60 research outputs found

    Optimal Media for In-Vitro Regeneration of Two Local Genotypes of Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) from West Sumatera

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    Genetic engineering strategy in chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) has been applied so far in order to improve its genetic capacity for instance against some important diseases. This strategy needs an established system for calli preparation as well as transformant regeneration. In most cases, this necessity is genotype dependent especially for some local genotypes. Based on this, we optimized media for calli induction, shoot and root regeneration of our three local cultivars namely Kampung, Kopay and Trisula. Media combinations basically were composed of MS  and combined with some growth factors for instance IAA, BAP, NAA and TDZ with different combinations for each calli induction, shoot and root regeneration. All media compositions were supplemented with 30 GL-1 sucrose. The best medium for calli induction was MS media supplemented with 4 mgL-1 BAP, 0.5 mgL-1 IAA and L2 vitamin (Thiamin-HCl and Pyrodoxine-HCl). While the best medium for shoot induction and elongation was MS supplemented with 1mgL-1 BAP, 5 mgL-1 AgNO3, 2 mgL-1 GA3, 2 mgL-1 Calcium Pantotenate and L2 vitamin.  Furthermore, the best medium for root induction and elongation was WPM (Woody Plant Medium) supplemented with 0.4 mgL-1 NAA. This finding should provide optimal media for calli induction and shoot-root regeneration for the three local cultivars Kampung, Kopay and Trisula

    Isolation and Identification of Glucoamylase Producer Fungus from Sago Hampas

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    Waste of sago processing, notably hampas (ela) still contains sago starch is waste that has not been utilized optimally yet  and causing pollution. Isolation and identification of glucoamylase producer fungus of sago hampas waste  were aims to obtain isolates that have gluco-amylolytic properties, and to know glucoamylase activity of selected fungus isolates after grown on artificial medium.  Indegeneous isolates that can produced glucoamylase will be use to get sugar hidrolysate from starch of sago hampas waste for bioetanol production. The study was conducted with the following stages: 1)Take the sample from the tennis, 2) Isolation and Identification, 3) Characterization (clear zone), and 4) The production of glucoamylase from selected isolates, The results obtained are: 1) Isolation of fungi gluco-amylolytic from 2 sources sago hampas were produced 10 isolates. Ten isolates were divided into 4 genuses: Gliocladium (as dominant isolate), Aspergilus, Rizhopus and Geotrichum. Isolates of Gliocladium KE gaves the largest degradation of starch on PDA-Starch medium (clear zone), and followed by isolates of Aspergillus GA; 2) Production of glucoamylase on sago hampas with modificated Danial medium (1992) gave the highest activity of Gliocladium KE   on the fifth day of incubation, namely: 10.72 U / mL of crude enzyme   from the supernatant of fermentation substrate (S), and 17.16 U / mL for crude enzyme from the extract of isopropanol isolation (E)

    Isolasi, identifikasi dan penyiapan sediaan kering Bakteri Asam Laktat yang berpotensi sebagai probiotik dari dadih asal Sijunjung Sumatera Barat

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    Dadih merupakan produk fermentasi susu kerbau yang berasal dari Sumatera Barat, kaya akan bakteri asam laktat yang berpotensi sebagai probiotik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengisolasi, mengidentifikasi, menguji karakteristik probiotik dan menyiapkan sediaan kering bakteri asam laktat dari dadih Sijunjung Sumatera Barat. Isolasi bakteri dadih dilakukan sampai diperoleh koloni yang seragam dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi bakteri menggunakan Kit API 50 CHL Kemudian dilakukan pengujian sifat probiotiknya, dan dilanjutkan dengan proses penyediaan bakteri kering menggunakan bahan pengkapsul natrium alginat dan skim secara  freeze drying. Terhadap sediaan bakteri kering dihitung rata-rata kadar air dan viabilitasnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa isolat bakteri dari dadih merupakan bakteri gram positif, berbentuk sel batang, ujung bentuk persegi dan posisi berantai. Hasil identifikasi menggunakan Kit API 50 CHL, teridentifikasi sebagai Lactobacillus paracasei ssp paracasei yang potensial sebagai probiotik dengan viabilitas yang baik, yaitu 89,52%

    Effect of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate on Physical, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Cassava Starch Bioplastic Composites

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    The development of bioplastic composites from various natural polymers reinforced with Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) has become a field of increasing interest. In this study, the effect of PCC on the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of a cassava starch matrix composite was examined. The bioplastic composites were made of cassava starch and mixed with glycerol as a plasticizer and 0-10% by weight of PCC. The material was then poured into a mold and oven dried. The physical, thermal and mechanical properties of bioplastic/PCC composites were investigated using Tensile Strength measurements, X-Ray Diffraction, Thermogravimetric Analysis, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The optimum tensile strength was obtained upon the addition of 4 % PCC. The addition of PCC improved the thermal stability of bioplastic/PCC composites. The results of X-ray Diffraction testing showed an increase in the crystallinity of the bioplastic/PCC composites with increase in PCC content but there is a decrease in the moisture absorption. SEM images indicated that the PCC filler content was incorporated into the matrix. In general, FTIR indicated the bioplastic/PCC composites were hydrophilic and the addition of PCC reduced the hydrophilic properties by damaging the hydrogen bonding between starch molecules and water

