28 research outputs found

    Mathematical modelling of mutual electromagnetic influences of related power transmission lines in a transition process mode

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    A mathematical model is obtained using the variable state method, allowing the simulation of electromagnetic processes in transmission lines and communication lines (both homogeneous and heterogeneous) taking into account the reciprocal inductive and capacitive bonds in transition and established modes. The resulting mathematical model can solve a number of important scientific and practical problems related to the design and operation of electric power systems (EEC). The model also allows for a variety of situations and tasks related, for example, to the calculation of circuit breakage, short circuit (SC) or single-phase SC in isolated neural networks. In particular, it is possible to calculate the steered voltage of the line from high-voltage or high-precision power lines. Based on this methodology, it is also proposed to develop an algorithm for the machine formation of mathematical models for the study of transition processes in complex electrical networks, where the initial data will be their parameters and the structure of graphs of the studied networks. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Method for designing drop-of-wire recognition systems on sections of undistorted two-wire power transmission lines

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    In this work a general statement of the problem of designing distributive electrical systems that recognize breakage of wires on sections of power lines using a multifunctional wire with an isolated residential wire is formulated. The use of overhead wires with the proposed construction of the housing will make it possible to solve many electrical problems very easily and cheaply without the use of expensive equipment. The correspondence table of the information current values of the power supply unit I 0 and of the wire breakdowns on the sections in the two-wire transmission line is obtained by simulation. The proposed method of diagnostics and monitoring of the state of power lines is not expensive and allows the maintenance staff, being at the substation, to detect rapidly and remotely the breakage of wires on the parts of the network and the distance to it, In order to ensure that the repair crew is sent to the exact location of the damage, this will improve the reliability of the electrical supply to consumers. This is achieved by the fact that the information wire has an independent power supply and thus allows for control of the network at any time. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Power Flows and Losses Calculation in Radial Networks by Representing the Network Topology in the Hierarchical Structure Form

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    This paper proposes a structured hierarchical-multilevel approach to calculating the power flows and losses of electricity in radial electrical networks with different nominal voltages at given loads and voltages of the power source. The researched electrical networks are characterized by high dimensionality, dynamism of development, but also insufficient completeness and reliability of state information. The approach is based on the representation of the initial network graph in the form of a hierarchical-multilevel structure, divided into two stages with rated voltages Unom ≤ 35 kV and Unom ≥ 35 kV, and using the traditional (manual) engineering two-stage method, where the calculation is performed in a sequence from bottom to top (stage 1) and from top to bottom (stage 2), moving along the structure of the network. The application of the above approach makes it possible to obtain an algorithm for implementation on a computer, which is characterized by universality (for an arbitrary configuration and complexity of the network), high performance and low requirements for the computer memory. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: This work was supported in part by the International Cooperation Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 41761144079, in part by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in part by the Pan-Third Pole Environment Study for a Green Silk Road under Grant XDA20060303, in part by the K. C. Wong Education Foundation under Grant GJTD-2020-14, in part by the Research Fund for International Scientists of National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 42150410393, in part by the CAS PIFI Fellowship under Grant 2021PC0002, in part by the Xinjiang Tianchi Hundred Talents Program under Grant Y848041, in part by the CAS Interdisciplinary Innovation Team under Grant JCTD-2019-20, in part by the project of the Research Center of Ecology and Environment in Central Asia under Grant Y934031, and in part by the Regional Collaborative Innovation Project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regions under Grant 2020E01010


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    В работе были исследованы свойства и поведение порошка бронзы марки БрОФ-10-1 при помощи метода дифференциально-сканирующей калориметрии (ДСК). Получены характеристические температуры наблюдаемых превращений и количественно оценены тепловые эффекты путем численного интегрирования сигнала теплового потока. В результате полного переплава бронзового порошка в инертной атмосфере образец приобрел вид чистой блестящей капли почти сферической формы, при этом убыль массы составила 0,63 %.Properties and behavior of bronze powder of BrOF-10-1 grade were investigated using differential-scanning calorimetry (DSC) method. The characteristic temperatures of the observed transformations are obtained and the thermal effects are quantitatively estimated by numerical integration of the heat flux signal. As a result of the complete remelting of the bronze powder in an inert atmosphere, the sample took the form of a clean, shiny drop of almost spherical shape, while the mass loss was 0.63%


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    Work is devoted to studying the effect of implantation of nitrogen ions into the surface of austenitic stainless steels to improve their functional properties. Four grades of austenitic corrosion-resistant steels 02H16N10M2, 08H15AG10D2, 06H15AG9NM2 and 09H15AG9ND2 were taken after cold plastic deformation and annealing from 680 °C in water and subsequent implantation with N+ ions with different radiation dose: 0,01 и 0,1 %. It was found that irradiation of austenitic stainless steels with nitrogen ions can be considered an effective way to increase the hardness and yield strength of steels in the operation in a corrosive environment.Изучали влияние имплантации ионов азота в поверхность аустенитных коррозионно-стойких сталей для повышения их функциональных свойств. Исследовали четыре марки аустенитных коррозионно-стойких сталей 02Х16Н10М2, 08Х15АГ10Д2, 06Х15АГ9НМ2 и 09Х15АГ9НД2 после холодной пластической деформации и отжига 680 °C в воде и последующей имплантации ионами N+ с разной дозой облучения — 0,01 и 0,1 %. Установлено, что облучение ионами азота аустенитных коррозионно-стойких сталей можно считать эффективным способом для повышения твердости, а также условного предела текучести при эксплуатации сталей в коррозионной среде


