectu\ue9e dans l'administration locale du nord d'Ughelli de l'\uc9tat de Delta, une zone urbaine/rurale du Nig\ue9ria entre juin et juillet 2001 dans le but d'\ue9tablir des donn\ue9es de base pour le d\ue9veloppement du service d'intervention chirurgicale de la cataracte pour la r\ue9gion. M\ue9thode : Une m\ue9thode d'un groupe d'\ue9chantillonage au hasard a \ue9t\ue9 utilis\ue9e bas\ue9e sur des directives pour l'Evaluation Rapide pour l'intervention chirurgicale de la Cataracte. Un nombre total de 8 groupes compos\ue9s de 90 personnes ont \ue9t\ue9 s\ue9lectionn\ue9s au hasard parmi les 8 communaut\ue9s dont le clan d'Ughelli est compos\ue9. Un nombre total de 684 personnes ont \ue9t\ue9 examin\ue9es soit 91,2% traitement \ue0 travers l'utilisation d'un formulaire con\ue7u pour faire un sondage. R\ue9sultats : La fr\ue9quence de la c\ue9cit\ue9 de la cataracte bilat\ue9rale (la cataracte qui provoque une acuit\ue9 visuelle de moins de 3/60 dans le meilleur oeil) pour des peuples de 50 ans et plus \ue9tait 4,1% soit 95% CL : 2,96 au 5,24%) dont la cataracte constitue 41,2% de toute les c\ue9cit\ue9s dans cette tranche d'\ue2ge. La fr\ue9quence de la c\ue9cit\ue9 de la cataracte \ue9tait \ue9lev\ue9e chez le sexe f\ue9minin plus que chez le sexe masculin (5,0% contre 3,6%) Environ 80% de la c\ue9cit\ue9 de la cataracte arrivent chez des gens \ue2g\ue9s de 70 ans et plus. Les traitements \ue0 travers l'intervention chirurgicale de la cataracte pour des yeux \ue9tait 4,5%. Les traitements pour l'intervention chirurgicale pour le couching contitue 18,2%. Les barri\ue8res principales contre les services d'intervention chirurgicale de la cataracte \ue9taient manque de l'opinion publique sur la conscience de services de soins des yeux dans la r\ue9gion d'\ue0 c\uf4t\ue9 (71,0%), le soi-disant services \ue0 grands frais, (17,9%), la conception des femmes que les probl\ue8mes r\ue9latifs \ue0 leurs sant\ue9 n'est pas d'urgence (7,1%). Conclusion : Pendant cette \ue9tude, environ 2000 personnes avaient besoin de l'intervention chirurgicale de la cataracte d'urgence dans cette r\ue9gion. Avec une fr\ue9quence d'environ 400 nouveaux cas chaque ann\ue9e, c'est n\ue9cessaire de cr\ue9er un service d'Intervention Chirurgicale de la Cataracte dans l'administration locale du nord d'Ughelli. Une attention particuli\ue8re devrait \ueatre port\ue9e sur la reduction de la c\ue9cit\ue9 de la cataracte chez des femmes
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