    Analisis post mortem kulit kambing mentah yang diolah di UPTD penyamakan kulit Padang Panjang

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    Tujuan dari studi ini untuk mengetahui persentase kulit mentah yang memenuhi syarat untuk disamak dan kulit mentah reject serta untuk mengetahui tingkat kualitas kulit mentah dari sumber baik dari dalam atau dari luar kota yang menggunakan jasa UPTD penyamakan kulit. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive random sampling terhadap 100 lembar kulit kambing mentah tanpa memperhatikan memenuhi syarat atau tidak sebelum proses penyamakan. Pengolahan data menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Hasil pengamatan panelis di UPTD pengolahan kulit mentah yang memenuhi syarat untuk disamak adalah 93,22±4,15% dan rata-rata kulit reject adalah 6,45±1,33%. Kualitas kulit mentah dari beberapa daerah yang menggunakan jasa UPTD untuk penyamakan kulit sebagian besar adalah kualitas 2 dan kualitas 3. Berdasarkan pengamatan dimensi rata-rata kulit mentah awet garam memiliki luas 4,78 ft2, panjang 88,81 cm, lebar 64,31 cm dan ketebalan 1,49 mm. Berdasarkan cacat pada kulit mentah nilai tertinggi disebabkan karena benjolan caplak yaitu 14%

    Characteristics of Peel-off Gel Mask Formulated from Jicama (Pachyhizus erosus)

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    Food loss is a worldwide concern, especially the losses from the fresh tubers because of their quick rottenness during post-harvest without proper preservation. Meanwhile, the tuber is an excellent source of carbohydrates that can be used in a broad range of food and other industries. Therefore, creating added-value products from crops has been considered an intriguing idea for decades in order to reduce this matter and also can utilize raw materials from agriculture. This research aimed to determine and evaluate the effects of starch addition from Jicama on the characteristic of peel-off gel masks. Five different formulations were made with increased starch concentration at 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4%, and a control sample was formulated without adding starch. Organoleptic, spreadability, homogeneity, irritation, viscosity, pH, peeling time, and antibacterial and antioxidant activity were parameters in evaluating gel formulations. The best formula showed a homogenous consistency, there was no irritating reaction, and it had the highest sensory point from the panellist. The acidic degree and viscosity were 5.53 and 32867 cPs, respectively, which adhered to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 2007) for facial skin products; the gel had good spreadability, and the peeling time was less than 30 minutes. Moreover, the gel presented an active antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus; and antioxidant activity. According to the results, Jicama is recommended for application in making good quality peel-off gel mask products at 4% concentration


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    Angka pigment is one of food colorants that safe to used. It can be produced by subtrate that contain of sago hampas. The objective of the research was to get the appropriate of sago hampas particle size to produce the angkak pigment. The steps to produce of angkak pigment were (a) Preparation of raw materials (sago hampas and rice flour substrate with comparison 1:1 (12.5 : 12.5). This research used  three treatments of sago hampas particle size (40-60 mesh, 60-80 mesh, and >80 mesh) with 3 replications, (b) Preparation of Monascus purpureus culture, (c) Solid state fermentation to produce angkak pigment using M. purpureus. The results of the research showed that the substrate with hampas sago particle size 40-60 mesh produced  the best angkak pigment. The angkak pigment obtain the highest color intensity on λ 400 nm, λ 470 nm, λ 500 nm were 6004, 5110 and 3650 respectively, the highest used starch, antioxidant, toxicity, lovastatin and spore of  M.  purpureus were 11.07%, 45.95%, 1719.86 (LC50), 79 ppm, and 3.4 x 103 CPU/g respectively


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    Penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah pembuatan edible film dengan penambahan yoghurt yang bersifat antimikroba berbahan dasar pati jagung. Edible film mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri yaitu Escherichia coli dan Candida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya konsentrasi gliserol sebagai plasticizer yang sesuai dengan karakteristik sifat fisik dan aktivitas antibakteri dalam pembuatan edible film berbahan dasar pati jagung dengan penambahan yoghurt sebagai antibakteri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Konsentrasi gliserol dapat mempengaruhi sifat fisik dari edible film yang ditambahkan dengan yoghurt. Konsentrasi penambahan gliserol yang sesuai dalam pembuatan edible film dengan penambahan yoghurt yaitu 12% yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap sifat fisik yaitu ketebalan dan kekuatan tarik, dan elongasi
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