4 research outputs found

    Revaluation of underutilized lemon fruits of southeastern Spain as a potential source of bioactive compounds and to be used in creative cuisine

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    In the present research colour, weight, morphological parameters and total antioxidant activity (TAA) of the edible tissues of three underutilised cultivars of lemon fruits was quantified. In addition, other fruit quality properties, such as organics acids and sugars concentrations in the lemon juices were analysed. Also, the evaluation of organoleptic attributes, such as sweetness, aroma, firmness, lack of bitterness, overall impression and notable feature of fruits was performed by a sensory panel. Results show significant differences on the analysed parameters among lemon cultivars. The relative proportion of each fruit tissue was similar for the three cultivars. 'Fino' and 'Sanguino' lemons showed the highest TAA, while the most appreciated by consumers according to the sensory panel results was 'Sanguino' lemon which could be due to their original colour. These traditional cultivars of lemon fruits could be used as ingredients in creative cuisine due to their attractive properties providing also nutritional and antioxidant compounds

    Organic acids, sugars, antioxidant activity, sensorial and other fruit characteristics of nine traditional Spanish Citrus fruits

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    The knowledge of the beneficial health properties of underutilised varieties of fruits is very valuable for the conservation of plant genetic diversity and agricultural development. The colour, weight, morphological parameters and total antioxidant activity (TAA) of the edible tissues of nine traditional Citrus fruits, three mandarin varieties, three lemon varieties, ‘Dulce’ lime, ‘Cimboba’ and ‘Blanco’ grapefruit was quantified. In addition, other fruit quality properties, such as organic acids and sugar concentrations in the Citrus juices were analysed, and the evaluation of organoleptic attributes, such as sweetness, aroma, firmness, lack of bitterness, overall impression and notable feature of fruits, was performed by a sensory panel. Results show significant differences among Citrus species and varieties of the analysed parameters. Analysis of the weight of the whole fruit and its edible tissues showed that the relative proportion of each fruit tissue was similar for all the studied Citrus species and varieties. on the other hand, ‘Autóctona’ mandarin and ‘Fino’ and ‘Sanguino’ lemons showed the highest TAA, while the ones most appreciated by consumers according to the sensory panel results were ‘Dulce’ lime followed by ‘Sanguino’ lemon, which could be due to their high fructose concentration and original colour, respectively. The utilisation of certain traditional Citrus species and varieties, such as’Mandarin’ and ‘Autoctona’ mandarins, ‘Sanguino’ lemon and ‘Dulce’ lime, of the south-east of Spain in future breeding programmes to increase agricultural biodiversity. In addition, the consumption of traditional varieties of Citrus fruits with high antioxidant activity would improve the beneficial effect of fruits in human health

    Cianotoxinas: efectos ambientales y sanitarios. Medidas de prevención

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    Background. Before the events of cyanobacteria toxic blooms are widespread and are increasing in frequency globally, with negative effects on human health, pets, cattle, and wildlife, we integrated the information on the subject for general knowledge, as these events will increasingly have a greater incidence and frequency in a context of global warming. Goals. To reveal the environmental impacts of cyanotoxins, their causes, and acknowledge the need for knowledge about them in order to implement measures that will reduce their negative effects. Methods. We present a review of several studies encompassing historical aspects and incorporating the first studies into the current context, in order to enumerate the most frequent cyanotoxins in inland water. Results. We discuss the symptoms that cyanotoxins cause in vertebrates, as well as reference levels to avoid intoxication by ingestion or contact; the methods used for detection, and the effects on aquatic ecosystems. Conclusions. We draw attention to the need for integral management of algal blooms and systematic monitoring.Antecedentes. Ante los eventos de florecimientos de cianobacterias cada vez más frecuentes a nivel global, cuyos efectos son tóxicos y negativos para la salud humana, las mascotas, los animales del campo, la vida acuática y silvestre, es indispensable hacer pública la información más relevante respecto a este tema, ya que estos eventos tendrán cada vez más una mayor incidencia y frecuencia en un contexto de calentamiento global. Objetivos. Entre los objetivos principales de esta investigación destacan exhibir los impactos ambientales que causan las cianotoxinas, así como sus causas, y reconocer la falta de conocimiento sobre éstas, lo que ha impedido emprender medidas que disminuyan sus efectos negativos. Métodos. Se llevó a cabo una revisión de diversos estudios abarcando aspectos históricos e incorporando los primeros estudios hasta el contexto actual, con el fin de mostrar una breve descripción de las cianotoxinas más importantes y frecuentes en las aguas continentales. Resultados. Fue posible evidenciar los principales daños que causan en vertebrados y las consecuencias que provocan en los ecosistemas acuáticos, así como los niveles de referencia para evitar intoxicaciones por ingestión o contacto; también averiguar los métodos que se emplearon para su detección. Conclusiones. Es necesario hacer hincapié en la urgencia de atender integralmente los florecimientos algales y su monitoreo sistemático

    Using single cell/filament PCR method for study non-cultured cyanobacteria

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    Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic prokaryotic organisms, and they are believed to be the Earth’s oldest life form. They were responsible for forming the oxygen on the Earth and from then they have been able to adapt to a multitude of environmental conditions, which allowing to be present in a wide range of habitats. When it comes to perform ecological and/or taxonomic studies one of problems which we must confront is the fact of some cyanobacteria are present in the nature in a few amounts, going unnoticed. Moreover, some of them show large mucilaginous sheaths, which making difficulted its isolation and growth later in culture. All these aspects have hindered the molecular assessment of a large portion of traditional cyanobacterial taxa, as Rivularia and Stigonema, especially necessary evaluation in the taxonomic studies. Rivularia genus grows on submerged stones, rocks, and damp soils near riverbanks, often on calcareous substrates and in clear, unpolluted, and streaming or stagnant waters, but also there are several species known from marine littoral. However, Stigonema genus grows aerophytically or subaerophytically on bark of trees or wet rocks, from lowland to the alpine zone of high mountains, but also several species are known from pools, swamps and moors. In this study, several Rivularia colonies collected in the Croatian Adriatic coast and several Stigonema species from Spanish alpine terrestrial environments are being analysed. The used methodology consists of a number of stages. In the first step, the samples are washed in EDTA disodium salt solution for dissolving the associated of calcium carbonate deposits (STEP 1). For the isolation of single cells and filaments, we are using a modified single filament isolation technique for planktonic cyanobacteria applying a glass capillary under sterile conditions (Zapomělová et al. 2008) described by Mareš et al. 2015 (STEP 2). Then, an optimized protocol we are utilized for amplification of the 16S rRNA gene, the associated 16S–23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the partially the 23S rRNA gene (2,000-2,500 bp) (Berrendero et al. 2016) (STEP 3). Finally, sequences analysis will carry out to determine the phylogenetic position of the different genotypes found inside a same Rivularia colony to be able to relation them with the morphotypes observed by the microscope. In the case of the Stigonema samples, we have successfully gotten the isolation of several filaments and, at the present, we are working on the amplification the studied region. This methodology, based on a glass capillary isolation technique and a PCR protocol for amplification of specific sequences, has been applied with success in the Rivularia and Stigonema samples without the need to cultivate them. Our future research will focus on the amplification of several taxonomic marker genes at the same time