1,379 research outputs found

    Sidik Lintas Karakter Agronomi Dan Ketahanan Hama Pengisap Polong Terhadap Hasil Plasma Nutfah Kedelai

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    Path Analysis of Agronomic Characters and Resistance to Pod Sucker Bug on Yield of Soybean Germplasm. Asadi. Soybean productivity was still low and unstable that commonly caused by pest attack and disease. Pod sucking insect pest is most serious pest of soybean that reduce seed production. Riptortus linearis is the most dominant pest of pod sucking bug of soybean. Planting of resistant variety is one of the biological control. To support the soybean breeding program for pod sucking pest resistance, the availability of sources of resistance genes is needed. Sources of resistance genes are obtained by evaluating and identifying of soybean germplasm. Based on soybean germplasm evaluation, it can be identified sources of resistance genes that can be used as the base material of soybean breeding programs for pod sucking pest resistance. How influence of independent variable (Xi) such as agronomic characters and resistance to pod sucking on seed yield as the dependent variable (Yi) of soybean germplasm, can be estimated by path analysis. By knowing the characters that influence the seed yield directly, so the character is going to be used for selection of soybean yield of germplasm. Based on 103 evaluations of soybean germplasm, as much as 5 accessions (B3778, B4400, B3802, B4176, and B2973) were identified as the resistant accessions, while accessions B4142, B4417 (Panderman), and the B3462 were most susceptible to pest of pod sucking bug. The seed size or pod size of soybean germplasm correlated positively and significantly on resistance to pod sucking bug. Multiple regression analysis indicated that the plant height (X3), and pod sucking bug attack (X7) significantly affect seed yield of soybean germplasm. The higher plant, the lower pod sucking bug attack, the higher soybean yield. Path analysis showed that plant high character (X3) affected the seed yield of soybean germplasm directly, indicating that the plant high character can be used for the selection of seed yield of soybean germplasm. Number of pods per plant (X5) by the effect of plant high (X3) affects the grain yield (Y) of soybean germplasm indirectly

    Identifikasi Ketahanan Sumber Daya Genetik Kedelai Terhadap Hama Pengisap Polong

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    Pod sucking bugs are the main insects pest that affect both yield quality and quantity of soybean seriously. There are three kinds of insect pest ie: Riptortus linearis (F), Nezara viridula (L), and Piezodorus rubrofasciatus. The soybean plants were mainly attacked by insects during seed and pod development decreased yield up to 79%. To identify soybean germplasm resistant to pod sucking bugs for breeding base material, 100 accessions of soybean germplasm were tested in Bogor Experimental Station during the wet season 2003. Each accession was planted in 2 m x 3 m plot with 40 cm x 15 cm plant spacing. There was no pest control during flowering stage until pod maturing stage. Data collected were population of each pod suckers bugs, percentage of seed and pods damage. The accessions with 0-20% of seed damage (score 1) were selected as the resistant genotypes. The result showed that among three kinds pod suckers, population of Riptortus linearis was higher then others. It was found nearly in each plot with different insect incident (score 1-4). Based on seeds and pods damage symptom, there were identified 17 accessions resistant to pod suckers. The lowest seed and pod damage caused by the insect were found in TGM 131-1-1-1B and GM425 Si accessions. The selected accessions were suggested to be used as parent materials for future breeding program

    Quantum repeaters with individual rare-earth ions at telecommunication wavelengths

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    We present a quantum repeater scheme that is based on individual erbium and europium ions. Erbium ions are attractive because they emit photons at telecommunication wavelength, while europium ions offer exceptional spin coherence for long-term storage. Entanglement between distant erbium ions is created by photon detection. The photon emission rate of each erbium ion is enhanced by a microcavity with high Purcell factor, as has recently been demonstrated. Entanglement is then transferred to nearby europium ions for storage. Gate operations between nearby ions are performed using dynamically controlled electric-dipole coupling. These gate operations allow entanglement swapping to be employed in order to extend the distance over which entanglement is distributed. The deterministic character of the gate operations allows improved entanglement distribution rates in comparison to atomic ensemble-based protocols. We also propose an approach that utilizes multiplexing in order to enhance the entanglement distribution rate.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Identifikasi Sumber Daya Genetik Kedelai Tahan Penyakit Virus Kerdil Kedelai

