358 research outputs found

    P Effect Of Self-concept And Independence Of Learning Outcomes Learning Class VIII IPS SMP N 2 Tigo Nagari Pasaman

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    Issues that are examined in this study was to determine the extent of the influence of self-concept and self learning together on learning outcomes of students of SMP N 2 IPS Tigo Pasaman Nagari . This research is descriptive Associative . The population in this study were all students of SMP 2 Tigo Nagari Pasaman , with a sample of 92 respondents . The technique is simple random sampling sampling.jenis data used are primary and secondary data . Instruments . To determine the effect of self-concept and self learning on learning outcomes of students of SMP N 2 IPS Tigo Nagari Pasaman used the t test and F testThe study says that , the first variable self-concept significant and positive impact on learning outcomes IPS eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Tigo Nagari Pasaman . This is evidenced by the coefficient value of 0.648 and the value of t ( 9.280 ) > t table ( 1.662 ) . This means that if the concept of self is increased by 1 % and keep the results independent learning social studies students of SMP N 2 Tigo Nagari Pasaman will increase by 0.648 % . These two variables are independent learning significant and positive impact on learning outcomes IPS eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Tigo Nagari Pasaman . This is evidenced by the coefficient value of 0.692 and the value of t ( 10.048 ) > t table ( 1.662 ) . This means that if independent learning is increased by 1 % and keep the results of self-concept social studies eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Tigo Pasaman Nagari will be increased by 0,692 % . The third variable is the concept of self- learning and self-reliance has a significant and positive influence on the results of IPS Learning Class VIII students of SMP N 2 Tigo Nagari Pasaman with the value of F ( 355.846 ) > Ftable ( 3,947 ) and Sig ( 0.000 ) < Alpha ( 0.05 ) . The percentage of variable influence of self-concept and self learning on Learning Outcomes IPS Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 2 Tigo Pasaman Nagari is equal to 88.9 % , while the remaining 11.1 % is explained by other variables that are outside the studyResearchers suggest it to all the schools first teacher to help the students in shaping the personality of students . Provide guidance to the students to direct them to learn independently , so that it can learn well and obtain good learning outcomes as well


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    This research aims to determine whether the Value Added Tax (VAT) Calculation and Reporting is by the provisions of the applicable Tax Law and financial accounting standards and to analyze its effect on the Financial Reports at PT. Kalaborang Residence. The findings of this research are significant as they provide insights into the compliance of PT. Kalaborang Residence with the tax laws and financial accounting standards, and the practical implications of VAT on the company's financial statements. Kalaborang Residence. Samples and indicators are taken from the company's profit and loss report and balance sheet. The research method used in this research is the qualitative approach. Data was obtained from interviews, observations, and documentation related to the problems studied. The data obtained was then analyzed using interactive methods. Based on the research results of VAT Calculation and Reporting. PT Kalaborang Residence is by Law Number 42 of 2009 and Harmonization of Taxation Regulations Law Number 7 of 2021, using rates of 10% and 11% by calculating output tax minus input tax; there is no delay in depositing and reporting the company has used e-Annual Tax Returns so that you are not late in reporting every VAT period—the impact of Value Added Tax on the presentation of PT's financial statements. Kalaborang Residence has no impact because its End User is only an intermediary for its financial reports. If seen theoretically, PT. Kalaborang Residence, as a Taxable Entrepreneur, is required to report its taxes in the financial reports contained in the Profit and Loss Report and Balance Sheet Report. From the results of observations made by researchers in the field during that period, there was no VAT that could not be credited to the PT's Profit and Loss Report

    Pengembangan Kapasitas Organisasi dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Kabupaten Bone

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    : The purposes of this research are to explain the development of organizational capacity in improving the quality of public services in the forestry and plantation office of Bone regency and explain the steps conducted by the office in developing its organizational capacity by focus on three aspect: the devolopment of phiysical resources, the development of operational pro­cesses, and the development of human resources. It is found that: (1) the development of the capacity of physical resources, in general, is quite good, as it is shown by some indicators including physical resuorces, organizational struc­ture, financial matters, legal instruments(rules), and facilities and infrastructure; (2) the development of operational process (management) capaci­ty is generally good, the indicators are work procedures, work culture, and leadership; (3) the development of human resource capacity. The indi­cators are knowledge of employees, skills of employees, and work attitude and ethic

