2,358 research outputs found

    Impact of ethnicity upon body composition assessment in Iranian northern children

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    Objective: This study was designed to determine secular growth among rural children between two ethnic groups (Sisstanish and Non-Sisstanish ) in north of Iran. Methods: We chose 20 villages from 118 by cluster and simple sampling. All of 25-60 months old children in this area were considered in this study. Sample size was 1569 cases (632=Sisstanish and 937=Non- Sisstanish). Height, weight and personal identification were recorded by questioner. BMI percentile and under -1sd, -2sd and -3sd from NCHS were used for comparison. X2 test and T.test were used to analyze by software SPSS. Results: Sisstanish children were 900 g lighter and 4.39 cm taller than non-Sisstanish among all of age groups. T.test is significant between two groups based on weight and height (P<0.05). Stunting and underweight were observed in Sisstanish group 23% and 5.9% respectively more than in non-Sisstanish by -2sd criterion. There is a significant difference between two groups by stunting (P<0.05). Overweight (1.52%) and obesity (12.4%) were shown in Sisstanish group more than in non-Sisstanish group and Statistical differences is significant between them based on obesity (P<0.05). Conclusion: Secular growth in two groups is disproportionate and in Non-Sisstanish group is better than Sisstanish group. Sisstanish children suffer from severe height deficit and BMI high. Thereby, malnutrition is the most health problem in rural area in the north of Iran and nutritional intervention is necessary for solving these problems

    Preventing effect of vitamin E on oocytes apoptosis in morphinetreated mice

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    Several studies have shown that Morphine Sulfate affects on fertility, embryogenesis and consequent pregnancy loss and ultrastructural alterations of oocytes in animal model. This study was done to determine the effect of morphine sulfate on oocytes apoptosis and preventive role of daily supplementation of Vitamin E on oocytes apoptosis in morphine sulfate -treated mice. Twenty-four NMARI female mice were randomly allocated into four experimental groups. For 15 days, control group received saline (0.2 ml/day by subcutaneous injection), group I Vitamin E (60 mg/kg/day orally), group II Morphine Sulfate (10 mg/kg/day by subcutaneous injection) and group III Morphine Sulfate with Vitamin E (60 mg/kg/day orally). Then, animals were superovulated with PSMG (10 Units) and 10 Unites of HCG. The next day the animals were sacrificed, oocytes were flushed from each fallopian tube. The collected oocytes were subjected to determine apoptosis by Tunnel assay with using Fluorescent Microscope. According to our results, the number of retrieved oocytes were 121, 132, 86 and 114 in control, experimental group I, II and III, respectively. Morphine Sulfate treatment increased apoptosis in oocytes to 17.44% whereas oocytes apoptosis was 4.13% in Controls. Supplementation with Vitamin E in Morphine Sulfate -treated mice reduced the oocytes apoptosis to 7.01%. This study showed that Morphine can increase apoptosis in oocytes and Vitamin E treatment significantly reduces oocytes apoptosis in the Morphine Sulfate -treated mice

    Genetic Control of Soybean Resistance to Soybean Pod Sucker (Riptortus Linearis L.)

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    Riptortus linearis represents the most common pod sucking pest on soybean. Genetic studies on inheritance of resistance to the pest are needed. The study used B4400 and B3802 genotypes as resistant parents, Tambora as susceptible parent. Crosses were made to form F2 population of Tambora x B4400, and Tambora x B3802. A total of 10-20 seeds each of resistant and susceptible parents, 220 F2 seeds of Tambora x B4400 crosses, and 232 F2 seeds of Tambora x B3802 crosses were grown in pots, one plant/pot. The plants were infested with adult R. linearis (riptortus), at the R2 stage. The results showed that the population of riptortus in each of the F2 soybean population at 7 and 15 days after infestation were >2 insects/25 plants, which enables the study of genetic resistance to soybean pod sucker. Heritability values indicated that resistance to pod sucker was controlled by genetic factors. The resistance to riptortus in B4400 and B3802 genotypes was controlled by two recessive genes located at different loci, and interacted with each other with epistatic dominant reaction. With an assumption that B and C genes were dominant, hence the resistance genes found in both soybean genotypes were bbcc

    Study of embryotoxicity of mentha piperita l. during organogenesis in balb/c mice

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    Mentha piperita (Labiatae), commonly known as peppermint is a native Iranian herb which is used in folk medicine for various purposes. This study was carried out to reveal the teratogenic effect of Mentha piperita on mice fetuses. In this experimental study, pregnant Balb/c mice divided to four groups. Case group received 600 (treatment I) and 1200 (treatment II) mg/kg/day the hydroalcoholic extract of Mentha piperita during 6-15 of gestational days and one control group received normal saline during GD6-GD15 by gavages and other control group did not receive any matter during 6-15 of gestational days. Mice sacrificed at GD18 and embryos were collected. Macroscopic observation was done by stereomicroscope. 20 fetuses of each group were stained by Alizarin red-S and Alcian blue staining method. The Mean weight of fetuses decreased in treatment groups rather than control (P<0.05) but CRL there was no significant difference between treatments and controls groups. In the treatment I (600 mg/kg/day) and treatment II (1200 mg/kg/day), normal saline and control group, no gross congenital malformations were observed in fetuses. Treated fetuses also had no delayed bone ossification as determined by Alizarin red-S and Alcian blue staining method. This study showed that the hydroalcoholic extract of Mentha piperita (600 and 1200 mg/ kg/day) has no teratogenic effect in mice fetuses if used continuously during embryonic period

    Respons Aksesi Plasma Nutfah Kacang Hijau terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan

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    Cekaman kekeringan menjadi masalah yang perlu diperhatikan dalam budi daya kacang hijau di lahan kering, mengingat ketersediaan air yang relatif terbatas terutama pada musim kemarau. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengevaluasi aksesi-aksesi kacang hijau terhadap cekaman kekeringan. Sebanyak lima puluh aksesi plasma nutfah kacang hijau yang terdiri atas varietas unggul nasional, dan varietas lokal koleksi Bank Gen BB Biogen digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pengujian kekeringan dilaksanakan di KP Naibonat, BPTP NTT, Kupang pada tahun 2013. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terpisah 3 ulangan, di mana petak utama adalah kondisi tanah (normal dan kekeringan) dan anak petak adalah 50 aksesi kacang hijau. Pada kondisi normal (N) tanah pada setiap petak selalu dalam keadaan cukup air hingga seminggu menjelang panen (disiram sesuai keperluan). Pada kondisi kekeringan (K) tanah tidak disiram semenjak umur 4 minggu setelah tanaman hingga panen. Setiap galur ditanam 2 tanaman per rumpun, pada jarak 40 cm &amp;times; 20 cm dalam petakan 2 m &amp;times; 3 m. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap hasil biji dan karakter agronomi penting lainnya. Toleransi kekeringan dinilai berdasarkan persentase penurunan hasil pada kondisi kekeringan dibanding dengan kondisi normal. Untuk melihat keeratan hubungan antarkarakter agronomis dilakukan uji korelasi. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, diperoleh 11 aksesi plasma nutfah yang toleran, lima aksesi di antaranya tergolong paling toleran dengan penurunan hasil pada kondisi kekeringan lebih rendah dibanding dengan varietas toleran lainnya. Kelima varietas tersebut adalah Walet, Kenari, Merak, Sriti, dan Lokal Pameungpeuk. Korelasi antarkarakter agronomi (komponen hasil) dengan hasil biji plasma nutfah kacang hijau pada kondisi normal dan kekeringan relatif sama
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