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    Identification of Soybean Germplasm Resistant to Soybean Stunt Virus (SSV). The experiment was conducted at screen cage and laboratory of the Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development (ICABIOGRAD), Bogor. The objective was to obtain genotypes (accessions) which were resistant to SSV. The experiment consisted of two activities (1) virulent test of SSV isolates, (2) evaluation and identification of soybean germplasm for resistance to Soybean stunt virus. Evaluation and identification consisted of three steps. Step I, 900 soybean accessions were evaluated for their resistance to SSV. In this trial, each accession or genotype was planted in a pot, 8-14 plants/pot. One week after planting, each plant was inoculated with selected SSV isolate. The disease incidence was observed visually one month after inoculation. In step II, the soybean genotypes considered resistant in step I or about 10% of the total accessions were reevaluated using the Dot-ELISA technique. Finally, in the last step, the resistances of the selected genotypes from step II were reconfirmed using the same technique as that in the step I. The result showed that among two SSV isolates that were tested, isolate J (Jakarta) was more virulent than isolate B, and it is used as inocula source for the next evaluation. Seventeen soybean genotypes were identified resistant to SSV, three of the them showed good agronomic performances, i.e., Mlg 2521, B3570, and Taichung will be used as resistant parents in the subsequent soybean breeding for resistance to SSV

    A note on the effect of calcium alginate coating on quality of refrigerated strawberries.

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    peer-reviewedAn alginate-based edible coating was investigated for the preservation of the quality of strawberries during cold storage (5 °C). Strawberries were immersed, successively, in sodium alginate and calcium chloride solutions to generate a surface coating of calcium alginate. The quality of coated and non-coated strawberries was evaluated by weight loss, visible decay, titratable acidity, total soluble solids and reducing sugar concentration over a 14-day storage period. Results showed that coating with calcium alginate had no significant effects on weight loss or physicochemical parameters when compared to control fruit, but it did result in the postponement of visible decay during refrigerated storage

    Decreased expression of fecal miR-4478 and miR-1295b-3p in early-stage colorectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major cause of cancer-related deaths world-wide. Detection of molecular markers in stool samples is a promising strategy for CRC screening. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short, non-coding RNA molecules that are commonly dysregulated in neoplasia. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the fecal miRNAs differentiation between early-stage CRC patients and healthy subjects. METHODS: Stool samples were collected from 40 patients with early stage (I, II) CRC and 16 healthy controls. RNA was extracted from all samples using miRNAeasy Mini Kits. MiRNA microarray expression profiling was performed with Agilent's miRNA Microarray system on 12 CRC and 8 normal stool samples. The expression levels of miR-4478 and miR-1295b-3p were determined by the SYBR Green miScript PCR system. RESULTS: In profiling study, we found 215 down-regulated miRNAs in CRC group. Furthermore, in validation study we found that the expression levels of fecal miR-4487 and miR-1295b-3p were significantly decreased in CRC patients compared to healthy controls. CONCLUSIONS: The expression of miR-4478 and miR-1295b-3p were significantly diminished in stool samples of CRC patients with early stage (I, II) in comparison with normal group. These miRNAs maybe use as potential non-invasive molecular markers for CRC diagnosis, but further studies are needed. © 2015 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved

    Respons Aksesi Plasma Nutfah Kacang Hijau terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan

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    Cekaman kekeringan menjadi masalah yang perlu diperhatikan dalam budi daya kacang hijau di lahan kering, mengingat ketersediaan air yang relatif terbatas terutama pada musim kemarau. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengevaluasi aksesi-aksesi kacang hijau terhadap cekaman kekeringan. Sebanyak lima puluh aksesi plasma nutfah kacang hijau yang terdiri atas varietas unggul nasional, dan varietas lokal koleksi Bank Gen BB Biogen digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pengujian kekeringan dilaksanakan di KP Naibonat, BPTP NTT, Kupang pada tahun 2013. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terpisah 3 ulangan, di mana petak utama adalah kondisi tanah (normal dan kekeringan) dan anak petak adalah 50 aksesi kacang hijau. Pada kondisi normal (N) tanah pada setiap petak selalu dalam keadaan cukup air hingga seminggu menjelang panen (disiram sesuai keperluan). Pada kondisi kekeringan (K) tanah tidak disiram semenjak umur 4 minggu setelah tanaman hingga panen. Setiap galur ditanam 2 tanaman per rumpun, pada jarak 40 cm × 20 cm dalam petakan 2 m × 3 m. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap hasil biji dan karakter agronomi penting lainnya. Toleransi kekeringan dinilai berdasarkan persentase penurunan hasil pada kondisi kekeringan dibanding dengan kondisi normal. Untuk melihat keeratan hubungan antarkarakter agronomis dilakukan uji korelasi. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, diperoleh 11 aksesi plasma nutfah yang toleran, lima aksesi di antaranya tergolong paling toleran dengan penurunan hasil pada kondisi kekeringan lebih rendah dibanding dengan varietas toleran lainnya. Kelima varietas tersebut adalah Walet, Kenari, Merak, Sriti, dan Lokal Pameungpeuk. Korelasi antarkarakter agronomi (komponen hasil) dengan hasil biji plasma nutfah kacang hijau pada kondisi normal dan kekeringan relatif sama

