126 research outputs found

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    Men’s Perception of Gender Roles in the Siwa Oasis, Egypt : Tradition and Gender Relations

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    Running Interference

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    Pengembangan Media Film Pembelajaran Konsep Metabolism Berintegrasi Musik

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    ABSTRAK Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D)yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pengembangan media film pembelajaran konsep metabolisme berintegrasi musik dan untuk menghasilkan produk media film pembelajaran konsep metabolisme berintegrasi musik yang bersifat valid, praktis dan efektif. Tahap penelitian dan pengembangan mengacu pada model pengembangan Hannafin dan Peck yang terdiri atas 3 tahap yaitu : (1)Analysis, (2)Design, (3)Development dan Implementation. Instrumen penilaian terdiri atas tiga yaitu (1)instrumen kevalidan berupa instrumen penilaian kevalidan media film pembelajaran konsep metabolism berintegrasi musik dan instrumen penilaian kevalidan angket, (2)instrumen kepraktisan berupa angket respon guru dan respon peserta didik terhadap media dan (3) instrumen keefektifan berupa tes evaluasi hasil belajar peserta didik dan respon positif peserta didik terhadap media. Berdasarkan analisis data, diperoleh rata-rata kevalidan media oleh dua validator yaitu 4,2 (valid). Kepraktisan media diperoleh respon guru sebesar 4.6 (Tinggi) dan respon peserta didik sebesar 4.4 (Tinggi). Keefektifan media diperoleh 95.4% peserta didik mencapai nilai ketuntasan belajar dan respon positif peserta didik terhadap media sebesar 91%. Selain itu, retensi peserta didik yang didapatkan sebagai penguat keefektifan media film pembelajaran konsep metabolisme berintegrasi musik pada retensi pertama sebesar 85 (Tinggi) dan retensi kedua 63 (Sedang). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk media film pembelajaran konsep metabolisme berintegrasi musik yang dikembangkan bersifat valid, praktis dan efektif. Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Film, Metabolisme, Musi

    Exploration of the Indonesian Makassar-Buginese Siri’ educational values: The foundation of character education

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    Character is a crucial aspect of living in society. Character building has been carried out in Indonesia from hundred years ago. The people have improved their way of life by adopting local culture's educational values, such as the Makassar-Buginese Siri’. However, in this era, there is a deterioration of student character as a result of losing Siri' cultural ideals that are rarely found in the field of education. The study aimed to explore the Makassar-Buginese Siri’ educational values as the foundation of character building. This study was designed as a qualitative study using the ethno-pedagogy approach. The data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation and analyzed through data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results have revealed that the Makassar-Buginese Siri’ contains the following educational values: teppe (faith), pesse (compassion), lempuk (honesty, straightening deeds, and intentions), sipakatau (humanizing human), sipakalebbi (glorification of human), sipakainge (reminding each other), sipatokkong (mutual help and mutual support), tongeng (sincerity), reso (hard work), and abbulosibatang (collaboration). In conclusion, the Makassar-Buginese Siri’ educational values play a crucial role in character education to be integrated into the learning process to improve student character

    The effectiveness of problem-based learning with environmental-based comic in enhancing students environmental literacy

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    Environmental literacy is an attitude and behavior that must be possessed by a student in protecting the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a plan and action to empower environmental literacy through education. This study aimed to determine the effect of the problem-based learning with environmental-based comic (PBLEC) model in empowering students' environmental literacy in Indonesia. This type of research was a quasi-experimental posttest-pretest non-equivalent control group design study involving 97 students at the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Students' environmental literacy data was obtained by using an exam technique using an essay test instrument sheet, then the results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and one-way inferential analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results of statistical analysis showed that the PBLEC model has an effect on students' environmental literacy. The average score achieved by students in the class group using PBLEC is higher than students who are taught by the problem-based learning (PBL) learning process and conventional learning. Therefore, the use of the PBLEC model can be used in the learning process as an effort to grow and improve student environmental literacy

    Character, Resilience, and Critical Thinking of Biology Students after the Covid-19 Pandemic: How They are Correlated

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    This research is a correlational study which aims to determine the relationship between character and resilience; character and critical thinking; resilience and critical thinking; and the character, resilience, and critical thinking of undergraduate biology students after the Covid-19 pandemic. The research population is all undergraduate students majoring in Biology and Science Education at Makassar State University, Makassar Muhammadiyah University and Bosowa University who are enrolled in the 2nd semester of the 2021-2022 academic year. The research sample consisted of 3 classes with a total of 120 students who were selected through cluster random sampling technique. The data of students’ character and resilience were obtained using questionnaire techniques, while data on students’ critical thinking skills were obtained by using an essay test on General Biology subject. The results of data analysis showed a correlation between character and resilience (p=0.000); character and critical thinking (p=0.000); character and critical thinking (p=0.000); student character, resilience and critical thinking (p=0.000). The finding of this study suggest that the correlation appears due to the potential of character and resilience to influence, empower, and enhance students’ critical thinking skillsPenelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara (1) karakter dan resiliensi; (2) karakter dan berpikir kritis; (3) resiliensi dan berpikir kritis; dan (4) karakter, resiliensi, dan berpikir kritis mahasiswa biologi setelah pandemi Covid-19. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi dan IPA di Universitas Negeri Makassar, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar dan Universitas Bosowa pada semester 2 tahun ajaran 2021-2022. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 3 kelas dengan jumlah mahasiswa sebanyak 120 yang dipilih menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Pengumpulan data karakter dan resiliensi mahasiswa masing-masing menggunakan teknik observasi dan angket, sedangkan pengumpulan data keterampilan berpikir kritis menggunakan tes essai pada materi Biologi Dasar. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan adanya korelasi antara (1) karakter dan resiliensi; (2) karakter dan berpikir kritis; (3) karakter dan berpikir kritis; (4) karakter, resiliensi dan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Adanya korelasi karena karakter dan resiliensi dapat mempengaruhi, memberdayakan dan meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara komparatif tingkat burnout pada atlet spesialisasi sepak bola usia remaja dan dewasa. Burnout menjadi aspek penting dalam kinerja atlet, dan perbandingan antara dua kelompok usia ini dapat memberikan wawasan yang berharga pada dampak latihan dan persiapan fisik pada tingkat kelelahan. Metode penelitian ini melibatkan data dari atlet sepak bola usia remaja awal (11-14 tahun) dan dewasa awal (18-21 tahun) melalui kuesioner ABQ. Hasil analisis komparatif ini menunjukan bahwa adanya perbedaan antara tingkat burnout atlet spesialisasi usia remaja awal dan dewasa awal. Atlet sepak bola dengan usia dewasa awal memiliki hasil burnout lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan atlet usia remaja awal. Implikasi temuan ini dapat digunakan untuk menginformasikan program pelatihan yang spesifik dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan serta dengan tingkat usia masing-masing atlet. This study aims to comparatively analyze the level of fatigue in the characteristics of adolescent and adult soccer athletes. Fatigue is an important aspect of athlete performance, and a comparison between these two age groups can provide valuable insight into the impact of training and physical preparation on fatigue levels. This research method involves data on soccer athletes in their early teens (11-14 years) and early adults (18-21 years) through the ABQ questionnaire. The results of this comparative analysis show that there is a difference between the level of fatigue in athletes characteristic of early adolescence and early adulthood. Football athletes in their early adulthood have higher fatigue results compared to athletes in their early teens. The implications of these findings can be used to inform specific training programs tailored to the needs and age level of each athlete
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