    Analisis Hubungan antara Pembangunan Ekonomi Daerah, Kebijakan Publik, dan Kesempatan Kerja Sektoral di Jawa Timur

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    This research tries to reach 2 points: the relationship between public policy andemployment in East Java, and the contribution to government economic policy inEast Java. The research found that the East Java economic development has beenmore supported by foreign capital then by domestic one. The employment elasticityis high means that capital ploughed in investment created significant inrease inemployment. The leading sectors in East Java economy were Industry, trade andagriculture

    Analisis Variabel-variabel Penentu Cleanliness Factor dan Performance Factor untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Kondensor Unit 1 Pltu Sektor Asam-asam

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    Pemanatauan kierja kondensor PT. PLN Persero Sektor Asam-Asam pada keadaan operasi membuthkan nilai Cleanliness Factor dan Performance Factor. Analisis variabel-variabel yang menentukan Clinelines Factor dan Performance Factor diperlukan agar kinerjanya dapat ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai Cleanlines Factor dan Performance Factor, mengetahui pengaruh Perubahan beban terhadap Cleanlines Factor dan Performance Factor, mengetahui variabel-variabel mempengaruhi kinerja kondenser dan mencari solusi untuk meningkatkan performance kondensor. Nilai Cleanlines Factor didapatkan dari rasio perbandingan koefisien transfer panas total keadaan aktual terhadap koefisien transfer panas HEI sedangkan PF didapat dari rasio koefisien transfer panas total keadaan aktual terhadap koefisien transfer panas ASME. Data-data operasi menunjukkan bahwa nilai Cleanlines Factor dan Performance Factor meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya beban pembangkitan listrik. . Hal ini membuktikan bahwa fouling bukan penyebab rendahnya nilai Cleanlines Factor dan Performance Factor. Variabel-variabel yang dianalisis yaitu suhu inlet cooling water (Tin), tekanan kondenser/back pressure (Pback) dan aliran volumetrik cooling water (Colling Water flow).Kata Kunci : Kondensor, Cleanliness Factor, Performance Facto

    The Effect of Toluene Exposure on Central Nervous Disorder Among Printing Workers

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    Background: The use of toluene in printing dominates the use of metal chemicals. Toluene is used in 75% of printing work activities. Accumulation of toluene concentrations in printing can cause health problems to workers. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of toluene exposure on central nervous system disorders in printing industry workers.Subjects and Method: This study was cross-sectional in the printing industry in Medan, North Sumatra. The population consists of 50 people with consecutive sampling technique sampling. Data on subjective symptoms of central nervous system disorders were measured by the German version of the Q18 questionnaire. The data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression tests.Results: Subjective symptoms of central nervous system disorders increased with tenure ≥2 years (OR = 4.19; p = 0.018) and smoking (OR = 8.91; p = 0.001). Subjective symptoms of central nervous system disorders decreased with age ≤30 years (OR = 0.17; p = 0.004), female sex (OR = 0.50; p = 0.002).Conclusions: The most dominant variable affecting the subjective symptoms of central nervous system disorders is the smoking habit variable with a probability value of 0.92 or 92%.Keywords: subjective symptoms, central nervous system disorders, workers, a printing industryCorrespondence: Samuel Marganda. Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, North Sumatera. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: 085362985340.Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2018), 3(3): 115-123https://doi.org/10.26911/theijmed.2018.03.03.0

    Studi Pengembangan Ekonomi Kerakyatan di Kawasan Wisata Jawa Timur melalui Penguatan Kelembagaan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Lokal