    Investigating the effect of inquiry-based stress reduction on mortality awareness and interpersonal problems among intensive care unit nurses

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    Introduction Caring for dying patients is one of the job stressors. Nurses in intensive care units are among the medical staff who have a close interaction with dying patients. Studies have shown that psychological interventions are very helpful in improving thinking about death and its problems. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of Inquiry-Based Stress Reduction on mortality awareness and interpersonal problems among intensive care unit nurses in southeastern Iran. Materials and methods This was a Quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design in southeast of Iran in 2021. Nurses were selected using the convenience sampling method and divided into intervention (n = 32) and control (n = 35) groups using the block randomization method. The intervention group received a two-hour Inquiry-Based Stress Reduction counseling session every week for 6 weeks. Data were gathered using Multidimensional Mortality Awareness Measure and Inventory of Interpersonal Problems before, immediately after, and 6 weeks after the intervention. IBM SPSS Statistics software version 25 was used for data analysis. Results In the intervention group, the mean scores of Mortality Awareness before, immediately after, and 6 weeks after the intervention were 130.41 ± 5.91, 164.47 ± 8.66, and 163.91 ± 9.29, respectively. Therefore, in the intervention group, the increase of Mortality Awareness mean score was statistically significant (P < 0.001). In the control group, the mean scores of Mortality Awareness before, immediately after, and 6 weeks after intervention were 129.63 ± 5.59, 135.26 ± 11.14, and 132.66 ± 5.62, respectively. Difference between the two groups was significant (P < 0.001). The results also showed that in the intervention group the mean scores of Interpersonal Problems immediately after and 6 weeks after the intervention were lower than before the intervention (P < 0.001). In the control group, Interpersonal Problems increased over time (P < 0.001). Accordingly, the difference between the two groups in terms of Interpersonal Problems during the study was statistically significant (P < 0.001). Conclusion The study results suggest that the Inquiry-Based Stress Reduction is an appropriate intervention method to improve mortality awareness and reduce interpersonal problems in intensive care unit nurses

    Quality of Life and its Determinants in People with Epilepsy in Basrah, Iraq

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the quality of life (QOL) in people with epilepsy and to evaluate various factors affecting their QOL. Methods: A total of 116 patients with epilepsy and a control group of 116 apparently healthy persons were included in this case-control study which was conducted at the neurology outpatient clinic of Basrah General Hospital, Iraq. An interview was performed with the use of a special questionnaire, which included data pertaining to socio-demographic characteristics, and clinical characteristics (for patients with epilepsy only). The QOL was assessed with the use of a Short Form (SF-36) health survey. Results: Epileptic patients showed lower overall QOL scores as compared to controls. In the univariate analysis, patients who were older, from rural areas, and with low education and income levels had low er overall QOL scores. Frequent seizures as well as increased duration of epilepsy were also significant factors associated with reduction in QOL scores. In the multivariate regression analysis, age, educational level, income and frequency of seizures were significant determinants of QOL. Conclusion: Certain socio-demographic factors as well as clinical factors were crucial in determining QOL in epilepsy patients. Recognition of these factors will lead health professionals to develop different strategies to improve the QOL of those patients

    Downregulation of plasma MiR-142-3p and MiR-26a-5p in patients with colorectal carcinoma

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    Background: Colorectal cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers and cancer- related death worldwide. Identification of new specific biomarkers could be helpful to detection of this malignancy. Altered plasma microRNA expression has been identified in many cancers, including colorectal cancer. Objectives: The main objective of this study was to identify the circulating microRNAs with the most expression changes in colorectal cancer patients compared with neoplasm free healthy individuals. Materials and Methods: MicroRNA expression profiling was performed on plasma samples of 37 colorectal cancer patients and 8 normal subjects using microRNA microarray. Quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was used to validate the two selected altered microR NAs. Plasma samples from 61 colorectal cancer patients and 24 normal subjects were used in our validation study. Results: In profiling study we found a panel of six plasma microRNAs with significant downregulation. MicroRNA-142-3p and microRNA-26a-5p were selected and validated by polymerase chain reaction. Our results demonstrated that expression levels of plasma microRNA-142-3p and microRNA-26a-5p were significantly downregulated in patients with colorectal cancer when compared to control group. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that downregulation of plasma microRNA-142-3p and microRNA-26a-5p might serve as novel noninvasive biomarkers in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer, although more studies are needed to highlight the theoretical strengths. © 2015, Iranian Journal of Cancer Prevention