22 research outputs found

    Alternating-Site Mechanism of Kinesin-1 Characterized by Single-Molecule FRET Using Fluorescent ATP Analogues

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    Kinesin-1 motor proteins move along microtubules in repetitive steps of 8 nm at the expense of ATP. To determine nucleotide dwell times during these processive runs, we used a Förster resonance energy transfer method at the single-molecule level that detects nucleotide binding to kinesin motor heads. We show that the fluorescent ATP analog used produces processive motility with kinetic parameters altered <2.5-fold compared with normal ATP. Using our confocal fluorescence kinesin motility assay, we obtained fluorescence intensity time traces that we then analyzed using autocorrelation techniques, yielding a time resolution of ∼1 ms for the intensity fluctuations due to fluorescent nucleotide binding and release. To compare these experimental autocorrelation curves with kinetic models, we used Monte-Carlo simulations. We find that the experimental data can only be described satisfactorily on the basis of models assuming an alternating-site mechanism, thus supporting the view that kinesin's two motor domains hydrolyze ATP and step in a sequential way

    Novel Ways to Determine Kinesin-1's Run Length and Randomness Using Fluorescence Microscopy

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    The molecular motor protein Kinesin-1 drives intracellular transport of vesicles, by binding to microtubules and making hundreds of consecutive 8-nm steps along them. Three important parameters define the motility of such a linear motor: velocity, run length (the average distance traveled), and the randomness (a measure of the stochasticity of stepping). We used total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to measure these parameters under conditions without external load acting on the motor. First, we tracked the motility of single motor proteins at different adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentrations and determined both velocity and (for the first time, to our knowledge, by using single-molecule fluorescence assays) randomness. We show that the rate of Kinesin-1 at zero load is limited by two or more exponentially distributed processes at high ATP concentrations, but that an additional, ATP-dependent process becomes the sole rate-limiting process at low ATP concentrations. Next, we measured the density profile of moving Kinesin-1 along a microtubule. This allowed us to determine the average run length in a new way, without the need to resolve single-molecules and to correct for photobleaching. At saturating ATP concentration, we measured a run length of 1070 ± 30 nm. This value did not significantly change for different ATP concentrations