21 research outputs found

    Management of complicated crown fracture by reattachment with super bond: A case series

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    Coronal fracture of teeth is a prevalent form of dental trauma. Mainly it affects anterior teeth due to accidental injury, but sometimes posterior teeth may also get affected. The immediate restoration of the original fractured segment not only offers an alternative treatment in the emergency but also restores patien


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    A comparative evaluation of smear layer removal using apical negative pressure (EndoVac), sonic irrigation (EndoActivator) and Er:YAG laser - an in vitro SEM study

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    This study aimed to compare the smear layer removing efficacy of the EndoActivator, EndoVac and Er:YAG laser in extracted mandibular premolars, at the apical, middle and coronal third of root canal, through scanning electron microscopy. 40 extracted mandibular premolars were decoronated to a standardized length of 12 mm. Specimens were shaped to ProTaper F4 size and irrigated with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite at 370C between instrumentation. Teeth were divided into four groups (n=10), one control (needle irrigation) and three experimental, according to the irrigant activation technique used i.e. sonic irrigation (EndoActivator), apical negative pressure (EndoVac) or laser (Er:YAG). The final irrigants used were 10ml,17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and 10ml, 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. Root canals were then split longitudinally and observed under a scanning electron microscope. The presence of smear layer at the apical, middle and coronal third of root canal was evaluated. Scores were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests. Intraexaminer and interexaminer reliability were determined by Kappa test. The EndoVac system was significantly more effective in removing debris from the apical third than all other groups. EndoActivator performed better than laser at the apical third. All three experimental groups (EndoVac, EndoActivator, and laser) were better than needle irrigation at the middle and apical third. At the coronal third, no significant difference was seen between the four groups. None of the activation systems completely removes the smear layer from the dentine walls; nevertheless, EndoVac is significantly better in removing debris from the apical third of canal

    A randomized controlled trial of endodontic treatment using ultrasonic irrigation and laser activated irrigation to evaluate healing in chronic apical periodontitis

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    Aim of this trial was to evaluate the combined clinical and radiographic success rate of endodontic treatment using passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) and laser activated irrigation (LAI) as compared to conventional syringe irrigation. Permanent incisors and single rooted premolars were assessed for eligibility and 69 patients were randomly divided into three treatment groups (n=23) by allocation concealment method and irrigation was performed in accordance with the allocated group. Teeth were evaluated clinically and radiographically with CBCT after 6 months and 12 months of the treatment. A significant difference was observed in the radiographic healing rates among three groups (?2=12.29, p=0.05). On comparing the final outcome among the three groups (n=19), it was found that 2 (10.5%) cases of group I(Conventional Syringe irrigation), 7 (36.8%) cases of group II (Passive ultrasonic irrigation) and 8 (42.1%) cases of group III(Laser activated irrigation) were healed while under healing category 13 (68.4%) cases of group I, 12 (63.2%) cases of group II and 11 (57.9%) of group III were observed whereas 4 (21.1%) cases were categorised as diseased in group I only. LAI and PUI can increase the predictability of the endodontic treatment success in cases of chronic apical periodontitis

    Comparative evaluation of antibacterial effect of nanoparticles and lasers against Endodontic Microbiota : an in vitro study

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    Present study was conducted with the aim of evaluating antimicrobial efficacy of silver (AgNP) and gold nanoparticles (AuNP) with and without Nd: YAG laser (L) irradiation against experimentally inoculated Enterococcus faecalis in infected human root dentin. 120 extracted single rooted human teeth were prepared and inoculated with E. faecalis for 24 hrs. The teeth were then randomly divided into 4 experimental group: AgNPs group: irrigation for 3minutes with 50 ?l of 100 ppm, the AuNPs group: irrigation with 50 ?l of 100 ppm, the AgNPs & Nd: YAG lasers group: irrigation with 50 ?l of 100 ppm + irradiation with 1.5W laser for 60 seconds, the AuNPs & Nd: YAG lasers group: irrigation with 50 ?l of 100 ppm + irradiation with 1.5W laser for 60 seconds. One control group consisting of 2% CHX irrigation for 3 minutes was also there (n = 20). The specimens were collected from the canal before and after irrigation, and colony forming units were observed. Significant difference was found among all the groups in comparison to the control group (p<0.05). The greatest reduction in CFU?s was observed with combination of AgNPs & Nd: YAG lasers group. AgNPs in combination with Nd: YAG laser irradiation has the potential to be used as root canal disinfectant

    Schools and skills of critical thinking for urban design

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    © 2017, © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This paper explores possible ways in which urban design can engage with critical thinking and critical theory. After a brief explanation of the terms, with particular attention to the Frankfurt School of thought, it provides various answers to the question as to whether urban design is critical or not. One categorization applied to planning critical theory is then used to explain the potential for employing critical theories in urban design. Critical thinking skills are then argued to be helpful for enriching the literature of urban design in order to achieve better practice. The conclusion is that urban design can benefit from critical creativity, which is an embodiment of critical thinking within the limits imposed onto creativity. In this paper, the ways in which urban design can engage with both critical theory and with critical thinking are explored in order to achieve better critical creativity in the field