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    East Java Province is one of the Indonesia region which high in poverty rate,even higher than national average. One of the effective model to alleviate povertyimplemented in developing countries is the model that able to integrate the poor intothe tourism sector (Ashley, 2000; Cattarinich, 2001). General aim of this study is tobuild a proper institution which able to enlarge an opportunities to the poor to be-come an integral part of the tourism sector. Specific aim of this first year study are:to describe the tourism economic structure in research area of Batu; to describe therelationship intensity between tourism industry and the local economy; to identifythe capacity of economic resources of the poor households in term of education level,skills, and capital accessibility; and to identify the social capital and the existenceand the nature of local institutions. Analysis unit of this study are : the tourism busi-ness unit, the tourists; and the poor household. This study found that : The tourismsector has significance role in the economic structure of Batu. The relationship be-tween tourism industry and local economy is high. Man power, local fruits and veg-etable are the main production input for the tourism businesses. Education level ofthe poor household members is not so low. However, for high level positions in mod-ern tourists industry was mostly filled by people from other area. The role of formaleconomic institutions such as banks and cooperative business unit in study are notsignificant for the poor. In order to gain additional capital, the poor mostly rely onthe traditional capital accumulation revolving system (Arisan). Beside Arisan, socialcapital of the poor is also accumulated trough social and religious gathering

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Pengelolaan Sanitasi Laundry (Linen) di Rumah Sakit Umum Martha Friska Medan Tahun 2014

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    Sanitation management of the linen is one special sanitation efforts at the hospital because it has sharp attention on the activities or processes because of its distinctive properties and can cause hazard/risk high for officers, hospital visitors and patients. Many of the problems that will probably arise from nosocomial infections, among others, when health workers who suffer from infections due to certain pathogenic microorganisms, it is because the health care personnel with direct patient contact, because linen is the object that engaged directly with patients and the management of the linen is not good will give negative impact to the hospital The present study is a descriptive survey with the object includes the operation of sanitation linen of Martha Friska Hospital Medan and 10persons of loundry as the respondent by using direct observation for the object of the study and direct interview with the informant. The objective of the study is to know the facility and infrastructure of laundry sanitation, characteristics (age, duration of service on job, education level, participation in training and knowledge) and analysis of the solid waste treatment of Martha Friska hospital Medan in 2014. The result of the study showed that the score of all variables is of 70%. It indicates that in fact, the operation of laundry sanitation of Martha Friska hospital Medan was still not adjusted to the requirements of laundry sanitation according to Kepmenkes RI with the minimal standard of ≥ 80%. The conclusion of the study is that the operation of the solid waste treatment of hospital is still not adjusted to the Kepmenkes RI , including the inadequate facility and infrastructure. For that reason, it is expected that all the laundry installation of Martha Friska hospital to more increase in the supportive facility by supplying the more complete facility and infrastructure to the laundry that they use the complete self-protective too

    Occupational Risk Factors Associated with Perceived Central Nervous System Disorder among Printing Industry Workers In Medan

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    Background: Toluene is a colorless, water-insoluble liquid, aromatic hydro-carbon, with the smell associated with paint thinners. Toluene is used in the printing of colored illustrations in media such as catalogues and magazines. Studies on male employees in the printing industry found that both high and low exposure to toluene were associated with an imbalance of sexual hormones in serum samples. This study aimed to analyze the occupational risk factors associated with perceived central nervous system disorder attributable to toluene exposure among printing industry workers in Medan, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study conducted at a printing industry in Medan, North Sumatera. A sample of 50 printing industry workers was selected for this study. The dependent variable was perceived central nervous system disorder attributable to toluene. The independent variables were age, smoking, years of service, history of illness, alcohol consumption, and personal protective equipment (PPE). The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by a chi-square test. Results: Perceived central nervous system disorder attributable to toluene exposure was statistically associated with age and smoking, but was not statistically associated with years of service, history of illness, alcohol consumption, and PPE. Conclusion: Perceived central nervous system disorder is statistically associated with age and smoking among printing workers. Keywords: perceived central nervous system disorder, toluene, age, smoking, printing workers