77 research outputs found


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    Pengembangan Kurikulum merupakan aktifitas akademik yang sangat elementer dalam menentukan arah dan gambaran Pendidikan dalam tingkat satuan Pendidikan. Kelompok Belajar ABA 48 ABR merupakan institusi berbasis Pendidikan anak usia dini yang masih memerlukan pengembangan kurikulum yang menyesuaikan dengan kondisi serta tantangan yang diperlukan sekarang. Pada tingkat Kelompok Bermain (KB) Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar yang sekarang disebut dengan Capaian Pembelajaran (CP) menjadi acuan untuk pembelajaran intrakurikuler pada pengembangan kurikulumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kurikulum KB agar dihasilkan dokumen kurikulum yang sesuai untuk perencanaan pembelajaran. Perancangan pembelajaran ini digunakan oleh KB dalam rangka mencapai Standar Tingkat Pencapaian Perkembangan Anak. Analisa kebutuhan serta input kebijakan pemerintah merupakan indikator dan referensi yang dijadikan acuan dalam pengembangan kurikulum di KB ABA 48 ABR ini yang didukung dengan data yang diperoleh atau dikumpulkan dari wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil Analisa kebutuhan dikembangkanlah produk dokumen kurikulum KB ABA 48 sesuai dengan kondisi yang diperlukan dalam konteks sekarang yaitu dokumen yang berisi struktur dan muatan kurikulum, beban belajar dan kalender Pengajaran, Silabus Mata Pelajaran, dan RPP

    Sharing And Jumping Task In Collaborative Teaching And Learning Process

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    Providing material in the forms of task in collaborative teaching and learning process is one way in tapping the potential of the student's ability both on the cognitive, affective or psychomotoric trait.The task material provided in this collaborative learning is to foster a dialogical situation, communicative atmosphere, mutual listening and learning among students. The material itself is an obligatory task which is in accordance with the capacity of each student. Material assignments or tasks in the learning process is not only as an evaluation tool but also as a tool triggering the implementation of the teaching procedures to deliver real results that makes the students understand and learn the actual learning. Therefore, the level of task must be considered to obtain real change for each student learning


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    This article explains the result of research that aim to test whether usinginteractive guessing game technique give significant effect on fluency student’s speakingskill in short functional text of MTs. Bustanul Ulum Tanggungprigel. This research uses aquasi experimental research design. The population of this research was the VIII gradestudents of MTs. Bustanul Ulum Tanggungprigel. There were two classess that totalized50 students. The sample of this research was VIII A and VIII B. The sample was selectedby population sampling technique. The instruments were speaking test. The data wereanalyzed by independent sample t-test formula. The result of this research were theimplementation of using interactive guessing game was significant to improve fluencystudent’s speaking skill. It can be conclude that interactive guessing game technique gavesignificant effect toward fluecny student’s speaking skill at MTs. Bustanul UlumTanggungprigel

    Screen Book Versus Printed Book: A Comparative Study on the Influence of Students Perceived Learning at six semesters on English department in University of Muhammadiyah Gresik

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    Learning media is needed in education. Books are one of the important media. In higher education, variations of the book began to be introduced in the form of printed book (traditional) and screen book (electronic). At the University of Muhammadiyah Gresik in the English department, the two book formats are taught from the first semester to sixth semester. Student learning styles and learning outcomes are also influenced by the book and the format of what books are read by students. This is preceded by the learning felt by the students on what kind of book format is preferred. In this study, researchers look for differences in likes or lessons perceived  by students  to  screen  books  and  printed  books  at  higher  levels  of education. The sample of this study is 50 students consisting of 23 students from the morning class and 27 students from the afternoon class. Sample is taken by purposive sampling technique to facilitate the researcher to find the right subject with criterion according to this research. Data collection used in this study using questionnaires with Likert scale grading 4 points. Some statements to be answered by respondents in the form of affective questions about their feelings or perceived in learning are often referred to as self-report measure. The Z test is used to test the research hypothesis as it relates to this type of comparative study and to find out the accepted or rejected null hypothesis. The results of this study indicate that there is no significant difference between screen book and printed book on students perceived learning. This means that the two natural groups, morning class and evening class, both prefer the printed book because of the tacticle interaction factor. Of the two classes have a fondness for the screen book but not significant. Then, it can be conclude that in this study null hypothesis is accepted. &nbsp

    Asesmen Alternatif Bagi EFL Students

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    Writing to Write

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    Bukti Korespondensi Artikel Terbit di Jurnal TEWT Scopus Index

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