    Računarski program za energetske potrebe proizvodnje šećerne trske

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    A user-friendly computer program is developed in Visual Basic environment to determine the energy requirement for sugarcane production and other related terms such as energy ratio, specific energy and output energy. Program is also capable to compute renewable / non-renewable and commercial / non-commercial source of energy. The input parameters of the developed program are mainly human (h), diesel (lit.), electricity (kWh), seed (kg), farm yard manure (kg), fertilizer (kg), chemical (kg), machinery (h), number of human labours and yield (kg/ha). The total energy is being calculated with the help of energy equivalents which are already fed in programme for sugarcane crop. The developed program successfully calculates the energy consumption in MJ/ha. The program could prove to be a useful tool for suggesting sugarcane growing farmers the future need of energy input by analysing season to season data.Računarski program prilagođen korisnicima je razvijen u Visual Basic okruženju, za određivanje energetskih potreba proizvodnje šećerne trske i pripadajućih vrednosti kao što su: odnos energije, specifična energija i izlazna energija. Program takođe može da izračuna i obnovljive / ne-obnovljive i komercijalne / ne-komercijalne izvore energije. Ulazni parametri razvijenog programa su ljudi (h), diesel gorivo (lit.), električna energija (kWh), seme (kg), stajnjak (kg), đubrivo (kg), hemikalije (kg), mašine (h), ljudski rad i prinos (kg/ha). Ukupna energija se proračunava pomoću energetskih ekvivalenata koji su već uneti u program. Razvijeni program uspešno računa potrošnju energije u MJ/ha. Program može da se pokaže kao koristan alat farmerima za predviđanje energetskih potreba u proizvodnji šećerne trske analizom sezonskih podataka

    Straw Management with Spatially Modified No-Till Drill in Combine Harvested Rice Field

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    In rice-wheat crop rotation, the loose straw left after harvesting by combines results in frequent choking of the drill. A No-till drill with straw thrower assembly was developed to sow directly in combine harvested paddy field. Field evaluation of machine was done to optimize its performance affected by the various independent parameters Le. Vertical clearance of the frame, lateral spacing between the openers and belt speed index of the machine. Optimization of the machine performance was done on the basis of straw management and conveying efficiency, straw accumulation (kg/ha) and uniformity of straw throwing. Straw management efficiency was improved by about 12,10 and 4% by increasing the belt speed index from 5.8 to 7.8, vertical frame clearance from 30 cm to 60 cm and lateral clearance between the openers from 40 cm to 80 cm, respectively. Maximum straw management and conveying efficiency of the experimental machine was 93.8% and 77.83%, respectively at a combination of the belt speed index 7.8, lateral spacing between the openers 80 and 40 cm and 60 cm vertical clearance of frame. Average straw accumulation was 1400 kg/ha, 1000 kg/ha and 500 kg/ha with the increase in belt speed index from 5.8 to 7.8, vertical clearance of frame from 45 cm to 60 cm and lateral spacing between the openers from 40 cm to 80 cm, respectively. Straw was thrown by the straw thrower with maximum uniformity having minimum C.V. (17.7%) at a combination of belt speed index 7.8, vertical clearance of frame 60 cm and lateral spacing between openers 60 cm. Optimal combination; at which maximum straw managed was 93.8%, threw the straw with C.V. 21.6% and minimum straw accumulation was 633.2 kg/ha, was at belt speed index 7.8, vertical frame clearance 60 cm and lateral spacing between openers 40 and 80 cm

    Optimization of Operational Parameters of a Dust Separation System for Straw Combine

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    Astudy was undertaken to find out the optimum design parameters of dust separation system of straw combines. Experiments were conducted with five bed thicknesses viz. 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 mm for three different shaking speeds viz. 160, 210 and 260 and three different sieve stroke lengths viz. 10 mm, 15 mm and 20 mm. Sieves with three different sieve openings of 0.208, 0.246 and 0.295 mm were used. Per cent mass separation for all bed thicknesses decreased with time from 10 s to 40 s, and thereafter became constant up to 60 s. In all experiments, cumulative mass separation increased for each durations with increase in straw bed thickness from 20 mm to 60 mm. Acid insoluble ash decreased with time up to 40 s at each straw bed thickness, after which it attained nearly constant value up to 60 s of time interval. With increase in straw bed thickness from 20 mm to 60 mm, cumulative mass separation increased for each duration of experiment. Similarly, at each straw bed thickness, acid insoluble ash decreased with time up to 40 s, after which it attained nearly constant value up to 60 s of time interval. Optimum design parameters for mechanical sieving like straw retention time, straw bed thickness, sieve opening and stalking speed for satisfactory cleaning of wheat straw were found to be 40 s, 50 mm, 0.208 mm and 160 stoke.min-1, respectively

    Studies on Selected Mechanized Solutions for Efficient Incorporation of Green Manure Crop

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    A comparative study on incorporation of green manure crop (Sesbania aculeata) with a newly developed tractor operated biomass incorporator (BI) was conducted in contrast to prevailing technologies. Average depth of soil cut with BI (174.7 mm) was significantly higher than rotavator (71.3 mm), disc harrow (114 mm) and disc harrow plus cultivator (121 mm) at crop growth stage I (36 DAS) and stage II (50 DAS). Size of cut with BI (202 mm and 326.5 mm) was significantly lower than disc harrow, disc harrow pluscultivator and mould board plough at crop growth stage I and II. Field capacity of BI and conventional mould board plough was significantly lower than rotavator and disc harrow because of smaller width of coverage of two-bottom implements. Fuel consumption was significantly higher for rotavator at both stages of crop growth. Pulverization index was lowest with rotavator (6.70 mm and 6.98 mm), followed by BI, disc harrow plus cultivator, disc harrow and mould board plough at both crop stages. Bulk density index was significantly high for BI, followed by rotavator, mould board plough, disc harrow plus cultivator and disc harrow at both crop stages. Mixing index with BI (97.1 %) was significantly higher than all other implements. Biomass incorporator resulted in analogous mixing index at both crop stages. For all other implements, decrease in mixing index was recorded