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    Исследовали четыре марки аустенитных коррозионно-стойких сталей 02Х16Н10М2, 08Х15АГ10Д2, 06Х15АГ9НМ2 и 09Х15АГ9НД2 после холодной пластической деформации и закалки от 1050 С в воде и последующей имплантации ионами N+ с разной дозой облучения. Путем имплантации ионов N+ с высокой дозой облучения на 50–60 % повысилась твердость исследованных сталей. Повышение прочности до 20 % получено в стали с исходно низким содержанием азота 02Х16Н10М2.Four marks of austenitic corrosion-resistant steels 02H16N10M2, 08H15AG10D2, 06X15AG9NM2 and 09X15AG9ND2 after cold plastic deformation and quenching from 1050 °C in water and subsequent implantation with N+ ions with different radiation dose were investigated. By implanting N+ ions with a high irradiation dose by 50–60 %, the hardness of the investigated steels has increased. The increase in strength up to 20 % is obtained in steel with an initially low nitrogen content of 02H16N10M2


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    Работа посвящена изучению влияния имплантации ионов азота в поверхность аустенитных коррозионностойких сталей для повышения их функциональных свойств, что является актуальной и значимой для практики задачей. В работе исследовали 4 марки аустенитных коррозионностойких сталей (02Х16Н10М2, 08Х15АГ10Д2, 06Х15АГ9НМ2 и 09Х15АГ9НД2) в исходном состоянии, после холодной пластической деформации и закалки с рекристаллизационным отжигом, и после имплантации ионами азота с разной дозой облучения. Установлено, что облучение ионами азота аустенитных коррозионностойких сталей можно считать эффективным способом для повышения твердости, а также условного предела текучести при эксплуатации сталей в коррозионной среде.Work is devoted to studying the effect of implantation of nitrogen ions into the surface of austenitic stainless steels to improve their functional properties that is relevant and meaningful to the task of practice. Four grades of the austenitic stainless steels (02H16N10M2, 08H15AG10D2, 06H15AG9NM2 and 09H15AG9ND2) were studied after cold plastic deformation, quenching and subsequent implantation of nitrogen ions with different radiation dose. It was found that irradiation of austenitic stainless steels with nitrogen ions can be considered an effective way to increase the hardness and yield strength of steels in the operation in a corrosive environment


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    The work is devoted to studying the effects of implantation of nitrogen ions into the surface of austenitic corrosion.resistant steels on their structure and properties to increase their functional properties. It was found that irradiation with nitrogen ions can be considered effective to increase the hardness and mechanical properties of the studied steels.В работе исследуется влияние имплантации ионов азота в поверхность аустенитных коррозионностойких сталей на их структуру и свойства для повышения их функциональных свойств. Установлено, что облучение ионами азота можно считать эффективным для повышения твердости и механических свойств исследуемых сталей

    Полимеры в лечении ран: реалии и горизонты

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    Today, biopolymers and biomaterials are a broad and growing sphere of interest to both specialists from various fields of science and to society as a whole. The paper discusses the issues concerning the terminological interpretation of concepts, such as polymers, biodegradability, gels and hydrogels, hydrocolloids, films, sponges, and polymer matrices. It gives the results of the authors’ investigations of bandages as films and porous sponges containing the silver levels as given in the instruction (11 prototypes from different Russian and foreign manufacturers). Electron scanning microscopy revealed a varying content of the ground substance in the prototypes within the range from 0 (even no traces of silver were found) to 7.29 %. Thus, the effect of the test samples of bandages may not be always related to the active component that is positioned the ground components, and the therapeutic effect is achieved, for example, by the polymer base of this dressing agent. The main directions in further investigations of polymers for medical purposes are to elaborate technological approaches to producing biopolymers for the reduction of their cost and to make biomaterials with tailor-made properties. Сегодня биополимеры и биоматериалы – это широкая и активно развивающаяся сфера, интересная как для специалистов из различных областей наук, так и для общества в целом. В статье обсуждаются вопросы терминологической интерпретации таких понятий, как биополимеры, биоразлагаемость, гели и гидрогели, гидроколлоиды, пленки, губки, полимерные матриксы. Представлены результаты собственных исследований перевязочных средств в виде пленок и пористых губок с заявленным в инструкции содержанием серебра (11 опытных образцов от различных отечественных и зарубежных производителей). По данным электронной сканирующей микроскопии выявлено различное содержание основного вещества в опытных образцах в диапазоне от 0 (не обнаружено даже следов серебра) до 7,29 %. Таким образом, действие проанализированных образцов перевязочных средств не всегда может быть связано с тем «активным» компонентом, который позиционируется основным, а лечебный эффект достигается, например, за счет полимерной основы данного перевязочного материала. Основные направления дальнейших исследований полимеров для медицинских целей: разработка технологических подходов производства биополимеров для снижения их стоимости и получение биоматериалов с заданными свойствами.

    Topical issues of reforming of language education

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    The present article is devoted to questions of occurring innovative reforming of language education. In article it is noted that the key line of reforming is reduction of classroom training in language and expansion of studying of language in an electronic format, including in a network. Similar expansion is possible only with existence of enough of electronic means on all aspects and level of training in language. Lingvometodichesky exercise machines in system of electronic tutorials are basic owing to the functionality