133 research outputs found

    Evaluation of efficacy and safety of traditional Katibasti and infrared aided Katibasti with Sahachara Taila in Katigraha (Lumbar Spondylosis)

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    Kati Graham comes under Vatavyadhi and it is one of most common diseases. Their is no direct references about Kati Graham in Bruhatrayi it is explained by Kashyapa Samhita. It is characterised by Shoola, Stabdta, Vedana during Prasarana and Akunchana of Kati and invloves Vata and Kapha Dosha. It can be correlated to lumbar spondylosis and involves the Vata and Kapha Dosha. So treatment involves Vata Kapha Shamana i.e. Snehana, Swedana, Shodhana, Bahirparimarjana Chikista like Kati Basti etc. So research work is carried out with the aim to evalualate the efficacy and safety of traditional and Infrared aided Kati Basti with Sahachara Taila in Kati Graham, and also to make the therapies simpler, easier, convenient, effective and economical and less time taking. Stastically both groups show almost same results or group B shows better results compare to group B and clinically group B had good improvement

    Light microscopic features of the rete testis, the vas efferens, the epididymis and the vas deferens in the adult rhesus monkey

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    The present study was carried out to determine the detailed histological and cytological features of the excurrent ducts of the male reproductive system in the rhesus monkey. The excurrent ducts show a regional difference in their histological features. The use of some of these features as histological markers and their possible functional significance are discussed. The epithelial cells in the different components of the excurrent duct system possess cytological features which suggest their involvement in absorption and the secretion of different products into the lumen

    Ultrastructural studies on the epididymal spermatozoa in the rhesus monkey

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    Ultrastructural studies on the spermatozoa in different regions of the epididymis of the rhesus monkey have shown that the process of sperm maturation is associated with the caudad migration of the cytoplastmic droplet, a reduction in the volume of the cytoplasmic droplet, and an obvious wrinkling of the plasma membrane surrounding the head of the spermatozoa. These changes are completed by the time the spermatozoa reach the distal-middle segment of the epididymis. The present studies also indicate that spermatozoa are incorporated into the intraepithelial cells in the epidymis. This finding suggests that spermiophagy is a normal occurrence in the epidymis of rhesus monkey

    Ultrastructural features of the principal cell in the epididymis of the rhesus monkey

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    The ultrastructural features of the principal cell in the epididymal epithelium of the monkey epididymis are suggestive of the cell carrying out a dual function of absorption and secretion. Both these functions occur on the luminal surface of the cell as well as on the lateral and basal aspects of the cell which face the intercellular spaces. Transmision Electron Microscopic studies of epididymal tissues following their impregnation with lanthanum nitrate indicated that the intercellular spaces are effectively sealed-off from the luminal space by the apically situated tight junctions between adjoining principal cells. The intercellular spaces are contiguous with the perivascular spaces of the subepithelial blood capillaries. It is suggested that the absorptive and secretory functions occuring on the apical surface of cells may be related to the creation of an appropriate intraluminal milieu for the maturation of spermatozoa while the occurrence of these functions in the intercellular spaces may represent an exchange of substances between the principal cells and the subepithelial capillaries

    Effect of Muons on the Phase Transition in Magnetised Proto-Neutron Star Matter

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    We study the effect of inclusion of muons and the muon neutrinos on the phase transition from nuclear to quark matter in a magnetised proto-neutron star and compare our results with those obtained by us without the muons. We find that the inclusion of muons changes slightly the nuclear density at which transition occurs.However the dependence of this transition density on various chemical potentials, temperature and the magnetic field remains quantitatively the same.Comment: LaTex2e file with four postscript figure

    Primary pleuropulmonary synovial sarcoma with brain metastases in a paediatric patient: an unusual presentation

