6 research outputs found

    Emergence of complexity in hierarchically organized chiral particles

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    The structural complexity of composite biomaterials and biomineralized particles arises from the hierarchical ordering of inorganic building blocks over multiple scales. Although empirical observations of complex nanoassemblies are abundant, the physicochemical mechanisms leading to their geometrical complexity are still puzzling, especially for nonuniformly sized components. We report the self-assembly of hierarchically organized particles (HOPs) from polydisperse gold thiolate nanoplatelets with cysteine surface ligands. Graph theory methods indicate that these HOPs, which feature twisted spikes and other morphologies, display higher complexity than their biological counterparts. Their intricate organization emerges from competing chirality-dependent assembly restrictions that render assembly pathways primarily dependent on nanoparticle symmetry rather than size. These findings and HOP phase diagrams open a pathway to a large family of colloids with complex architectures and unusual chiroptical and chemical properties

    The state of Fortran

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    A community of developers has formed to modernize the Fortran ecosystem. In this article, we describe the high-level features of Fortran that continue to make it a good choice for scientists and engineers in the 21st century. Ongoing efforts include the development of a Fortran standard library and package manager, the fostering of a friendly and welcoming online community, improved compiler support, and language feature development. The lessons learned are common across contemporary programming languages and help reduce the learning curve and increase adoption of Fortran

    MELQUIADES : un programa de Monte Carlo para la simulación de sistemas multicomponentes utilizando modelos de potencial arbitrarios

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    It was developed a general purpose Metropolis Monte Carlo program, which allows to use arbitrary mathematical functions as potential functions for interaction energy calculation, in order to simulate multicomponent system, MELQUIADES. MELQUIADES is a serial and stand-alone FORTRAN 90 and 2003 program for simulation of multicomponent systems using the Metropolis Monte Carlo Algorithm. It can be compiled using GNU Fortram Compiler (gfortran) in different GNU/Linux distribution and hardware. In the current version some capabilities implemented are: i) introduction of potential functions as plain text to facilitate the evaluation of new models; ii) besides Coulombic potential, Lennard-Jones, Buckingham or Yukawa potentials to can be used to calculate intermolecular interaction energy; iii) the configuration space is sampled either in canonical or isothermal-isobaric ensembles; iv) allows the multicomponent systems energy calculation and building of diverse neighbor list depending on the molecular size. The source code of MELQUIADES was written in modular format and allow the adaptation of analysis tools.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Foi desenvolvido um programa de Monte Carlo via cadeia de Markov que permite utilizar funções matemáticas arbitrárias como funções de potencial para o cálculo de energia de interação em sistemas multicomponentes, MELQUIADES. MELQUIADES está escrito na linguagem FORTRAN 90 com modificações de Fortran 2003. Pode ser executado serialmente e compilado com o compilador GNU Fortran em distintas distribuições GNU/Linux e arquiteturas de máquina. Na versão atual este programa implementa: i) uma interface para a análise léxica de palavras e posterior utilização como funções de potencial; ii) além do potencial coulômbico, os potenciais de Lennard-Jones, Buckingham ou Yukawa podem ser empregados para o cálculo de energia de interação; iii) o espaço de configurações é amostrado tanto no ensemble canônico, quanto no isotérmico-isobárico; iv) permite o cálculo de energia em sistemas multicomponentes e a construção de diversas listas de vinzinhos dependendo do tamanho molecular. O código fonte de MELQUIADES foi escrito em formato modular e permite a adaptação de ferramentas para a análise de resultados

    Confinamento de líquidos em nanoescala

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    The effects on the reduction of space on the structural properties of two liquids and a mixture thereof were analyzed with a definition of nanoscale confinement, based on carbon nanotubes. The methodology involves the use of the Monte Carlo Method at isobaric-isothermal assembly, ������ , and Radial Distribution Functions for structural analysis. The results showed that in confinement conditions presents formation and distortion of structural patterns in the correlation functions for the studied liquids, water and methanol. The variations in these functions are presented as dependent on the description of the nanotubes.Financiadora de Estudos e ProjetosOs efeitos na redução do espaço sobre as propriedades estruturais de dois líquidos e uma mistura dos mesmos foram analisados com uma definição de condição de confinamento em escala nanométrica, a partir de nanotubos de carbono. A metodologia empregada utiliza para os cálculos o método Monte Carlo no ensemble isotérmico-isobárico, ������, e a função de distribuição radial de pares para a análise estrutural. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que em condição de confinamento apresenta-se formação e distorção de padrões estruturais nas funções de correlação para os líquidos estudados, água e metanol. As variações nestas funções apresentam-se como dependentes da descrição dos nanotubos

    Themis: A Software to Assess Association Free Energies via Direct Estimative of Partition Functions

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    We present the program Themis - a computer implementation of a standard statistical mechanics framework to compute free energies, average energies and entropic contributions for association processes of two atom-based structures. The partition functions are computed analytically using a discrete grid in the phase space, whose size and degree of coarseness can be controlled to allow efficient calculations and to achieve the desired level of accuracy. With this strategy, applications ranging from molecular recognition, chiral discrimination, surface adsorption and even the interactions involving molecules in electronic excited states can be handled.</div

    An open-source smart fraction collector for preparative liquid chromatography

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    We have assembled a low-cost Arduino-based smart fraction collector capable of recording the signal from the UV-vis detector of the chromatography instrument, allowing the automated selective collection of the targeted bands. The system is constituted by a cartesian robot equipped with position sensors and a 3-way solenoid valve that switch the column effluent between the waste or collection positions. By proper programming, an Arduino board records the detector response, and actuates the solenoid valve, the position sensors, and the stepper motors, to collect the target chromatographic bands