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      Primary lung neoplasms are rare in children. The most common primary lung malignancies in children are pleuropulmonary blastoma and carcinoid tumour. Synovial sarcoma (SS) accounts for approximately 1% of all childhood malignancies. In absolute terms, the SS of the lungs and pleura are extremely rare and pose a diagnostic difficulty. Soft tissue sarcomas usually have a high potential for metastases, however, metastasis to the brain is rare, even in widely disseminated disease, and it has been described only in 3 case reports previously. Primary pleuropulmonary SS with brain metastases is even rarer. Here we present a case of an 11-year-old boy who presented with respiratory complaints, viz. fever and cough for 20 days. Initial impression was lung abscess, however, on histopathological, immunohistochemical and molecular study, the disorder was diagnosed as synovial sarcoma. After a week from the first consult, the child developed neurological symptoms, viz., an episode of convulsion and gradually worsening power of the lower limb. Computed tomography scan and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy was suggestive of brain metastases. Given the rarity of primary lung neoplasms in children, clinical detection remains a challenge. Delayed diagnoses are common as respiratory symptoms may be attributed to inflammatory or infective processes. Primary pleuropulmonary synovial sarcoma is a rare tumour and it is not known to commonly metastasise to the brain. Though rare, primary pleuropulmonary SS should be considered an important differential among peadiatric primary lung neoplasms due to its potential for curability if detected early, and more aggressive metastatic pattern, e.g. brain metastases making early detection imperative.

    Drug utilization pattern in geriatric out patient in tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Inappropriate drug prescribing is a global problem affecting the healthcare system. Aim and objective of the study was to study the drug utilization pattern in geriatric patient at rural tertiary care hospital.Methods: This was a cross- sectional observational study involving 600 geriatric outpatient. This study was carried out from Nov 2015 to May 2016. The data were collected using predesigned proforma specially designed for this purpose. Relevant information was obtained by analyzing prescription for World Health Organization (WHO) core drug indicators.Results: Total number 600 prescriptions analyzed at the end of six months were from general medicine department. The mean age of the patients was 63.9 years in which male (61.33%) outnumber the female. Total number 2598 drugs were prescribed to 600 patients for different diseases. The mean number of drugs per prescription were 4.33, drugs were prescribed by generic name 26.42%. drugs were prescribed from WHO essential drug list86.33. The type of formulations used were tablets and capsules in 88.5%, syrups in 5%, injections 3.5 % and inhalers 2%. Drug for Cardiovascular diseases were the most common (29.66) followed gastrointestinal (16.67), vitamins and minerals (14.66). Analgesic and NSAIDS (14.13) also prescribed commonly. Antimicrobial drugs prescribed in (7.46%) and common antibiotic prescribed were Amoxicillin ciprofloxacin and metronidazole.Conclusions: This study also effectively provides very useful baseline data also demonstrates the prescribing patterns of drugs in the geriatric patients

    Evaluation of anticonvulsant activity of angiotensin receptor antagonists in an animal model

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    Background: Epilepsy is common chronic disorder in clinical practice and there was some studies which shows brain renin angiotensin system may be involved in upregulation of seizures hence present study was planned to investigate whether angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonists possess anticonvulsant activity in experimental animals.Methods: The anticonvulsant activity of angiotensin receptor antagonists, losartan (50 mg/kg), telmisartan (30 mg/kg) and candesartan (20 mg/kg), were administered intraperitoneally to the mice and evaluated by using maximum electroshock (MES) and pentylenetetrazol induced seizures (PTZ) seizure methods. The standard was taken as phenytoin for MES and diazepam for PTZ method. Motor impairment of performance was assessed by the inverted screen test and spontaneous motor activity with digital actophotometer.Results: Losartan demonstrated the anticonvulsant efficacy in MES and PTZ models. Telmisartan and candesartan have anticonvulsant activity in MES induced seizures, but did not show protection against pentylenetetrazol induced seizures. Losartan at dose 50 mg/kg prolonged the mean latency to convulsion (p<0.01) and mean number of convulsions also significantly reduced (p<0.05) convulsions in the mice. Telmisartan and candesartan at dose 30 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg respectively showed significant prolongation in mean latency to convulsion (p<0.05). None of the test drugs i.e. angiotensin receptor antagonists showed significant motor impairment.Conclusions: Angiotensin receptor antagonists: losartan, telmisartan and candesartan had showed anticonvulsant activity in PTZ and MES seizure methods. The exact mechanism of action of their anticonvulsant action not precisely known and hence there is more studies need to test it in various other animal anticonvulsant models